My Little Forumites are Magic

by Mx Story Anomalax

Prism and Sleuth

Impy-looking Rocs controlled the air-space for the most part. That was, until Rainbow Dash came zooming out to take care of the overgrowth. She had rainbow blades on her wings, cutting through enemies as she went fast, occasionally shooting a breath of air at an enemy to confuse/disorient and occasionally cripple her enemies. She was a knight of breath, and over the course of a year, she had grown a little, especially the look in her eyes. She seemed more intelligent, and more balanced - having taken on the attributes normally obtained by war vets. Her calmness and calculations were quick and precise, using the constantly changing wind on her planet to swirl around, do tricks while taking out her enemies. It had always been fun, and it was something she did to pass the time. Her land was the land of clouds and castles - the castles which often held pink turtles, often making her think of Tank - and just as often missing him. It got to the point where she missed him so much - not to mention her home and friends - that she would often get moving, sometimes dampening the pain by reading a good book. Speed never got old, and she loved it as much as she did in Equestria. But she had taken some time to read some of the books, learning some things that were hard to accept for awhile. She had been waiting for her friends to enter the medium, but she knew just as well that it was going to be null due to the fact she had died. She wasn't supposed to die. But she did. It angered her that through a variety of means, they had been tricked, and they were on their way to a loss. Rainbow Dash hated losing, and every time she thought about it she closed her eyes tightly and flew faster, taking out as many enemies as she could. Her breath powers weren't that powerful yet - especially because she liked to rely on the natural breath and wind to carry her instead of carrying herself. Flying with the game's system wasn't as fun as flying on her own. She had on the clothing of a knight of breath; although there were no pants; although the cape covered her flank. She always had the hood off, not liking the way it looked on her - it just wasn't cool enough.

Rainbow Dash felt someone coming up beside her and took a glance. It was Selcouth, collecting the simple grist that was dropped. He had also been the one to make Rainbow's blades - using his compact, portable alchemization machine. Rainbow Dash greeted him. Selcouth wore the clothing of a knight of mind. He had shown her a fraction of her powers in order to get her to agree to dying in her quest stable. His most common mind usage was blocking dangerous thoughts and dangerous plans from the enemy's mind. It worked best on underlings, and he was still training himself. When Selcouth, an ex-treasure hunter and current coach, came to this medium following the maps with cracked pieces of reality, he had decided to help her out, confused that there had been only one planet, and that Rainbow Dash had no gates despite the fact she was in the game and her planet was spaced properly from Skaia.

Rainbow Dash had awakened on Prospit after she had died, and quickly explored, shedding her lame dreamself clothing. She had talked to various prospitians to figure out where she was and why she was here, and got answers over a period of time, one of those answers directing her to her planet. The food here was terrible.

When Selcouth had found RD, he'd almost immediately taken her under his wing, while at the same time poking fun at her name - Rainbow Dash doing the same thing to him. The name-amusement was mutual, and often hearing the name would send RD into a fit of laughter. Something that never changed. The same thing applied to Selcouth. Because of this, in order to get things done, they had decided to stop calling each other by name and made nicknames for themselves. Selcouth had become Sleuth and RD had become Prism. Both were still somewhat silly, but they liked the names.

Sleuth got closer to Prism and he shouted over the wind to her, telling her that the time was coming. Prism had been looking forward to this after the first time she saw the battlefield, as simple as it had been then. The clouds had shown her things that the others had done occasionally and were going to do, and she loved the eclipses - staying in her Prospit room to watch them. The images were always cool; although now she knew that most of those visions had been of the alpha timeline, and due to that, things were significantly different - or likely to be significantly different. Prism knew there was something going on, but didn't know who was behind it yet. It confused her and angered her, using that motivation to get moving. She'd had to give up on her dreams, but she had a new one now. One that involved power and protection. She was still a soldier at heart, always going in the direction of her heart.