//------------------------------// // Almost // Story: The Rainbow Trials // by Foxes33 //------------------------------// 7. Almost I want to hold my breath, this is all so bad. They are close, I can here each and every step, my stomach aches, I know I am nervous. It felt like hours in the small cave, the sounds had faded, yet they waited inside of the cold decedent cave. They were shoulder and shoulder, and all they could do was wait. It had been early when they had landed, but now the sun was going down. "We should just sleep here." Jasmine whispered and Rainbow nodded in reply. However it felt cramp and they had to be back and back, trying to give the other room, but it was difficult. The hoofsteps had maybe faded, and Jasmine had fallen asleep, but Rainbow was having extreme difficulty. There was too much to think about for her, going home being most of it, but there was also seeing her friends, what would they think of her? He had too much trouble sleeping and slipped out of the crevasse onto the small ledge outside. She looked up at the dark sky, with a large moon hanging in the sky and stars hovering around it. Somehow Rainbow knew that her friends were perhaps looking at the same moon. Tears began to clutter her eyes, they shown from moon light and slowly trickled down her cheeks. Even though she knew that she would be home soon, but it was just so hard to know that they weren't with her still. She used her hoof to whip away the hot tears. It was almost as though they burned her skin. She wanted what she had, she wished that she never left. Rainbow actually felt as though she was stupid, she had caused herself to suffer. She worried that hey had captured them so she would come back and do the last trial. What could it be? Her head lowered as she thought about that fact it may end her life. That was what made her scare, she was still young and she wasn't ready to enter death's gates. She looked back at the moon, it comforted her to know that her friends were under the same moon. Rainbow smiled, she couldn't believe that she was smiling, and she knew it was because she was almost home. She could feel it in her heart and she knew, she wasn't home until she was with her friends. She entered the cave again and was happy to see Jasmine's sleeping shape in the dark. Jasmine was curled up on her left, so Rainbow went to the right and curled up into her own side and settled down. Soon the darkness came and she fell asleep in the small cave. Once again she dreamed, but it was different from her many nightmares. It was a dark decedent forest, it was cool and the wind howled in the trees. She was scared and her heart was beating fast. However she tried to keep her breath slow and not hyperventilate. As she went on, shapes raised in front of her, it was the ponies from the laboratory. She instantly recognized Dust, who was at the front. She shrunk, and they got bigger, but as she looked at them, she realized she was much stronger then them. She went through fire, she dodged bombs and last, but not least, she escaped them once. As she realized this, she got bigger and they shrunk until they were both there normal size. "I am not afraid of you!" Rainbow snapped, and she watched as they faded into the darkness. "Were the ones you shall fear. We could have your friends." Dust said, cackling after until he also dissipated into the darkness surrounding. "If you have them, I will come back and defeat you. If you do, you better not hurt them!" Rainbow called into the darkness. She snorted, and glared at where they once stood. Soon everything went wavy, and the dream dissipated into darkness. Rainbow woke up to a slight sunlight from the small crack where you could get out of the small cave. She raised her head and looked to see that Jasmine wasn't asleep anymore. Slowly she raised and came out to see that Jasmine was out on the ledge. "Hey Rainbow, if you don't mind me calling you that." Jasmine said kindly, she looked refresh. "Its fine. Can I call you Jazzy?" Rainbow asked. Jasmine nodded, she was smiling widely. Rainbow noticed it wasn't dawn, quite a bit passed it. "Why didn't you wake me up?" Rainbow asked, after briefly looking at the bright yellow sun. "We both needed to be refreshed, plus I woke up and decided to check the map. Also good news! Were almost there." Jasmine said gleefully and smiling widely. Rainbow smiled widely, "Good news? That's great news." Rainbow felt great, even though she was slightly sore from her uncomfortable sleep. Soon all the sore feeling disappeared and she felt as though she could do anything. They ate a quick breakfast and then they took off for Ponyville. Rainbow was excited, she wanted to get to Ponyville fast, she wanted to see her friends now. "Can we make it today?" Rainbow asked, still excited. "Well to be honest, probably if we don't get sidetracked by you know who." Jasmine answered, her voice full of concern. Rainbow's heart sank, what if they did get sidetracked? Her stomach ached because she was nervous, and once again she was uncertain. As that began, she began to feel the true pain of her sores from the fact that she had slept in a bad position. However it seemed even Jasmine was having trouble from sleeping in such a small place. When Rainbow looked down, she began to recognized things and at least knew where they were, but she was still concerned. What if they were in Dust's clutches, or maybe worst, maybe even dead?