//------------------------------// // The Normal Day, Not Really // Story: Sleepwalker // by Subject01 //------------------------------// Neverwinter Sleepwalker didn't much like going into the town proper. However, he hated the idea of starving to death much more, so he headed into Ponyville for a quick visit to the market. He went by many things that he could have investigated, but didn't. Like, Vinyl Scratch's Record Emporium for instance. He never cared for electronica of "the wubs" as it were. Anyway, when he arrived in the open air square turned market he went about buying all the vegetables and such he needed. As he was buying, he came about a stand filled with nothing but apples. How very odd. As he looked on, perplexed, a voice from behind the stand said "Howdy! Ya lookin' ta buy some apples? we've got all kinds, fresh from Sweet Apple Acres!" "Why yes, I think I would." Neverwinter said as he looked in the direction of the voice to see an orange mare with golden blonde hair, wearing a Stetson. "But might I ask about that... odd headgear you seem to be wearing? It is quite perplexing." "Well that's just rude pardner! Why don't you keep thoughts like that to yourself!" "Oh! I apologize! I was simply taken aback by it is all. It actually fits you well. Custom made?" "It Was in fact!" "Anyway to get back on topic, I would like a few-" "APPLEJACK!" a voice that seemed almost in tears screamed from somewhere not far away. "Oh shoot. Hang on would ya?" "Oh of course. Take as long as you need." The mare, apparently named Applejack, turned and walked to a young filly who seemed on the verge of tears. They immediately embraced each other as the sniffling and crying slowly ceased into a whimper. "Applebloom? what are you so worked up about?" Applejack questioned what seemed to be her younger sister. "D-D- Diamond T-Tiara and S-silver spoon were being just awful to me and my friends! They said we were talentless and that we wouldn't get our Cutie Marks and that i'm just a worthless hick!" Applebloom half yelled, half sobbed to her sister. "Why those little punks! Ah'm gonna go and see Mr. Rich about this right now! That's just wrong! Applebloom can you stay here and look after the stand?" "But sis, remember what happened last time?" Applebloom remembered the utter failure that was her "helping" her sister sell apples. "ah know but if you just stand here and say please and thank you you'll be fine!" Okay Applejack, but please hurry!" "Ah will. Don't worry about a thing!" "Doo do do do do!" Sleepwalker said, as he tapped his hoof in rhythm to the hum of village life behind him. " i'm still here you know! Just thought I would point that out!" "Applebloom there's a customer waiting. Why don't you go and take care of this one?" "Aye aye sis!" Applebloom trotted up to the stand and looked upon Neverwinter Sleepwalker. His long, sharp tail and broken horn unsettling her. While her older sister had the self control to keep to her self and not ask about any of this, Applebloom showed not nearly as much restraint. "Hey mister whaddaya wa- oh what happened to your horn? Is that tail sharp? whats up with your crazy eyes? How-" "AHEM!" "What?" 'May I just take my order and leave? I do not wish to linger any longer than I need to so if we could just wrap this up without extremely insensitive questions that'd be great." Sleepwalker said, grumbling to himself about the insensitivity of this young filly's questions. "Oh, sorry! What would you like sir?" Applebloom said quickly, blushing as she realized how she had just acted in public. "Just give me some apples, I don't even care anymore. How about 20 golden delicious?" Neverwinter groaned, tired of social interaction already, not having the stomach for other people, especially fillies. He did however have a heart and a sense of morals, making him ponder. "What exactly were you on about earlier about some insults?" He asked as Applebloom filled a saddlebag with his order. "Oh.....just some bullies. They're making fun of me because me and my friends don't have our cutie marks yet. It's really mean." Applebloom said, the sad look on her face returning in an instant. "I'll say." Neverwinter said as he was slightly agitated that this Applebloom was bursting out in tears over some names while he had never cried once in his life, no matter the situation. Even the pain of his horn broke in two wasn't enough to bring him to tears. But still, he felt sorry for her and said "Hey, listen. Do you think you're worthless, or a hick, or anything they say?" "No.. but-" "But nothing! You know you are a good pony. A pony who works hard, has a great sense of creativity and is determined to get somewhere in life. Don't let these snooty brats who don't know ANY of what you go through tell you anything because you know what? They've never worked or hurt or have been denied something at ANY point in their life!" "R-really? They don't know anything about me?" "If they did they'd be the ones in tears." "How do you know all this mister? Are ya some kinda psychic?" Applebloom asked, her smile now stretching across her entire, beaming face. "I have a.... Gift, lets call it. Now can I have my apples please?" Neverwinter asked, worried that the apples would rot by the time this conversation is over. "o'course Mr..." "Sleepwalker" "Here ya go Mr. Sleepwalker!" Applebloom said as she handed him the saddlebag with his apples in it. "Have a nice day" "I'll try, little filly. I'll try." With he walked away. As he did, Applejack returned and found Applebloom smiling as wide as ever. She had just given Filthy Rich a piece of her mind, with many an expletive involved. She asked " Hey Applebloom. I just got done tellin' off Mr. Rich. You shoulda seen the look on his face! Hey what're you smiling at? Did you do well with that customer?" Applejack questioned. "Yeah. I did. He's something special. I think you'd Like him!" "Are you trying to find me a special somepony again Bloom?" "Mayyyyyyybe?"