//------------------------------// // Chapter 10: Bolt Tornado // Story: Equestria Quest // by Iwano Imagination //------------------------------// So that was what Pinkie Pie’s Pinkie Sense was telling us. I was running out of time, sort of. I really needed to wake up, but I was still unconscious and unaware of where I was. All I felt was softness on my back. Was I lying on bed? Was in a hospital or some sort of clinic in the academy? I really wanted to wake up and finish this competition and become influenced with Loyalty against my Faithlessness. What was happened? Oh, I fell to the pavement from my subtle exhaustion and difficulty of breathing. Eeyup, I should have told Rainbow Dash or Spitfire that I had asthma—I had asthma in Reality, too. Whatever, I needed to get up and maybe restart my turn for the Talent Phase. I opened my eyes, sight blurry for a second and saw everything around me. I raise my head to my new surroundings. I was in a room alone lying on my bed. The room was just plain blue. I had a table on my left side of my bed, and on it was a letter. I levitated it with my magic and read it— Dear Iwano, Yeah, your crash was really, really bad. So the medical team bandaged your head and all, and you've been sleeping for awhile now. If you’re reading this and you’re awake, you gotta get your hooves and wings ready ‘cause you’re missing a lot of action. Gilda and Spitfire became top fliers now that you’re out of the way…but not for long. Get well fast and get on it!!! Your cool coach, Rainbow Dash the Awesome Pegasus of Equestria PS: Twilight said you like letters, so she nagged me to do this. While I was reading the letter, I part chuckled, part scowled in one of the parts Rainbow Dash wrote. Did she write it herself? Her voice echoed and hollered in my mind when I read the words. She was right; I needed to get up right now. I didn't wanna disappoint my coach! I have bandages? I thought. I touched my head and I felt the bandage wrapped on my head firmly. Was I bleeding when I hit the pavement? I didn't wanna know. What mattered was right now, I needed to get up and get back. I stood out of my bed, feeling a bit wobbly but well, I thought, and walked towards the door. I was about to reach out for it when somepony else opened it and came in. She sighed in relief when she saw me—her smile melted my heart a bit, but I wasn't in love with her. Wait, how does Twilight know I loved letters and messages? Had she looked into my personal stuff in my saddlebag? I decided that thought should be set aside far away from my mind. “I’m glad you’re awake!” Lightning Dust said. She was still wearing her Wonderbolts uniform. Why was she here? “How’re you feeling now?” Wait, she wasn't supposed to show little concern for others, but it looked like she was really concern for me. Nah, I'd never mind that. “A bit dizzy,” I replied as I went back to bed and sat down, and then I thought of Lyra Heartstrings. “Am I out of the competition due to my injury?” “Your injury was healed two hours ago and you slept for another two. You were just temporarily out until you’re awake, Iwano.” Four hours. I glanced at my watch and it was 4:47 PM. I bet the other competitors were done with other parts of the competition. “Anyways, you need to get up right now for part two: Tag Phase. I think that’s the name, but I think they changed it. Let me unwrap that bandage for you.” She carefully untied my bandages. As she did that, I felt hot air breathing from her nose. Was she blushing or had a fever? I stared at her eyes, hoping she would have contact with me. While her eyes were focused on untying, my eyes were able to contact hers. She suddenly fumbled my bandages and fazed. She blinked. “Do you mind?” Lightning Dust asked. “Why are you starin' at me like that?” I smiled calmly. “It’s just that I was wondering what your reaction was when I stood up for you when the other competitors objected about your ‘fright show’, Lightning Dust.” “Uh—uh, uh, uh, uh…” she replied with a stutter. “I—I was happy. Yeah! I was happy—that you stood up for me. Yeah, stood up for me.” She was now done untying my bandages and dropped them to the floor. “Why are you asking that?” “Your breathing was hot,” I replied. She tried to walk away a few inches, then she gotten her hind hooves tangled up by my bandages that she fell towards me. She was about to trip on her back. “Woah!” I caught her, pulled her and we fell down together on my bed—eye to eye, muzzle to muzzle. She was right on top of me! We stared at each for a few minutes when Rainbow Dash came in and said, “Lightning Dust, I was supposed to monitor Iwano’s condition and not you! What’re you doing—Iwano?” She paused. Lightning Dust and I turned our heads on Rainbow Dash, flailed each other down to the floor and got our hoofing. Lightning Dust was fixing her mane and I was rubbing my head if it was still hurt. We gave an unnerving smile. “…Okay. I’ll pretend I didn’t see that. Anyways LD, get out!” Lightning Dust scowled, and left Rainbow Dash and I alone. “So Iwano,” Rainbow Dash said. “Your skull really cracked like an egg, since you’re an egghead, dude.” She chuckled. That pony, I grimly thought. “But really, it was actually severe according to the x-ray and we all thought you were dead, but you sort of healed yourself all of a sudden. Your magic?” I healed myself? I dead in a world meant that I would become a ghost or in rare cases never exist there. But how was I able to heal my cracked skull? I guessed being a very powerful Leader as an Alicorn in Equestria must have had many advantages, such as automatic repair of my head. I would like to just thanked myself—my magic or horn—in healing me. “Well?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Uh, yeah,” I replied, a bit hesitant. “Being the ruler of Imaginundia and all, my magic’s way more powerful than Twilight’s—maybe even more than Celestia and Luna’s!” “Uh-huh.” I bet she knew I was lying, which I wasn’t, maybe. “Since you’re back in shape, we gotta get back to the Bolt Wing.” “Okay, I’m—what do you mean ‘we’, Rainbow Dash?” I asked. “First of all, phase two is called the ‘Under Wing’ which we coaches will be partnering with our students in finding six flags—ugh, what’s up with the number six?—and we will be given a score depending on teamwork, speed and technique,” she answered. “And second, just please call me RD.” And after that, she gestured me to follow her, obviously back to the competition of course. We both exited my room and she told me I was in the medic building. While walking through a hall leading to the exit, Rainbow Dash was mumbling under her breath. All I heard from her was “Lightning Dust”, “bed”, “mushy” and “me”. What was she talking about? Was she upset ‘cause Lightning Dust was with me, or that she was lying down on me? The three first words I heard from her I could define, but what was the last one? I had to admit, but Lightning Dust doing that was pretty great—a little great, I meant. And maybe because of that, Rainbow Dash was mad—at me. I really didn’t like being hated because that was going to affect my feelings. After Rainbow Dash mumbling, scowling and becoming upset, I was a silent. Angered or upset people/ponies frightened me. Maybe I should do something about it. “I don’t really like calling you by any nickname, Rainbow Dash,” I finally said. “Why?” she asked irritatingly. “I used to love calling my friends by nickname back home,” I answered. “But since I’m new here, I wish to call all of you ponies by full name.” “What about Twilight? Why won’t you call her with Sparkle?” I hesitated to answer and replied, “Uh, ‘cause her name’s right for me.” “…Right. Well, I wanna know: how do you know so much about us and the adventures we had? It’s totally creeping me and maybe my friends out.” “Well, Pinkie Pie isn’t even creeping out of me and, well, maybe you ponies are so well-known for your salvation of many things that stories and rumors have stretched far and wide in Equestria that it even reached my kingdom.” “Were there any rumors that I was said to be really awesome?” she asked. “Yes. I have to admit, but you’re an awesome coach, Rainbow Dash.” She froze with an unnerved smile. “R-really?” “Yes, you are awesome. Shall we keep going?” She shook her head, as if to shake something out of her mind. “Yeah, Iwano, do you like me even if I tried and planned to humiliate you in front of everypony in Equestria in the first place?” To be honest, I was developing more contempt on her for that but I must always forgive thy enemies—also annoying and brash pegasi. “Yes, Rainbow Dash. Let’s just do this together, alright?” Wait a minute, I thought. I gave out look of skepticism “Anything wrong, green wing?” she asked. Great, I thought disdainfully. My very own nickname. It sounded like a cool name to me, though. “What was my score? Was it a default?” I asked. She bit her lips. “Uh, are you sure you wanna—” “Yes I want to! Please tell me!” I begged as I zoomed near her. “Are you sure?” she asked again. “Yeah, come on!” “Are you sure?” she repeated. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. “Yes. Again, yes.” “Are you sure?” “Yes.” “Are you sure?” “Yeah!” “Are you really sure?” “Yes.” “Are you really, really, really sure?” “Yes and yes!” “Are you really, really, really, really, really, really sure, with no second thoughts or anything?” “YES!” I answered in frustration, ruffling my mane. “It was 4.” My mouth dropped. 4…4?! Twilight and her friends simultaneously asked me questions of my fall and “injury” once Rainbow Dash and I came to them. Twilight was intrigued of my regeneration that she almost doubted that it was magic. Rarity was sobbing tears of joy when she saw me and hugged me tightly, which made Rainbow Dash giggled and Spike jealous. “I’m fine, Rarity,” I reassured and gasped for air as she let go of me. “I’m not de—” Applejack stuck an apple on my mouth. I knew what to do. I ate it quick and spat out the apple core. Applejack rubbed her head in question of my appetite. “Thanks for the apple, Applejack. Now,” I turned to Rainbow Dash. “I think I don’t need any training for the next part of the competition.” She took a swig of apple juice from a cup she was holding. “That’s what I thought of too since you are a capable flier. We’ll just be waiting for a few more minutes before the Spitfire’s whistle blows—” As she said it, a whistle blared. “That’s our cue! My number’s the same as yours and come on!” She flew and pulled my tail as we were on our way to the assembly. “Bye Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike and Applejack! Cheer me on!” I said. “Just call them by nickname,” Rainbow Dash murmured. When we arrived to the assembly, I tossed my head around. Where’re they? I thought. I was looking for Lightning Dust and Gilda with their coach partners. There were a lot of pegasi with their coaches that I couldn’t name them all. I was pretty ticked off when my score was 4. Spitfire probably didn’t accept retries. Being in abeyance was a total drab that I was missing things! I then thought of sending a letter to Celestia, messaging her that everything was alright, so I asked Rainbow Dash and asked, “Can I get to the restroom? I’ll be quick!” “Sure,” she replied. “Just take—” I took off and quickly found a restroom next to a building. “That’s why you’re a capable flier, Iwano.” She smiled. Once I was in, I realized that I’d forgotten that my saddlebag was still with Twilight—I hoped she didn’t looked was within it. My second option was that I conjured a quill that inks its tip automatically and a paper. I then used my magic to held up the paper and quill, and wrote along fast— Dear Celestia, Everything was alright with me with Twilight and her friends…sort of. On my first day, I slept with Applejack. To be honest, she barely influenced me with any of her Honesty, so I’m planning to take a retry if I get the chance. My Dissonance—Deceitfulness—slipped out of my grasp and ate the Sweet Apple Acres’ orchard’s apples, but I was able to fix everything. On the second day was Rarity—Generosity. We were mining for gems and she reminded me of how to give, probably from the heart or mines. I also gave her a special diadem and a song. Was that sweet or romantic? Ugh, I don’t want any romance! But you can say she was able to influence me. Today is the third day, and I’m with Rainbow Dash for Loyalty. She entered me in the Bolt Wing Competition. Initially, she was supposed to humiliate me in front of the Wonderbolts, fliers, audience and even the whole of Equestria, but when she saw one of my opponents, she was just all good as a coach. I’ll be sending you more letters to you of my progress. Sincerely the Imaginundian ruler, Iwano Imagination I used my magic to disappear my quill, rolled the paper, and breathed green fire unto it, turned it into ashes and they blew into the air as I opened the restroom’s door. I practiced that trick while I was preparing myself in IW for Equestria, just in case my communication with Cynthia would become limited. “Time to get back,” I said to myself. “Wonder what kind of letter Celestia would reply back.” I was in the nick of time as I arrived to Rainbow Dash when Spitfire showed herself to us as she was aloft with her two escorts. “I hoped all of you worked some chemistry with each other, ‘cause all of you are going to break your necks for this next phase—the Under Wing! All your coaches knew this next phase and probably told all of you about it. Now, you all got ten minutes to warm up!” Everypony then broke into strategizing, exercising, and had conversations for the Under Wing. “We’re not gonna talk about anything of course,” Rainbow Dash told me. “You already knew what to do.” She was right, even if she didn’t told me the rules I really did know what to do. As a wimp and very obedient to my school teachers in Reality, I could easily follow instructions and knew what to do. I was an anticipating and participating type of pony, you know? We weren’t doing anything at all. We were just looking at things. I saw Derpy with Snowflake exchanging YEAHS! to each other—she was wall-eyed and pretty annoying to me that I scowled. Airheart was doing pushups by Fire Streak’s command. Oh, maybe I should find the other competitors with their coaches, I thought. That way I could pass the time and get attacked by boredom. I glanced at Rainbow Dash and sure enough, she was bored as she yawned. Seven minutes later, I was able to identify every duo (Contestant - Coach) (I would also had to describe the coat, mane and eye colors of the coaches) 1. Rainbowshine - Wave Chill (His coat was steel blue, his mane was dark purplish blue, and so as his eyes were too) 2. Parasol - Midnight Strike (Her coat was very dark gray, her mane was very dark gray with light brilliant amber streaks, and her eyes were dark grayish vermilion) 3. Derpy Hooves - Snowflake (His coat was light gray, his mane was light amber, and his eyes were vivid red) 4. Cloud Kicker - Surprise (Her coat was white, her mane was yellow, and so as her eyes were too) 5. Gilda - ? 6. Dizzy Twister – Blaze (Her coat was golden yellow, her mane was orange, and so as her eyes were too) 7. Lightning Bolt - Misty Fly (Her coat was light yellow, her mane was blue with a light streak, and her eyes were too) 8. Merry May - Silver Lining (His coat was grey, his mane was light grey with white streaks, and his eyes were grey too) 9. Lightning Dust - Spitfire (Her coat was light brilliant gold, her mane was light brilliant orange with light brilliant amber streaks, and her eyes were brilliant orange) 10. Iwano Imagination - Rainbow Dash (I didn’t really need to) 11. Raindrops - Lime Jelly (Her coat was lime green, her mane was purple, and her eyes were light blue) 12. Sassaflash - Pizzelle (Her coat was cream colored, mane was yellow, and her eyes were green) 13. Sprinkle Medley - Honey Rays (Her coat was pink, her mane was yellow, and her eyes were orange) 14. Blossomforth - Sightseer (His coat was light grey, his mane was persian blue with light streaks, and his eyes were light green) 15. Flitter - Lightning Streak (His coat was light blue, his mane was light amber with pale amber streaks, and his eyes were amber) 16. Cloudchaser - Electric Blue (Her coat was light blue, her mane was pink, and her eyes were orange) 17. Wild Fire - Wild Flower (Her coat was pale, light grayish crimson, her mane was tan, and her eyes were blue) 18. Airheart - Lavender Skies (Her coat was cream colored, her mane was lilac, and her eyes were pink) 19. April Showers - Tropical Storm (Her coat was light green, her mane was pink, and her eyes were brilliant amber) 20. Milky Way - Rain Dance (Her coat was pale gold, her mane was pink, and her eyes were light blue) 21. Opal Water - Soarin (His coat was 22. Prism Glider - Rainbow Drop (Her coat was blue violet, her mane was light orchid, and her eyes were orchid) 23. Silverwing - Dust Devil (Her coat was greenish gray, her mane was brownish gray, and her eyes were purple) 24. Thunderlane - High Winds (Her coat was white, her mane was dark blue with lighter blue streaks, and her eyes were dark blue) 25. Blue Skies - Chocolate Blueberry (Her coat was sky blue, and her mane was brown, and her eyes were orange) 26. Drizzle - Grape Soda (Her coat was purple, her mane was ivory, and her eyes were yellow) 27. Great Scott - Q. T. Prism (Her coat was white, her mane was periwinkle, and her eyes were light periwinkle) 28. Serenity – Silverspeed (Her coat was gray, her mane was silver, and her eyes were purple) I noticed that some of the coaches were the participants of the Winter Wrap Up and the fliers from the Hurricane Fluttershy episode. Cloud Kicker told me they volunteered mostly because they thought they’d be popular, while others were humble to fill in or experience the intense fun. Thunderlane admitted in our group conversation with the other background ponies that he didn’t want any part of this, and he’d rather stayed home and sleep. The reason why he was here was because High Winds carried him all the way from his home to here on a cloud while Thunderlane was asleep. I guessed he was lazy also in some fun activities. My curious side suddenly nagged me about what Rainbow Dash was mumbling about when we were about to exit the medic building. What could make me anxious was people/ponies thinking about me, ‘cause I get insecure about it. I bitten my lips to keep me from asking, thought that if asking would make Rainbow Dash uncomfortable during the Under Wing. It didn’t worked, so I hesitantly looked frantically around me for anything distracting, without Rainbow Dash noticing me. I was sweating. I wished Pinkie Pie would wipe them, but I doubted she would while she was dancing and cheering with her pompoms. I’d got to look for something distracting. I saw Sassaflash whipping her mane back and forth—not distracting. I saw Thunderlane sleeping on the pavement while High Winds and Cloud Kicker were trying to budge his rump up with their heads—not enough. I saw Soarin rolling on the pavement—funny, but not enough either. I’d finally gotten my lips shut when a pair of avian eyes stared at me and locked in a distance. How long was she staring at me? Why was she doing that? I was about to breath heavily through my nostrils when Rainbow Dash asked sweetly, “Do you want any refreshments?” I thought she’d never asked, so I replied, “Sure! Thanks, Rain—” I’d gotten myself splashed with a cup a of ice cold apple juice, which made me yelp and startled that I also ducked down with my hooves on my head for another round. Realizing there was none, I stood up and asked quietly, “What w-was t-t-that f-for?!” “Iwano, behind you!” she pointed behind me and I tossed my head to follow. Nothing and POP! More startled, I jumped high and hid myself in a cloud above Rainbow Dash. I then heard laughter. I peered from below and saw Rainbow Dash lying on the pavement, laughing and pounding her hooves on the concrete. That pony… “Okay, Iwano, get down from there,” she called out as she stood up. I flew down and landed shyly. “What was that for?” I asked quietly. “Uh, what was that?” she asked, apparently she barely heard me. “What was that for?” I repeated softer and quieter. She rubbed her ear. “Easily startled and soft-spoken? You and Fluttershy are the same, you know?” “Why would you say that?” I asked while controlling my smile. “You act all timid and shy like her. Remember when you were surrounded by your fans back in Ponyville that you hid yourself on the rooftop of the Town Hall?” she chuckled. “And I thought Pinkie Pie’s for you.” I’d already know what she meant. A wimpy, powerful, clumsy green alicorn paired with a pink party, fourth wall breaking, random earth pony as a couple wasn’t going to be great. In my Top Mane Six list, Pinkie Pie was on sixth ‘cause she defies physics and was being too random in the episodes, though she was funny. But I would not be crushing on her, though—I’d got to stay focus. Rainbow Dash was on the sixth, by the way—you probably know why. I snorted. “In your dreams, Rainbow Dash—that will never happen!” she was ignoring me. I waved a hoof in front of her face—none. “Uh, hello?” she was gazing on her left. When I followed her gaze, the pair of avian eyes was still staring at me. I gulped. Something told me that this competition would be a rough one. A whistle blared. Rainbow Dash wore the Wonderbolts uniform and our flanks are tagged with the number 10. Rainbow Dash would sometimes squeal wearing her temporary uniform. We competitors with our coaches were together as a crowd. “The next phase is two—Under Wing,” Spitfire announced as she went aloft with Lightning Dust. She waved to me and I waved back shyly. “We’ll all be flying out of the academy immediately once I blow my whistle, which signals our start of the event. After that, all of you must collect six flags within thirty minutes as fast as you pairs can. And will be scored depending on each of all you timing by Manerick once you’ve all submitted your flags to him. The flags you all must sought are planted and hidden in the clouds around us and the academy, including outside—make sure nopony goes out of the academy’s boundary! This phase is all about teamwork, speed—” “And to me, a test of both partner’s friendship.” A voice of regality spoke up from above. Landing in front of us all with her two pegasi Royal guards, Spitfire immediately landed and knelt down respect to the princess. Lightning Dust followed then Twilight, and then all of us—except me, my legs numbed. Twilight gasped when she glanced at me and flew straight toward me and demanded, “Princess Celestia is here, Iwano! You should kneel and—are you even listening?!” My legs were numb and my mouth dried. Was this bad? It must have been. “It is okay, Twilight,” Celestia said. “You may go back and work on you cheer.” “Cheer?” Twilight questioned. “Everypony stood up. Spitfire cleared her throat. “Princess Celestia,” she kneeled and stood. “It’s an honor for you to be here. Are you here to watch our competition now, your highness?” “Yes, captain,” Celestia replied. “I was supposed to be scheduled here for tonight to watch the third and final event, but somepony here gotten Luna and I excited to see this now.” Celestia winked at me, and Twilight noticed. I never knew Celestia would be here, especially Luna coming, too. My stomach cringed by the thought of Luna coming here. She would boo at me or maybe scowl, which was enough to turn me blue as her mane color. I’d wished my spirit would gradually grow brighter as Celestia raising the sun during phase two. Maybe Luna’s antipathy towards me was already enough to discourage me. Nopony would ever cheer for me. I’d hoped for this. I will never succeed this time, I thought. This is Equestria. This world is different not only it’s because it’s full of ponies but my negative emotions are stronger here. Luna’s hate greatly supports it. Dissonance loves this… “Do not glum,” Celestia said to me. I was surprised that she knew what I was thinking and she probably knew my sad expression. “I had told Luna not to scowl or anything related to that. Hold on to your coach, for she is formidable to reckon with during these kinds of events.” “Yeah, you’re right, princess!” Rainbow Dash agreed. “You’re under my wings, Iwano.” What happened to the pony that was annoyed of my stalker info, presence and had dunked apple juice on me? It didn’t matter. “I believe my sister will be here momentarily. She said she needs to check the weather and will be bringing the camera crew. So please start the competition, Spitfire.” Spitfire was reluctant, probably ‘cause Celestia’s presence was honoring. “Y-yes, princess!” She gave a salute. “Fliers, take your positions!” We all did her order. I imagined myself as a military soldier, about to take off with my second flying coach wished Lorenzo would be here, but that was impossible. My score from the first event didn’t bother me anymore the moment Spitfire blared her whistle, and we all too off. Fast. Everypony scattered with their partners in search for their six flags. I was cautious of where Gilda would be. When she eyed on me back in the runway, I was afraid that she would prey on me first, then Rainbow Dash. I’d never officially talked to her formally, but her talons might do it for her. I always thought that griffon needed some understanding or forgiving from her party fiasco in the Griffon the Brush Off episode. But right now, I thought there wouldn’t be any time for that soon. “Listen to my commands, Iwano,” she instructed with a voice full of authority. “I need you to cover me while I’ll be getting our flags somewhere, just in case anypony wants to steal our win or strike at us.” “They’re allowed to do that?!” I asked. She smirked. “Yeah,” she replied followed by me gulping hard. “I know you have guts, so make use of them—I found one!” She descended flawlessly into a cloud and zoomed out towards me with an orange flag while I was waiting for her. Cover me!” She ordered as she flew passed me. I then followed her a foot away. Slowly passing me suddenly was Midnight Strike (cool name). She was trying reach for Rainbow Dash. I was about to intercept her when somepony cling on my hind hooves. I looked back and saw Parasol, her face wearing a confident smile. She was flapping her wings back in an attempt to slow me down. Midnight Strike and she somehow figured it out by sight of what my coach was forming. Smart. I was gradually getting farther away from Rainbow Dash. I fluttered, but it wasn’t working. Parasol’s grip must have been pretty tight from all that pushups Midnight Strike gave during the training in the first phase. Rainbow Dash was alarmed she felt my absence a foot and a half already. Midnight Strike was beside her and tried to bump her, but Rainbow Dash simply dodged her and glanced at me with a wink. She had an idea. She held our flag above her and released it. Midnight Strike hesitantly stopped to grab the flag and block me, but what she only got was Parasol—I whipped a clinging Parasol unto Midnight Strike, causing them both to collide and crash each other safely on to a cloud. “We’ll get you, Iwano!” Midnight Strike called out as she recovered with Parasol. “Just you both wait!” Parasol added. “And good luck, Iwano!” Rainbow Dash laughed as we flew together with me holding the flag. “That was awesome!” she said. I blushed. “Come on, let’s go get some more!” I couldn’t help feeling a little prideful and at the same time sorry for our opponents. I guessed we were going to wipe this competition. We stopped a few minutes later and scanned our aerial surroundings. I saw many pegasi chasing each other for their flags, beating each other up and some resting while hiding in clouds. By the corner of my eye, I saw a pale, light grayish mulberry flag—it was pretty hidden in a cloud and it only showed little of its color. I nudged Rainbow Dash and pointed at the flag as she turned to my direction. “Nice eye, Iwano!” she complimented. “I doubt I’d ever spot that.” I made my vision sharper literally like an owl’s. I was using half of my abilities from the Owl world to do this event. I was actually nearsighted, but with my owl vision I could see through the dark and enhance my sight. I thought this was considered cheating, but I actually didn’t mind. I really needed to win this! As Rainbow Dash and I went toward our target, from a distance I spotted Airheart and Lavender Skies approaching. They didn’t spot us yet. “Rainbow Dash, wait!” I whispered. She stopped and I pointed at our opponents. Rainbow Dash grinned. She tapped me and pointed at a cloud—we were supposed to hide. And we did. “They’re too far to see us, Iwano,” Rainbow Dash said, “and you were able to spot them even in a distance? What are your eyes made of? Don’t tell me you’re using your magic.” “Nah,” I replied. “I just could, that’s all. Anyways, I got a plan, which might be simple but it should work.” After planning for a few seconds, Airheart and Lavender Skies were close to the mulberry flag when a nimbus cloud consumed them—it was Rainbow Dash who did that. She was to blow that thick cloud to block our opponents. And that was my cue to go into that cloud. “What’s going on?” Lavender Skies asked Airheart. “No idea, Lavender,” she replied. “I don’t know.” “Hello, girls!” I appeared in front of them. They startled. “Iwano? Were you the one who did this?” Airheart asked. “The measure of the supplementary is two more than thrice the complimentary,” I said. “Find the missing number.” “Uh…let me think,” Lavender Skies said. “Me, too,” Airheart added. “This is hard.” I was distracting them with geometry questions. I chuckled when they were rubbing their mane for the answer. I looked back and peeked behind me a small hole. I saw Rainbow Dash grabbing the mulberry cloud and nodded at my direction. That was the signal. I tiptoed and quietly went out of the cloud while the two guessers were still thinking. I just kept chuckling. Rainbow Dash and I regrouped. “For an egghead, you can be really, uh, cool!” she complimented which I thought was a part insult. “Anyways, we got our purple flag—four more!” “Indeed, my coach. And that flag is pale, light grayish mulberry, Rainbow Dash,” I said as we flew. “Egghead,” she teased. I fumed. We now have two flags which Rainbow Dash was holding. I was starting to feel more focused and more confident, overwhelming my thought about Luna. I was not worried about her anymore. While I was thinking about it, I caught Rainbow Dash staring at me. I pretended not to notice. This flag collecting event reminded me of my Safari Zone challenge in the Hoenn region, Pokémon world whereas I had caught ten Pokémon and won the competition. My prize there was that I could keep all of them. Speaking of prize, I was wondering if there would be other prizes besides becoming an official member of the Wonderbolts. Maybe the prize was money or a free trip to some resort. Nah, I would just ask Spitfire after this. While wondering, Rainbow Dash was tackled by a pegasus pony and crashed into a cloud. “Again with the crashing?!” Rainbow Dash complained as she was held down by Dizzy Twister. I gasped. “Hang on, Rainbow Dash! I’m coming—!” “Not a chance!” Blaze, a member of the Wonderbolts and the coach of Rainbow Dash’s tackler, blocked me when I was about to dive down for my coach’s aid. “Get the flag, Dizzy!” Rainbow Dash had gotten our flags by her mouth, swerving her head away from Dizzy Twister’s attempt to get them. The rainbow-mane pony freed herself by kicking Dizzy Twister. Tickle her… I hesitantly charged towards Blaze and tickled her. She giggled uncontrollably and we fell down beside Rainbow Dash. My coach had done the same to Dizzy Twister. I then spotted a pink flag attached to Blaze’s suit. I took it and immediately said, “Fly!” Rainbow Dash and I quickly flew away before we were being pursuit by our opponents. “Woohoo!” Rainbow Dash cheered “That was awesome—and unexpected. Anyways, how’d you come up with that?” “What do you mean?” I asked. “The tickling, dude. We would had been goners and lose our flags—that was quick thinking.” I’d liked to tell Rainbow Dash that something or somepony was whispering in my head. The voice was cold and dreadful yet persuasive. It was like it wanted to help me win this, but it was at the same time untrustworthy—it was evil. I began to thought that it was Dissonance—definitely Dissonance. But if I tell her about it, she would get uncomfortable or something. I would listen to Dissonance if he would be helpful. Was that also considered cheating? Whatever. “Well, I was just hesitant to see you down,” I said, “I had to do something to save my coach and our flags.” She glanced behind her. “Looks like Blaze and Dizzy Twister aren’t in our tails. Give me the flag, Iwano,” I followed. “This is now actually quite fun, coach, though I felt sorry for our competitors.” “Are you that soft?” she asked annoyingly. “Yeah,” I admitted. “I honestly can’t stand seeing them losing or getting hurt. They would hate us for it or—” “Hey! Don’t worry about it. If they mess with you, I’m beside you—you’re under my wing!” I felt soft-hearted when she said that, but that didn't mean I liked her as my fave pony. She was still Rainbow Dash—brash, tomboyish, boastful, apparently lazy, insulting and a jerk sometimes—and she would stay that way. But since this was a competition Rainbow Dash technically forced me to join without any objections from me, then I’d got to win this for her. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash.” We had been flying for awhile now. I looked at my watch and it was 5:14 PM—the second phase had started by five. “Orange, purple and pink,” Rainbow Dash enumerated, “We have three!” “And three unexpected encounters,” I added. “Could there be more for us?” I should have not said that—because we spotted Blossomforth and Sightseer on our tails! Rainbow Dash at the same time spotted a yellow flag below us. “You really had to say it, huh?” Rainbow Dash muttered. “Any bright ideas?” I turned my head around for any options…and I’d found one. “I have another one—please don’t just rely on me, okay?” Meanwhile, Luna had landed and arrived followed by a camera pegasi crew. She sighed and walked towards her sister who was talking to Twilight, Applejack and Rarity. “Iwano was doing fine, princess,” Rarity said, “and he was a very sweet gentlecolt, if you ask me.” “I was suspicious of Iwano—how he’s too nice and a-all. I don’t think there’re really and Dissonance in him after all,” Twilight said nervously and her eye twitched. “I-I think he should just leave Equestria after the Bolt Wing.” “What’s wrong, Twi?” Applejack asked. “You look a lil’ nervous of something.” “Is it because of Iwano?” Celestia asked. “Yes,” Twilight admitted. “Ever since we found him looking at merchandises in Ponyville’s Joke Shop, my spine tingled and my head turned cold. I thought it was a bad sign but after Iwano somehow conjured the acre’s apples back and saved the town from mannequins, I started to trust him a little. But I have to make sure he doesn’t do any funny.” “Like how he ate all the apples,” Applejack added. “Oh, stop bringing that up again, AJ,” Rarity said. “You already forgiven him and it are as if you still held a grudge on the poor alicorn.” “Am I interrupting a conversation here?” Luna asked as she joined in. “Luna, you have arrived.” Celestia said. “How is the camera crew and Discord?” “The camera crew is fine, sister,” Luna replied, “and Discord is—” “What’s wrong with Discord?” Twilight asked. “Oh, nothing my student,” Celestia said. “I just asked Luna to check on him. He was doing good, as usual now in Canterlot and the castle.” “Sister,” Luna’s voice became urgent. “While I was on my way to this academy, I saw large number of storm clouds heading here. You should call off this event immediately and—” Lightning crackled and thunders boomed. Luna scowled. “It is too late…” “You mean we won’t be able to cheer?!” Pinkie Pie asked as she presented the ponies a neon lighted sign saying, GO, IWANO! GO!!! “I wanna cheer!” Blossomforth and Sightseer were struggling for their sight as they were consumed by a flock of birds. It was I who came up with that idea to blind them. I just the asked the flock if they could help out by blinding my opponents while Rainbow Dash swiftly took their flag—a yellow one. “Where did these birds come from?!” Blossomforth asked as she exasperatingly struggled. “I don’t—” Sightseer spat out a bird from his mouth, “know where!” Rainbow Dash and I were now flying with four flags in our possession. My coach can’t help but bragged about our success. “I go, like, ‘Hey! Lookie here!’ and they were all like, ‘Give it!’ and I swerve and dodge and loopy-loop and you go BAM! We got ourselves a flag!” “Yes, yes we got it,” I muttered. “I never knew you can be a feather brain, too. Who knew you can talk to birds like Fluttershy could.” I fumed when she called me feather brain. “Uh, do you think Fluttershy and I are great together?” I asked as I blurted it out. What was I thinking? Her eyes widened. “You have crush on Fluttershy?!” she laughed. I then gave her my glare—the Glare. She silenced, and then she chuckled. “You have a glare and she got the stare? HA! You two are so meant for each other—animal lover, wimp, obedient and…” I gave her my hardest Glare. “Oh, uh, yeah, you two are great for each other.” I couldn’t tell what she was mumbling under her breath again. What was she talking about? At least she stopped teasing when I glared at her. “Anyways,” I said, “we now have four—” “Look down there, a white!” We stopped flying and Rainbow Dash pointed at a white flag hanging under a cloud. I thought anypony could spot that upside down. With my enhanced avian vision, I saw Cloud Kicker flying towards it. I hadn’t seen Surprise with her. My guess was that they split up to find their flags faster. “Cloud Kicker’s coming towards our flag,” I told Rainbow Dash. “I’ll distract her again while you get the flag.” Our white flag was suddenly snatched away from our sight Silver Lining in a flash. I was agape. Rainbow Dash rolled her sleeves back, as if she were wearing them, and told me, “You take these.” She handed me the flags. “I’m getting the white!” She zoomed out of my sight to chase Silver Lining. I gulped. What if somepony ambushed me and took my flags? I was breathing nervously that I began to hyperventilate. I was worried. I was anxious. I was too weak. I…tasted milk? I held my head up—it was raining milk? “What was going on?” I asked myself. Okay, this was crazy. “I have a bad feeling about this…” Raining milk’s good right? Something whispered in my head. I mean, you love milk, Iwano. “It’s Discord’s doing,” I deduced, though I wasn’t sure if that voice in my head was his. “This doesn’t make sense,” Twilight said. “Why is it raining milk?” “The real question is: why isn’t it raining chocolate milk?” Pinkie Pie retorted. Twilight rolled her eyes. “Why isn’t it raining chocolate milk like the last time Discord came to Ponyville?!” Twilight gasped. “Discord must be doing this!” “Impossible, Twilight,” Fluttershy said, “Discord is now good, remember?” “I do not believe this is Discord’s work, either Iwano’s,” Celestia said. “How can you tell, princess?” Applejack asked. “It is just a feeling,” Luna muttered. “My sister always said that the moment Iwano entered Equestria.” Her face was distasteful when she said my name. “That doesn’t mean it’s his fault, my sister.” Celestia turned to Twilight. “Find Spitfire and tell her by my order is to temporarily stop this event until this milky rain stops. I’m afraid something stronger than this rain would come.” Twilight nodded. “Fluttershy, I need your help in this too to find Spitfire.” “Uh, okay,” Fluttershy replied shyly as she and Twilight flew to air in search of Spitfire. “This could be only the work of Iwano,” Luna said. “It is his fault!” “Luna, it is not Iwano’s fault, remember what I said? Please, reduce your contempt towards the green alicorn. His Dissonance would increase if it feels any hate for him.” Luna scowled. “I still dislike this alicorn. Why must we help him while we could just banish him to the moon, like how you had done to me a thousand years ago? His Dissonance within him makes him a threat, so he deserves that for all of Equestria’s safety.” This was now making Celestia’s head ache, as if she’d been listening to her sister’s complaints all day. So she turned to Rarity and asked, “Can you tell my sister with Applejack on how Iwano was doing great in Ponyville?” “My pleasure, princess,” Rarity accepted. “Iwano is a sweetheart, after all.” “Why’s it raining milk, Iwano?” Cloud Kicker asked. We were talking in midair. “I don’t know,” I replied, and then I became alarmed. “Wait, why are you with me? Don’t take my flags!” I covered the flags with my arms—hooves? “That’s what I’m supposed to do,” she admitted. “But when I saw your face of how defenseless you are, I felt sorry so I’m not doing it! Anyways, have you seen my coach?” “I don’t know either,” I answered. “We have to part ways before…” I faltered. “What’s wrong?” she asked. I spotted a white flag strapped behind her. Should I steal it? If I do, she would hate me. I’d no choice for Rainbow Dash and me to win. “Let’s land on a cloud for a break shall we?” I asked. She nodded. When we landed on a cloud, she asked nervously, “Um, Iwano, how do I look in my Wonderbolts uniform?” she poised for me to get a better view of her. I began to breathe heavily and heart pounded. Oh, come on, Iwano! I told myself, stop being mesmerized by these ponies! You love Fluttershy, so she’s for YOU! I sighed. “You look pretty.” She blushed, and giggled, then sighed dreamily, and then stared at me dreamily. I gulped. My head began to vibrate. I have to faze her. “Uh, do you like Thunderlane?” She knitted her eyebrows. “N-no—I don’t really like him! We’re a just friend, that’s all. What makes you ask that?” I sighed heavily. Honestly, I’d wanted to ditch her, and find and help Rainbow Dash. But I wouldn’t ‘cause I thought it was wrong. I had to try and leave with her white flag. “I understand you,” she said, “that you can be shy and timid like Fluttershy and all. Sorry, by the way.” “Sorry for what?” “Y-you look uncomfortable.” Was she able to tell my unnerving expression? Maybe my face was just a little too exposed. I also thought I was being stupid around females like Rarity and Cloud Kicker. “Should I leave?” “N-No!” I insisted. “Sorry for acting like this, Cloud Kicker. Between you and me, I’m stupid with girls.” “Just take it.” She handed out her white flag to me. I blinked. “Why? That’s your only flag! Maybe you had a hard time—” “Surprise still has four. I’ll just tell her somepony took it!” she was smiling happily at me. Why was she being nice to me? Was she being deceptive? I thought that was ridiculous. Take it… you earned it. That voice again. Was it Discord or Dissonance? Two of them are the same, except Dissonance was purely evil that surpasses Discord’s greatly since his reformat to good in the episode Keep Calm and Flutter On. I shook my head of that voice and said, “Thank you.” I took the flag. “Good luck, Iwano. You should leave now.” I didn’t say anything else, and left her. Was that kindness she’d done? Why was she nice to me? Was it because she thought I was a good guy/stallion? Whatever the reason, I was just glad she’d done that. And it was actually quite generous of her to do that, so I secretly used my magic and conjured a sapphire on my hooves, and tossed it to her in return of her flag gift. She caught it and held it on her face tenderly rubbing it on her cheeks. I blushed. It was still raining milk. My suit wasn’t wet but my mane was. The Wonderbolts uniform must had been water proof, maybe just in case Wonderbolts members would dive on water in some situations. I had forgotten to wear my goggles, but I thought was driven now to win this event. I had gotten 4 in the first phase—I had to do my best! Time by time, I raised my head and opened my mouth to drink the milk drops. I didn’t care if this milk rain was acidic or poisonous; I just needed some energy or some calcium during my flight. Besides, I felt like my wings were about to give in. I should have rested more with Cloud Kicker on that cloud, but I had to keep going before thirty minutes was up. I stopped midair and saw Rainbow Dash passing by below me turning her head in search of somepony, probably for me. I was happy to see her, but I became saddened when I saw her expression sulky. “What had happened to her?” I asked myself as I flew toward my coach. “Coach?” “Oh, hey Iwano,” she said sadly. “I lost the flag—what?!” She spotted the white flag I held on my hoof with our other requirements. She looped around and cheered “Woohoo!” as she saw it with happiness. I just grinned. “How’d you get it?” “I just found another one, Rainbow Dash,” I lied. “I was looking for you, too.” “Hey, it’s raining milk. Have any idea?” she asked. I shrugged in reply. As if on cue, thunder rumbled and lightning crackled. The milky rain became a downpour all a sudden so we both wore our goggles, though there were little residue of milk in them but it didn’t blinded us. This weather had now become a typhoon. I was surprised that we were still flying no matter what the condition was, like this one. I saw some other pegasi flying, but they were having difficulties in balancing that some settled on clouds and covered themselves with its fluff like water repelling blankets. Others were persistent to continue, which I found impressive yet risky in this kind of condition. I wondered if Spitfire would call off this event and postpone—no, she should not! This event must go on! “How’re you doin’, Iwano?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Still got some guts to take this weather?” “Yeah, I can still do this!” I replied confidently. “What about you? Why? Can’t handle it anymore?” “Are you kidding me?! Milk ain’t gonna stop us from winning—how much time left?” I glanced at my watch and it was 5:20 PM. “Ten minutes.” “Aw man! We gotta hurry up! Well, just like what I said: milk ain’t gonna stop us!” “But I will, Dashie!” I voice spoke up, and I was tackled farther away from my coach by somepony. “Iwano!” Rainbow Dash cried out. She was about to come after me when a gale blew her off course, sending the pegasus pony lost in the storms. “IWANO!!!” Lightning drowned our cries for help. “RAINBOW DASH!!!” The apprehender and I crashed landed on a black cloud. I struggled and tried to kick out, but whoever was holding me down was strong. Flashes of lightning made it difficult for me to make out the face of my apprehender. Stupid! I chided myself, you’re in danger! This is unlike what the other competitors would do! I had to break the rules, so I used my magic and blasted my apprehender high, and she was struck by lightning. I rolled away to avoid being crushed by my falling suspect. “Who’re you?! Why did you do that?!” I demanded as I stood up while panting. Lighting flashed again and revealed her face. Gilda. “You’re tough, aren’t ya?” she asked. “Heh, it’s no wonder why Dashie picked you.” “She initially picked me to humiliate me in front of everypony in Equestria!” I corrected her. “And yeah, she picked me for that reason, too.” “Wonderin’ why you’re here with me?” “Yes! What?” Rage and confusion was now boiling up in me. “I ain’t wanna kill you or anything, just some…pay back.” Flashing lightning and thunder boomed on cue. “Pay back?” I searched my memory on why would Gilda wanted one. And then I already thought of it. “Rainbow Dash is your ex-friend, so you want to pay her back by doing what?” “I want you,” she pointed at me, “to partner up with me and torment her. Give her a big piece of her own prank medicine!” I gasped. “Why would I do that? She’s my friend!” “Oh, really?” she mused. “I knew how you dislike her and dunked you with apple juice. I mean, she even called you an egghead. Do those things even tick you off? If you partner up with me, we can torment her further!” I gulped. “I was afraid to say this but, you’re right,” I admitted. “She is ticking me off. I hated her from the beginning!” I said these out loud ‘cause I meant it. I gritted my teeth angrily and thought of all the things mean and brash things Rainbow Dash had done to others and to me. That’s it, that’s it! Keep doing it! I ignored that cold voice in my head. “I HATE YOU, RAINBOW DASH!!!” My echo of anger woke up Rainbow Dash lying on a cloud unconscious. She turned her head around and licked her lips for the flavor of the milk. She heard my words. “He… he hates me?” she dreadfully asked herself. “W-why?” she held her head up with her hooves on her ears. “Why is his voice so loud in my head?!” she shook to remove my words, but it didn’t worked. Her expression was even glummer than mine when I thought of Luna booing at me. “No, Rainbow!” she told herself as she flew up high. “He does not hate me! Whatever that thug said to Iwano, I’m gonna clobber him!” as she punched her own hoof, she zoomed through the storms in search for her student. Meanwhile, the fliers with their coaches were now rounded up back to the academy and into a large barrack for shelter against the typhoon. Celestia was inside along with the other Mane Six. "I really wanna help," Spike grumbled, "and all I can do is just sit here with all the other pegasi here waiting for this stupid, Iwano-made typhoon to stop, and telling everypony to calm down." He became worried. "Oh my, I hope Twilight has some plan to fix this weather." "Don't worry, little dragon," Wild Fire said to him. "Twilight already found a way." "What way?" "And not only her, Princess Luna's on it, too." Spike scowled. "I feel unimportant." "At least you're calming us down, little dragon." "And the name's Spike, by the way." Celestia was counting all the fliers when suddenly her face turned appalling. She asked everypony loudly, “Has anypony known the whereabouts of Twilight, Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, Lightning Dust, Gilda and Pinkie Pie?” Everypony murmured, unknown of the ponies’ whereabouts Celestia had enumerated. Celestia gasped. “Where is Luna?!” “Okay, dude, calm down,” Gilda said calmly as she gestured me to do so. “I’ll take that as a yes—it’s official that now we’re…partners?” My head was lowered and I was vibrating. The gales were blowing in my way and unbalancing Gilda. The typhoon was now getting worst…and I loved it. I went aloft and began to spin around like a top. “Iwano, knock it off!” she begged. “You’re not okay with it?!” Crackling pink lightning replied to her instead—pink lightning? “What are ya?!” I grinned, but it wasn’t mine. My eyes began to glow red as blood. I snorted out black smoke from my nostrils, I felt fangs growing out my teeth, and my Wonderbolts uniform turned dark hued and black and my goggles’ lenses turned yellow. What was this power I was feeling when I remembered everything Rainbow Dash had done? From the back of my mind, it was telling me to stop, but I couldn’t help it. It felt good. “Volt Tackle!” I cried out with an unknown voice. I charged towards Gilda while being enveloped in black electricity. Gilda hesitated and tried to fly away, but I was too fast for her to avoid as I hit her directly on her back which my horn nearly pierced through her feathers—maybe even through her skin. I then fling her up and she was paralyzed by the electrocution. “What’s happening?!” I demanded myself. I suddenly began seeing scenes in my head of Rainbow Dash. The downpour of milk was now rather like a waterfall. Instead of the usual yellow or white lightning, they were pink. That was ridiculous! Why would—wait. I ignored her even if she was peering above me on a cloud. Rainbow Dash was staring at me hopelessly thinking of what I am right now. “What’s happening to him? What did Gilda do?” She spotted Gilda twitching. The pegasus flew stealthily to Gilda and whispered, “What’s going on?” Gilda’s beak was stiff but she was able to say only a few words. “He…said he hates…you…” What have I done to make Iwano go nuts? Rainbow Dash asked herself. She tried to remember everything she had done to me. “Maybe the apple juice wasn’t a good idea after all. And maybe I should stop calling him an egghead. I can’t believe those little stuff would turn him into that.” “I was glad I never became like that when you called him an egghead, Rainbow.” Rainbow Dash turned her head around to see Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity with each ropes tied each on their hind hooves for pulling the air balloon of Twilight, which contained Applejack and Spike. Pinkie Pie wasn’t with them. “I have to agree: those little things you’d done to him would turn him into that.” “W-what should we do?” Spike asked his friends. “By the looks of his state and that feeling I’m now sensing within him, I suspect that he’s in the state of Dissonance,” Twilight said. “Well, not completely, though.” “There has to be a way to stop him from bringin’ tis’ typhoon even stronger,” Applejack said. “Wait, so this was all his work?” Spike asked. “I believe so.” Twilight said. “But we need to figure out fast in how—” A though crossed her mind like the lightning. “Rainbow Dash, tell me everything from this point.” Rainbow Dash was reluctant from the thought of me being in my partial Dissonance state, but she sighed to relieve herself and said only one sentence, “He said he hates me.” “That’s it!” Twilight exclaimed. “Rainbow Dash, you need to apologize to him!” “WHAT?!” Twilight’s friends all asked in unison. “I don’t wanna get zap-tackled by Iwano!” “Rainbow…” Twilight growled. “Twilight…” Rarity frighteningly said as she pointed at me. I began spinning in high speed, turning myself into a colored green pony tornado. I was sucking in the black clouds and the milk drops where all falling directly into my vortex. Lightning zapped out of me as I spun around even faster than the tornadoes in Hurricane Fluttershy and Wonderbolts Academy episodes. “It’s like the weather’s now in his full command,” Twilight said. “Rainbow, do it!” Rainbow Dash was reluctant at first, but she gathered her confidence which I’d crushed with my contemptuous shout of her. She wore a determined expression and turned to Twilight and said, “I got a better idea!” “Do you think you can, Loyalty?” a voice boomed from my tornado. “His contempt is stronger by the thought of you, you insolent pegasus!” “Is tha’ Iwano’s voice?” Applejack asked as she held on to her hat. “It sounded evil.” Rainbow Dash then dashed towards me. “Rainbow Dash, NO!” the rainbow pony’s friends cried out to her, but Rainbow Dash ignored and done what she wanted. She flew up high until nopony would be able to see her with all the milky drops blinding them. When Rainbow Dash reached the limit of her distance, she took deep breaths. “Okay, I think this is either me or Gilda’s fault. I have to stop him—here I GO!!!” she dive down, unfazed of the typhoon’s wrath of milky raindrops and scented gales. She picked up speed quickly. She had a pancake face and she was tearing—both by the speed she was picking up, and for me. “I’M. GONNA. SAVE. YOU. IWANO!!!” She felt the sound barrier breaking, her muscles tensing, saliva dripping from her pancake faced jaws. A sound of a sonic boom occurred, louder than the thunders, accompanied by a colorful shockwave and a rainbow in trailed in its wake. The Sonic Rainboom versus my Bolt Tornado… The Sonic Rainboom clashed into the Bolt Tornado, causing tendrils of rainbow lighting to burst out everywhere. My friends panicked and began avoiding frantically from being zapped. “Oh! Ah! Eek! Can this get any worse?!” Rarity complained as she dodged zaps while keeping her diadem firmed on her head. It had gotten worst when a rainbow lightning struck Twilight’s balloon into complete ashes. “Okay, I take it back!” she screamed in terror. A lightning was about to hit her when Applejack ducked Rarity down. “Why thank you, AJ!” “Don’t mention it, sugar cube,” Applejack said. “Twi! Do somethin’? I can’t just protect everypony with just one body!” She was exasperatingly tired already. She had been dodging and saving her defenseless friends at the same time. “Girls, stay close to me and hang on!” Twilight ordered. When her friends grouped with her, Twilight began conjuring a pale purple shield around them like a dome. “Nice thinkin’, Twi.” Applejack complimented as she wiped the sweat and milk from her face. “Oh, my mane is going to smell foul if this doesn’t get shampooed quickly,” Rarity said as she tapped her mane, now sticky and milk-scented. “Uh, girls,” Fluttershy said, “I can’t help but wondering where’s Pinkie Pie.” “I wish I could worry about her right now, Fluttershy,” Twilight said. “But we’ve got to worry about Iwano and Rainbow Dash. Their clash is going to be catastrophic!” She shook her head. “Rainbow Dash, why would she think of that approach? She should’ve just apologized to Iwano—that would be better than increasing this typhoon!” “How’d you know Rainbow Dash apologizing to Iwano would be the only way, Twi?” Spike asked. “Iwano said he hates Rainbow Dash, probably because of her past doings and attitude—he must had disliked her from the beginning, apparently.” Blast Rainbow Dash, something whispered in Twilight’s head, blast her. Help her… “What?” Twilight asked herself. “What’s wrong, Twilight?” Rarity asked. “Something whispering in my head told me to blast Rainbow Dash. That would be ridiculous!” “I’m not so sure, Twilight,” Fluttershy said, “but I think it’s the only way.” “Or maybe that voice wants me to blast our friend and let Iwano spread out his winds,” Twilight gently countered. “Fluttershy, what makes you say that?” “…a feeling.” Twilight’s eyes widened. “A feeling,” Twilight repeated. “That’s what I’ve felt about Iwano around me. I think you’re now feeling it, too. Anyways, blasting Rainbow Dash, just like what I said, is ridiculous—even beyond that. I think we have too—” Twilight’s magic dome began to fade and wavered, slowly giving way to the typhoon’s gales. Twilight sighed vexingly. “I think we had no choice. I doubt my magic would do anything to Iwano the tornado, though.” Her friends exchanged looks of uncertainty, but they had no choice. Twilight thought of what would happen to Rainbow Dash if being blasted, but the thought of me was already settling in her head like super glue. “I’m going to dissipate the dome now. Girls, stand your ground and keep your hooves firm on the cloud.” Rarity frantically gathered up clouds and hugged tightly a tree-like cloud, while the others done what Twilight said. Twilight took a deep breath, and dissipated the dome. And she blasted a streaming beam on Rainbow Dash. “Woah! Twilight, what’re doing?!” Rainbow Dash asked. Her friends gasped—in astonishment. Twilight was pushing herself to hold her beam on Rainbow Dash, sweat and milk dripping on her face. Her eyes were closed, but she squinted to see what her friends were gasping at. “What’s…wrong…girls?! What in the name of Celestia’s happening?!” She can’t stop beaming, but she was able to see Rainbow Dash glowing. Rainbow Dash turned different. Her coat became pure white as snow. Her mane was flared up but still had her rainbow color. Her eyes became vivid red. Her enveloping rainbow aura consumed in strips of iridescent flames. Her cutie mark’s white cloud turned into storm gray. My tornado began to weaken, the typhoon lessening its power, and the downpour became a drizzle. Rainbow Dash’s aura was heating up that she glowed bright as the sun that every one of her friends dried up from milky sogginess. Our clash began to glow together in iridescence. Applejack quickly jumped unto where Twilight’s balloon disintegrated and grabbed a rope. “It’s a good thang my lasso’s in one piece. Yeehaw!” Applejack made a lariat and lassoed Twilight to her, using herself as her friend’s cushion. “I think that’s enough, Twi! Twi?” Twilight was staring at the colorful clash. It became too bright for her friends to see, so they all looked away. My tornado tumbled down and dissipated. The typhoon completely stopped along with the milky drizzle. Loyalty, you won this round. But in the next one, your wings won’t help you. Super Rainbow Dash defeated my Bolt Tornado.