//------------------------------// // New Resident // Story: A New Life // by bonejar69 //------------------------------// The half hour passed and I sat on the ground waiting for some sort of sign that this Princess Celestia had shown up. “Look, there she is!” Twilight said. That’ll work for me. I immediately shot up eager to get this over with. Princess Celestia was descending down in a chariot being driven by two rather large looking pegasus ponies. She was immediately greeted by Twilight and was brought over to me. “I'm guessing that this is Gerald?” she asked no one in particular. “I am, your majesty,” I said. She looked me over and said “And he just appeared out of thin air?” she questioned everyone present. They all nodded their heads. This seemed to trouble her for a split second and then she immediately brushed it off. “Well it is my honor to officially welcome you to Equestria, Gerald,” she said. “The honor is all mine,” I responded trying to keep up my upper-class language. I was trying to remember lines from movies and books that I had read that could be useful while talking to royalty. She smiled and turned towards Twilight. “You said that you had no information regarding humans. Is that correct?” she asked. “Yes, Princess,” Twilight said. “Well I would expect as much. No human has been in Equestria since the beginning of my rule,” Celestia said. Twilight stood there with a puzzled look on her face. “Are you saying that humans have been in Equestria before?” she asked. “Yes. It has been a long time since one has been here though. I wonder what brought Gerald here?” she questioned as she turned towards me. At that moment I remembered the hooded figure and their words. “I think I know what happened your majesty,” I said. I retold the events that took place before I woke up in Equestria. “So you believe this person to be the reason that you are here now?” Celestia asked. “Yes your majesty,” I replied. “Well then we'll have to figure out what they did so you can go back,” she said and turned towards Twilight “You should run some tests…” she was cut short as I spoke up. “Wait!” I said “Don't you want to know how I feel on this?” I asked with a little bit of hurt showing in my eyes. “Well don't you want to go back?” Twilight asked. “Well...... not really. I mean I'll miss everyone that I left behind but I've already enjoyed myself more here in this short time than my entire life back in my world,” I responded. “What about your family?” Twilight asked. “Won't they be concerned about you?” “Not exactly,” I said as I lowered my head “I haven't been completely honest with you Twilight. I don't have a family, at least not anymore. My parents died when I was ten and the rest of my family doesn't even know I exist,” I said as I held back a few tears. “Then it's decided,” Twilight said confidently “Gerald shall stay here and we will be his new family!” I looked up dumb-struck and wide-eyed. “Everyone deserves to have a family Gerald,” she said as she smiled at me. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran over to her as I cried my eyes out and hugged her “Thank you Twilight. You have no idea how much this means to me,” When I finally stopped crying, I looked up and asked “If I'm going to stay here, where will I live?” “I could arrange for a home to be built for you. Until then,” she looked at Twilight “Would you be willing to let Gerald stay with you until the completion of his home?” “Of course your majesty.” she said. “I don't know what to say. I guess thank you Princess would be appropriate,” I said through my smile. Princess Celestia smiled and said “I must be off. I will see you again once your home is complete. Until then, good-bye” With that she left. I was immediately attacked with hugs by the rest of the group and they all said something along the lines of welcome to the family. Pinkie Pie threw a party in my honor and promised an “even more super duper spectacular” one once my house was completely built. On the way back from the party, Twilight stopped and I turned around. “What's wrong Twilight?” I asked. “Well I have a question,” she said “Go ahead.” “Well, I don't want to be rude but why didn't you tell me about your family?” “Well...” I searched for the right words “It's a painful thing for me to talk about, and I didn't really know you yet.” “Well is there anything else that I should know?” she asked caringly “I gave you the full truth about everything else. That was the only thing that I wasn't sure about,” I said. With that she came up to me and nuzzled her head against me. “I just want you to know that if there is anything you need to talk about or if you are having any trouble that you can always talk to me about it,” she said. “Thank you Twilight,” I said. The months following were quite calm. I helped around the library and Twilight taught me everything I needed to know about living in Equestria. After a while of helping around the library, she gave me the title of world's 2nd best assistant (so as to not upset Spike). Once my house was finally finished and Pinkie Pie's “even more super duper spectacular” party was done, everyone went there separate ways and I was left alone to think about how I would spend the rest of my time here. Around midnight, I heard a knock at my door. I got up and went to the door thinking that someone was pretty crazy for coming here this late. I opened the door and to my surprise, Twilight was standing there kicking at the ground. “Uhmm Twilight, what are you doing here this late?” I questioned. It might have been my imagination or my sleep deprivation but I was almost certain I saw her blush. “Well I needed to talk to you but I couldn't do it with everyone else around,” she said still kicking at the ground. “Well come in. No use having you stand outside and catch a cold.” I swear she blushed even harder. “Thank you,” she said and trotted in. I turned on a few lights and turned towards her. “Now what do you have to talk to me about?” I asked. “Well I wanted to ask you if you were gonna be alright living here by yourself?” she said. It seemed as though she was fumbling with her words. “Yeah. Why do you ask?” “Oh, no reason. Just thought you might get lonely here by yourself,” she responded. Something clicked in my mind. “Twilight, are you ok with me no longer living with you?” Now I was certain she was blushing because I could clearly see her in the light. “Me? Yeah I'm fine with it. I'm perfectly fine with it,” she said and looked all around the room. “Twilight remember that first night after I arrived here?” I asked. She looked at me. “Yeah.” “And do you remember what you said to me on the walk back home?” I asked. “Yeah,” she said. “Well that's a two-way street. Now talk to me Twilight. How do you really feel about me moving out?” I said with a caring look on my face. She put her head down and said “I don't want you to go. It won't be the same without you there.” “I'm not that far away. It's only two minutes,” I said. “That's not the point. You won't be there when I wake up. You won't be there when I fall asleep,” she said sadly. Now it was my turn to blush. “Twi... Twilight, what are you saying?” I stammered. “I'm saying that I.... I love you Gerald!” she said. I saw how sad she was and I went over to her and held her close to me. “It's ok Twilight. I might not live there anymore but I will be over there all the time,” I said “And you are always welcome over here anytime.” I held her tighter. After a while I let go and she looked up at me. “I have a question” she said. “Go ahead.” “How do you feel about me?” she asked. I blushed and looked away. “Well.... I've always..... kind of..... had a crush on you...” my voice trailed off as I spoke. She put her hoof on my chin and brought my head down so she could kiss me. I was shocked and blushed a deep crimson. She broke the kiss and started apologizing. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that” “Stop that. You did what you felt was right and I'm not exactly complaining about it” I said as I regained my senses. She blushed darkly and looked up at the clock. “Oh I've kept you up too late. I should be going” She started to walk towards the door. “And exactly where do you think you are going?” I said with a mischievous grin. “Back... home?” she said confused. “I'm not having anypony walking back home this late at night. You'll stay here for the night.” Her entire face went crimson when I said that. “Well... uh where.... will I sleep?” she asked nervously. “Oh calm down. I have a guest bedroom but just in case you need me I'll leave my door open. Now before we don't have enough energy to make it back to our rooms...” I gestured towards the stairs. I showed her to the guest bedroom and said good night and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled and closed the door. I went to my bedroom and changed into my silk pajamas (thank you Rarity) and quickly fell asleep on my bed only to wake up twenty minutes later as I felt something else get into my bed and drape my arm around itself. “Good night Gerald,” Twilight said. “Good night Twilight,” I said and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before falling back into the most relaxing sleep I had had since coming here.