//------------------------------// // Calm Before the Storm // Story: Prophecies and Poems of Equestria // by LesserSpottedBrony //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie bounced around the room in a typically Pinkie Pie fashion. "Poetry! I love poetry, because poetry is like songs and songs are one of my most favouritest things except for chocolate and candy and cakes and - " "Calm down, Pinkie! We won't be able to read on if you keep talking, and besides, 'favouritest' is not a word." Twilight said firmly to her hyper friend. "Oh. Okey-dokey!" The pink pony settled down and sat back on her chair. Twilight opened the book and glanced at the title of the next chapter. "Woah! This part is by Starswirl the Bearded!" "Right. And who exactly is that, may Ah ask?" Applejack questioned. "He's the pony I dressed up as for Nightmare Night! Did anypony other than Princess Luna recognise the costume?" Sighed Twilight, exasperated. "Huh? I thought you were a weirdo clown!" Added Pinkie. "Never mind all that, let's get on with reading the book shall we?" Rarity interjected. "Good idea." The Unabridged Observations of Starswirl the Bearded The prophetic spell I that I devised has been a success. What I saw was quite remarkable, and although it does not concern my own future, I believe it may be an important revelation for all of Equestria. After the release of Nightmare Moon If Harmony is to rise again All hope must lie with one unicorn Then once more sun and moon shall reign. This is the template of most prophecies; extremely vague but as meaningful as possible. However, in case a time of great need arises and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony cannot be found, I wish to be detailed in my description of the events yet to take place. On the thousandth year of the summer solstice Nightmare Moon will escape from her prison And once more bring eternal night Before the sun has risen. One unicorn, with a lilac coat Will vow to defeat this evil foe And so to a library within a tree trunk To consult her books she will go. But five ponies follow her, curious To discover what the purple mare knew They read the story of the Elements Then to harmony they will vow to be true. So they will set off to the forest To find the castle where the Elements lie But the Nightmare will be there at every turn Attempting to set them awry. Each pony will face their own trial To test the virtues that they possess But I have not seen what the challenges are So what they will be I must guess. The ponies will each win over The hardships that will stand in their way And so they will come to the ruined castle And in doing so, hope to bring day. The lilac unicorn with magic so strong Will try to ignite a spark But Nightmare Moon will smash the Elements As she fights to keep hold of the dark. Realization will come to the ponies That they bear the jewels of peace A rainbow of light will crash down on the nightmare And the darkness will once again cease. Of course, I have no knowledge of whether these events will actually occur. Everything I saw may have been a fabrication, and I believe that if this prophecy comes true, it will not be in my lifetime. My vision was certainly interesting to witness, however, the spell used in the creation of these predictions is highly complex and far too lengthy to be used purely for entertainment. No, such magic must be taken seriously, and only performed by the most capable of unicorns. Therefore, I will add my musings to this book, 'Prophecies and Poems of Equestria', then re-seal it with the spell inside. Only a powerful unicorn will be able to find it. Before I do so, however, I will provide an accurate description of the ponies that are to become the bearers of theElements of Harmony: First, an earth pony of laughter Her coat and her mane are bright pink With three yellow and blue balloons on her flank She somehow defies physics, I think. Then another earth pony, honesty She wears a brown cowpony hat Three apples she has on her orange coat And her mane is tied up in a plait. Next is loyal blue pegasus Her mane rainbow coloured and long The cloud on her flank shoots a lightning bolt down With three colours bold and strong. After that is a generous unicorn With a purple mane styled so well She has a cutie mark of three diamonds blue And her white horn ready for a spell. Then comes a shy, kind pegasus With a pink mane and yellow coat She cares for animals great and small So on her flank, pink butterflies float. Lastly, the Element of magic A lilac, blue-maned unicorn Her cutie mark is a magenta star And great power comes from her horn. "I can't believe Starswirl the Bearded actually KNEW about me!" Twilight was jumping three feet off the ground, more Pinkie's thing than anypony else's. "Calm down, sugarcube. Ah'm sure lots of ponies predicted er...predictions about you. After all, you are the Element of Magic." Applejack attempted to settle the hyper unicorn. "Oooooh this is exciting!" A certain pink pony started, "The wizardy guy saw all of us in the future! Well, it's really the past for us but for him it was the future so it must have been really amazing for him that he could see things that hadn't happened yet and he could use all sorts of magical magic to activate that spell that let him predict stuff and - " "PINKIE!" Everypony else shouted simultaneously. "Whoops! Sorry, I wasn't using enough full stops or commas! Never mind, I'll get better at writing my dialogue next time!" Pinkie Pie sang. "What in Equestria is she talking about?" Asked Rarity. "Oh...um, I'm sure it's just Pinkie being Pinkie." Fluttershy explained to the very confused fashionista. Spike brought some lemonade to the table where the ponies were seated. It was a hot and humid day, and all the windows were open to allow air into the library. "Ah sure hope the pegasi get the storm to break soon. It can't stay this hot, all the leaves on mah apple trees are gonna wilt before long." Commented Applejack. "You're right. And that also means that Rainbow Dash will be free tomorrow. We can invite her over to finish the last of the poems...wait a minute!" Twilight gasped, turning the pages of the book. "After Starswirl's entry, there's nothing else! All these pages are blank!"