//------------------------------// // Prologue - Part 4 // Story: Paper Ponies // by Techno Flare //------------------------------// Paper Ponies Prologue - Part 4: The End of the Beginning Angry Music: Angry Bowser Kamek strode in, on her magical flying broom, to the castle in the clouds. Hefted by Bowser's right below it, the Mushroom Castle was being overrun by Bowser and his troops. All over the area, the armored Koopas held flashlights and moved around every once in a while. Kamek opened the door to what Bowser referred to as "Home Base". "Mighty King Bowser... I've been looking for you. A report Your Evilness: the new enemies defeated the Goomba King. They're heading for Toad Town now." Kamek went over to Bowser and made sure he was listening. "What?" Bowser questioned. "Unbelievable! What was Goomba King thinking? I used the Star Rod to make him big because he begged me... And they whip him so easily? What a wimp!!" Bowser thought for a second. "Uh... Kammy Koopa! You are sure nobody can ever defeat us, right? "Please, please, Your Vileness! Try to be calm. Goomba King is small-time. I had a feeling he'd fail. It doesn't matter, because while you hold the Star Rod you are definitely invincible. You could beat those hooligans with one claw tied behind your back." "Yes, yes. Very good! Gwaaa ha ha ha ha!!" He raised the Star Rod in triumph. Still, Bowser thought, if they could beat Goomba King, who else knows what they are capable of. We might have just brought in an even tougher enemy... I'm not so sure about this... "By the way, Kammy Koopa, those Star Spirits we captured don't have any way of giving the new threat their power, do they?" "Please, don't worry yourself. Each is held separately. And, each is carefully guarded by your handpicked subjects. Even Mario couldn't save all seven of the Star Spirits." But what if they can? Bowser anxiously pondered. "Who's the closest Star Spirit to Mario? It's that one at Koopa Bros. Fortress, right? If the enemy somehow reaches there, can the Koopa Bros. defeat him?" "King Bowser, you mustn't worry..." Kammy Koopa assured. The two in the room were alarmed (and all of a sudden a red ! appeared above them) and started looking around. From the edge of the screen came a high pitched "HI-YAA!" Four Koopas, all dressed in different colored shells, shoes, and bandanas, hopped into the room. Each of them held up a thumbs-up, a loud ping coming from all of them. The leader then spoke. "Here come the Koopa Bros.!!" His surfer accent startled the king. "Uh-huh! Oh yeah! We're the coolest of the cool!" Bowser leaned a little closer to Kammy Koopa and whispered,"...Pssst! Kammy Koopa. Are you sure these guys can get the job done? That Goomba King was gigantic, and even he couldn't beat Mario." Apparently the red Koopa had overheard Bowser's conversation. "Pssshaw! Get real, King Bowser! Yeah, the Goomba King was huge, but he was a total wimpola! We're nothing like him! See, what we've got going on is the power of teamwork (friendship). Together we can put the hurt on Mario in seconds flat!" "Excellent! That's the spirit! Sell it, Koopa Bros.!! Show our king that special attack you do so well!" Kammy Koopa stood back, motioning to Bowser to do the same. "Yes ma'am!" The leader turned to his group: Yellow, Black, and Green. "Ready, everybody!" Bowser stood in awe with his mouth open, even though it was open all the time. "Ooh...OOOH! That... this is... Ohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" "How'd you like it?" asked the leader, obviously trying to get on his good side. "Oh, YEAH! Excellent!! Really!! I'm not easily impressed, either! Mario won't have a chance if you finish him with that attack!" "Does anypony know what we might do with this?" Twilight had just knocked a spring out of a tree right outside town. Applejack decided to make a statement. "I think there's something on that ledge up there." She pointed to the overhang above the walkway to town. Twilight wasn't sure how stable it was, and didn't want to find out. "Are you sure Applejack? I mean, there are many other places to check for random stuff, but this isn't safe." "Remember, Twilight," Applejack reminded Twilight. "We're in this here 'game' you say, and anything the creator wants goes. Now, if I were that person, that overhang'd be a perfect spot for hidin' somethin'. If you don't want to, then I will." Applejack prepared for the jump, but Twilight stopped her. She didn't want somepony getting hurt in her arrogance. "No, I'll do it." She hit the spring. Flew up and came to a stop above the overhang. So this is what flying feels like. She would learn later that the experience she just had was nothing compared to flying. Upon the center of the overhang, which Twilight had landed on quite safely, was a small brown chest. Obviously something inside of it, she walked over and engaged the action. Another cardboard shape appeared. This was the Hammer Throw Badge, which twilight thought maybe would be about throwing the Hammer. Twilight hopped down off the overhang. When Applejack asked about what she found, she replied, "Not anything worthwhile. And soon they strolled on into Toad Town. Music Change: Shooting Star Summit As the girls walked over the bridge, tainted purple by who know what, a star came falling straight out of the sky and landed right beside her. I guess this is why they call it Shooting Star Summit. As they ventured further towards the massive hill that appeared as a silhouette before them, the sky became darker, indicating some sort of special occasion. The path separated into two, and after a small debate, they decided to take the higher path. It turned out to be what they were looking for. With a quick flick of her hair, Rarity pointed her horn in the direction opposite the stairs. "Over there, Rainbow Dash. I think there's another Star Piece." With a confused look, Rainbow Dash walked over to the spot Rarity had told her to go. In seconds she came back hefting the Star Piece with both forelegs, flying. Rarity quickly stole it from Rainbow Dash, a sense of relief coming to her face. Rarity quickly stored it. Twilight, whilst hopping up over the step-like ledges, told them, "Alright, let's do this already. I can feel a lecture coming on." They swiftly got up the side of the mountain to reveal the Star Spirit from Twilight's dream. He was king of opaque, but solid enough to tell where he was. He was hovering above some sort of stone ritual place. It was perfectly carved and completely flat. The girls, and Goombario, went up to the star. "Welcome girls... We've been waiting for you." THIS IS IMPORTANT! "We're the 7 Star Spirits." His other friends showed up on their designated pedestals. "Our job is to grant the wishes of good people from our home in Star Haven, a place high beyond the sky. We're going to tell you something incredibly important. Please listen carefully. "The other day, Bowser and his followers invaded our peaceful Star Haven. They stole our prized treasure, the Star Rod, which we have cared for since the beginning of time." The star to Eldstar's left spoke next. "The Star Rod..." the girl had a sweet voice, but she stammered, "...is powerful beyond all belief. It can grant any wish imaginable. For as long as we can remember, Bowser has been making wishes like, for instance..."I'd like to trounce Mario" pr "I want Princess Peach to like me." Of course, Stars ignore such selfish wishes. As a result his wishes were never granted." A purple star, two spots from Eldstar's right, spoke next. "Bowser... that fiend... When he found out that we were ignoring his wishes, he came and stole the Star Rod so he could grant his own wishes. He seems content right now, maybe because he defeated Mario and captured the princess. Soon enough, though, I fear he will wish for more... and terrible things will happen." "Which," Eldstar interrupted, "is where you come in. Bowser had wished for a new enemy to challenge him. The Star Rod decided to pick you, probably because it was the next dimension over, and swapped you with our hero, Mario. Bowser thought that bringing in a new enemy would spruce things up, but time may tell whether he wants his old rival back. "Due to this, your world may be in danger as well, considering how profound one of our kin in that world would be. A human in a world ruled by horses... As I do realize you were about to start your own mission, we can only hope that Mario doesn't do anything he shouldn't. If he manages to change how things are supposed to play out in your world, the whole dimension would come crumbling down, and you would be trapped here forever." Humans... The whole dimension destroyed... Twilight's thought were racing, and soon she got anxious. If these things actually happened, then why were they here? "Please hold all questions to the end, Ms. Sparkle." Before her mouth even started to form a word, the wise star made her feelings numb down a bit. "Now, continue." The star furthest away spoke out. His sailor voice bellowed in their ears. "It is our responsibility to keep the Star Rod safe and use it properly. We must get the Star Rod back from Bowser and return it to its rightful place! In order to do this, we need your help!" A star equal distance from Eldstar spoke. "Sadly... right now you are not strong enough to challenge Bowser... he has made himself all-powerful by making wishes with the Star Rod. He is terrible to behold!" A star with an eloquent accent, much like Rarity's, held up his book and spoke, "Once we Star Spirits are reunited in Star Haven, we can give you the power to fight Bowser even with his new found strength. With your help we can prevail!" And now the pessimist of the group spoke. "We are..." The stars around them flickered in their holographic form. "Alas... we've nearly exhausted our power talking to you. Although it looks like we're there beside you, it is only an illusion. We're using all of our strength to communicate with you over a great distance. But even now our strength is fading... We've been caught and are being held by Bowser's followers in different places throughout the Mushroom Kingdom. Please, you must rescue us!" Eldstar once again spoke. "In order to take the Star Rod back from Bowser... and save the princesses... we need your help... Please... you are our last hope... and we will..." the light from the stars flickered out as the star was about to finish his sentence. "NO!" Twilight ran to the spot the star had originally been. "What if Celestia doesn't come back? What if our world falls apart before we have time...? What... if..." Twilight began to violently sob. Oh god, this music: Twink's Theme The girls hurriedly trotted over the bridge. Time was of the essence, and they couldn't waste any more of it. The background yet again changed from night to day, and soon they saw the town. And then Twilight got hit. "OUCH!!" A small star came zooming out of the sky. He was in a rush, and was delivering something. "Oh, sorry, sorry, so sorry! I'm in a huge hurry!!" Twilight thought of what might have supposed to happen in the game, what Celestia had called 'scripted events.' "Hey, are you looking for Mario?" The small star gave a look of confusion. "How did you know that?" Twilight rolled her eyes. "Long story. Either way, the thing you're delivering should be given to me." Twilight grasped the small item with her magic. Twink was scared beyond belief - and worried. "So how does this thing work?" Twilight examined the amulet. It was a simple leather rope with a star in front. Twilight put it on, waiting for an answer. "Well, it gives you access to "action commands. They help produce more damage during an attack and help block attacks and gain less damage. Just hit the A button when the command is supposed to be used." There was a little tear coming from Twink's eye. Twilight felt sorry for the little star. She asked, "So, what is your name?" He barely even made eye contact. "I'm Twink, a Star Kid. I came from Princess Peach's Castle to deliver that and a message for Mario, but he's not here." "Tell the princess that Mario is doing just fine. Also, I want you to know that you can trust us. We are going to save Princess Peach." Twilight stood back and got in a line with her friends. She saw a faint smile come from Twink, and Twilight smiled back, tilting her head ever so slightly. "There you are!" A raspy voice came from behind and soon the girls saw something flying in on a magic broom. Instantly, Twink and Twilight realized what had happened. "What?! It can't be... Were you following me!?" "What a foolish Star Kid!!" the creature replied. Its beak came over its mouth, a small fang hanging out. Its blue cape was donned loosely, and didn't seem all that comfortable. "I knew that if I followed you, I'd find the enemy! If I defeat you right now, I'll be famous! I'll tell Kammy Koopa! She'll shower me with praise! She'll give me a raise! Here I come!" She swooped into the girls, their surroundings fading to black. Fight muuuusic: Hey You! The stage held quite a different style than the last time. It held a purple brick barrier around the backdrop. There were two stars, both with comets coming from behind them, spinning in place. It showed the small patches of blue grass along the violet floor. The bridge could be seen, and the front of the stage was covered in small purple leaves. The projector came up and Twilight saw the spot which she hadn't before. Right beside the projector, there was a Z button showing with two arrows. She decided to try and 'press' it. The ponies and Goombario switched spots. Good to know, good to know, thought Twilight. The action command aspect was completely knew, and it was good she didn't waste a Power Jump figuring out what to do. She picked head bonk with Goombario, and something came up at the bottom of the stage. Press A right before landing on an enemy! Goombario walked up to the enemy, and in the backdrop was an "A Button." As soon as Goombario's head collided with the creature's, a 'NICE' came up in boldface and Goombario went up, and came back down on the enemy's head once more. Okay, simple enough. She then went forward with a Power Jump, landing a powerful four damage. Now it was time to try defense. The opposition held up a wand and shot a beam of shapes toward Twilight. Instantly, she pressed A. She held up her forehoof before the attack even reached her. She let it down, and the attack hit her with a solid three damage. She was confused; that is what the stupid Star Kid told her, right? She then realized that it had to be when the attack made contact with her. She decided to go Hammer on this one, and a different command showed up. It showed a joystick tilting to the left. A timer came up when Twilight went up to the monster. She tilted it back until the brightest bulb lit up. The two points of damage from the blow sent the Magikoopa to the ground. 15 Star Points were earned. When they got out of the battle, Twink was on her way to the stars. They heard a soft "Goodbye!" come from Twink's direction, but they weren't sure if the Star really enjoyed the time it had with them. They quickly trekked back to Toad Town. Late music change: Toad Town "Oh... girls!" said a taken aback mushroom headed man - which the ponies heard were called Toads - waiting right outside the door to the castle. "Merlon was just looking for you. He lives in that house with the spinning roof." Right in front of the six mares' eyes was exactly what they were looking for. "He asked me to go tell you to meet him at his house. I was just about to go look for you, but here you are! It's rare for Merlon to call somebody over to his house... He's a bit eccentric. Even when he has visitors, it's rare for him to come out of the house at all." Twilight went up and kindly knocked on the door. The yellow stars on the purple bricks mesmerized Twilight until Merlon answered with, "Merlon is out!!" Confused, Twilight knocked again, harder this time. "Why do you keep knocking? I'm telling you he's out!!" was the response. Twilight decided to open up the door, but Merlon was too quick. Upon looking at the rest of the crew he said, "Oh, there you girls are! Wait... why are there only five of you?" Upon inspecting the landscape, he saw Twilight on the lawn. "What the...? Why is someone sleeping in front of my house? Wait a minute... oh it must be the other one." Twilight got up, groggy at first with a slight headache, and walked inside with Merlon. "Okay, LISTEN UP!" shouted Rainbow Dash. Her endeavors were in vain, but her short temper got the best of her. "We need to go past you guys, so if you would please move OUT OF THE WAY this whole thing could be solved!" Somehow, Twilight was able to hear her own thinking over all of Rainbow's screaming. Something was... off about the Toads in front of her. There was a spell she had planned for this type of predicament, but was it the right spell or place? Would using it take up too much of her energy? If only Spike were here, she thought hopelessly. There was no other way around the four blocking their path, so she took action. "Rainbow Dash!" she hollered. Rainbow Dash turned around, anger written across her face. "Let me handle this." Reluctantly, Rainbow Dash went behind Twilight, still muttering under her breath. She took her stance, thought of the words she needed for the spell, and let the magic flow out of her. For a second, all she could see was the magenta aura surrounding her horn. A bright flash emanated from Twilight, causing her friends to stagger backwards. Soon all that stood in front of them were none other than the Koopa Bros. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!! screamed the leader as their spell broke. "How... How'd you guess it was us? We were perfectly disguised!!" He turned to his fellow Koopas. "Shucks! Black! Yellow! Green! We retreat!! ...for now..." And with that, they were off to their hideout. The six followed in hot pursuit.