Discord's Adventure

by Fictional Fun

A Unicorn Named Tyranny

It was a warm day in Ponyville, but the clouds were as dark as night blocking out the beautiful sun. Discord and Fluttershy were on their way to Twilight's house because, she sent them a message asking they come immediately.Not many ponies were out because if the strange weather,but that was fine with Discord because, now he had a chance to do some chaos with no pony in the way.Discord turned buildings into mismatched shades of colors, and even made some buildings start to float. Fluttershy was not happy with this behavior, so after a massive argument discord agreed to not use his magic, and he turned all buildings back to normal. Discord thought to himself "These ponies are so boring, why do I even put up with them?" He knew the answer to his question, however was the yellow mare he was walking next too, she was his only friend after all.

After what seemed like an eternity to Discord the arrived at Twilight's library home. Most ponies eyes were drawn to the sight of the massive carved out tree, but not discord, because to him it was another boring old building. Fluttershy knocked on the large door three time, and after waiting for 20 seconds knocked one more time. On the fourth knock Twilight answered the door, but she had a look of concern on her face. All of Twilight's other friends were in the main room of the library too, each having a conversation that made Discord even more bored then he already was.

To discord's relief Twilight silenced everyone, so she could speak. "I have called you all here because, the princesses wish to see all of us immediately "Every one looked at Twilight with interest, except Discord who was quite bored." I don't know what the princesses want,so I'm going to teleport us all to Canterlot right now, for our audience with the princesses."Twilight then looked at Discord and said " Don't cause any trouble during our time in Canterlot, okay"

Discord gave her a toothy smile and replied "Now why on Earth would I ever do a thing like that." Twilight became annoyed,but ignored the spirit of chaos, because now she had to focus on other things. Twilight cast her spell and they all landed in the throne room of the rulers of Equestria.

Twilight was visibly excited to see her old mentor, when they arrived at Canterlot Castle. Celestia, however looked like she was in a really bad mood today. Celestia looked at them with annoyance "Why are you all late?". All the ponies except Discord looked surprised at her upset tone.

Discord laughed and said, "Some-pony woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

Celestia gave Discord a serious look and said one word "Tyranny" Discord face immediately became angry at that one word.

Twilight then asked, with a puzzled face "What do you mean princess?" Celestia sighed, but calmed down a bit, after a minute.

Celestia replied "Long ago, after Discords first defeat there was another ruler, named Tyranny. He and Discord had been enemies long before Discord had been defeated, because booth wanted to rule over the land."

Discord then continued what Celestia was about to say " Tyranny was unlike me though, he wanted to see ponies suffer through ways of torture, while I just wanted a little chaos." Celestia then nodded her head in agreement with what Discord just said. Twilight and her friends gasped with surprise.


After the shock of what they had heard faded, Twilight asked Celestia what they should do.

Celestia replied "You and Discord must travel to defeat Tyranny with the elements of harmony."

Rainbowdash yelled in her raspy voice "You can count on us princess." Every pony in the room had a look of confidence on their face, not counting Discord and Celestia.

Celestia said " Also, Tyranny has Luna held captive. I need you to save her or this world will be thrown into imbalance." Twilight and her companions confidence faded with that. "Go and prepare for your journey, except you Discord, I would like to have a word with you." Once Celestia and Discord were left alone Celestia said "Discord you must protect the element with your life, they will need your help. I know they don't trust you but I do."

Discord was surprised at her words, he never expected Celestia to trust him of all things. Discord then said, "My magic is only Chaos though, what good would I do against a pony like Tyranny."

Celestia sighed and said "You must learn about the magic of friendship, or we will all die at the hands of tyranny. You and the elements are our only hope." Discord nodded his head, even though he didn't want go on this journey he had to.
He silently left the magnificent throne room, so he could prepare for an epic journey."

In Discord's Dream he saw Luna in a dungeon that had torture equipment that gave even him the chills. He forced a casual look, and said "Princess Luna I know you like me, but isn't it going a bit far going into my dreams."

Luna wasn't thrilled with his joking nature. "Thy must hurry and defeat Tyranny, and rescue me, our else Equestria will burn." Discord now was annoyed himself.

"Yeah we'll find you real quick, not knowing where you are held captive, or where Tyranny is." The sarcasm in Discord's voice only pissed Luna off even more, though she didn't show it, because she was talking to one of the only things that could save her.

"I think we are in the old castle in the Everfree Forest. I saw a glimpse of the outside this morning, but now I must leave you because day is coming."

Discord then woke up from his dream. Today was the day his journey would begin, but he know that thing wouldn't be easy for him and his companions. After meeting Twilight and company at the gate to the castle, They started off on their journey of hardships.

Discords eyes silently shed light...