The Unknown Fighters

by Unknown Light

Chapter One: The Dream

I was in a dark cave not knowing how i got here, but for some reason this cave felt familiar like I had been here before for a long time. I wondered this cave being wary of everything for who knows what could be in here when I heard a voice echo through it. "Hello, is someone there?" I cried out. There was no response except for thuds growing louder and louder coming in my direction. Frightened, I ran away from them as fast as I could, I wouldn't dare trying to fly in this small cave for fear of slamming into a wall. As i ran i could hear the thuds getting louder and louder, my heart started pounding with a hard force like it was trying to jump out of my chest. Just as the thuds sounded like they were right behind me I could see a light coming from around a corner, as I made a final push for the light I slammed into something hard and cold and was knocked back and lost conciseness. I woke up with my vision blurred, I started looking around when it cleared up, I was still in the cave and behind me was what looked like a giant slab of metal with a straight crack down the middle of it. I started to knock on the door, "Hello, is anypony in there, I could use some help." There was no answer so I started looking around for a switch or something that could hopefully open it, when I heard what sounded like gears moving. I looked back at the door to find it moving slowly and a bright light piercing through it. Could this be the way out I though until a cold chill ran down my spine. I turned around slowly to find a large black figure standing in front of me."Who are you, what do you want!" I screamed out. As I started slowly moving back the figure started moving towards me. It reached out to grab me until I lost my footing and fell into the light.

I woke up as I slammed into the floor of my bedroom. Out of breath, I started looking around glad that it was only a dream. But what bugged me most was why I was having this dream for the past two weeks and why did it feel so familiar like I had been there before. I got up and stretched and headed downstairs to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to find an ordinary pegasus with a light tan colored skin, black mane, and brown eyes with a cutie mark I had no clue how I got, what was strange about it was it had nothing to do with my natural talent of science and mechanics, instead it was a shield with a strange symbol on it. I got ready like any other day, put on my lab coat and headed out to the cafe for breakfast, but for some reason this day didn't feel like the rest, it felt like something was going to happen today. Something important, then I got the feeling I was being watched. But by who and why?