//------------------------------// // Turn of the Tide // Story: Lost Highway: love, loss, faith and dreams // by Sorenthehero117 //------------------------------// [It was raining outside, and Lewis was soaking wet in the dead of the night, holding his duffle bag under a raincoat so it wouldn't get wet, rather than wearing it himself. Octavia couldn't believe her eyes as she saw the boy she grew up with to be tall, handsome, but still scrawny and weak looking. It was the same Lewis she grew up with, only he was now 20 and she was 24. Without hesitation, Octavia sprung her arms out and hugged him tightly as her clothes got wet. She didn't care, all she wanted was to hold her best friend in her arms and never let go] "I thought I'd never see you again", she said happily as he closed his eyes hugging back happy to be back in her life. "My entire life has gone to shit these past few days. After everything that happened, I'm just grateful that you're here", he said as a single teardrop falls of his face trying not to cry. "Shhh, Its all gonna be alright Lewis. I promise you", she said to him, about to cry herself, but trying to keep appearances in order to calm him down. "Come in, look at you, you must be freezing". Octavia welcomed Lewis back into her home as he started sneezing, because of the rain. Octavia started giggling and closed the door as he sat his duffle bag next to the wall. "W-W-Wow, this place hasn't changed much f-from almost a decade", he said, no doubt freezing to death. "How long were you out there Lewis? You look like you've been out there for hours. What happened?", she said to him, worried that he might be getting sick. "I was walking around town for an hour trying to find your house. My phone ran out of battery and it was too dark. Sorry I didn't come here as early as I should have. I never took that plane ride because this stewardess was being really mean, offensive and went too far. Actually one of the passengers gave me a lift back here, took us roughly 12 hours to get here", he said before sneezing one more time. "Oh Man, I feel lightheaded. I haven't slept since the funeral", he said before nearly collapsing on the stairs. "Since t- LEWIS!", she yelled before helping him get up and looked at him. "Come with me. The funeral was 4 days ago. You need to rest now, forget about everything and just rest", she said to him as she led him to her spare bedroom. Lewis was nearly about to collapse from exhaustion as she opened the door and he walked inside. He had never been in this room before and felt lost, but he didn't care. As soon as he saw the bed he tried to fall on it and go to sleep, but got pulled by Octavia for a minute. "Hang on, don't wanna get the bed wet now, do we?", she said to him which caused him to blush and look away. "M-Melody, are you-", he said before she interrupted him. "Its okay, its dark, I can't see anything. Relax Lewis, don't be embarrassed", she said ensuring him that everything was okay as he slowly started stripping down completely, placing his clothing on the floor as she undid part of the bed for him to get into. As he did, he wrapped himself up, trying to get warm as Octavia sat on the edge looking at his face. "Just go to sleep, my handsome devil. Tomorrow, everything will be different and new things will come above", she said in the all-too familiar tone that sparked sweetness and kindness that only a mother could make. "Rest my little friend... Now you can rest", she said as she rubbed his face softly. "Me-Melody... I-I'm glad to have you back... I missed you", he said before finally falling asleep and Octavia leaned down and kissed him on the same cheek she kissed 7 years ago and smiled. "I missed you just as much Lewis... Maybe even a little more... Goodnight my friend", she said before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. [Having been able to see her best friend over, as well as being able to help him in his time of need, Octavia couldn't help but smile happily as if there was a burden in her that suddenly got lifted and she finally found joy again. Not having anything more to do, Octavia decided to go to her room and get some sleep and dream a happy dream. As of this moment, a new life could begin for Lewis, and a new adventure could begin for Octavia]