//------------------------------// // The Dreamscape, The Letter // Story: Sleepwalker // by Subject01 //------------------------------// Neverwinter Sleepwalker was sitting on the precipice of a huge cliff overlooking a shining city of light. This sight soothed him after a long day of dull, small towns. He got up and bounded into a forest of Gold and Silver trees that reflected his perfect image. He could be whatever he wanted to be here. Here, in his Dreamscape of a utopia, where there was no strife, conflict or remorse. Here, he was truly happy. His past eluded him and his worries sank into obscurity. Then, a loud banging enveloped his perfect land. The cities crumbled as the trees were ripped up from the roots and thrown around to the tune of the banging. His image fell back to his scraggly, broken appearance as he waited for the end to arrive. It was time to wake up. Neverwinter shifted in his sheets as a banging at the door thundered in his ears. With a groan, he awoke from his sleep. Getting up from his bed, he took a short look at his reflection in the dust mirror next to his nightstand. A broken horn surrounded by an unstyled, towering mane filled his vision as he stared deep into the pupilless eyes in his reflection. "Still an ugly mess of a stallion." he muttered to himself, turning away to answer the persistent knock at the door. The door threatened to break at the rapidity and evident force at which it was being banged on. "Who is it?" yelled Neverwinter as he reached to open the door. "A letter for you sir!" a familiar voice shouted back. As the door swung open he saw a rare sight. A friendly face in the form of everypony's favorite friendly mailmare, Ditzy Doo. She just stared at him for a while. Each blink causing her eyes to shift position. "Good day Ditzy! Might I inquire as to why you didn't use the mailbox?" Neverwinter inquired. "She told me to give it to you personally! .....And I forgot. Oops!" Ditzy blushed as she sighed in relief that the request was to deliver it in person. "well thank you kindly Ditzy! tell Dinky I said hello and tell the Dr. that Pears are the best!" He chuckled to himself. With that the mailmare tipped her hat to Neverwinter and flew off...right into a pole. "When did this get here! Grr..!" she adjusted her bag and went on her way. Neverwinter sighed at his less that bright companion and opened his letter with the grip of his magic. It read: "Dearest Neverwinter Sleepwalker, My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle has expressed a fascination with the science and magic of dreams. While she has been here in Canterlot on a vacation of sorts, she had a very prolific dream that she cannot even describe to any but herself. Any and all spells the royal court have tried to decipher this have failed. All have said they see nonsense and that Twilight is overreacting. However, Twilight assures me in confidence that her dreams have meaning. A sign or omen of something, though she cannot confirm what. After all avenues had been ventured I assured her that you could ease her mind. When she returns I ask that you, at the very least check with her and make sure she will not do anything brash. You have done so much for me and I have no right to ask more. But here I am" "Yours Truly, Princess Celestia" "Alright Celestia i'll do it." He said aloud to no one in particular. "But i'm not a damn prophet."