
by Zailen

Away [Rom]

Warmth is such bliss especially with the one you have loved for so long, to waste the days and nights together, to ignore all responsibilities, such a grand feeling. However grand it is the two pegasi wrapped around each other in an affectionate embrace, realize that waking and separating would be in their best interest for various reasons. As such the aureolin and celeste pair bring themselves to release each other after trading a kiss and greet the morning.

“There anything in particular for today Flutters?” The distance between the two and the bed increased rapidly, as the famed speedster stumbled into the washroom.

“Nothing in particular.” Though soft as her voice was, her partner would always hear it.

Sounds of humming were given before a loud splash, to Rainbow Dash’s face broke her drowsiness.

Rainbow could’ve sworn she heard the giggling of a certain pink mare.

“How ‘bout we take a walk together to the market?” A yellow wing lightly touched her, her focus now on the one right next to her.

“Sounds lovely, Rainbow.”

Smiles abound, the morning rays of the sun through the window graced the cottage as the two went about their routines and breakfast for the pegasi and pets were had.

Ponyville was rather unique place, days could go by without an event, and at times the bizarre and unexpected disasters fell upon the town. Boring it never was, as the ponies who resided there, while charming and generally nice, most certainly had their own moments of craziness at times. It was great little village that even the princesses themselves never tired of visiting. It could also be because a princess does live there now, but nopony could really say she was the real fault of it at times.

It was one of those days where nothing unusual happened.

Well at least for Ponyville’s standards.

“You did a great job clearing the sky Rainbow” The two walked together side by side, small bags adorning their sides.

“Course I did! Have you ever seen me not get my job done?” A smirk was quite visible on the athletic one.

“W-Well no, but you kind of put it off at times and do your own thing, but you do get it done! Which is fine!” It was a hurried reply, a sigh could be heard from the blue partner.

“I know Flutters, AJ is more than vocal enough about my effort and schedules, don’t fret it.”

“But, you do such a beautiful job with the sky Rainbow!” The praise had all the force of a mouse.

Such conversations are heard often when it came to that sporty mares work ethic. As were Fluttershy’s hidden skills on various things. Painfully normal really. Discord sometimes makes things interesting for the two, but often is in Canterlot harassing the nobility.

Discord was actually the one who had managed to put Fluttershy in the position to confess, with Angels help. Nopony minded them being together, many thought this was a rare moment of Discord being helpful, rather than nuisance. But, since it worked out with little confusion, it was all good.

They looked cute together, that was what mattered.

Didn’t mean there weren’t some interruptions. Like one pink on pink earth pony on a rooftop looking through oversized binoculars staring directly at the couple. But do not misunderstand, she has no problems with the couple, she just thinks she’s good at making romantic situations to have them go ‘further’.

The results are always what one might expect.

“Is that Pinkie?” Fluttershy noticed her right away.

“Of course, who else would have binoculars bigger than a normal pony?” A sigh and roll of eyes expressed Rainbow Dash’s hopes for the day.

“Twilight seems to be talking to her.”

“Is she helping Pinkie?” At this point Rainbow Dash was looking for a new route, fretting that Pinkie might’ve had surprises hidden about, why else would she be looking so intently at them?

“She seems to have grabbed pinkie with her magic and might be yelling at her.”

“Probably lecturing her on not disturbing ponies I bet.” Concern for Pinkie was not Dash’s priority right now.

“Should we..?”

“Nah, if it’s a disaster she’ll tell us, not drag us away.”

“And Pinkie?” Fluttershy was sure they’d be fine, but had to ask anyway.

“Leave her with Twi’ to keep her out of our manes.” Rainbow just wanted a simple outing for her marefriend, not some ridiculous song and dance that Pinkie no doubt was planning.

So they had just that, a normal totally boring outing.

“Well that was a bust.” Said one magnificent devil of a draconequus, as he pondered to himself inside of a large unobtrusive snow globe hidden within the nearby forest “What did little Princess Bookworm want with Pinkie now of all times? We had the bouncy castle and trombones ready and everything!”

Discord grumbled to himself as the targets walked away.

Truly a normal day in Ponyville.