Lost Highway: love, loss, faith and dreams

by Sorenthehero117

A short, but happy life

[Octavia didn't know how to feel as she had the phone to her head with Lewis on the other line]

"Hello Lewis. I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I saw what happened on the news, a-are you feeling alright?", she said as she slowly quivered. She awaited a response from him but only got silent, as she herself also remained mute. After 5 minutes of uncomfortable silence, Lewis finally spoke, but very briefly as he muttered "I guess you were right; I shouldn't have done this. Maybe I should have stayed home" before hanging up the phone rudely.

[Suddenly Octavia's eyes started to tear up as she remembered something she told him years before he dropped out of high school. Without knowing what to do, Octavia just put her phone down and grabbed her journal to begin writing again, as it was the best way she could calm herself down]

September 8, 2006

I didn't expect him to pick up his phone so quickly when I called him. Usually it takes around 3 or 10 seconds before somebody could grab their phone, look who it is and answer. Lewis seemed to just have his phone on his hand the whole time and didn't bother to check the number, cause he answered in just 1 second, which I'm not gonna lie, took me by surprise as I gave a little jump. "Hello? Who's this?", was the first thing he said before I got my head around it and talked back. "Hello Lewis, its me Octavia. Is it a bad time to call? If it is, I can try again later", I don't know why I said that. I guess I was still nervous to talk to him that I was looking for whatever excuse not to.

Then, almost as if he knew what I was thinking, he said this, "Look, I know you don't wanna talk to me. I get it, alright? You don't have to force yourself. I understand. I just figured you might wanna be friends or something, but I guess not. Have a nice night, Octavia". At first I didn't wanna talk to him because I was too nervous, but hearing him say those things, I don't know why I just couldn't help myself to hang up the phone. "WAIT! Don't leave. I really do wanna talk. Its nothing personal, its just... Well... I don't know. I've never been so nervous to talk to anybody", I quickly said hoping he hasn't hung up the phone by that point.

I really did wanna be friends with him, honest to-

[Before she could finish writing her sentence, her phone began to ring as she saw who it was and quickly answered]

"Hello?", she said awaiting a response. Like last time, there was a moment of silence, before one of them spoke. "Melody... Its me. Listen, I'm very sorry about what I said in our last call. You probably already know this, but-", he said before she interrupted him, which is odd because she wouldn't do that to anybody. She wasn't like that with anyone. "Don't, I understand. I saw all the reporters, I saw how they crashed into the funeral and... You kneeling down crying", she said slowly about to burst into tears as she has never seen Lewis cry or be in as much pain as he was there. "Melody, don't be sad. I really can't believe this happened. I should have been on that plane when it happened though. They didn't have to die alone", he said slowly and in massive pain. "No, no, no, Lewis, don't say such things. Being alive right now is nothing, but a miracle, and I'm very grateful that you're okay", she said trying to comfort him and trying to make him relax, but failed as he began crying while talking to her on the phone.

"Miracle? Melody, I believe in many things in this world, but if this is what passes off as a Miracle in this world, then I can't believe in such things anymore. I don't know what to do now. The record company just fired me since the band was no more, my manager quit on me and went to do coke with the money he stole from me, my best friends are dead, and now I have absolutely nothing. This wasn't a miracle; it was a punishment. For what? Trying to live my dream? Trying to be happy despite the backlash I endured during my childhood? What kind of miracle takes away everything you wanted and worked hard to get while also taking away the only friends you've ever had growing up? What kind?", he said screaming as he cried his eyes out knowing he had it all and lost it in a millisecond. Octavia didn't know what to say, as all she could do was hold her breath to try not to cry as she talked to him. Her whole world was slowly falling apart as her only friend in the world suffered and she couldn't do anything about it.

"M-Melody? Are you still there?", he said not knowing what to say either. He sighed softly before he continued speaking, be it to himself or to Octavia if she was still listening. "I don't know what to do Melody. I really don't. I don't know wether to give up and call it quits to some ridiculous dream. I don't know wether to bite the bullet and find some other people to continue the band's reputation. I don't know what to do anymore. I really don't... You're the only one in my life right now... I know its probably asking too much... But... Tell me what to do Melody... Please help me", was all he said before he hung up the phone and Octavia, now alone, was free to burst into tears and cry.

[Octavia is seen crying as she wanted to help Lewis, but even she didn't know what to do. She was scared for his sake, and wanted to help put his life back on track, but she didn't know how or what to do. Stressed and upset toward the situation, all Octavia could do before rushing to sleep was finish the entry on her journal, which she kept to write down all the moments she spent with Lewis prior to what happened today]

I really did wanna be friends with him, honest to God I did. I was nervous, but maybe spending one day with him could prove otherwise. So I asked him if he wanted to spend his saturday with me and we could talk and learn more about our musical tastes. He happily said yes, and we both hung up. Needless to say, I was happy. I just wish i could know if he was as well.

[As she finished her last sentence, Octavia sat her journal down and got up to take a shower. Slowly as each piece of her clothing hit the floor, Octavia stood up as the water began to rush through her body, cleansing her spirit as well while she thought to herself]

Mmmm The water feels so good tonight. I wonder if Lewis ever plans on coming back home. If he doesn't have a place to stay, maybe he can live here until he does. Oh, why am I saying this? I'm sure he has somewhere to be... But still it wouldn't hurt if he asked.

[she looked at herself in the mirror as she began to dry herself up and noticed something familiar: A purple tattoo of a musical note on each of her shoulders. She gave a soft blush as she looked at each individually as she remembered how she got them and giggled]

Oh gosh, I can't believe he actually talked me into getting these. He's right though, they do look pretty on me.

[Octavia blushed as she went to bed dropping her towel down on the floor and she laid in bed undressed and drifted off to sleep]