Dusk's Travels

by Bluecatcinema

Viva Las Pegasus

Dusk reached the next stop in his journey: Las Pegasus. It was a brightly-lit, neon metropolis, famed for it's casinos. Dusk wasn't much of a gambler, nor was he particulary interested in money, but from what he'd heard, Las Pegasus had to be seen to be believed.

It turned out popular opinion was correct; The bright lights and tourist attractions were something else entirely. The place was packed with hotels, casinos and resorts, many of which were boasting garish neon signs and all-night buffets. As Dusk trotted down the streets, looking for a suitably low-key eatery, he was suddenly bombarded with paparazzi.

"Prince Dusk, over here!" One called, his camera flashing away. "What brings you to Las Pegasus?"

"How long are you staying?" Another asked.

"Are the rumors about Celestia having a coltfriend true?" Another butted in.

"What?" Dusk asked.

"Is it true that you've been travelling Equestria alone for months now?" The first reporter inquired.

"Yeah, it is." Dusk nodded.

"And why I ask why?" The reporter prompted.

"So I can see all the places I'm supposed to be prince of." Dusk answered. "And to get to know all my subjects. ...Wait, you knew I was going to be here?"

"Actually, no." The second reporter replied. "We're waiting for somepony else to show up. Never expected you."

"Then who are you waiting for?" Dusk asked.

"There he is!" Another reporter pointed.

Out of a nearby hotel came Star Buck, a pegasi stallion, renowned throughout Equestria as a much beloved entrepeneur and philanthropist. He had helped put up quite a few establishments across, even a casino or two in Las Pegasus, with a portion of the proceeds going to charity. He was a class act all the way. A crowd of onlookers started cheering.

"We love you, Star!" A mare squealed.

Star waved politely. When he came across Dusk, he bowed respectfully.

"Your highness." He declared.

"Mr. Buck." Dusk smiled. "A pleasure to meet you."

"And an honor to meet you." Star smiled back. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a ground-breaking ceremony to get to. I'm opening up a new hotel. Who knows? Perhaps you'll stay there sometime."

"Perhaps." Dusk chuckled.

After quietly exiting the scene, Dusk found a restaurant and ordered some food. As he ate his daffodil and daisy sandwich, he stared out of the window, looking at nothing in particular. His attention was caught by the sight of Star Buck, flanked by a trio of grey-coated stallions entering the "Lucky Horseshoe" casino.

'That's odd.'. Dusk thought. 'I don't know about "ground-breaking" ceremonies, but I'm pretty sure they last longer then five minutes...'

Strick by a sudden suspicion, Dusk quickly finished off his sandwich and headed off to the casino.

"Hold it, kid." A burly stallion stopped him. "No minors."

"I'm not here to gamble." Dusk retorted, opening his wings for emphasis. "I'm prince Dusk Glow, and I have something important to do in there."

"Oh, of course, your majesty." The stallion nervously stepped aside.

Dusk scoped out the casino. He saw Star in the lounge, surrounded by adoring admirers.

"You're the best, Mr. Buck!" A bespectacled stallion simpered.

"Of course I am." Star said smugly.

Dusk walked over to them, the crowd gasping at the surprise appearance of royalty.

"Hello again, Mr. Buck." He declared.

"Do I know you?" Star asked, a look of confusion on his face.

"You should." Dusk glared. "We just met, barely ten minutes ago."

"We did?" Star asked. "I mean, of course we did! Sorry, my short-term memory's not what it used to be."

"Funny how you can be here, and also be at a ground-breaking ceremony across town." Dusk remarked. "But you're not really, are you?"

"I, er..." Star stuttered. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Maybe this will help." Dusk smiled.

Dusk fired a blast of magic at Star. One flash of light later, and a changeling sat in his place; Dusk's suspicions had been correct.

"Uh-oh." The Changeling buzzed.

"Changeling!" The crowd panicked, scattering in all directions.

"Star's" entourage shifted into their true Changeling forms. Dusk noted that they were all smaller then "Star"; No doubt he was a higher ranking member of their breed.

"You will pay for thizzz!" One hissed.

One Changeling charged Dusk, but he was ready; A swift sidestep, and he tripped his adversary, sending him crashing into a table. The next Changeling leapt up, intending to bring it's gnarled hooves down on Dusk's head. Dusk ducked down, letting his backpack take the force of the blow, then snapped back up again, sending the Changeling flying.

The Changeling that had been Star grappled with Dusk. As they struggled, the last Changeling came up behind him, looking to strike. At the last second, Dusk spotted him; Pushing off from the Star Changeling's shoulders, he bucked the sneak attacker hard, knocking him out.

"Just you and me now." Dusk told his remaining opponant.

"I feed good today." The Star Changeling smirked. "Love for Zzztar ake me zzztrong. I cruzzzh you!"

"We'll see." Dusk declared.

A beam of green energy burst out of the Changeling's horn. Dusk countered with a blast from his own. The two beams struck each other. Dusk struggled, his beam being slowly pushed back by the Changeling's.

The Star Changeling smirked in triumph. Suddenly, there was a loud "CLANG!" The smirk slid off his face, replaced by a look of surprise, and the Changeling fell to the ground, revealing the real Star behind him, wielding a metal tray.

"That's for using my face and fooling all those good ponies, you scoundrel!" He growled.

"Thanks for the assist." Dusk smiled.

"My pleasure." Star smiled.

"How did you know-" Dusk started.

"Well, some ponies were running down the street, yelling 'Changelings!'" Star noted, as security guards came in to contain the Changelings. "That sort of thing tends to catch a stallion's attention."

"Your little masquerade is over." One guard told the Star Changeling.

"No." The Changeling smirked. "Not over. Not by long zzzhot."

"What do you mean?" Dusk asked.

"Thizzz juzzzt zzznack zzztop." The Star Changeling buzzed. "Real meal izzz up north, in shiny plazzze where there izzz love enough to feed entire hive for yearzzz. Otherzzz heading there already."

"Oh no." Dusk gasped. "The Crystal Empire!"

"Queen Chryzzzalizzz zzzummonzzz us there." The Changeling sniggered. "We will feed like never before!"

A chill ran through Dusk's spine. If the Changelings fed on the love contained within the Crystal Empire, they would become unstoppable. He had to go and warn his warn his aunt and uncle before it was too late.