Dusk's Travels

by Bluecatcinema

Controlled Chaos

After getting a good look at the wonders of Neighagra Falls, Dusk pressed on with his journey. As he walked, he came upon a small ridge. With his backpack weighing him down and preventing flight, he had to make a small, but calculated leap down. As his hooves made contact with the ground below, it suddenly depressed downward. Dusk had only a second to wonder what was going on when he was suddenly hurled upwards.

"Whoa!" He yelped.

Dusk closed his eyes as he neared the ground. He bounced up again, and landed on a bush, which he also bounced off of. Soon enough, his bouncing slowed, and he was able to stand again. Warily, he pushed his hoof down on a nearby piece of grass. It folded in and snapped back as he pressed down and removed his hoof. Further analysis brought Dusk to a conclusion; Somehow, the whole area had become like rubber. As far as he knew, there was only one thing that could produce that effect.

As Dusk rounded a corner, he found his suspicions rang true; A draconequus was bouncing on rubbery flowers.

"Oh, no." Dusk groaned.

Unfortunately for Dusk, it was then that the draconequus noticed.

"Well, well!" He proclaimed dramatically. "Look who's here!"

"Hello, Discord." Dusk said.

"Prince Dusk Glow!" Discord snapped his fingers; One flash later, and he was dressed like a royal courtesan. "To what do I owe the honor?"

"I'm just passing through." Dusk explained. "I had no idea you were here."

Dusk had never met the master of chaos face-to-face before, but he had heard a lot about him, and would have preferred not to cross the path of such an unpredictable trickster.

"Well, here I am!" Discord smiled. "By the way, I heard about your little expedition." He flashed himself into an explorer's outfit. "Aren't you the brave little prince?" Another flash, and he was wearing a black-and-red shirt, with a strange gold and silver badge on the chest. "Boldly going where no pony has gone before!"

"Yeah, sure." Dusk nodded, bemused. "And what, might I ask, are you doing here?"

"Just having some fun." Discord smirked.

"And considering you've turned this place into an outdoor bounce house, I'm guessing your definition of 'fun' would be... a tad different then mine." Dusk noted.

"Oh, relax, kiddo." Discord snorted. He leapt into the air, landing next to Dusk. The rubbery ground launched them both into the air. Dusk flew into a rubberised tree, and was flung into a bouncy bush.

"A little harmless, controlled chaos." Discord said airily. "I have my fun, and nopony gets hurt."

"Unless they have a heart attack." Dusk groaned as he steadied himself. "Now, if you don't mind, I really have to get going."

As Dusk turned to leave, Discord flashed in front of him.

"What's the rush, kid?" He asked.

"I'm on a schedule." Dusk declared. "If I don't get to the station in time, I'll miss my train."

"Schedule, schmedule!" Discord blew a raspberry. "Why not take time out to bounce some more?"

"I don't have time to take out, that's why." Dusk said tersely.

"Jeez louise." Dusk snorted. "You're just like your mother, kid. Everything's all 'schedule this' and 'timetable that'. You just don't know how to have fun, that's your problem."

"I know how to have fun." Dusk huffed. "And I also know when it's time to get serious, and focus on what's important."

"Well, excuuuuse me, prince!" Discord hooted. "Tell you what, I'll make you a deal: You hang around a little more and have fun with me, and I'll use my powers to zap you to the train station. It won't matter how big the delay is, you'll still get there with plenty of time to spare."

Dusk mulled it over. Discord's powers could indeed get him to the train station on time. And from what he'd heard, the lord of chaos was quite tame nowadays. Surely he wouldn't do anything to harm the son of one of the Elements of Harmony?

"Okay, Discord." Dusk nodded. "You've got yourself a deal."

"Fantastic!" Discord smirked. "First up: How about a bounce race? First one to that big tree wins!"

"You're on." Dusk smiled.

The two of them leapt onto the ground, beginning their bouncing trip. Dusk made a decent effort, but Discord beat him to to the tree.

"I win!" Discord cheered, flashing up a kazoo and playing a victory tune.

"That... was actually kinda fun." Dusk smiled.

"If you thought that was fun, wait 'til you see our next game: cloud racing!" Discord declared. "First one round the mountain and back wins!"

With a snap of Discord's fingers, two cloud floated down, a seat and steering wheel forming on each. Discord jumped into his.

"Let's go!" He hollered, a driving cap, goggles and gloves flashing onto him.

Dusk climbed into his cloud.

"And... go!" Discord yelled.

The clouds both took off. Dusk's cloud did all the flying. All Dusk had to do was to turn the wheel. They soared through the skies. As they rounded the mountain, Dusk took the lead, which reclaimed by Discord. Dusk then took it once more as they passed the finish line Discord had created moments before.

"That's one-to-one!" Discord declared. "You know what that means: Time for a tie breaker! And since you've been such a good sport, I'll let you choose the game."

"Okay, I choose 'twenty questions'." Dusk declared.

"I don't think I've heard of that game." Discord shrugged.

"It's easy." Dusk smiled. "You think of something, anything,and Iask you twenty yes or no question. If I don't figure out what you're thinking by the twentieth question, you win."

"Let's play." Discord flashed up some chairs for them to sit in.

"Is it an animal?" Dusk asked.

"Bzzzt!" Discord's nose turned into a buzzer.

"It is a food?" Dusk pressed on.

"Ding!" Discord's nose lit up.

"Is it juicy?" Dusk asked.

"Bzzzt!" Discord shook his head.

"Is it sweet?" Dusk asked.

"Ding!" Discord's nose lit up again.

"Is it a dessert?" Dusk smirked, getting an idea of what it might be.

"Ding!" Discord nodded.

"Did you once make it rain from the sky?" Dusk grinned wider.

"Ding!" Discord nodded.

"Is it chocolate pudding?" Dusk asked triumphantly.

"Ding-ding-ding-ding!" Discord blared. "What do we have for our big winner?"

Another Discord, this one wearing a blue suit, walked up to Dusk.

"An all-expenses-paid trip to the train station!" The suited Discord spoke into a microphone.

Another fingersnap, and Dusk was flashed to the train station.

"Thanks, Discord." Dusk smiled. "For everything. It really was fun."

"Told you." Discord smirked. "Never hurts to lighten up, kid."

"Well, my train's here." Dusk noted as the conveyance arrived. "See you around, Discord."

"Say hello to everypony in Ponyville for me." Discord waved. "Especially Fluttershy."

"Will do." Dusk nodded.

As he got onboard the train, Dusk smiled brightly.

'Note to self: In the future, make more time for fun.' He thought.

Dusk could see Discord waving at him through the window. The lord of chaos had turned out to be an okay guy. Dusk sincerely hoped they would meet again someday.