//------------------------------// // To Canterlot // Story: Forging Harmony // by LunaSilverscale //------------------------------// After the letter had been sent, Twilight had started pacing. Spike could only take so much of her nerves before he finally interrupted. “Twilight,” He searched a nearby book pile for a suitable candidate, studying normally calms her down “Pacing isn’t going to make the reply arrive earlier, but I know what will make the time go faster.” Twilight just looked at him curiously while continuing to pace: “The Princess usually replies promptly, Spike. The fact she hasn’t yet means there’s something wrong.” “It could be there’s nothing wrong – and that Day Court is still in session. Meaning that Princess Celestia needs to finish her Royal duties before she can properly form a reply to your request.” Twilight stopped and stared at the dragon. Spike finally found what he was looking for. “Here you go Twilight,” he extended the book towards her. “Spike! The Day Court should have ended five minutes before you sent my letter.” Twilight sighed in exasperation and worry, ignoring the offered book, “That is if my memory is correct – which it is – of the years I spent in Canterlot as her personal student. I know her timetable like I know the back of my hoof!” Twilight returned to her pacing, the book still extended out wards in Spike’s claws. “Something is wrong, I just know it.” When it became clear that Spike couldn’t distract her with a simple study session, he slowly lowered the book to return it to the pile. Well, it usually works… His stomach cramped up and he could feel the churning sensation that heralded an incoming letter. Turning his head quickly to the side, Spike let out a burp accompanied by a small stream of green flame. A scroll materialised out from the fading fire. The noise of arrival caught Twilight’s attention straight away, and hastily grabbed the scroll with her magenta magic. Unravelling the scroll, Twilight speedily scanned the words eager to see what aid Celestia had sent in her reply. Whether it was a book recommendation, or perhaps a trip to the Crystal Empire Archives, Twilight Sparkle couldn’t wait to see what it was. Her eyes rested on the last sentence. I wasn’t expecting that… “What’s it say, Twilight?” “It says that I should be ready to travel to Canterlot as soon as a chariot arrives.” As the words were vocalised, a different sort of panic set in. Dashing over to the case that contained the Elements of Harmony, Twilight ordered: “Get my saddle-bags, Spike. I need to be packed and ready.” “Right.” The dragon turned himself into a purple and green blur as he ran upstairs to retrieve the requested item. By the time he’d come back down, Twilight had retrieved the Elements from their case and placed them within their jewelled box. All except the Crown of Magic – which in addition to being one of the Elements of Harmony, also served as her ‘badge of office’. Twilight chose to wear the crown to save on baggage space. “I got them, Twilight.” “Thanks, Spike.” Twilight levitated the Elements’ case over towards Spike, where he held the flaps of her bags open. That box filled the one saddle-bag, without overloading. The opposite side would have to be sufficient for the rest of the necessary items. If only there was time to make a checklist… a verbal one will have to suffice. Closing her eyes briefly, Twilight concentrated on the items she’d need. The parts of the Complete Guide already written, blank parchment, quill and ink. Better not forget the replacement quills and spare ink bottles. A pale magenta aura surrounded the items as she thought of them. Opening her eyes, Twilight lifted all the items within her magical grasp. Arranging them into a line, she packed the bag one itemised list at a time. “Partial project.” “Check.” “Blank parchment.” “Check.” “Quill.” “Check.” “Ink.” “Check.” “Replacement quills.” “Check.” “Spare ink bottles.” “Check.” Spike ensured everything was settled and in place before closing the flaps. Twilight reread Celestia’s letter while mentally checking that she had everything the Princess had requested. “I’m not certain how long I will be in Canterlot, Spike. Will you look after the library while I’m away? I’m sure Owlicious will be more than happy to assist.” “Sure thing, Twilight.” Spike replied as a sound of a chariot landing and braking drifted into the library. Spike hefted the saddlebags, and helped Twilight secure them, her alicorn wings getting in the way for any solo loading attempt, “Looks like the chariot arrived very quickly…” “Princess Celestia indicated that I should be ready for a swift journey.” Twilight observed, moving towards the door and placing Celestia’s letter alongside the Element’s case. Her magic flipping the bag open and closed in one smooth movement. I really hope I’ve got everything... Not wanting to delay, Twilight rushed out the door to meet the chariot. Her mind registered the golden glow of the Sun Princess’ state transportation. It really must be important for that to be sent. Then her mind registered the occupant that was in the process of disembarking – Princess Luna, the younger Royal sister, who oversaw the Night. She skidded to a stop beside the dark alicorn, her fears rising again. The reassurance of the reply’s signature temporarily forgotten as Twilight tried to reconcile the image of the Night Princess riding the Chariot of the Day. “Princess Luna. Has something happened to Princess Celestia? Do we need the Bearers to come as well?” Twilight’s questions tumbled out one after another. If it wasn’t for the seriousness of the situation as well as the worry evident in her tone of voice, she could have been mistaken for an over-enthusiastic Pinkie Pie. Luna held up a hoof to forestall any more questions. In a calm tone, she answered Twilight’s fears. “Twilight Sparkle, my sister awaits us in Canterlot – there is no need for the other Bearers.” Glancing at the slightly winded pegasi, Luna decided that their departure could be delayed for a short time – to allow the drivers a breather before the return. That and she’d seen the pile of paperwork Tia had to deal with. “I believe I have also asked you in the past to call me Luna. Princess sounds too formal now that we both share that title.” “Yes, Princess.” Twilight began, before correcting herself at Luna’s stern glare, “I mean, Luna. Force of habit, I guess.” “Understandable.” Luna said softening her gaze, she knew how hard habits were to break. “We should depart for Canterlot, I will explain what I can on the way.” Luna settled back on board the chariot, joined swiftly by Twilight. The awkward saddle bags were placed securely in between the pair. “To Canterlot, please guards.” Luna gave the word, temporarily struck at the mirrored déjà vu she was experiencing. If it weren’t for the bags, this is exactly like my first public appearance after Nightmare Moon’s defeat. As the drivers took off, Luna glanced sideways at Twilight.Our relative sizes are approximately correct as well… only I’m in Tia’s place and Twilight is in mine. Spike waved from the library doorway as the chariot rose into the skies above. He only turned away when the chariot was obscured by the clouds. He was startled as a pink hoof stopped the door from closing behind him. “Hi Spike. My Pinkie sense told me there was going to be visit from an important sad pony and I’m here to cheer them up.” The bright pink party pony and Element of Laughter looked around the library. Spike looked confused for a moment, before saying: “I think you just missed them. Twilight left with Princess Luna, though she didn’t seem sad from where I was standing.” “Awwwwww…” Pinkie looked crest-fallen for a moment, then she perked up, “If Princess Luna wasn’t sad then I’m early for the next sad pony to show up. That means I have time to set up my special turn that-frown-upside-down party.” Spike faceclawed as Pinkie bounced around making party preparations. Twilight Sparkle’s mind swirled with all the questions she had and could ask as the chariot pulled away from the ground. Absent-mindedly she waved back to Spike, while organising the most logical order to ask her series of questions. Reaching its optimal altitude for travel, the chariot turned towards the mountain peak that held the city of Canterlot. Finally Twilight Sparkle broke Luna’s reverie with her first question barrage, Well, these are related questions. Twilight mentally justified them. “Not that I don’t appreciate the company, but why did you make the journey to Ponyville when the chariot was sent to pick me up? And in Princess Celestia’s chariot? For that matter, why are you awake – I understood that you were in charge of the Night Court and therefore rested in the day?” Luna almost smiled at the barrage, having been told of Celestia’s student endless curiosity by her sister. I think Tia likened Twilight’s hunger for knowledge to that of a foal eager to please. It certainly served her well in the past. “To answer the questions in the order presented, I had thought that – perhaps mistakenly – Tia’s wording would lead to panic on your behalf and that my presence would ease those concerns. While I could have used my chariot, Celestia’s chariot is more suited to multiple passengers and therefore more comfortable.” Luna paused, this is probably not going to go down well… let’s see if I can avoid giving a direct answer. “As for why I’m awake, the short answer is Tia woke me up. The longer answer is you are correct in your understanding that I normally rest in the day due to my duties in the Night Court, however when a decision is faced that my elder sister wishes a second opinion on then she wakes me to consult with me on the matter.” Twilight absorbed Luna’s answers, but wasn’t completely satisfied with them. She was right about the panicked response. “Considering the thought process behind your presence – wouldn’t it have made more sense for Princess Celestia to be the one travelling? Why wasn’t she the one to travel? And how often do you get woken for a consultation?” I should have realised Twilight would see through the evasion. Luna ruefully conceded. “Looking back, yes, it would have been more sensible for Celestia to take her chariot. As to why she didn’t travel? One word: Paperwork.” Luna raised her hoof to the side of her face while she pondered the answer to the next question. “It is very rarely I get consulted by Tia. I believe she got used to her solo rule during my banishment, I cannot blame her. I was unavailable for consultation for a long time.” Twilight winced as she realised she’d touched on a period of time that Luna didn’t wish to remember with her questions. Embarrassed, she stuttered out an apology: “I’m sorry, Princess. I didn’t mean to bring that up.” “Do not fret, Twilight. In fact, I must extend my gratitude to you once again.” Luna replied, overlooking Twilight’s slip back into the formal use of titles. Twilight’s expression conveyed her confusion, She’s thanking me?!? But I just brought up a painful part of her history. This time, Luna did smile at Twilight. No avoiding it. Twilight would make the connections between my presence and recent actions eventually. Wonder how long the spark of realisation will take? “Indeed. Your request triggered one of those rare consultations.” As Twilight took in that clarification, Luna watched with hidden amusement as Sparkle’s face underwent a series of changing expressions. The initial confusion melting into one of rapt attention, then morphing into understanding of her earlier words. Worry crept into the picture as Twilight grasped the implications of the statement. “My letter was the trigger for your early wakening?!?” Twilight gasped; horrified to think she was responsible for the disruption of Luna’s usual schedule. “Indeed it was Twilight.” Luna confirmed, before attempting to reassure Twilight that she wasn’t in any sort of trouble for the incident. Hopefully Tia will not tell Twilight of my initial outburst… “My sister was weighing the potential benefits of sharing the requested information with the potential consequences.” Twilight perked up at this, having an idea on the nature of Celestia’s dilemma – the same thing that had caused her consternation about asking. “Oh, was it to do with the State Secrets Act? That would explain the wording in the letter...” Twilight’s magic opened up her bag to extract the parchment in question. She had no real need to consult it, Twilight could remember the exact wording, but it could serve as a visual aid. “‘The history behind the Elements of Harmony is known to very few ponies, and told to even less.’ It would also explain the limited information, those that know or have been told the tale had signed a formal declaration of confidentiality.” Princess Luna didn’t want to disprove Twilight’s theory, considering the enthusiasm evident behind it, but as she had told her sister, the truth had been hidden for too long... time that it came out. The honesty had to start somewhere. “Not exactly, Twilight.” Twilight lowered the letter to better see Princess Luna, her expression showing disbelief and curiosity. “If it wasn’t the State Secrets Act, then what was it? And why is there so little information?” “When my sister wrote that line, she meant it very literally. There are currently only three beings in Equestria that know the history. And she specified ‘ponies’ in her letter, with that restriction in place that number drops to two; those being myself and Celestia.” “Who’s the third?” Twilight quietly asked, though she had a glimmer of a suspicion. “Discord.” Luna said shortly, then immediately switched to the explanation for the second part of Tia’s line. She couldn’t quite keep out the tone of disgust out of the further mention of Discord’s involvement; “Assuming he hasn’t told the tale, then this will be the first time it has been told to anypony.” She turned her gaze to meet Twilight’s, fully aware of the impact of her words: “You will be the first one to hear the history of the Elements.” Twilight’s eyes went even wider, as the full force of Luna’s last statement sank in, the first one…Oh My Gosh! That means I’ll be the first one to know the whole story – and not just second hoof either! I’ll be hearing it from those who witnessed events unfold. Her internal glee at being granted the limited knowledge gave way to a sort of reverence, The Princesses trust me with this knowledge, and I cannot let them down. Even if I have to promise never to tell the story – then I will make and keep that vow. “Twilight?” Luna asked, as her younger companion seemed to stare into space. “Are you feeling alright?” Perhaps I shouldn’t have said that she was the first… at least til our hooves were on the ground in Canterlot…. No answer was forthcoming. Luna waved a hoof in front of Twilight’s eyes, “Any pony in there?” Still no response from the lavender alicorn. Ooops…. I think I broke Twilight’s mind. One last try… Luna’s hoof crept forward and poked Twilight’s shoulder. Twilight hadn’t realised that she hadn’t responded to Luna for a long while, at least til Luna’s hoof poked her in the side. “Oh! Sorry Princess, I was in my own little world for a moment. Did you say something?” Luna hid a sigh of relief, at least she’s responsive again. “I was wondering if there were any other questions I could answer before we landed.” Luna indicated the approaching palace spires – the first glimpse of Canterlot. Twilight glanced in the direction Luna pointed in and realised the chariot journey had gone faster than she’d thought. Quickly trying to organise her mental list of questions, Twilight finally settled on one: “With the….” Twilight tried to find a different phrasing, but finally settled on her original wording, “…secrecy behind the history, why tell it now? I mean, not that I’m not grateful to be told it but what changed?” Princess Luna looked towards Canterlot, answering the second part of Twilight’s enquiry first. “We changed, Twilight. A lot more than you know, perhaps you’ll understand once the story’s been told.” Her gaze switched back to Twilight, “In fact, it was the ‘secrecy issue’ that Tia wished my council on.” If she asks I won’t lie, but I hope she doesn’t ask who made the decision to tell the tale. The truthful answer may shake her faith in my sister. Twilight watched Luna’s demeanour change to one of contemplation and sadness as the reply was given, to be swiftly replaced by a more neutral expression when Luna’s attention returned to her. The last time I saw Princess Luna sad was during her first Nightmare Night…. And even then she waited until she thought she was alone before allowing her feelings to show. “Why did the secrecy start?” Twilight asked, curious and slightly afraid of the answer. Luna took her time in replying, mainly as she wasn’t too sure herself on the reasoning behind it. “Equestria needed to be rebuilt after Discord’s rule, there was little time for storytelling. Then once the work had been done – the consequences of revealing the tale to the fledgling nation became feared.” “Feared? By whom?” “Mainly by my sister – I … had other concerns at the time.” Luna answered, choosing her words carefully. Another spark of realisation crossed Twilight’s eyes. To confirm the theory, another question was posed. “Then it was Princess Celestia that chose to keep the tale of the Elements secret?” Luna looked down as she confirmed this. Now to witness the results of shattered faith… “That is correct, Twilight.” Lost in her thoughts, Luna was caught unawares by Twilight’s reaction. Instead of the recriminations that she expected to be voiced against her sister’s decision of the past, she found herself caught up in an impromptu hug from the newest Princess. Surprised and slightly bewildered by the occurrence, it took even longer for Twilight’s words to register in Luna’s mind. It seemed that Twilight Sparkle was repeating ‘Thank you, thank you,’ as some sort of mantra. Now it was Luna’s turn to ask for clarification on the expressed gratitude. “Twilight, why are you thanking me?” It seemed that, by speaking, Luna had disrupted the moment. Twilight Sparkle pulled back from the hug, embarrassed by her behaviour. At least, Princess Luna doesn’t seem mad... just understandably confused. “For trusting me and convincing Princess Celestia to tell the story after remaining silent for – however long it has been.” Luna blinked once, trying to find appropriate words, then finally settled on saying, “You are most welcome, Twilight Sparkle.” Any further conversation was delayed as the Royal Chariot glided to a halt in the palace’s inner courtyard.