The Story of Sun Drifter

by SunDrifter

The Beginning

The Beginning

Chapter 1

Sun Drifter is a pegasus pony and was raised as a weather pony. He had a shiny coat that was as blue as the skies he flew in, his gleaming eyes are a sparkling shade of periwinkle and his shimmering mane were a green and light purple glow of color.

His job is to clear the clouds that didn’t belong in the western sky. There was a problem with that job though. Sun Drifter liked the clouds and loved how soft they were. Like any other pegasus, he could lie on any cloud. There was something special about the western clouds though, something that had him trying to keep them around.

Whenever it came time to clear the clouds, he would attempt to keep a small cloud aside. Just so that he could relax on later. Most of the time the other pegasus ponies would see the cloud and stomp it out before Sun Drifter could stop them. When he finally managed to hide a cloud for the first time since he had started, he laid on it for hours.

The soft tuffs of clouds against his coat felt so nice, so relaxing, and so perfect. The cloud followed a drift in the wind and drifting into the perfect sunset that always tended to have a hint of cloud in front of it. There was something different about this sunset though. He suddenly felt compelled to fly out and look at the sun.

It was the most beautiful sunset he had ever laid his eyes upon. The sun was a fall orange with a glistening sparkle of white, given off by the clouds. When Sun Drifter saw this, his cutie mark appeared. It was a cloud drifting in front of a sun. He assumed it was because of him saving that cloud, the cloud that shaped the sky for a perfect sunset. Every evening since, he set the clouds up just right to cause a perfect sunset every night with clouds from where he had worked.

6 years later

Sun Drifter was the pony that always loved to help his friends no matter the problems that they had. He was the one that everypony could rely on to help them when they were in need of help. If it would be emotional or physical pain, he had the shoulder that everypony could cry on. The sad part about all of this is he didn't have a shoulder to cry on when he needed it. All Sun Drifter had was his cloud to cry on.

Him being the thoughtful pony he was, he always did his best to keep at a distance to where others wouldn't be disturbed by his crying. Most of the time, he would have to stomp out his cloud because too much water had built up inside of it from his crying. These clouds were the same clouds he had saved from his work. Now instead of the weather team kicking them out, he had to be the one to destroy them.

The amount of cloud he had to use dwindled swiftly, due to how much he cried. This eventually came to the point to where he couldn't see the sunset that he set up every night. He didn't live near where he had made the sunset and he had no place to lie down and watch without a cloud. All he was able to do was fly in place for a few minutes to observe his work, but it wasn't very comfortable.

While everypony would sit in awe of his work while having no clue he was the one who causes it, he would walk around in the park pondering why he had the only shoulder to cry on. Why was he alone? Sun Drifter never could find an answer. He helped pony after pony with their problems and they continue with their lives. Not one of them thought to support Sun or to even be his friend. He was just a counselor to them. He was alone day after day and night after night, making beautiful sunsets for everypony. This had been his life for years. The continuous routine of him setting up the clouds and while everypony watched his work fade, he would sit and cry in the park.

One night while he was crying on a park bench, a pony over heard him and flew over. She nudged him slightly on the side. Sun Drifter poked his head up slowly and looked at the pony. He immediately knew who she was. It was a mare who he had a crush on. The pony who nudged him was sapphire grey a pegasus pony none other than Ditzy Doo or better known as Derpy Hooves around Ponyville. The main thing that alerted him that it was her was her crossed eyes, her beautiful warm green apple eyes.

A few seconds after looking, Ditzy broke the silence with a question. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

Sun Drifter was caught off guard, not knowing how to respond. He was never asked this question before. Ditzy broke the silence by saying “Don't worry. I can see what’s wrong. You need somepony to talk to and a shoulder to cry on. I’ve been there and never really knew what to do. I just became use to it; my eyes kind of weird others out. I’m starting to ramble. Come here. You need a hug.”

Sun didn't do anything for a few seconds and just looked at her in bewilderment. He soon after hugged Ditzy with waterfalls of tears coming from his eyes as she wrapped her wings around Sun. “It’s all okay now. I’m here now and I promise never to leave you alone to cry.” Sun never knew this feeling before. This was the feeling of acceptance. He wasn’t alone anymore; finally he had a true friend.

After that night, he could sit on his cloud and watch his creation set behind the hills. Not one tear fell that night as he watched his art piece for the first time in years. Finally after years of crying and despair, years of pain, all of those years of the same routine had finally been broken.

As Sun Drifter was flying from work, he decided to ask Ditzy if she would like to come and watch him set up the clouds. No pony knew that he was the pony who set up the sunsets every evening so she was kind of skeptical. She agreed to her new friends request though.

Ditzy Doo and Sun Drifter met at the park where they had originally met then headed to the western field. Sun Drifter brought a cloud for Ditzy to rest on as he worked.

While Sun Drifter was setting the clouds into place with almost perfect precision, Ditzy sat on the cloud in awe as every other pony does each night. She was in awe for a different reason though. She was curious why somepony like Sun Drifter was all alone.

Ditzy whispered to herself “He makes something so beautiful and has the sweetest heart. How could he ever do anything to feel all that pain in him? If he creates something this beautiful every night for everypony, why is he alone? He never did tell me why he was all sad and stuff. Well, I didn't ask him either. I should ask him. Not now though. I don't want to ruin this night.”

As soon as he finished, he joined Ditzy on the cloud she had been resting on. She sat there just admiring the artwork Sun had created. Sun broke the silence this time telling Ditzy “There is still one cloud that needs to be put out. Would you like to set it up? It’s the least I could do for you.”

Ditzy, in a confused state, asked him “I’m going to need some help on where to put it.”

Sun nodded and carefully instructed her on where to position the final cloud. Once the cloud was placed just right, Ditzy rejoined Sun on the small cloud that they had been sharing.

Ditzy Doo’s curiosity got the better of her and she asked him soon asked him why he does this for everypony. Sun answered her question with ease in a sweet and thoughtful tone “I do this so everyone can enjoy their evening to the best of their ability. So they can share an evening picnic with the friends or even their special some pony. Simply so they have something to look forward to every night. It just feels amazing to be the one to create this. I love to bring a warm feeling in everyponies heart when they see this. Who knows, it may be as warm as Celestia’s sun. ”

Ditzy showed a small blush with smile on her face as she looked at Sun. He said it with such joy and so much compassion. He was just so different. It’s not every day when you meet a pony as sweet and thoughtful as Sun Drifter.

He was too occupied on the sunset they had worked so hard on together to notice Ditzy's sweet and innocent expression on her face. Sun thought to himself “I’m so happy I’m not alone anymore. I’m not sure how she feels about this; how she feels about me. I hope Ditzy is enjoying this. I know I am.”

As he finished his thought, he turned to see Ditzy looking at him with the cutest expression. “You have some of the most beautiful eyes you know. They are different and suit you perfectly.” Sun Drifter said to the blushing mare.

“D’awwwwwww. Okay, that was cute. You’re making me blush.” Said Ditzy as she became flushed red.

“I hope that’s not a bad thing.” Sun replied.
“Not at the least.” The flattered mare chuckled.

They shared a laugh then turned to watch the sunset set over the west hills. Ditzy laid her head on Sun Drifter’s shoulder and smiled. Sun Drifter was overjoyed with the evening. He finally got to watch his sunset, have a friend and most important to the both of them, he was finally happy.

That evening, Ditzy gave Sun the very thing he needed to be happy, a great and loving friend. Sun was as happy as anypony could ever hope to be. He was with the mare who he hoped would turn from a friend into a relationship of pure love. The two ponies, Sun Drifter and Ditzy Doo, shared the rest of the evening chatting and admiring the beautiful sunset they created, together.