//------------------------------// // A Plea For Help // Story: Sonic Universe: Equestrian Adventure // by Arcing Light //------------------------------// Darkness. Thats all you see as you enter the abandoned, destroyed remains of Freedom Fighter headquarters. The attack on Knothole had been harsh, and the only reason that you haden't been captured with the rest of the village was because you had hid in a fridge once the bombardmen't had ended. After you were certain that the attack was over you had climbed out of the mangled metal box you were in and beheld the ruins of your once beautiful home, burnt to the ground and unrecognizeable. After searching for some form of life after hours you had finally come upon the underground headquarters of Knotholes protecters, collapsed and abandoned. Now, after an hour or so of digging your way in, you stood in the middle of a destroyed lab, only one light on a small tablelike device still flashing. Curious, you reach out and press the button located just below the light, and a 3d image of a female Lynx spings up and begins to talk. "Hey there Bronies, Nicole here with an update for you guys. You see, the writer, Gigawatt, is hard at work trying to reorganize the story so that it moves more smoothly, but, its not going very well. With attending school and trying to find a job, which he fortunatly now has, he has felt far to stressed to do much about the story, which is why I'm requesting for help for him. We've disscused how to go about this for a while now and we think we have come up with a reasonable solution for the time being. For the next week, Gigawatt will be looking for helpers who will have two jobs between all of you. The first job is to be a Pre-reader/editor for him, finding small mistakes in the story that he himself missed and give him advice on how to improve on the story. The second job is to help him plan out the story itself, forming the basis of a new plotline that will blend in with the current chapters that are out. Credit will be given to those who decide they want to help, and if they are okay with it, will have their OC's featured in small, non-story oriented cameos, mabye taking lead roles in a two-three chapter ark. The openings will stay there until Friday, November 22 ,at which point if no one has offered to help the story will be canceled and probably taken off the site permanently. If you are interested please PM him, leave a comment, or E-mail him at neo06@live.ca. Gigawatts not normally one to just up and leave something unfinished, but real world stress is getting to him. Please, his fans are his only hope." As the image flickers out of existance, leaving you slighty confused at the message. You reach for the button again, hoping that what you just saw would be explained in more detail, but the table just sparks and begins to quickly release a plume of smoke that makes its way inside you. Coughing the poisoned air out of your lungs you leave the room behind and start searching the rest of the base, but find nothing else. Exasperated with your lack of luck you climb out of the ruined headquarters, hoping that with time a friendly face will make itself known to you.