//------------------------------// // Year's End // Story: Chips Brothers' Archive // by JavaChips //------------------------------// It was an early summer morning across Equestria, the sun had just begun to peek out from the horizon. Java yawned as he made his way downstairs, staring out the stairway window at the dawn. On his way toward the kitchen, he stopped at the calendar, crossing off the previous day. He looked at the current date and smiled. “A year to the day.” he said. He took a moment to reminisce before continuing toward the kitchen. He didn't make it onto the tiles before a knock at the door stopped him in his tracks. He sighed, staring across the room at the boxes of cereal, nearly within hooves' reach. With a groan, he turned around and made his way toward the door, putting manners over meals. “Who in Equestria is even up at this hour?” he asked himself, opening the door. His answer came as a blast of confetti to the face, followed by a pink pony up against his nose. “Happy year-aversery to you today.” Pinkie sang. “What the? Pinkie Pie?” Java's heart skipped a beat in surprise. “It seems like you knocked on our door just yesterday.” she continued, tapping her feet against the ground in a short dance. “Hey! You're gonna wake everypony up!” “But now a complete year has passed since you entered our lives, I can't think of any-” Her bouncing and singing were interrupted by a hoof in her mouth as the turquoise colt caught his breath, wiping confetti off his face. He looked over at the staircase, seeing nopony stepping down them. “Well, it doesn't look like you woke anypony up.” he told her, turning back to the hyperactive mare. “Did you come all the way out here at the crack of dawn just to sing some song?” He removed his hoof so she could speak. “Of course not, that would be crazy. I was here at midnight but nopony was awake, so I sat and waited. And it wasn't just the song, I wanted to make sure you didn't forget about your party today.” “You mean the party that doesn't start for eight hours?” “Yeah, I wanted to make sure you weren't late.” “so you thought it was....never mind, we'll be there, see you in eight hours.” “Okie Dokie Lokie.” she said with a smile. She bounded off toward home, and Java sighed, shutting the door hard behind him. Alpha groaned as she made her way down the stairs. “Do you have to shut that door so hard? It's the crack of dawn Java.” Java looked at her with a bit of despair. “B-but I...but Pinkie...never mind.” he said with a sigh, rubbing his head. Java made his way to the kitchen for some coffee, the day already had him tired out. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Java, Alpha, and Micro made their way toward Ponyville's square, which Pinkie had reserved for the party. “Well, it looks like Pinkie went all out.” Alpha said, looking at the party just up ahead. The party was in full swing as ponies were trotting back and forth on the dance floor to DJ Pon-3's deep bass beats. As the group made their way up to the party, Pinkie made her usual unusual appearance by hopping out from under a table. “So what do you think?” she asked. Java took a breath, surprised from the party pony's sudden appearance and sighed. “It's great, thanks Pinkie. But why would you celebrate our year-aversery and not Twilight's?” “Don't you remember that party during the Summer Sun Celebration?” she asked. Java thought back to the Summer Sun Celebration, and Pinkie's big party. “Yeah, what does that have to do with Twilight?” “Twilight came to Ponyville on the same day, so it was a double party!” she explained, pulling a calendar out from under the table she had jumped out of. “Plus your arrival in Ponyville fills a crucial party void between the Summer Sun Celebration and the Nightmare Night party.” Alpha took Java's hoof and dragged him toward the dance floor. “Aren't you the one that warned me not to try and decipher Pinkie logic?” she teased, stepping onto the tile floor. Java nodded, smiling. “I just can't help myself sometimes.” “Well, let's try and enjoy the party for a bit, okay?” Java nodded, and the two began dancing, shifting side to side to the beat. Micro watched from across the square, getting a glass of punch. “Are you alright?” asked a concerned voice. He turned around and saw Shimmer standing there, giving him a worried look. “Oh, yeah.” he told her. “I'm still not used to big crowds like this, and I'm also a little nervous about tomorrow.” She stepped up to the nervous colt and wrapped her hoof around his neck. “It'll be alright, you're going to do great.” He smiled over to her, blushing a little. “I hope so, I wouldn't be so nervous if I had somepony coming with me.” “I wish I could, but I still have nursing training.” “Yeah...” Micro hung his head. Shimmer looked at the worried colt with a little bit of pity, and took his hoof. “Come on,” she told him with a smile, “Let's dance.” She dragged him down to the dance floor, moving to the beat of the music. Java smiled as he watched his brother begin to emerge from his shell. His view was pulled away by the mare across from him, smiling at him. “You aren't staring at another mare are you?” she asked teasingly. “Of course not.” Java said with a smirk. “I don't think I even see other mares anymore.” Alpha giggled, and the two leaned in for a kiss. “Well, looks like you two are having fun.” came a familiar feminine voice. Java turned, catching a view of a treble clef cutie mark on a turquoise background. “Mom!” he said in shock, pushing Alpha a couple of inches away. Cadence couldn't help but giggle as she stepped up to the colt. “Are you still doing that? Java you're not a young colt anymore, why are you always so embarrassed about being with a filly around me?” Alpha took a step forward and smiled, adjusting her mane. “It's a mystery.” she said, holding out her hoof. “Alpha Tester.” “Cadence Da Capo.” she said, shaking hooves with the computer filly. “So how's my Java doing?” “Oh, he's more or less alright, It's me I'm worried about.” she joked. “I'm going in for the brain scan next week.” The two mares laughed as they continued to talk. Java gave his own nervous laugh, shuffling away. “I'm gonna go get some punch.” he told them, heading toward the buffet. Java turned his head away from the two, hoping his mother wouldn't embarrass him as he took a swig of the punch. “Uh oh, you know what they say happens when two mares gossip.” came a colt's voice from next to him. Java gasped, choking a bit on the punch before coughing to clear his throat. He turned his head and saw the orange-red colt next to him, enjoying a cupcake from the buffet. “Dad?” he said, surprised once again. “What is up with everypony and surprising me today?” “You never were one to pay attention to your surroundings.” Sound chuckled. “Your friends invited us to come by.” Java sighed and took another sip of punch. “Well it was nice of them to tell me.” he said sarcastically. “Well, “ came another voice from behind, “As Sebastian Silvertongue said, 'A surprise is a gift wrapped in a heart attack.'” Java turned around to see a smiling white unicorn standing behind him, chuckling at his own joke. Morning Star held out his hoof, and the two shook. “Hey Star, what's new?” “Same old, I decided to take a break from updating star maps to wish you a happy 'year-aversery' as your friend Pinkie put it.” “Well, I bet Twi's really happy about that.” “I-I bet she is.” Star said with a blush. “A-anyway congratulations.” Java smiled as Star made his way toward the dance floor, blushing furiously. Java chuckled, making his way back toward Alpha and his mother, but was knocked over on the way by a pair of pegasi, squealing as they joined in a circle of mares. “Oh my gosh it's really him! It's RGB!” was one of a slew of comments coming from the excited crowd. Cosmo made a leap up from the crowd, wearing his Wonderbolts suit and buzzing around the square trying to get away from the crowd. Java couldn't help but laugh as the group followed him, until they trampled him trying to catch up. Getting up with a painful groan, he sighed. “Hey look!” he said, pointing down the street. “There's Soarin and Spitfire!” The fangirls didn't bother to even check before they began running down the street. Cosmo sighed and made his way up to the sore colt, holding out a hoof. “Thanks Java, I knew I should have taken a minute to get out of my flight suit before I rushed down here.” “No problem.” Java said, shaking his hoof. “That's just another one you owe me.” “Right,” Cosmo replied, taking off his suit, “I'll have to pay those back eventually.” Cadence approached the two, giggling. “Oh my, that girl of yours has quite the sense of humor Java.” she told him, sustaining her laughs. “Oh, who's your friend?” Cosmo held out his hoof again, smiling. “Cosmic Dash, Rainbow's brother.” “Oh, so you're her famous brother.” She replied, shaking his hoof. “Cadence Chips, Java's mother.” “Nice to meet you, did you like the gift?” “The gift? Oh the autograph! I loved it.” “Glad to hear it.” Cosmo said with a chuckle. “It wasn't easy to get, coach doesn't usually do personal favors for his team members.” “Well I appreciate the effort, it was an amazing wedding gift.” Java smiled and stepped away, leaving the two to talk. He met back up with Alpha, who was waiting for him by the large stage Pinkie had set up. “Hey, feeling alright?” “Yeah,” Java nodded, “I just feel like I've been knocked off my hooves.” Alpha smiled and put a hoof on his shoulder, nuzzling his cheek. “Well I think it was nice of them, even if it did almost give you a stroke. Now come on, you still owe me a dance.” Java smiled and nodded, walking with her to the dance floor. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv The sun began to set, the party still in full swing. As the light began to disappear, Pinkie had hooked up a series of neon lights, which brightened up the square in beautiful colors. Cadence stood near the buffet, taking a sip of punch. “It's been a while Cadence.” came Sound's voice as he approached her. She froze up for a second, setting down her punch glass. “Sound, it's been a while.” Sound rubbed the back of his mane, nervously avoiding eye contact. “I...I heard you got remarried.” Cadence was doing the same, digging her hoof into the ground. “Yes, Andante couldn't make it, unfortunately. I heard you got another divorce, I'm sorry to hear that.” “Well, it was bound to happen....look, I made a lot of stupid decisions, and I definitely made some mistakes, I certainly should have thought about you and the kids, and...well....” Sound continued dancing in circles, until Cadence put a hoof to his mouth gently, smiling at him. “If Java can forgive you, you're forgiven.” Sound smiled and blushed, looking away. “R-right. I'm glad that's over.” “You never were good with words.” she giggled. “Now quit that blush, let's not cause a scene, this is Java's and Micro's party.” Sound nodded and steadily dropped his blush, adjusting his tie. Cadence smiled as he walked away, taking another sip of her punch. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv While the rest of the ponies were down on the ground, Dash and Cosmo had lifted away from the party onto a nearby cloud. The two were laughing hard, Dash fell backward, holding her head. “And then,” Cosmo continued, “Soarin put on this dumb grin and said 'How was that coach?'” The two were laughing their flanks off, trying to contain themselves. Finally, Cosmo caught control of himself and wiped a happy tear from his eye. “So anyway, summer tryouts are starting soon.” Dash's laughter began to quell as he told her. She got up on her hooves, looking serious. “Cosmo, we talked about this.” “I know, I'm not offering you a spot.” he told her. “I talk to Mom and Dad too y'know, you always ask them to mail you a registration form, but I never see your form in the pile.” Dash looked away, letting her mane fall on her face. “Yeah, well...I'm not good enough yet, I need another year to train.” “Come on Hummingbird,” he said, trying to encourage her, “I know you're good enough, even I couldn't pull of the Sonic Rainboom, just trying that stunt nearly put me in the hospital and cost me my spot on the team.” “Yeah well, you're the one who started that whole legacy, I don't want to make the team because of your move.” “That hasn't been my move since you pulled it off in flight camp, that's your move.” “This isn't up for debate.” Dash turned her back to the colt, glaring down at the cloud. Cosmo sighed, her stubborn attitude had always annoyed him. It didn't take him long to figure out how to turn it around. “Nah, you're right, you're not ready yet.” he told her, smirking. “What did you say?” she said, turning back around. “I said you aren't ready yet, your moves are still second rate.” “Oh yeah?!” her eyes filled with determination, her wings flapping angrily. “I could fly circles around you and the rest of the Wonderbolts!” Cosmo looked her over and shook his head. “Nah, I don't see it.” “Then I'll show you at tryouts.” she told him, her wings still flapping. “Go ahead.” he told her, turning his back to her. She let out a frustrated growl and turned her back as well, wings still flapping. “Thanks.” she said quietly, a small smile on her face. “What was that?” Cosmo asked, turning his head. “I-I said I'm gonna go grab some punch.” she told him, diving off the cloud to the party below. Cosmo smirked as he watched her carefully land on all four hooves, walking up to the punch bowl. “You're welcome.” he said, resting his head on his hooves. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Morning Star stared up at the sky, a bead of sweat slowly falling down his brow. “uhh....” he stuttered, looking back and forth across the night. “uhh....Draco?” Twilight, sitting next to him, let out a cry of victory. “Nope,” she said happily, “Right after I said Ursa Minor. I can't believe you forgot, that was right near the start of the game.” “Yeah, I can't believe it either.” he said, brushing back his mane. “I guess you win.” Twilight paused for a moment, looking over to the colt suspiciously. “Wait, did you let me win?” Star blushed, looking away. “What? Of course not.” he told her, donning a joking tone. “I would never let you win, you did it all on your own.” “Oh, I get it. You're trying to trick me, I really did do it, didn't I?” “Isn't that what I just said?” he asked. The two laughed, smiling at each other. “Seriously, did you or didn't you?” she asked. “Jeez, I told you I didn't let you win.” he said, still jokingly, as he turned his head away. A blush went over his face as he felt her kiss the back of his head. “Thanks.” He turned around, still blushing and smiling. “Y-you're welcome.” The two stared at each other for a while, before Pinkie Pie stepped in and interrupted. “Twilight, it's time.” she told her unicorn friend. Twilight nodded and stood up, smiling at Star. “Come on.” The blush left his face as he nodded, standing up and walking with the two mares back toward the party. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv The music blasted loud into the night air, ponies still filling the dance floor. Suddenly, the music stopped, and the sound of a bell ringing was heard from the stage area. The bell was being levitated in a purple magic, courtesy of Twilight Sparkle. Standing on stage with her were her five friends, along with Cosmo, Cadence, Sound, Cosmo, Alpha, Shimmer, and Clickspring. “Your attention please,” Twilight announced, “Would Java and Micro Chips, please come to the stage.” Confused, the Chips brothers made their way onto the stage, standing opposite the group. “Java and Micro,” Twilight began, “We would all like to wish you a happy year-aversery, congratulations on surviving a year in Ponyville.” The crowd couldn't help but laugh at the final comment as she continued her speech. “In honor of your integration into our friendly community, and as a good luck to both of your futures, we have prepared for each of you two gifts. First, the individual gifts.” Twilight levitated forward a radio, setting it in front of Java. It was his old AC/DC from his room, except that it had had the complete once over, looking brand new. The color had been changed from tan to turquoise, and his cutie mark had been added onto the back. Java smiled as he looked at it. “Thanks, this means a lot.” he said, a tear running down his face. Rarity stood next, placing a tan windbreaker around Micro's shoulders. A patch of his cutie mark had been sewn into the back, the words “Micro Chips” above it, and “Ponyville” below. Across the sleeves were patches of different businesses in Ponyville, including Rarity's Boutique, Sugarcube Corner, and Chips Electronics. “We figured you could use a sponsorship jacket for your big trip.” Click explained. “But even more than that, we wanted to find a way to cheer you on even though we couldn't be there.” Shimmer finished. Micro looked over the jacket, sliding his hooves into the sleeves. He ran his hoof across the fabric, smiling. “Thank you, It's good to know you've all got my back.” “Now then, we have one more gift, this one for the both of you.” Twilight told them, her and Star levitating over the final gift. The brothers looked down as a pair of books were set at their feet. On the front was a picture of Java and Micro, a photo that had been taken when they first came to Ponyville. The title above read, in golden letters, “Chips Brothers' Archive.” below, they had written “Vol. 1” in matching color. “It's a collection of all the friendship reports we've mentioned the two of you in.” Twilight explained. “But that left it pretty thin, so we also added personal letters from all of us, to show just how well you've integrated into the community.” The two brothers smiled, flipping quickly through the pages. Setting the books on their backs, they smiled at the group. “Thanks, all of you.” Java told them. “I never thought a year of my life could change so much.” “Yeah,” Micro agreed, “I probably wouldn't recognize myself from a year ago.” For a while, the two stared at the group, and the group stared back, both smiling. “Alright everypony,” Pinkie said, breaking the silence, “Let's wrap up this party with a bang! Hit it DJ!” DJ-Pon3 dropped a record on the table, and the air was filled with rave beats. Everypony filled the dance floor, moving their hooves to the beat, well into the night. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Java groaned as he rolled out of bed, not ready for the early awakening after last nights late party. As he made his way downstairs, he saw he wasn't the first one awake. Micro was waiting for him, his new jacket on and a pair of packed saddlebags. “You ready?” Micro asked. Java smiled and nodded, walking to the door with him. The two had agreed that they would make the early train, they didn't want to pass too many ponies on the way. They stepped out of the house, looking back at it for a moment. They took a moment to reminisce before starting off toward the train station. The walk was silent, for the most part, the two would occasionally look toward each other, letting out a small smile. It was quiet, but the two were having a silent conversation. The silence was broken, however, as Java looked back. “Duck!” he yelled, diving out of the way. On instinct, Micro did the same, jumping to the side. A grey mailmare came barrelling out of the sky, crashing into the ground nearby. “Are you okay Derpy?” Java asked, the two brothers galloping up. Derpy picked herself up, rubbing her head. “Yeah, I'm fine. I smelled the Cakes making their muffins and got a little distracted.” Java smiled and patted her on the back. “Hey, no problem. You should try to focus more, though, alright?” “Sure thing.” Derpy said with a smile. “Good luck Micro, did you read my letter in the book?” “Not yet Derpy.” Micro said, smiling. “I'm going to read it on the train. I'll send you a thank you letter after I read it, alright?” Derpy nodded, smiling as she took off to deliver the mail. The two smiled and watched her fly off before continuing to the train station. The rest of the trip was silent as they made it to the station, the conductor doing his final engine tests. “Well, this is it.” Java said, staring at the train. “I'll be back in a couple of months, it's not like it's goodbye forever.” Micro told him. “Yeah.” he replied, staring down at his little brother. “Take good care of yourself.” Micro nodded, and the two shared a hug as the conductor called for all aboard. “When you get home there'll be a big shelf in your room for your trophy.” Micro smiled and nodded, making his way toward the train. “I look forward to it.” Java followed the tan colt with his gaze as he boarded the train, following him all the way to his seat by the window. Micro caught sight of him staring and smiled, waving goodbye. Java smiled back, doing the same as the train gained speed out of the station. Once the train was out of sight, he let his hoof hit the ground. He stood there for a few moments, took a deep sigh, and started walking home. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Alpha stepped into the workshop, carrying a daffodil sandwich on a plate. She saw Java at the workbench, working with a couple pieces of wood, his AC/DC radio blasting 80s rock into the room. With a frustrated groan, he tossed the pieces of wood aside. “Micro only left this morning you know.” she reminded him. “You have plenty of time to make a shelf.” “Yeah, but wood was never my strong suit.” he explained. “It'll probably take me the whole time he's gone just to do it.” “Then why not get Mr. Woodstock to do it for you?” Java shook his head, taking a bite of the sandwich. “I want to make it myself.” Alpha smiled and slid her glasses up her nose, kissing his cheek softly. “You really miss him don't you?” Java looked away for a second, reminiscing. “This is the longest we'll have ever been apart. I knew he had to move on some day, but....” He sighed, taking another bite of lunch. Alpha looked at him with mild concern. After a moment of thought, she smiled and turned off the radio. “Come on, you need to take a break. Listening to old music is the last thing you need to look away from the past.” Java turned and smiled at the mare, who wrapped her forelegs around his neck, smiling. “It's my favorite music genre.” he told her. “I think I have something even better for you.” she told him. “How does the pitter patter of little hooves sound?” Java blushed, turning to the mare, who gave him another kiss on the cheek. “That...” he said, pausing. “That sounds great.” She smiled and took his hoof, leading him out of the workshop. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Canterlot was filled to the brim with young colts fresh out of high school, all competing in the junior division. Micro sat in the corner, looking through his book. He had taken a look at the crowd and thought it would help him calm his nerves. To his dismay, he realized he had finished the last page, and was no more relaxed. He sighed, turning the page to see the blank back. On the inside of the black cover, however, something else caught his eye. A note was hastily taped in. I'm proud of you. Java Micro smiled as he read it over a second time. As his name was called with another contestant's, he shut the book and put it with his belongings. Standing at the edge of the curtain, he took a deep breath and walked out on stage.