//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Missing Something // by GreyMelody //------------------------------// Missing Something Prologue Octavia watched as her hometown of Canterlot faded in the distance. She would never forget the memories she made there, but it was time for something new. She had been happy there, she had a well paying job and a fairly nice apartment, but there was something missing; she needed some… excitement. The grey mare had found herself not doing much aside from her job and the occasional night out with her band members; this has been going on for some time especially since her friend Vinyl moved away… Vinyl, how she missed the crazy unicorn, she had a feeling that it was her fault that Vinyl had moved away. She had asked Octavia on a date about half a year ago, and Octavia flatly told her no. The white unicorn hadn’t taken it so well, a month or so later she was packing her bags for Ponyville. Octavia begged her to stay but the unicorn was determined to leave. A few months passed and Octavia called Vinyl to see how she was doing, she did not expect it to turn into a full confession of how boring and depressing things were for her now, and how much she missed her crazy antics and loud music. So Vinyl took pity and offered Octavia stay with her in Ponyville for as long as she needed. Octavia took that offer without a second thought. Now she was half way to Ponyville in a carriage being pulled by two pegasi; oh she could only wonder what this new town had in store for her. Author’s note: Thank you all for reading! This is my first fic so please give me any constructive criticism about it, and if you find any grammar or spelling mistakes please notify me and I’ll try my best to fix them.