//------------------------------// // Who says hospitals are boring? // Story: Well this day just got weirder. // by Sutter_Speed777 //------------------------------// I ducked to my side just as the mass of pink shot past missing me by only an inch, landing with an odd grace onto the bed to my left. Before I could get a good look at it, it hopped over to my bed where it stood staring at me with the absolute largest smile I have ever seen. I finally saw it was yet another pony but it didn’t have wings or a horn so it was a just a normal one. “Hi I’m pinkie pie what’s your name,” “uh…C-Conner.” “Well C-Conner that’s a funny name but if it’s funny that means I haven’t heard it before and if I haven’t heard it before that means I don’t know you and If I don’t know you that means you must be lonely. And if you’re lonely that makes me sad and nopony should be sad especially me since I’m supposed to make everypony smile.” The pony's mane seemed to…..deflate but then pop back up into its original puffiness as her large smile returned “So are you an alien huh are you huh huh huh you don’t look like you’re from around here and what are these?” she asked fumbling my hands between her hooves. Before I can get a word in she gasps. “Oh my gosh I just remembered.” she said and in the next second she was a blur and disappeared out the door leaving me with a confused look “Oooooohhhhhh kayyyyyyyy.” I say slowly trying to understand what happened “Don’t think about it too much she’s always like that.” said a cyan Pegasus who was hovering a few feet off the ground flapping her wings. Her mane and tail were colored like a rainbow and the colors didn’t mix at all which was really impressive. “So Twilight tells us you fell through the dimensa whatsit back in saddle Arabia and that’s how you ended up here. Soooooooooooooo….what did it feel like? I’ll bet it was like how daring do felt when she fell into Auizohtal’s mystical mind trap.” Well she certainly is blunt, and is it just me or did the last half of what she said sound like she was fan-girling I raised an eye brow “Daring Do who’s that?” I said wincing as the nurse began to continue stitching my cuts. Her jaw dropped “WHAT!?!?!??!?!! You haven’t heard of Daring Do? Do you live under a rock? She is only the greatest adventurer in all of Equestria” an orange hoof was held up to cut her off “Easy there Dash, don’t spook the feller just cause he ain’t read the same books as ya’ll” said an orange pony with a yellow mane and tail wearing a Stetson. She came up hesitantly before holding out her hoof “I’m applejack by the way. Pleasure makin’ ye’r acquaintance” I took her hoof in my left hand as the nurse was currently working on my right arm “likewise” I gave her a firm shake before letting go. Her eyes trailed up and down my body “you sure are a tall one” I shrugged making the nurse miss the edge of the cut and drive the hooked needle into my arm making me flinch “ow” she apologies and I said it wasn’t a big deal since it was my fault for moving and stayed still as she continued. I turned back to applejack. “To be honest I’m at a pretty average height for my world. Plus I had a late start at puberty so I should still be growing” I said as another figure entered the room. It was a pure white unicorn with a very well done mane and tail. She and blueblood looked at each other before glaring and turning away. I could tell there was a history between them as the female unicorn walked over to join applejack and the rainbow Pegasus. The prince just layed back as a team of unicorn doctors worked to fix the broken bones in his face and head whilst he complained about his royal image. Everyone rolled their eyes as there wear several crackling noises as the magic repaired the bones. I was later told that the magic only accelerated the natural healing process of the pony body so it would be less painful then simply forcing the bones back into place. “Well if you are still growing then I guess I’ll have to make your clothes a size or two bigger for you to grow into.” The female unicorn stated hovering up a notepad and quill. At first I thought she was righting but the movements of the quill seemed to say she was drawing something. “I-I’m sorry what?” “Well Twilight told me your species wears clothes on a regular basis so obviously you are going to need more than what you already have on. Besides since you have already re-damaged your shirt which I mended up earlier it is obvious you will need a few spares.” I nodded trying to keep up with how fast things were moving. “Uh well i……Th-Thank you…… very much ma’am but…..I-I don’t have any money to pay for the clothing if you were to make it for me.” “Oh darling, don’t worry so much. Since I’ll be the first pony ever to design clothing for a brand new species I’d have no problem doing the job for free but any repairs will cost you” I thanked her again. The nurse pulled the last stitch tight and knotted it before cutting the loose end. I thanked her and she left. “Oh I almost forgot. My name is Rarity and I can see you’ve already met Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash.” She said gesturing to each of the ponies. “So where’s Fluttershy?” the cyan Pegasus apparently dubbed Rainbow Dash asked looking around “She was right behind me.” Rarity said and walked back to the door sighing “Oh come now Fluttershy I know you are scared but he really seems like a gentlemen.” She said in a comforting voice. There was a small whimper “O-ok but what if…….he doesn’t like me?” a small voice said. “Nonsense darling how could anyone not like you.” Rarity re-entered the room “Well come on.” Slowly a yellow Pegasus with a long soft pink mane entered the room. Her steps were hesitant and she hid one eye behind her mane. I mentally ‘awwwwwwwwwed’ at how cute she was acting. She was like a nervous child on his or her first day of kindergarten. Stopping behind Rarity she looked at me but her gaze shifted as she tried not to stare. I gave a warm smile to help ease the tension. “Hi there I guess you’re….Fluttershy was it? It’s nice to meet you” I extended a hand and she flinched before slowly holding a hoof up to me. I wrapped my fingers around her hoof but kept a gentle grip but she still gave a startled squeak before I shook up and down once before letting go. “oh uh i-it’s very…..nice… to meet you” she said shying behind rarity again. Rainbow Dash floated closer to me and I could feel a light breeze from her wings beating the air “So what’s up with those nasty cuts? Something happen” “Oh these are from the fight I had with blue blood over there” I said as he was getting out of bed and glared at me before walking out of the room with that pompous look and his head held high. I turned back to the other ponies to see Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy all had their jaws hanging while rarity simply held a look of shock masked by a slight smile. “Ya’ll fought against the prince. D-did ya win? ” Applejack asked leaning forwards as if expecting me to reveal a great secret. “Well no Celestia broke up the fight so I guess you could say it was more of a draw.” “Still it is good to know somepony isn’t afraid to put that brute of a stallion in his place.” Okay Rarity definitely had a history with Blueblood. “From the way he treats everyone, he had it coming” “You mean everypony right?” “Hm?” “You said everyone but the proper way to say it is everypony.” Rarity corrected me. “Oh. That makes sense I guess” I said chuckling slightly at the terminology and slowly stood up out of bed, careful not to rip out my new stitches. They still hurt but much less than before thanks to the localized anesthetics the nurse gave me before stitching me up. “So Rainbow Dash, you said Twilight told you about me. Are you girls her friends or something or are you here to run more tests on me?” I asked picking up a glass of cold water the nurse had left me and took a sip but the cold water hit my broken teeth and I hunched over spitting out the water in a spray that covered the floor infront of me “aaaaaahhhhhhhhhoooooowww” I said in a raspy tone as to avoid yelling. “You ok sugercube?” Applejack asked me “Yeah it’s just one of twilights tests caused me to break a few teeth.” I said pulling back my lip to show them. They winced and Fluttershy Was surprisingly the first to get closer to take a better look. “Oh you poor poor little baby” I rolled my eyes at the comment choosing not to respond. She was starting to sound like my mother whenever I came home from a fight. “You should go to Colgates’s. She’s the best dentist in Equestria and can fix any tooth no matter what shape it’s in.” Fluttershy said backing away slightly “Is that right? I guess I should pay her a visit at some point”. The small talk continued for a while until Flash and Twilight entered the room. She was immediately surrounded by her apparent friends as they greeted her with smiles and laughing as they began idly chitchating amongst themselves. Flash walked up to me and I thought he was gonna pull out another pair of shackles. I sighed and held out my wrists to make it easier for him. But I was surprised as he just gave me a confused look. “What are you doing?” “Waiting for you to cuff me.” He instantly began chuckling “Oh relax I’m not here to take you away. I’m actually here on behalf of the staff and myself for your duel with blue blood” “You’re not mad that I fought a prince? Aren’t you supposed to throw me in the dungeon for something like that.” “What would give you that idea?” “I……. I dunno I just….sorta figured that was the case” “Well pretty much everypony on staff in Canterlot hates blueblood so we sort of favor those who will stand up to him. But we can’t even say anything to him or he’ll fire us.” “That has to be rough.” “You don’t know the half of it.” Twilight jumped in. “He whines more than rarity did when she was kidnapped by the diamond dogs.” “Diamond……dogs?” “Another sentient species. They actually walk on two legs like you though their legs are much smaller and they are far less intelligent.” She said giving me the cliff note version. Flash retook hold of the conversation “By the way where did you learn to fight like that?” “Like what?” “Well the royalty in equestrian are trained to fight at a young age to protect themselves in the unlikely event of them being attacked while unguarded, and are considered to be more powerful than the guards protecting them by the time they take their position in the government. So since you seemed to be on the same level as Blue Blood I’d have to assume you had some form of training” I shrugged “Well I’ve have never had any formal training but I have been self teaching myself for about three years.” “But obviously you excel in combat right?” “Honestly no. Granted I’ve won a bunch of fights between bullies at my school but if I fought a real pro fighter I’d probably be killed.” His jaw fell open as well “y-you mean to tell me you’re an amateur at fighting?” “Pretty much.” “You sure are full of surprises.” He said extending a hoof which I wrapped in my fingers giving him a firm hand shake. I seemed to be doing this alot A yawn escaped me as I looked down at my bare feet and then to rarity “Would it be possible for you to make a pair of shoes or flip flops along with the clothes?” I asked rarity once she and her friends had stopped chatting and once again had their eyes on me. She rubbed her front right hoof under her chin. “I suppose so but I’d have to take some measurements back at my boutique and what are…..flip-flops?” Oh yeah they don’t have toes “Whatever works for you is fine by me, and flip-flops are a type of footwear we have in my world.” After explaining what flip flops look like to Rarity, I adjusting my glasses and realized they had stayed on during the entire fight. I decided to save myself the headache and not think too much about it. ‘at least I still have them’ I thought with a sigh of relief. Twilight approached me “I Almost forgot. I brought you something.” she said as her horn glowed followed by a quick bright flash making me squint. I turned to look at where the light had originated from and in front of me was my bike. It was missing some pant and had quite a few dents and scratches but the rust had been removed and other then that it looked fine. Almost as fast as pinkie pie, I jumped out of bed and ran over to inspect the bike. I tested the gear clickers and found they functioned perfectly. There was absolutely no sign it had been submerged in water. I looked over at twilight with a smile “I had a hard time removing the rust and messed up the paint but as far as I can tell it should work just fine.” Clicking the gear shifters a few more times I turned my attention back to twilight. “It’s perfect thank you so much” I said kneeling down and giving her a quick hug only to find flash had a sword in his mouth and pointed at my throat “Oh yeah that’s right. I guess I haven’t won your trust yet” “Not quite yet. But you are getting there” “Good to know” I said releasing twilight and walked back over to my bike. “Oh and I also have some more papers from celestia” she said floating over a manila envelope with a wax emblem of a rising sun and a crescent moon. I took it in my hand shaking off the crystalizing magic. Rarity gasped and I explained that my body cancelled out magic to which she replied by fainting. Fluttershy took a few more steps back at hearing this, Applejack just tilted her head and raised an eyebrow while rainbow looked at me saying that I was some weird form of awesome. I moved to help Rarity but everypony said she was just being dramatic. After awhile she got up and acted like nothing happened and I opened up the envelope pulling out the papers inside. The papers were the deed to a property in a town called Ponyville………..’Seriously’ I mentally facepalmed at the clique name and rolled my eyes as I pulled out another paper which was information to something called a bit account. I figure it is their form of currency and pull out the last item which was a smaller envelope wich seemed to have something inside. I opened it and found a necklace with the same emblem as the wax seal did as well as a note which read To Mr Conner Nickerson. After the events with my nephew I have elected to provide you with this medallion for means of protection. The emblem it holds is the symbol my sister and I carry when visiting a foreign country and gives you the status of royalty. I advise you only show this in case of emergencies in order to avoid unnecessary attention. Sincerely Princess Celestia “Huh well that was nice of her.” I said unrolling the chain and placed it over my head and let it hang from my neck. The embroidery of the chain was a mix of gold and deep blue which I assumed represented the princesses but I still had yet to meet Celestia’s sister. Placing the documents back into the envelope and placedit iside my backpack. I pulled out my wallet and put my citizenship card into one of the slots behind my driver’s license. (just cuz i don’t have a car YET doesn’t mean I can’t have a licence) Twilight noticed it and walked closer “What’s that?” “oh my license. This is shows I have passed the requirements to drive a car. It would also be used to identify my body in case I was to die.” “Why wouldn’t they be able to identify your body?” The last comment obviously didn’t sit well with her. “Well because in my world it isn’t uncommon for a person’s body to be so mangled that you can’t tell who they are by looking at them and that mostly happens in car crashes.” “Why would you drive something that could do that to you?” She asked “It would only happen if I was careless besides I don’t have enough money to buy a car yet.” I decided to end the conversation and switch to a new topic. “So what now?” Smooth “Well I guess we should escort you to your new home. Celestia informed me that you will be staying in ponyville which is where Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and myself also live. This way you can have freedom but also be nearby me in case I need some more samples or decide to run more tests.” I was beginning to feel like a lab rat. “Huh how convenient.” I said as I swung my backpack over my shoulders and gripped the handle bars on my bike as I walked with the five mares and Flash through the halls of the castle. We were met with the rest of Twilight’s personal guard once we reached the outer gate. Making our way through town was…..interesting……my appearance had caused many dramatic reactions and looks of disgust but I decided to let it slide. Thankfully no one was throwing food at me yet but several ponies did approach Twilight asking if ‘the exotic ape was up for sale and how much they would need to pay’. I simply ignored that group of ponies and waved to the groups of children or foals that were staring at me with wonder and not judgment. That is one of the reasons I love kids, they have an unbiased view on life and are always receptive to new information that in turn shapes who they are as adults. I walked past the group of foals with my bike making the small clicking noises it always does when you pull it along side you, and through the streets until we reached the train station and Flash held up some papers to the Stallion behind the ticket counter and immediately several tickets were handed out. I started following the group but the ticket stallion halted us “um excuse me princess twilight I’m sorry but your pet here is going to have to ride I the animal car.” ‘Stay cool he is just ignorant’ I thought to myself before turning to the stallion “Look while I understand you are just doing your job I’m not her pet. I’m just a guy who is trying to get to his new home” my apparent ability to speak shocked the stallion. “o-o-oh m-my apologies sir I didn’t mean to offend you” I shrugged “Hey like I said you are just doing your job. No harm done” I said leaning down and patting him gently on his shoulder. We boarded the train as everypony seemed to scoot away from me.I was also so tall by pony standards that my head was actually bumping against the ceiling of the train car.So I just leaned my bike against the one side of the train and sat down in one of the surprisingly spacious seats as I heard somepony yell “All aboard who’s coming aboard.” thirty seconds later the train lurched forwards and I was on my way to my new place of residency.