//------------------------------// // Ch: 2 Secrets Revealed // Story: Riku's Journey // by xZeroSoulx //------------------------------// The mane six gathered in the library and began to discuss a plan to look for Riku. As they were speaking, a portal opened in the center of Ponyville and multiple people wearing full armor carrying swords and small firearms. A man with grey hair stepped out from the soldiers and cleared his throat. “We are looking for a young man named Riku either give him up or we’ll destroy this town.” The man said with an evil grin. -Everfree Forest- Riku kept on running as his body slowly transformed into a wolf. His sky blue eyes shifted to gold and his head took a wolf like appearance. His legs and feet were now more like a wolf but he kept a human posture. His hands had one-inch long claws extending from each finger. His mind became clouded with anger at the scent he picked up. Riku froze in place and turned towards the direction of Ponyville. “He came after me.” Riku said with a low growl. He took off at a full sprint on all fours. He made it to the edge of the forest in no time and kept on running towards town. -Ponyville- “Destroy the town and find Riku!” The man with grey hair shouted. As the soldiers began to walk through the town, they heard the scream of multiple soldiers dying. Each time the screams got less and less frequent but could still be heard. When nearly all the soldiers were dead they regrouped near the portal. “What are you afraid of?” The grey haired man shouted as a black wolf came into view. Before the wolf could catch him and the remaining soldiers, they jumped through the portal and it closed quickly. The wolf’s eyes closed and he fell onto his chest turning back into his normal form. Riku was lying in the middle of town and the only remaining wolf feature left was a tail. Riku slowly woke up and looked around at all the pony’s scared faces. “What happened here?” Riku asked, but got no response. He took the hint; he stood up and ran back towards the Everfree forest with tears in his eyes. He kept on running through the forest until he took shelter in a cave. When he sat in the cave, he wiped the tears from his eyes and looked at the cave floor. “Riku is that really you?” A figure said approaching Riku. “Who are you?” Riku asked staring at the cloaked figure. “I see you don’t remember me.” The figure said removing his hood. “Marcus!” Riku shouted shocked. “I thought you died.” Riku added. “I was the one who created the portal I needed to test it and I got trapped here.” Marcus explained. “I see the beast is showing signs of getting stronger Riku, but why are you hiding here your friends will need you.” Marcus added. “They looked at me like I was a monster!” Riku shouted his tail twitching side to side. “I could have harmed one of them if I didn’t pass out.” He added with a frown. “He will return with his true weapon, an army of beast like super soldiers and when that time comes you need to stand up and face him head on.” Marcus said pulling out a dusty old book. “You can stay here until your friends come looking for you.” He said with a smile. “Why would they look for the monster that killed all those soldiers out of anger and revenge?” Riku said quietly. He soon heard his name called in the distance. “They actually came after me.” Riku said surprised. “Go your friends are worried about you Riku and you deserve to have friends like them.” Marcus said vanishing within the shadows of the cave. Riku walked out from the cave towards the voices calling his name. When the six mares came into view he was, tackled by Applejack and kicked in the side. “Don’t run from your friends without explaining what happened.” Applejack said getting off him. “Sorry I didn’t mean to worry you, or any of you.” Riku said. He soon noticed the yellow Pegasus from earlier. “Hello and what is your name?” Riku asked. The yellow Pegasus hid behind her mane letting out a small squeak. “Her name is Fluttershy, and I’m Twilight Sparkle.” A purple unicorn said. “I’m Rarity darling.” A white unicorn added. “It’s nice to formally meet you all.” Riku said with a small smile. “Wait, why come, looking for me?” Riku asked, as his face slowly became a frown. “You’re our friend silly.” Pinkie said poping up from what seemed like nowhere. “You all consider me a friend even after you saw what is within me.” Riku said look at them all. “When I ran off this morning it was because this tail appeared, it means it will take over.” Riku explained as the tail vanished. “Your tails gone!” all six mares shouted. “Yeah, it tends to go away after some time passes from the time of reverting to my normal form.” Riku said beginning to laugh. “Let’s get back to Ponyville.” Fluttershy said shyly. “If that’s ok with you ok course.” She added. “Sure let’s get out of this forest.” Riku said walking past them. -Ponyville library- “So, that man that attacked abducted you when you were fourteen?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Yes and it was honestly the worst three years of my life.” Riku said leaning against a wall. “He will be back and will most likely bring his beast like super soldiers to try and get me back to that lab.” He added. As he was speaking, the six mares were looking at the top of his head with intense stares. “What’s wrong do I have something on my face?” Riku asked staring at the six mares. “Quick question did you have those ears when we found you in the forest sugar cube?” Applejack asked. “What ears?” Riku asked. “The ears on the top of your head.” Pinkie said. Upon hearing this Riku reached up and found out, he did indeed have ears on the top of his head. Pinkie poked the left ear and Riku made it twitch from the contact. “Don’t do that, it tickles!” Riku shouted. “Sorry.” Pinkie said returning to where she was before. Riku sat down and began to think about this situation. As he was thinking, he was making the ears move up and down subconsciously. He finally gave up and fell onto his back in irritation. “This has never happened before; I’ve only ever gotten a tail I don’t know how these ears got here.” Riku groaned. “Question is it bad that five white Pegasus ponies in golden armor are flying this way?” Riku asked while staring out the window. “I completely forgot that Princess Celestia was coming to Ponyville today.” Twilight said as she walked towards the door. Riku jumped up and ran upstairs to hide before Twilight opened the door. “Where is it?” a pony guard in golden armor asked bluntly. “Where is what?” Twilight asked. “We know it’s here Celestia said she could feel a strange source of magic she has never felt before.” The guard said. Riku slowly peeked around the corner from the room he was hiding in only to watch the guard stare right at him. “Celestia wants a word with you.” The guard said staring into Riku’s eyes. “Who is Celestia?” Riku asked as he slowly walked down the stairs. “I’m Celestia.” A tall regal white alicorn said as she walked through the front door. Riku saw the mane six all give a small bow so he did the same out of respect. He slowly looked into Celestia’s and before he could react, a field of magic surrounded him and he was unable to move. “I thought you wanted to talk!” Riku shouted. “I did this is so you can’t run from the questions.” Celestia said as the guards left the library. “Now, who and what are you?” Celestia asked. “My name is Riku kagerashi and I’m human.” Riku said. “I’ve met a human and he did not have those ears, so what are you really.” Celestia said. “I didn’t lie I am human I just have the curse of the beast on me, it is the reason for these ears on my head.” Riku said with a scowl. “Now can I ask you to allow me to sit this pose is uncomfortable.” Riku said allowing his accent to be heard. Celestia let the field of magic around Riku release and watched as Riku sat down. “Who was the human you met?” Riku asked. “I never got his name he only said that more humans will come in the future and try to take over, but a creature that is part beast and part human will rise and stop the threat.” Celestia explained. “Was he talking about you?” She added. “Maybe, but I can’t even control the beast within me.” Riku said with a frown. “All it wants is control of my body.” Riku added looking back into Celestia’s eyes. “I promise that I won’t harm anypony just please don’t lock me up.” Riku pleaded. “I’m not going to lock you up I just wanted that question answered, you’re free to stay in Ponyville, but if you harm one pony you’ll be locked up faster than you can blink.” Celestia said as she left the library. Riku sighed and looked at Twilight. “Where am I sleeping?” He asked as the sun slowly went down. “You can stay at Applejack’s until we can find you a home to live in.” Twilight said. Riku agreed and went with Applejack home for the night. -Secret Lab- “The super soldier DNA is finally stable and ready for a field test.” The scientist with grey hair said with an evil chuckle. “Prepare the portal we are going to get Riku tomorrow.” He added. “Yes sir.” All fifteen soldiers said in unison.