//------------------------------// // Power // Story: What have I done? // by St Jimmy //------------------------------//         Navy Pure was escorted along with the other passengers into the back of the train.         “I sure hope you have a plan Twi’,” Whispered Rainbow. Navy nodded. One of the guards whispered into the other’s ear, unaware that Rainbow was listening in. When he finished whispering, they both quietly laughed. Rainbow however, growled.         “What’s wrong?” whispered Navy.         “Those bucking perverts,”         Navy glared back at the two of them. “Perverts,”         Both of the guards exchanged a glance, and then avoided looking at Navy. They escorted all of the ponies into the storage car, and closed the door once they were inside.         “When are you going to put your plan into motion?”         “Let’s see…” She looked at the guards, and memorized the pattern at which they looked around the room.         The first one looked away from her. “Right about-,” The second one looked away from her. “Now,” She disappeared in a flash of light, and reappeared in the small amount of space behind the guards. Her hooves lit up with purple energy, and then collided with the backs of the necks of both guards. They maintained their balance for a second or two, and then collapsed to the ground. The other ponies in the car began talking amongst each other, shooting occasional glances at Navy.         “You bitch!” Shouted somepony from the back. “Thanks to you we’re all going to die! They’re gonna kill every last one of us!”         “I think you’ll find that you’re wrong about that,” She lifted up one of the guards, showing everypony the insignia. “These ponies are members of an outdated cause, they no longer have any leverage against Celestia and Luna. They need us alive so that they can get the princesses to give them whatever they are after, by threatening to kill us. If you stay here, and don’t try to interfere with their actions, I guarantee that you will not be killed. I cannot do the same if you follow me,”         The ponies exchanged glances with each other. “Good, so don’t move,” She stepped out of the car, and closed the door behind her. The train lurched forward, knocking her onto the ground.         She picked herself up off the ground. “I bucking hate trains,”         Rainbow shook her head out. “We’re in the same boat then,”         Twilight cocked her head. “Why did you do that?”         “You landed on my capsule,”         “Oh, sorry,”         “Nah, it’s okay. It’s not like it hurt. It just…messes with my head,”         “Well, I’ll try not to land on it in the future,”         “You know, I just realized you didn’t change it into a pocket watch when we left,”         “Yeah, it got away from me. I can tell you one thing, it’s getting tedious carrying this ‘parchment’,” She dissipated the spell on the saddle bag, and put on her gold-trimmed cloak.         “This is much more fluent,”         “So, how do you plan to get to wherever that unicorn is?”         “A multi-step plan. Step 1-,” She cast a spell on her hooves. “Step 2,” She opened a window. “Step three,” She climbed out the window, and climbed up the side of the train with her now magnetic hooves.         “You’re absolutely insane,” said Dash.         “And don’t you love it,” retorted Twilight, taking off full-sprint to the front of the car. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         The orange unicorn walked down the front storage compartment, opening boxes and crates, and spilling their contents out onto the floor.         “Where is it? Find it!” He shouted at the other ponies in the car. He had to find this device before the train arrived in Ponyville. He couldn’t let it be sent to Celestia, no matter what.         “Sir!” A blue pegasus with an orange mane held up a bulky, metallic object.         The unicorn smiled. “Well done Shaw,” He took the device from the mare, and placed it on his shoulder. “With this device at my side, Celestia herself would surrender to me,”         “Um, sir?”         “What is it?”         “You’re holding it backwards, sir,”         He looked at Shaw with a look of slight annoyance. “How would you know?”         “Because if it was held that way, it would have to fire through solid steel. However, on the other side, there is a hole that would provide zero resistance,”         “Shut up,” Shaw turned back, and began to clean up the scattered objects. The unicorn turned the device around. “You wouldn’t happen to know how to…use it , would you?”         Shaw sighed. “There’s a handle. On the handle is the trigger. Pull the trigger, wait for the light to turn from red to green, then pull the slide back, and repeat,”         “Thanks,” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         Navy stopped mid-sprint, and collapsed to the roof of the train, coughing.         “D-Dammit *cough* not now*cough*,” She convulsed on the ground, and her mouth began to taste metallic.         “Twilight? Hold on!” Rainbow clapped her hooves together, and placed them on her shoulders. Slowly, her form started vibrating and echoing. And with each passing second, Navy’s coughing lessened, until she could finally stand up.         “Thank you Rainbow,” She looked ahead, and saw there were only five cars until they reached the engine. “You know, perhaps now is a good time to go back inside,”         “Agreed,” Navy dropped down to the door, and walked into the nearest car. Upon entrance, they found an orange unicorn holding a very intimidating object on his shoulders. “Oh shit,”         The orange unicorn in front of her smirked. “Can somepony say…target practice?” He pulled the trigger.         The sound was the most deafening explosion Navy had ever heard. Although, that was of minimal significance to the blinding light, and extreme heat. It took about a second for Navy’s eyes to recover, and when she did, she saw that the unicorn had set down the device, and was yanking on some sort of knob. However, she couldn’t hear anything. She decided that the best course of action was to disappear. She cast an invisibility spell, and slipped behind all the ponies in the car. Her ears cleared, and then she saw the full amount of damage the device had done. The entire roof was gone, anything more than a foot away was charred, bent, or both. The cars behind this one had been disconnected from the train.         Whatever that thing was, it had to be destroyed. Navy deactivated her illusion spell so that she would have access to her full span of powers. “Rainbow, formation 0,” Twilight dissipated her invisibility spell.         “Hello there. Oh, and goodbye,” For a brief moment, she looked like she was two different ponies, and then became one, but very different.         Her previously lavender fur had become solid white. Her purple eyes were now a dark blue. Her mane and tail were made up of nine different colors; red, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple, indigo, and magenta. And she not only had her horn, she had a pair of wings.         “Complete Soul Link: Prismatic Dusk,” Her voice sounded as though it consisted of two different voices. The one she had previously used, and a raspy, feminine one. A spinning sphere of black, purple, and blue energy appeared in her right hoof.         The unicorn in front of her had time to say two words. “Well, fuck,” After that, everypony in the car, and all nearby cars except Prismatic Dusk collapsed, their soul bridges cut, removing their link to the world of the living. In addition, a decent portion of the hillside that the train had been on         Her entire body became pure white, and then returned to the form of Twilight Sparkle.         “Damn,” said Rainbow. “Why don’t we do that more often?”         “Because it leaves my soul bridge literally on it’s last leg,” Replied Twilight, panting.         “Yeah, but it’s fun,”         Twilight giggled. “Yeah, it is,”         “Although, we kinda destroyed our ride,”         “Hope you don’t mind hoofing it a little,”         “I wouldn’t have any reason to,”