SCP - Secure, Contain, and Ponies

by The System


SCP-106. The Old Man

Class: Keter.


Black markings covered the street. They were shaped like feet.

"From what I can tell, 106 has been through here."

"Another SCP?"

"Very dangerous. And if he's here, then that could mean-"


"That sounded like Rarity!"

"Come on, then."

Twilight and Doc ran to the Carosuel Boutique, to find the wall covered in black, corrosive mucus.

"Inside, now!"

They both ran in, to find Rarity being chased by the slimy black demon himself.

"Oh, keep that utterly repulsive, slimy thing away from me!"

"Just get away from him!"

He turned towards Doc, then Twilight.

Then grinned.

In the very next second, Twilight appeared in a very dark area.

"What the? Doc!"

No answer. She was alone.

Then she remembered something.

Civil told her all about dangerous SCPs. He mentioned 106 and said that he had a 'pocket dimension'.

Which explains where she is.

"Oh no."

She began running through dark, slimy halls, looking for an exit.

Then she remembered.

"Oh, how stupid am I?"


"I'm not."

And she teleported out of there.

When she got back, 106 was gone.

"He got away, but I know for sure he isn't coming back."

"Well, that's good."

Problem quickly resolved.

For now.