Lost Highway: love, loss, faith and dreams

by Sorenthehero117

The Only Hope For Me Is You

[The whole rest of the day, Lewis and Octavia talked and were able to catch up with each other's lives. Both finally knew what the other went through during the seven years they spent away from one another as each took different paths in life. Lewis chose the life of the rocker, taking risks and endangering himself to a life with no benefit, being outcasted by all, including his own mother. Octavia chose the life of a scholar, playing it safe, cooped up in her house and working all day without any joy, fun, or love in her life.

Where Octavia was dissatisfied with how her current life had descended to, Lewis however was happy with how his life turned out, to the point of the tragedy that killed both his career and his friends. Now he was lost to the world except for Octavia, who still supported and cared for him like a sister would. She never always agreed with his choices, but she would always try to help him make the smarter decision. Strangely enough, Octavia found herself to have no friends she could trust other than him. Something about Lewis made her feel secure, comfortable and calm. They never had any fights, they never got angry at one another and they never kept any secrets from one another... Except for one]

"Well, I'm gonna head off to sleep. Gonna see if I can look for a job out here somewhere, if thats possible given how fucking small this town is", he said as he yawned softly and stood by her room. "You know tomorrow's Sunday, right? Day off? A day where no one works?", she said trying to sound smart-alecky to try and sound funny and he gave a poker face. "I knew that... I was testing your intelligence... You passed... Night Melody", he said as he closed her door and headed to his room and Octavia laughed. "Hahahaha, oh you take the fish out of the pond, and it forgets to-", she said before Lewis got inside and interrupted. "Hey wait... Do you think you can give me a ride on Monday? I was hoping you could drive me somewhere really quick so I can visit someone", he said as she covered her exposed legs under the sheets so he couldn't see that she was in her underwear.

"Yeah, sure. Anyone in particular that maybe I know? No offense, but I don't recall you knowing anybody else out here besides me", she said still covering herself. "Well I haven't talked to my mother in 3 years, so I was hoping this Monday I could surprise her by letting her know I'm here", he said looking down a little upset. "I just hope she has forgiven me for our last conversation", as he said, Octavia's mind suddenly shut down as her heart began to beat rapidly out of fear. "Y-Yeah sure, I can do that. N-No problem Lewis", she said stuttering a little, trying to calm down a little, obviously trying to hide something from him.

"Melody are you okay? You're stuttering", he said noticing the odd tone of her voice as she tried to make up an excuse for it. "Don't worry, I didn't see your panties if thats what your worried about. Relax, you know I'm not like those morons back in Canterlot High, or even worse... Snips and Snails. Hehe remember those pathetic losers? They usually poked fun at me because I dressed in black and one of then had a shirt with a fucking pair of scissors in it", he said as Octavia went from stuttering to laughing as he reminded her of those two students that they both equally disliked for many reasons. "Oh dear Lord, don't remind me of them. They were such annoyances. Plus, did you see how they just bowed down to that girl with the obsession with "wizardry"? Trixie I think was her name. Who was always wearing a handmade wizard hat, pointy and everything and kept making ridiculous magic tricks that everyone, but Snips and Snails called bullshit on. They worshipped her like a leader. I mean, were they trying to form a cult or something?", she said following along with his train of though trying to direct the conversation away as Lewis laughed.

"They were such huge suck ups. They always did what she told them to do, no matter how ridiculous it was. I Remember when they got caught trying to take pictures of their tests so that SHE could get a good grade while they remained hopeless failures", he said while poking fun at their stupidity. He usually would never talk bad about somebody like them, but couldn't help it as he remember how utterly painful it was having to sit next to them day after day, especially since thy often made fun of him and he could care less about them even more. "Well give em credit for dedication, I guess", she laughed as he yawned and smiled. "Well I'd ask where are they now, but Lord knows I don't even care about them, plus I'm so tired, I could collapse on your bed right now", he chuckled as she smiled and looked away blushing. "Whats wrong?", he asked looking concerned. "N-Nothing, don't worry about it. Goodnight Lewis", she said as she still covered her face blushing and he walked close to her.

"No, come on. Tell me", he said as he got closer to her and sat on her bed. "Really its fine. I was just thinking of something funny", she said blushing still. "I-I'm getting really exhausted too. How about we talk tomorrow?", she said faking a yawn that Lewis obviously noticed. "Yeah sure, goodnight Melody", he said before leaning close to her and giving her a soft hug and whispered. "By the way... After seven years... You're still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life", he said as he got up and walked out of her room and she covered her face on her pillow, trying to suppress the insane amount of blushing she had.

"Oh Lewis, why out of all the men in this world, you have to be the only one who can make me blush like a fangirl? Just why?", she said to herself giggling as she unbuttoned her robe, but kept it on as she laid in bed and begun writing a new entry in her journal.

November 2, 2006

Its been 2 months since Lewis and I became friends. Since then, we've been pretty much inseparable. We did everything together and talked about anything that we came up with. Lewis eventually got over his shyness of me and felt a lot more comfortable around me and was able to express himself more than usual. He still hadn't made any friends in school and his sudden popularity quickly died out, much to his pleasure. He could finally be invisible in everybody's eyes again, but still make a riot in class as he put effort into his school work. He wanted to be invisible though. He said, quote, "I blend in better when nobody notices me. They don't notice a dumb little mistake I do, they don't notice a stupid joke I say that isn't funny, when nobody notices you, they can't hurt you".

This really caught me off guard since he usually was so uncaring about any insults or jokes told about him. Why did he suddenly feel insecure, and with no real reason? Something was wrong with him, and I needed to find out. There was one day he didn't come to school that got me really worried, because he never missed a single day. I know it was a silly thing to worry about, he obviously was sick in his house, but I just had this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that he needed help and that I needed to go see him. I took a day off from school, basically skipping the rest of the day, first time I ever did that... Ever... And went out to look for him, hoping I could find him and find out what was wrong.

I went to the front desk and asked them if he ever came today, and they said he never showed up, or even received a phone call informing them that he wouldn't call. I didn't bother asking any students, cause of course he didn't have any friends other than me. No one in school would help me on this one, so as soon as I ditched, I drove around trying to find him, but got absolutely nowhere. I still didn't have a bloody phone to call him with. I was really beginning to get frustrated and worried, so I stopped and took a breather. I didn't have to worry so much about possibly nothing. For all I knew, again, he could be safe in his house sick or something, and I didn't even know where he lived. That was until I passed a house that said "Walker" in their mail box, which I remember was Lewis' last name. It was just a hunch, but he was the only Walker I knew off in school, so I parked and walked toward the door.

I was about to knock when I noticed that the door was already unlocked and that there was another car parked near the house. Maybe Lewis really was sick and his mother was taking care of him... Then... I heard screaming coming from inside the house. I panicked and didn't know what to do, so I went inside and tried to see if somebody was hurt, and to my horror, I saw blood on the floor as well as a pair of shoes and some pieces of clothing. This was like something out of a nightmare, but to make matters worse, it wasn't just screaming that I heard.

I heard punching and kicking sounds coming from another room. Before I even thought about going in there, I quickly grabbed a knife from inside the kitchen, which wasn't far from where the blood was, and tried to be brave. I set foot inside the room and there he was: An older man, roughly around his mid-forties, physically assaulting Lewis, while he was tied down in his own shower blindfolded of all things. Blood was all over the floor and on the wall as I watched in horror trying to think of what to do.

I did not know what to do, and I was just as frightened as I was horrified. Without even thinking, I rushed towards the assailant and tried to stab him in the back. He quickly saw me however and before I said anything, he had ran out of the house. The sound of police sirens were heard from outside as they apprehended him and took him away. None of them came inside though. Nobody went inside to see if anybody was injured or killed. From what I heard, he got arrested on a bloody "home invasion" charge, which he was later found guilty off. They never bothered to check the house, they didn't make an investigation. This town's authorities were as useless as those found in horror films. They even found blood in his shirt, and without even checking, they just suspected it was his.

This got me really angry and I just wanted to stop by the station and scream at the bastard in charge, but that wasn't my concern at the moment. Lewis was in a world of unimaginable pain and suffering. As soon as the assailant left, I used the knife to cut off Lewis' ropes and took off the bloodied blindfold that monster made him wear. Lewis was naked as well, and he was shaking nonstop. This was the most gruesome thing that I have ever witnessed: my best friend being tied down naked in his own shower blindfolded as a strange man kept on beating him unmercifully. I honestly didn't know what to do for him, except maybe clean up the damage. So I closed his front door and as I got back to the shower and closed the door, the first thing I did was turn on the shower to help wash the blood off of him. He was whimpering and kept his eyes closed. He didn't know I was there, and assumed the worst as he whimpered softly, "p-p-p-please... I-I-I'm so-sorry I wasn't the son y-you wanted. D-D-Dad... I-I didn't mean t-t-to be a burden to you", which finally made my heart shatter.

That man was his father. He must have come back here literally to just hurt Lewis as violently as possible like he did before. I was about to cry my eyes out, but I needed to be strong for him. I started to undress completely and got on the shower on my knees as i put my hands on his shoulders as he started crying expecting the worst and didn't wanna open his eyes. "Lewis... Lewis its me... Its me Octavia... Open your eyes, its me", I said to him as the water began to splash over both of us. As soon as he heard my voice, he slowly opened his eyes and caught glimpse of me, totally naked as well in front of him. He didn't batten an eye, he didn't blush, he didn't even feel shy or insecure. He saw my body, but only looked into my eyes, while his were still bloodied.

He saw me, but he felt secure, relieved and, more importantly, safe. The reason I got in naked was that, I wanted the first thing he saw after having to face that onslaught of suffering to be an image of love, comfort and care, and at his current condition, being totally naked as well, I figured he wouldn't feel as insecure as I appeared to be. Outside, I was blushing like crazy, keeping focus on trying to help him, while also being aware that we are both in a shower together... Inside, I was happy that he was the one to look at me this way. It didn't make me feel dirty, whorish or anything. It felt like a rite of passage for two people who really trusted one another. He made me feel beautiful somehow. I felt happy and free.

"M-M-Melody? I-Is that y-you?", he said looking into my eyes that were just as teary eyed as his. "Its me Lewis. I'm here. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere my darling. I'm never gonna leave you alone, ever", I said to him before I broke down and hugged him tightly. "Y-You're safe with me my friend, and I won't let anyone hurt you ever". I had never cried this much in my entire life, and I felt my spirit dying as I held him close to me while the water doused us both. Lewis's heart was beating rapidly, because of me. He hugged me tightly and cried into me as we hugged each other out, vowing never to let each other go. At first I didn't imagine him ever being able to get over such a traumatic experience, but then he whispered something to me that I will remember even after I die. "D-Don't cry Melody... Nothing in this world can bring me down. I may look weak and vulnerable, but keeping you in my memory, as well as in my heart, will keep me alive forever... No matter what", he whispered to me.

I was officially convinced one hundred percent that Lewis was the bravest soul I've ever met in my entire life. He looked at me as I was crying, and he actually smiled as he wiped off my tears and looked into my eyes. "Nothing can bring down what we have. And I won't let anyone try to do so... You're my best friend Octavia, and I love you", he said to me, finally making me cry harder than I ever had, but smiling as well. "Lewis... You're my very best friend in the whole entire world... I don't really know what to say to make up for the pain you just suffered through", I said to him, still whimpering as he leaned down and kissed my forehead and smiled.

"You saved me Octavia... You already did more for me than anyone else in the world has ever done", he said in reply. At this moment, he had already made me his best friend, told me his darkest secrets and even saw me naked... One thing remained that neither of us have come to experience yet... Something that I don't believe any of us would ever do, but for the sake of honoring the love and friendship that we had, I had to do it. Actually... I wanted to do it, to see how it feels. "Lewis... C-Can you close your eyes for me", I said to him as he slowly did. "Yes, but why?", he replied getting kind of nervous seeing as how he was blinded just a few minutes ago. As I closed my eyes as well, I said to him in a soothing and loving manner "this is for the both of us who may never get to experience this feeling again". As I said that to him, I leaned over and softly kissed him on the mouth as I hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go.

My heart was pounding viciously as his was too and the two of us held that kiss for what felt like 5 minutes, but felt like an eternity to me. Those 5 heavenly minutes we spent holding that one kiss were the greatest 5 minutes of my whole entire life... Lewis was my first kiss ever, and, oh my lord, it was just beautiful. Lewis' arms were wrapped around my back as he pulled me closer and kisses me back sweetly. His lips were soft and he held me in a manner that seemed protective and strong. Even though it technically didn't mean anything huge, and nothing changed and we still remained friends, that kiss became the true symbol of trust that I was looking for, and from that moment on, I could truly trust Lewis with anything even my own life. As we broke the kiss, I whispered to him sweetly "promise me, we will always be best friends", and which he replied, his arms about to hug me tightly again, "I promise... My darling Melody... Even if we get lost from one another, we will find each other again. I promise you", and we hugged it out one more time, before getting out of the shower and getting dressed.

[Octavia had to put her journal down as she was on the verge of crying happily from writing. Her heart sung happily as she let a lone tear drop while she envisioned how the kiss happened over and over in her head. It was the ultimate proof of trust that she had for her best friend. A kind of trust she didn't feel for anybody, not even her own parents. She never felt so happy before when she took that leap of faith she was so scared to take. As she finally put her journal down, she went to Lewis' room and gave him a kiss on the lips as he was asleep and whispered softly]

"Thank you for keeping your promise to me", she whispered as she left his room and went down to hers and drifted off to sleep to dream again... Except one dream has already come true.