//------------------------------// // Waiting // Story: Sceptic // by PuddingNPie //------------------------------// If a bird had at that moment flown over Equestria’s capital, it would have seen the Princess of the Day light her horn in a flash of sunlight as she lowered the sun. As the last rays ceased to illuminate the balcony on which she stood, it would have seen her exhale heavily, releasing her hold on the glorious light as she did. On this eve, it was not a bird, but Princess Luna who soared above the golden spire of the highest tower of Canterlot Castle, dancing on the gentle breeze and her midnight wings. Sunset was a special time and she wanted the best view. Landing gently on a cloud, she stood tall and smiled as the last light fled beyond the horizon. When the world finally settled into the half-light that marks the border between night and day, Luna peered down to the balcony, where her sister watched, expectant. Rolling her eyes, she leapt up and punched through the cloud as she dove, the rushing air sending her star-filled mane streaming out behind her. Flaring her wings to slow her descent, she flew below and then glided up to alight on the balcony. Breathing deeply, she lit her horn and called forth the moon, which rose steadily into the darkening sky. The stars then revealed themselves, one by one, like fireflies but infinitely more beautiful. Her work done, she closed her eyes and felt the night. The cool scent, the crisp air, the soothing, gentle light. She loved it all. Turning, she beheld her sister as she lay down on a rich purple cushion. “My flight cleared my head somewhat, Sister.” She lay on the matching cushion opposite. Celestia blinked. “I see you drew out the dusk tonight,” she said with a shrewd smile. “Perhaps you are not as sceptical of my student as you’d like to let on.” A call at the doors announced the maid, who was admitted with a platter of berries held in her aura. She set it respectfully down before the princesses, who nodded as she withdrew. Raspberries and blackberries were arranged in a spiralling pattern, revolving around a saucer of fresh cream. It was so beautifully arranged it was a shame to disassemble it, though one had to get used to such things as a monarch. Plucking a raspberry with her aura, Luna daintily picked it apart, piece by perfectly spherical piece. Smiling, she glanced at Celestia through her eyelashes. “Somepony has to be sceptical. Otherwise you would get away with most anything, dear Sister.” Her expression darkening, she lit a blackberry. “There is potential for evil in anypony. I am fond of Twilight Sparkle, and do not believe she is on such a path, but to be wary is to be safe.” Only the slightest narrowing of her eyes belied Celestia’s response. “Her heart is pure, Luna. But I don’t believe that this conversation is really about my student.” The blackberry she lifted to her lips was plump and ripe. “Maybe if you had been with me when I saw him, you could have been sceptical. Maybe he could have been set on a different path. I should have consulted you, Sister. But what happened in the past cannot be changed.” The blackberry was crushed against the roof of Celestia’s mouth. Luna adjusted her forelegs. “It is not the little colt who put the city in chains, just as it was not I who sought to bring about eternal night. There is no Nightmare Force within him, but nor is there nothing foreign.” She picked a raspberry from the inner edge of the platter and rolled it in cream. “I would look to Tartarus for the truth, but I doubt you are so inclined. I know you as one to deal with matters as they are.” Chewing, she looked out the window. “It is a part of what makes you strong.” Celestia lit another blackberry, holding it in front of her eyes. “Being strong doesn’t stop me feeling responsible. I wasn’t to know, but perhaps…” Sighing, she submerged it in the cream. “It doesn’t matter. We stopped what he became, and today, Twilight will do it again.” She let the taste of tart berry cream wash over her tongue, embracing it and letting go of her guilt. Watching as Celestia withdrew into a memory, Luna blinked and watched the curtain stir, caressed by the cool night air. Her wings ruffling, she remembered overhearing a detail of Celestia’s conversation with Twilight which she could not leave unaddressed. “Celestia?” The Princess of the Sun turned to face her, eyes giving nothing away. “I do not care for your equating the night to King Sombra’s heart. I am absolutely sure I speak for it when I say that we are offended by your carelessness.” Snatching a raspberry in her blue aura, she popped it pointily into her mouth. Celestia gazed out the window. “I’m sorry, Luna. Habits forged over a millenium are difficult to break.” A long silence passed as Luna toyed with the idea of retaliation, then decided the night would grudgingly accept her sister’s apology. Glancing at the half-finished platter, Celestia stood. “Let us walk awhile, sister.” Luna nodded and stretched as she rose to her hooves, following her sister through the gilded double doors. Celestia addressed her guards. “We are going for a walk through the castle for a while. You need not accompany us, sirs.” The guards bowed their heads and relaxed their poses as the Princesses walked down the spiral staircase of Celestia’s tower to the Hall of Windows, where Equestria’s history was immortalised in stained glass for all to see. A window depicting the three feuding tribes began the story, the one opposite displayed three ponies huddled together below a fiery heart. On they walked, past the reign and initial defeat of Discord, discovery and coronation of Princess Cadence, the changeling invasion and the love which prevented it becoming a conquest. It was now they reached the blank windows, the ones which awaited future events. It was at the window awaiting what came of this very day, the day of the return of the Crystal Empire, that the two monarchs stopped. Luna had always liked to imagine that if she looked deeply enough, they would surrender their secrets and reveal to her what images were to be contained in their crystalline mosaic. Suddenly conscious of the altitude of the moon, she narrowed her eyes. “I’m going to the empire, Sister!” “Luna, wait!” Celestia raised a hoof. Luna flared her wings, “No, we cannot let it fall. I have decided.” Her final word was punctuated with a stamp of her hoof. Celestia looked straight at Luna, her eyes yielding deliberation. Her slow nod ceased as it was begun when she glanced out the window at the sky. “Look!” Turning her eyes to the sky, she beheld the sign of the victory. Trails of brilliant colour wove across the sky like beautiful serpents, joining their light to that of the moon and the stars. Folding her wings, she looked back at Celestia, who smiled, extending her neck in a gesture of friendship. Returning it, Luna leaned forward to touch the length of her horn to her sister’s, acceptance closing her turquoise eyes. “I knew she could do it.”