//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Jealous Creation // by KazFox //------------------------------// Ordinary days are not something you find here. Nor do you find any ordinary pony. The ponies who do not live here say nothing about this place is ordinary. But the ponies who inhabit the land call it such. The foreigners are loved, the natives are hated. The area just seemed so... strange and unrelentingly unnatural. However, the ruler of this land finds no reason to hate because of such words. As a matter of fact, the ruler is not only what describes his land, but also the creator of the land. Though he goes by many adjectives, only one or two suit him the best: Chaos. Chaos or Disharmony. Many have come to hate this creature as he has what they believe to be too much harmful fun. The rest have seen through the despair of the creature’s fun and have come to realize that it be better they appreciate it. Hate and love for this land is well known. And so is the amount of hatred, and limited love for the creator himself. If any other pony would try to make some kind of change, or great impact on the land, they were free to do so. Just as long as they made it clear with the creator. And from what they heard from everypony else who tried to make a difference, it would be wise not to. The ones who did try were all banished to the the forest miles away from the land. Some of the inhabitants of the land of Chaos had accepted their fate and left rather satisfied that they had the gall to attempt changing what the creator saw as perfect. But the remaining sum of those who loved what they called home, have come to regret their choice in attempting to change perfection. Yes, the ones who tried were banished to never be heard from again unless one is to venture far into the forest. But even being banished came with a ceremony. They would walk the one long street that lead from the castle all the way to the end of the land of Chaos. With a parading band, a few floats, and even the ruler himself sometimes giving a small eulogy to the banished one, as the chances of the ponies who were given the boot to survive in the forest were slim to none. Yes, the ruler was rather cruel when punishing his disloyal subjects who questioned him. Only those who show that he is their everything earn the rewards that he free handedly passes out: Homes, clothes, food, and much more amenities. He was cruel, yes, but even he has his nice side. Unfortunately for him, there was still the matter of the two alicorns whom hated him and his fair land with such a passion, that change to the land was not enough. No, they wanted to change him. More specifically, they wanted to change the ruler of the land. It was so horrible, that these alicorns had gone as far as creating six magical trinkets that would help dethrone the ruler. Not that they hated the chaotic land, nor did they hate the ponies who inhabited the land. They more so appreciated that it was a Draconequus rather than a pony who ruled, otherwise they would feel guilty for trying to do what they thought to be right. They just thought that chaos ruling over the land seemed to be too unorthodox, and the methods of getting something done too whimsical. They wanted order. They so desperately needed Harmony. They would do whatever it took to take him down. And it was on this very day where they confronted the ruler. This very day, they had challenged him to a duel to the death, even though he kindly put it as a duel to the eternal sleep. It was his fault however, that he had fell in battle. It was their fault he fell in love. In love so long ago, with the two creatures who used to laugh and play alongside him. The two who had given him the heart he had possessed full of kindness along with the meanness. It was not hatred that drove them to do what they did, it was jealousy that brought them to take down the one they had later named in history as “Discord”. It was later in history where the two alicorns who defeated him were heard to have the names “Celestia” and “Luna”. It was later in history where he was remembered to be evil, and them to be good. Him to be hateful, and them to be affectionate. It was not until later, the land that the many ponies step on now is called “Equestria”. But what made the two jealous and want to take down the ruler in the first place? What made them so desperate to imprison, to deny sweet death to the Draconequus? What made them so jealous of him and his rule? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Or at least, nothing related to being rulers or of being the ones who are praised and in charge of reality. It was jealousy of each other. They knew that he was in love with the both of them, and they knew that the other had love for him. They did not want to fight for him, so they had agreed to stay away from their emotions, and to instead continue to enjoy his company. But it was ill fortune that what happened after did. He attempted to be with them at the same time. And soon, they were at each other’s necks. Fighting day in and day out for the Draconequus they wanted to remain with so badly. And it was not until they made the stunning realization that they could not kill one another that they had conjured up the idea of imprisoning him. And so now, he sits in the very garden of what he was able to call his throne. They sit atop of the highest floor in the castle of what he used to call his room. They claimed all that he had, including all that he had to offer. All because they could not come to terms with each other and instead of fight for him, both cherish him. Love is a powerful thing, but jealousy is much more a greater foe than any amount of hatred. That’s how Equestria was founded. That’s how Discord was defeated. That’s how Celestia and Luna became goddesses of Sun and Moon, respectively. Anypony else who claims otherwise, was not there to witness how it all happened. For the only remaining survivors to tell this tale are the two rulers who once would have been proud to call Equestria’s greatest foe, lover.