Brony Recon: Ascension

by Freescript the Bard


Dear me... what is this?

What is what, my love?

This. This empty space. This space within reality. What is its purpose?

Oh, that? That would be--

Astrus! Is this your doing? What is this anomaly?

Keep me out of this please...

Concordia, dear... if you would remain quiet, I will explain the purpose of this particular element. It is of my creation, besides. Do not pester Astrus. He is busy guiding a few wayward souls through the Bifrost.

Then explain, if you will, why you have put this... hole in reality.


I beg your pardon?

You are aware that this universe is only one of many, right?

So Astrus claims...

Oh believe in me, my dearest, he is correct. There are an infinite number of universes, in which anything and everything can exist. Some are fleeting ideas of a sentient being, and others, like this one, are stories to several universes. Fantasies that have been made tangible in this version of existence.

I fail to see how that explains your creation of this space.

I am getting to that. You see, the universe in which we exist is a version of reality that has manifested in another universe as a tale in written script. A series of stories. This empty space is for the creatures observing this tale to distinguish between different pieces of this particular story, even though there is little disruption in the telling of the tale itself. It allows another arc of this story to begin without beginning a new story entirely.

But why not begin anew? Why must this story continue on its own?

This story has not ended. There are things that still need to be done, loose ends that need to be addressed, holes in the plot that need to be filled.

I am trying very hard not to take that out of context...

You know what I mean!

Calm down, Pandora. You were saying about the story?

Yes... there will be another story. But that is for another time, when the tale requires that a new story be written. But for now, this story shall move along.

...if the author decides to get off his lazy flank and write it, that is.


