Friendship is Magic: The Gathering

by St Jimmy


        Jace swung the door to Twilight’s library open, and ran over to the bookshelves. He pulled several books off the shelves, flipped through them rapidly, and then tossed them aside.

        “What is it?” He asked himself, furiously. “What could Bolas be after? Is it an existing artifact? A future event? What is it?”

        Twilight and Rainbow burst into the library, interrupting Jace’s search.

        “Jace, who was that?” asked Dash.

        Jace put the book he had in hoof down on the table. “Tezzeret, the Seeker. Previously a fellow planeswalker, but he became enslaved by Nicol Bolas, and he now works for the most dangerous planeswalker in the multiverse,” Both of the ponies in front of him noticed a severe form of anger emanating from is eyes. “If he is here, then Bolas wants something with Equestria. And that cannot be anything good,”

        Rainbow and Twilight exchanged a glance, then looked back to Jace. Jace returned to his search, and continued to pile books on the table.

        “Umm, Jace?” asked Twilight.

        “Hm?” He didn’t look up.

        “Is it possible that he is after some sort of powerful, magical artifact?”

        Jace stopped, and closed the book. “Yes,”

        Twilight sighed. “Then I think I know what he’s after,”

        Tezzeret walked forward into the cavern ahead of him, and sat down. Jace’s presence here would complicate things, but he would have to continue as planned, and adjust things as he went along.

        “Talk about unlucky coincidences,” He muttered to himself. Although, if he was to crush Jace, it would certainly please Bolas. “Perhaps I should search him out,”

        He suddenly remembered his last encounter with the Mind Sculptor. He only barely escaped with his sanity, and that was because Bolas had rescued him at the last moment. If he was to even try, he would have to make full use of his black spells. But if Jace was to counter them, he would be left in a bind.

        “Perhaps not,” Tezzeret looked at his etherium arm, it was surrounded by a bluish purple aura. “But it is likely he will attempt to interfere. I sure hope I can finish this job first,”

        “The Elements of Harmony?” Jace cocked his head.

        “Yes,” said Twilight “They are the most powerful item in all of Equestria,” Jace raised an eyebrow.

        “Really? What do they do?”

        “In a nutshell? They destroy entities,”

        “That’d about do it,” Jace closed his eyes and sighed. “How protected are these ‘Elements of Harmony?”

        Twilight and Rainbow exchanged glances. “They’re right behind you,”

        Jace turned around and looked at the display case containing the six artifacts. He laughed nervously. “Ugh. You put the most dangerous and powerful items up on display? With no real protection from theft or destruction? Are you ponies out of your minds?!”

        “…No…,” Dash and Twilight looked at the ground.

        “Ugh,” Jace summoned up a series of runes, and crushed one in his hoof. Immediately after he did, a blue rune looking exactly like it appeared on the glass case. “There, now only one of you six can open it, destroy it, or otherwise affect it,”

        Dash’s mouth hung open. “How did you do that?”

“I placed an isolating lock that only responds to given auras, and I gave it your auras as the patterns,”


        “Thank you,” He turned towards the case. “Still, for Bolas to want to come here, and send Tezzeret first, that can’t be everything,”

        Rainbow looked at Twilight, and tapped her on her shoulder. Twilight turned head in response. Rainbow jerked her head toward the stairs. Twilight paused for a second, but then complied.



        “I made my decision,”

        “Oh?” He froze, and rewound his thoughts. He spun around with an extremely excited look on his face. “You did?”

        “Yes,” She giggled at his enthusiasm. “I did,”


        “I’m-,” A loud wooshing noise followed by a loud crack rang through the library.

        Twilight came bolting down the stairs, and stopped at the base. “Was that?”

        “Yes, come on Rainbow,” The three ponies blasted out the door and looked around. Twilight and Rainbow were searching the streets, but Jace was searching the skies, and he discovered exactly what he feared.

        There was a large, golden dragon with two curved horns, and an oblong stone floating between them. It was the Elder Dragon, Nicol Bolas.

        “Dammit!” Twilight and Dash looked at the figure in the sky, and both their mouths fell open.

        “It’s enormous!” Said Twilight. Rainbow just stammered.

        A very large rune appeared, encompassing Jace’s right hoof. He vanished in a flash of blue light, and brought Rainbow with him.
        When the two reappeared, they were falling toward Bolas.

        “Rainbow!” Jace shouted at the pegasus. She shook her head out, and flew down, grabbing Jace’s left hoof. “Bring us around to the front.

        “Right,” Dash made sure to avoid the huge wings as she flew around towards the dragon’s head.

        “Bolas!” Jace screamed at the top of his lungs, somewhat surprising Rainbow.

        The moment the dragon turned to face Jace, Jace unleashed a powerful blast of blue energy, which knocked the dragon off balance, and caused his right wing to clip the ground. What happened next was complete chaos, the dragon rolled into his right side, flinging large chunks of dirt and rocks in all directions. As he continued to tumble, he began to try to right himself, or at least stop his somersault, when he finally did, he had left an enormous gash in his wake.

        Bolas got up from the pile of dirt and stone, and turned to face his attacker, he was only able to make out a streak of rainbow and a blue cloak before he was hit with another blast. However, this time, he did not fall.

        “Damn,” Jace muttered. He selected one of his five remaining runes, and crushed it in his hoof. He threw it towards the ground, but it stopped halfway, and formed into a stingray-esque creature. It rose up to meet Rainbow and Jace, who both set themselves down on it’s back.

        “What’s this?” asked Rainbow, astonished.

        “A phantasm of my own design, if I can hit Bolas with another one of those blasts, it should become powerful enough to harm him. He readied the rune in his hoof, crushed it, and began to charge the spell.

        Bolas was just recovering from the last blast, and finally got to see his assailant. But only barely for long enough to recognize him. After which he was hit with another blast.

        At that moment, the creature Jace was on grew a fairly decent amount.

        “Perfect,” said Jace, a smirk growing on his face. It was then that Dash realized just how powerful Jace Beleren really was.

        Bolas decided that he had had enough. He powered up a spell of his own, and targeted Jace. Looking the rune over, Jace immediately knew what it was.

        “Rainbow, get down!” He crushed his fourth rune, and charged the spell.

        His suspicions were correct, a gigantic fireball blasted forward from Bolas’s right hand. Seeing he was correct, Jace created an enormous barrier between him and the fireball. Once it collided with his spell, the fireball dissipated.

        Rainbow looked up after she heard the disintegration of the fireball, and stood back up. She looked into Jace’s eyes, and saw a different sort of gleam then she had when they were in the library. It was somewhere between anger and satisfaction. Whatever it was, it was almost scary. She looked away quickly, and noticed their speed, and direction.

        They were charging right at Bolas. She ducked back down, and prepped for impact, but none came. They had pulled up just before a full collision. She looked back, and saw that the phantasm was actually going to hit Bolas with its tail. She didn’t think that it would hurt the dragon , but was she ever wrong.

        The dragon recoiled in severe pain from the collision, and only barely kept himself from falling.

        “Three more of those, and he should go down,” Jace said, so only he and Dash could hear. The phantasm circled around Bolas, and Jace readied his third rune, he crushed it in his hand, and three more appeared.

        “That’s not good,” He muttered, eyeing his now five runes.

        “What?” Rainbow asked. She had not heard the words, but she heard the sounds.

        “Nothing, I’m fine,” He prepared another rune, and released another blast at Bolas, although this one was more powerful than the last few.

        The dragon recovered slower than before, but that was only natural. Every one of those blasts brought him one step closer to madness. He lost about 30% of his active consciousness, it would take several more of these blasts to bring him down.

        Jace turned towards Rainbow to see how she was holding up. She looked excited, but also, despite being fairly well concealed, frightened. He assumed it was directed toward Bolas, he assumed wrong.

        Rainbow’s eyes suddenly widened. “Jace, look out!”

        He spun around as quickly as he could, and was greeted by a swirling red fireball. He reached for a rune, and went to crush it, but he was too late. The swirling mass collided with the right wing of the phantasm, and the flames exploded outward, knocking both him and Dash off of the burning blue stingray.

        Jace opened his eyes, and immediately shot to full consciousness. He looked around and noticed that he was still falling. Good, then it isn’t over yet. He looked up, and saw a few embers where he had been only moments before. It was then that he remembered.

        Rainbow! He looked in all directions for her, and his eyes fell on the rainbow-maned mare. Her left wing was singed, and her eyes were closed. He grabbed one of his rune and crushed it in his hoof. He vanished from view, and then reappeared just below.

        He put her over his left shoulder, then used the second stage of his spell. He reappeared about a hundred feet above Bolas, and prepared another rune.

        He threw it down below himself, and landed atop another phantasm.

        “It’s time to end this,” He said, darkly. He selected a fairly large rune from his collection, crushed it, and threw it to the ground.

        Water came rushing forth from the place where the rune had landed, and it soon gathered to be up to Bolas’s knees. Once the water stopped flowing, two colossal leviathans exited the wormhole, one was whale-like, and the other was reminiscent of an enormous mollusk.

        “Surrender Bolas!” Jace shouted at the dragon. “You’ve lost this fight,”

        “I would never surrender to a worm like yourself,” Scoffed the dragon. “Do what you will,”

        “So be it,” The two leviathans leapt into action, the whale diving under the water, and the mollusk charging towards Bolas through the air.

        The latter collided first, knocking Bolas off of his feet, and down towards the water, where the former breached the surface, blasting right through Bolas’s side. The immense dragon fell backwards into the water, and it quickly began to turn red with blood.

        The battle was over, Jace had won. The water vanished, along with the leviathans. Jace brought the phantasm down to level ground, and once he was off of it, it disappeared as well. He set Rainbow down on the ground. And noticed that her right eye was concealed by her mane. He brushed the chromatic locks away, and just sat there for a moment.

        Shaking his head, he inspected her injured wing. It was pretty badly burned, but nothing irreparable.

        “I have no gift for white magic, but it appears to be plentiful here, so maybe it will work better than usual,” His usual blue runes morphed and turned white, he selected one, and crushed it. The white rune became a series of white ribbons of mana that wrapped themselves around her injured wing, and removed the external damage. It would take time to heal the rest.

        Jace stood up and walked over towards the still-breathing dragon. “What do you want here?”

        Bolas coughed and sputtered. “I’m surprised you don’t *cough* already know,”

        “The Elements of Harmony?”

        “No. I want nothing of *cough* those children’s toys,”

        “Then what?”

        “First *cough*, your friend, I assume you noticed she was different from the other *cough* inhabitants of this plane,”


        “Do you yet know *cough* why?”


        Bolas smirked. “Then you’ll probably be surprised to learn, she has-,”

        Twilight appeared in a flash of purple light. Instantly, she noticed Rainbow lying on the ground. Directly in front of Rainbow was Jace, and past him was Bolas.

        “That still doesn’t tell me what you want from this plane though,”

        “You’ll know soon enough,” The dragon began to become surrounded by a red, black, and blue aura, and after a few seconds, he disappeared.

        Twilight walked up to Jace. “What did he say?”

        Jace smiled. “He simply answered the most important question I’ve had since I got here,”

        “Which was?”

        He nodded at Dash. “What was so different about her,”

        “So what was it?”

        Jace chuckled. “That’s the funny bit, I can’t tell her, or anyone who might tell her, otherwise she’ll never awaken her power,”

        Jace dropped down next to the cyan pegasus. “All she needs know is that she has a very important role in the destiny of Equestria.