A Scratched Record

by Ludicrous Lycan

Come Here Often?

Come Here Often?

“Oh, horse apples…” Vinyl could see the exasperated look and the unsettling twitch of one of her marefriend’s eyes and knew exactly what was coming. She quickly levitated her sunglasses off of her forehead and onto the table before turning to face the table herself. Brace yourself Zee…

”Why would I need to- OW! Are all of you ponies this violent!?” Xila was incredulous in her complaint. The new mare in the room found herself justified to deliver a swift and painful strike to the back of Vinyl’s head with one hoof.

Rather than pay Xila any mind, the DJ now laid her head on the table and nursed the new lump on the back of her head. “Geez, Octy. I missed you too… Ouch, that smarts…”

“Well excuse me, Vinyl, if I did not find this particular welcome home amusing!” the earth pony quipped in agitation. “You had me thinking that somepony died!”

Vinyl could feel Xila’s unease at both Octavia’s outburst and the mention of death; no doubt reminding her of her accident the prior night. Calm down, Zee. Octy is just like this. She’s way nicer once you get to know her. Vinyl stopped nursing her sore head long enough to look the grey mare in the eyes. “Sorry, Octy. No, I’m fine but I really can’t get drunk! I mean- Look at this!” Vinyl took the large green bottle of Gargle Blaster in her magic and waved it in front of the cellist’s face. “This was only half an hour ago, and I was desperate! At this point, I've got blood in my alcohol stream, and I'm not even buzzed!"

”But Vinyl, you do know her and she just-” Xila’s protest was cut short when Octavia continued the argument between the two mares, oblivious that there could even be a third party in the room.

“I’ll admit that does not make any sense, but did you have to drink all of the alcohol in the apartment?” Octavia looked over the bottles and her eyes went wide when she recognized a few of them. “Is that my Marelot?!” she exclaimed while taking an empty bottle of expensive looking wine in her hooves.

“Yeah, I kinda went through all the tequila and whisky without even, uhm… so I…”  she trailed off and returned to a position with her head lying in her hooves. Oh, I’m so bucked… Vinyl abandoned her defence once she recognized the hole she had only been digging. Resigning herself to her punishment, the mare tensed up and prepared for the inevitable verbal assault.

To everypony’s surprise, Octavia remained silent. She fell to her haunches and opened her mouth several times, but nothing ever came out. Finding some direction to take, she spoke. “Vinyl, just what happened while I was gone?”

”Well that was quite forward of her. From what I could tell, she was supposed to strike us again or, at the very least, begin yelling more. I can’t really blame her after you insisted on drinking all of that disgusting and painful liquid. The wine was nice, but apparently it wasn’t even yours. Perhaps you should just tell her about-” Xila’s incessant chatter was cut off when Viny had had enough.

“For the love of Celestia, Shut Up!” Her nerves on edge, Vinyl forgot that only she could hear Xila and found herself shouting.

“I beg your pardon!?” Octavia was indignant and fuming. “All I asked was what happened to cause you to act so… I can’t even put what this is into words!”

“Oh! No, Octy I wasn’t talking to you! I was telling… uh…” Vinyl trailed off when she couldn’t make up a good excuse, or a sane one at least.

“To whom? You and I are the only two ponies here Vinyl… or are we?” Octavia cocked one eyebrow and gave her partner scrutinizing look.

Vinyl for her part was making a habit of rubbing the spot below her horn. “No, Octy. You and I are definitely the only two ponies here… but-”

Xila chose to chime in at this point. ”Perhaps this would go much smoother if I introduced myself?” With that, Vinyl’s left eye twitched closed.

“Sweet Celestia, no!” Vinyl shouted before shoving her sunglasses back over her eyes and even going so far as to cover her left eye with one hoof. What do you think you’re doing, Zee!?

“Vinyl, are you alright?” Octavia looked concerned as she watched her marefriend go into a frantic panic. “What’s happening, what’s wrong?”

The unicorn was on her hooves now and shuffling them uncomfortably. Think Scratch, think! “I-I need to… uhm…” The whole situation was getting way too out of hoof for the panicking DJ. “I really gotta pee!” She was out of the room and slamming the bathroom door before Octavia could blink.

Octavia was left in stunned silence. She stared at the bathroom door and then to the table. Sighing, she ventured to the kitchen to scrounge a few waste bags for the glass bottles cluttering their table. This isnt over Vinyl, you better have a really good explanation for all of this when you get out of there…

Inside the bathroom, Xila was back to bombarding the Dj with her own opinions. ”What was that for, Vinyl? If you two are as close as you think you are then being honest with her is our best option. We should-”

Enough! Vinyls thought was just short of a roar. She was angry, and she was going to be heard. Turning to the mirror above the sink, she took off her glasses and focused on the reflection of her starry eye. This is my body, Zee! So we are going to be doing things by my rules. Rule number one: You will never use my body without permission! That stunt you tried to pull back there was going way too far.

”My apologies, Vinyl, but I was only attempting to-” Xila’s defence was cut off by her host as she completed her thought.

Help!? Octy was already wound up pretty bad. If I suddenly had two different eyes and started talking in strange voices, how do you think she would’a taken it!? The mare was livid as she started imagining some of the worst case scenarios.

The Celestian’s side of Vinyls face displayed a pain filled wince. ”Has she really done that to you with her cello before?” The thought sounded in shock.

Honestly? No. I doubt Octy would ever do something that drastic, but I can tell you she wouldn’t take that well. Vinyl sighed while her half of her expression curled into a frown. Look, Zee. I hate to be a jerk here, but you gotta let me be the one to handle this stuff. I already can’t drink anymore, and I guess I can deal with that for two weeks… Vinyl’s eye blinked a couple times and she choked out a small sob that gave her thoughts pause. But things are gonna be awkward enough now that Octy is home! I can barely even think about kissing her, let alone having sex, knowing I’m not the only one up here anymore.

”Kissing…?” Xila’s half of the face as staring blankly for a moment while the last few of Vinyl’s words sank in. “Sex!?” One of the mare’s hooves flew up and clamped down on her mouth. ”Ow! Vinyl, please not so rough. I’m sorry, but are you actually telling me that you and that angry mare are… lovers?” In her shock, Xila released her hold on the unicorn’s face.

Vinyl cocked one eyebrow and turned away from the mirror when she could see her own red eye again. Yes Zee, we’re fillyfoolers. Octy and I are in love. But like I said, I can’t stand the idea of doing anything with you riding co-pilot. the DJ considered the Celestian’s sudden outburst a moment ago and continued critically. Zee… You don’t have a problem with that do you? Vinyls eyes narrowed in accusation.

”Dear Luna, no! I was just… surprised?” Xila seemed as though she were attempting to bury herself beneath Vinyl’s consciousness in an attempt to avoid her hosts hot glare.

Vinyl’s thoughts were mostly quiet while she considered Xila’s reaction. She wasn’t sure she believed her, but she didn’t need another distraction at the moment and decided to put her scrutiny on hold. All right, I’ll buy that for now. Looks like we got off topic though. I think my point was is that this is all pretty hard to deal with. I’m still happy I could help and all, but could you at least try not to make my life any harder than it has to be? First it’s my booze, now its my love life. What else is this arrangement gonna cost me? Are you gonna tell me I can’t do my job anymore cause my ears are too sensitive? Vinyl let out a pensive snort. Or maybe I can’t use magic anymore?

Xila was feeling Vinyl’s growing resentment and was struggling to find a point of redemption. ”No Vinyl, my presence should have no affect on your career. And as for your magic, I’ll have you know that there’s another perk to our current agreement.”

Vinyl’s ears perked up despite their method for conversation. Perk? What do you mean?

Xila’s thoughts became smug, or at least Vinyl considered them that way. Why yes, a perk. Much like your health and physiology, my presence should have an enhancing effect on your magical capabilities.”

“For real!?” Vinyl nearly shouted in excitement. She caught herself, and began reeling in her newfound hope. You’re not off the hook yet… she did her best to play off her new mood as she eagerly thought of ways to test Xila’s claims.

Let’s see, my limit before was about seven before I got a headache. How many can I do now? Vinyl began taking random objects in her magic and levitating them from around the room. In no time at all, she had a total of sixteen objects in her magical grip and she wasn’t showing any signs of stress. Cabinet doors swung open as she took on even more items. She was holding at least forty things in her grasp before she was satisfied; all of them ranging from toiletries to random decorations. It wasn’t long before she became completely sidetracked from her anger. This. Is. Awesome! ...Oh my gosh, can I-?
Xila had been quiet up to this point. She took private pleasure in her host’s antics and was content to just watch her explore her new limitations. Her reverie faltered when Vinyl suddenly dropped everything in her grasp and began concentrating a worrying amount of magic into her horn. An image of Vinyls livingroom was displayed within her mind and Xila started to panic when she realized what was happening. ”Vinyl stop! Thats too much…!” The warning came too late as the Celestian and her host vanished in a blinding flash of magic.

For the last few minutes, Octavia has been standing outside the bathroom with one ear held close to the door. She long since abandoned her cleaning after she heard the voice of a strange mare scream “Sex!?” from inside the bathroom with Vinyl. Even worse, she later heard Vinyl shout back “For real!?” in almost too hopeful a tone. She was extremely suspicious of the whole affair and prayed what she was hearing was anything else but.

So now she stood there, listening and waiting for any sign that her fears could be justified or any more words that could result in a damning conclusion. She was anything but prepared for the mini thunder crack and blinding flash of light that erupted from the room behind her.

Octavia squealed and spun on her hooves to stare at a dazed and bewildered Vinyl Scratch standing at the epicenter of the magical explosion. The carpet was scorched and smoldering in a circle spreading out from where the unicorn now stood. “Vinyl, what in Equestria!? …Did you just teleport!?” The reality of what had just happened sank in for the cellist. Her marefriend had once complained that her magic wasn’t strong enough to perform such an advanced spell, but the contrary just threatened to destroy her living room. The earth pony could only stare at the chaos that was once her pristine living room.

“Oh… Hey there Octy…” Vinyls words were spread out and slurred from the draining and disorienting after affects of her first ever successful teleport. She wobbled from one hoof to another while her eyes lolled in their sockets. “Whatcha doin’?” she asked  with a giggle.

Shaking free of her initial shock, the cellist started with the first of her growing number of problems. “Who was that I heard in the bathroom, Vinyl?” Octavia turned back to the door and opened it. She stared into the room that appeared to have been struck by a small hurricane. “And what happened in here? Did you do this?” She turned back to stare at her marefriend who now appeared to have snapped out of her stupor.

“Yeah… that was me.” Vinyl began feeling as though she were suddenly standing on eggshells. “Both of them… technically.” Crap, I think she heard you Xila! Vinyl took a moment to consider her options before groaning in resignation. Darn it Zee, I don’t think we have a choice. I gotta tell Octy the truth… Can I trust you to follow my lead, Zee?

Xila was still disoriented from the sudden change of venues but was otherwise coherent. ”I’m sorry…? she trailed off while catching up with Vinyl’s most recent thoughts. "Oh, yes. Didn’t I say it was the easiest course of action to begin with? Very well, I will ‘follow your lead’.” Despite her obvious jab, she seemed cooperative enough.

Great... Vinyl took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts before beginning a conversation she thought was crazy even for her standards. “Okay, Octy. You win. I have something really important we gotta talk about.” Vinyl turned around and trotted to a half scorched couch. She had barely reached the couch and sat down when she found herself on the receiving end of Octavia’s most piercing glare. “Octy?”

“Who is she…” The cellist ground out the words between her teeth..

Vinyl blinked a few times while making an unwitting attempt of understanding her marefriend’s train of thought. “...Wha-?”

“The other mare!” Octavia blinking back tears as glare devolved to a longing stare. “She was the other voice in the bathroom with you, wasn’t she!? Did she teach you that spell?”

The gears in her head started to mesh and Vinyl caught on to her marefriend’s accusation. She facehoofed. Ignoring the outcry of disapproval in her head, Vinyl addressed her paranoid lover. “What the hay, Octy! No, there is no other mare! And I already told you the other voice was me… sorta. Look if you’ll calm down and take a seat, I’ll try to explain.”

Octavia continued her stare more scrutinizingly at her lover. After a long pause, she took a seat next to Vinyl and looked back at her when she was comfortable. “I’m listening, but so help me Vinyl-”

“Trust me Octy, you’re the only mare that would ever put up with me.” she chuckled, a knowing grin saying all she would ever need to.

“...Alright, Vinyl. Let’s hear it.” The cellist returned her own less confident smile. Celestia help you if this isn’t a good reason.

Another deep breath and Vinyl began. “So, last night may have had a few drinks after my gig at the nightclub…” The unicorn stopped for a moment when she noticed the look she was getting from Octavia. “Okay, a lot of drinks… I was hammered…” She glanced back at the other mare and continued when the earth pony motioned her to continue with a disappointed look and wave of her hoof. “I was on my way home when I found… a very hurt somepony. She was pretty badly banged up and bleeding. So I… kinda decided we’d take her in for a while while she got better.”

Octavia looked at Vinyl relieved but still unhappy. “Honestly,Vinyl”, she sighed. “I’ve known you were capable of some odd things when you’re drunk, but I can’t say taking in an injured mare is by any means the worst.” The cellist smiled. “Okay, where is she then?”

Vinyl bit her lip, now was the time for honesty but she couldn’t bring herself to just spill the whole story at once. “She’s... resting.” The DJ replied hesitantly.

Octavia hadn’t taken the hesitation as anything more than it’s face value. “Oh, do you have any idea how long she will be staying with us?”

Holding her head in her hooves, Vinyl muttered her response. “About two weeks…”

The cellist gasped in horror. “By Celestia, just how bad is she!?” Octavia contemplated the situation before she spoke again. “Show me where she is, I want to see the poor dear.”

The unicorn’s head slumped down slightly. “I was afraid you'd say that.” She sighed before placing one hoof on Octavia’s shoulder and the other over her left eye. Thats your cue, Zee. “Octy, I need you to promise you won’t freak out, and that you will listen to everything we have to say.”

Nodding, the cellist watched as her marefriend began to remove her hoof. “Wait… we?” Her jaw almost hit the floor when Vinyl opened her left eye again. Instead of it’s usual mesmerizing crimson, a stunning array of stars shone back at her. Her mouth was agape as she stared dumbly into the largest star in her marefriend’s socket. “That is…”

“Octy, this is Xila.” Vinyl pointed one hoof to her left eye. “She calls herself Celestia but-”

“I’ve told you, I‘m a Celestian!” a second voice quipped coming from the unicorns mouth.

“Yeah, yeah.” the DJ mocked with half of her mouth in a chiding grin. “Anyhoof, Zee here is stuck in my head while her body heals up. Before you ask, no, I didn’t know that this was gonna happen when I agreed to help her. But I sorta saved her life so I’m okay-”

A grey hoof found itself on the unicorns muzzle, cutting her off mid sentence. Both of the unicorn’s eyes were staring at the hoof’s owner as she spoke. “I take it back, this is by far the craziest thing you have ever done.” Despite her calm tone, the grey mare collapsed and fainted the second her statement was finished.

“Awe geez , Zee. Now look what you did!” Vinyl shouted holding her head in one hoof.

“Me!? How is this possibly my doing?” Xila’s voice came from Vinyl’s mouth exasperated as she struggled to see her fault in the grey mare collapsing.

“I’m pretty sure I told you not to use my mouth while I was talking to Octy. That’s gotta be what set her off.” Vinyl sounded sure of herself as she made to lift her limp marefriend back onto the couch.

“No, Vinyl. The thought never actually crossed your mind. And even if it had, you need not have chided me with such a silly remark, as I now understand you had done it on purpose!” Xila punctuated her words with a light stomp of one of Vinyl’s unoccupied hooves.

“Hmm…” the DJ considered the Celestian’s words for a moment. “Nah, this is totally your bad.”

“...” Xila learned something important in that moment. She learned the cardinal desire known as the facehoof. And despite the new splitting headache and swearing from Vinyl, she had no regrets.