Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope

by Michael_Ravencroft

Fourth Sign: Part 4

The Knights vs. The Envoys

The battle, though grueling, was over. Twilight had reentered the bridge, still in Centarus form. The Knights were still in the mists of celebrating their victory over the Envoy's fleet of shipwreck vessels.

"That was amazing Twilight," exclaimed Fluttershy.

"Now I know you're trying to make me look bad, guess I'll have to step up my game in my Centaurus form during the next fight," said Rainbow Dash.

"This isn't a competition Rainbow," scolded Twilight.

"Says the mare who pretty much destroyed an entire fleet and then some," added Applejack.

"Wow Twilight, if I wasn't already with Twist, and you weren't already with Bright Blade, I'd say you made me fall in love with you! Oh no, wait, I can't fall in love with you, I'm in love with Twist! Unless – Hey Twilight would you two be interested in forming a –!"

Pinkie Pie was quickly silenced by the perfectly pedicured hoof of Rarity being shoved into the pink party pony's mouth.

"Pinkie for the love of Epona let's not open a can of worms nopony is ready for! I swear darling this isn't the place to bring something like that up," said Rarity.

"Lnnn wmmf? (Like what?)" Pinkie asked with a devious grin.

"Oh please like you were not just about to ask Twilight and Bright Blade to form a herd with you and Twist!?"

It was quite the sight, if there was a question about whether or not a pure energy being could blush, it was answered right now. Twilight's cheeks had a very noticeable red tint to them, matched in intensity only by Bright.

"Oh my," squeaked Fluttershy.

Rarity immediately facehoofed herself for falling for such an obvious setup, Pinkie Pie was still grinning from her success in getting the fashionista to say the word "herd."

Rainbow Dash leaned towards Applejack to whisper into her ear.

"Say, uh, AJ, would you consider…"

"Finish that sentence and y'all can kiss yer free cider privileges goodbye, forever," said Applejack in a rather serious tone.

"Well…ahem, this is, uh, awkward," said Bright.

"Very," agreed Twilight.




Suddenly the alert was activated, to the gratefulness of everypony around. The Knights looked outside; there were four streaks of light, red, green, orange, and the fourth, a gray colored light. It didn't take them long to figure out who the lights were. The mood on the bridge changed drastically. Serious expressions were plastered upon each of their faces. Now was the time to strike back at the Envoy, their showdown was nigh.

"Looks like they're ready to face us," said Twilight.

"About time," said Bright Blade.

"No point in waiting, let's take the fight to them," said Fluttershy.

The five mare Knights all looked to each other, reaffirming their united feelings towards these invaders and destroyers of worlds. As one the five cried out together.


Seven streaks of light burst out from the bridge of the Sentinel, stopping halfway from their ship and forming a line. Applejack flexed her arms and hands, getting a good feel for her gauntlets. Rainbow Dash's crystal wing blades were extended, prismatic wind swirling around her arms. Rarity's Tri-Diamonds were floating by her side, shimmering with power. Pinkie Pie twirled her Merry-Go-Rounds on her index fingers, stopping, and then aiming them towards their enemies. Fluttershy's pearl orbs hummed with power, the pearl wrapped in the center of her shepherds crook glowing with milky-blue energy. Twilight was ready as well, although she used quite a bit of magic to destroy the Undead Fleet, she still felt she had enough to fight against them. However, one of the seven Knights was not in Centaurus form. Bright Blade was in his Elemental Armor, but wielding Xiaon upon his horn. His body had a thin layer of golden energy, as his shimmering wings fanned out.

Twilight looked down beside her, she figured, being pure energy now, that the need to breathe air was unnecessary, but Bright Blade was still normal, his armor was the only thing sustaining him in the harsh environment of space. A twinge of worry crept its way into Twilight's heart, what would happen if he ran out of power, if his armor should fail him during the fight. Could she save him in time? And then there was his newest weapon, Xiaon, the sword was still experimental; it could backfire on her coltfriend during the battle. Twilight was about to say something to Bright, probably the hardest thing she ever would say.

"Bright Blade…I think you –!"

"Twilight, I know I don't have Centaurus Elementus powers, but there is no way I'm backing out of this fight because of that. I'm not going to sit back and watch the six of you fight from the sidelines," said Bright Blade in stern tone.


"Twilight, create the telepathic link while we still have time."

Twilight sighed heavily; she knew Bright would not be swayed. She then proceeded to create the telepathic link to all her friends, connecting their minds to better communicate during the upcoming fight.

Checking telepathic link, sound off, thought Twilight.


Rainbow Dash.


Pinkie Pie.


Bright Blade.

Twilight Sparkle. Link established. We're all coming in clear.

Twilight glanced down one last time at Bright Blade, her worry not having been quelled.

Twilight can you hear me, asked Rainbow Dash.

Yes I can, what's wrong?

I know you're worried about Bright; I'll keep an eye on him if anything goes wrong.

Rainbow Dash I can't ask you to do that!

Twi I'm the fastest of all of us, I'll be able to reach him faster than you or anyone else.

…Just don't neglect your own safety, or Applejack's. Understand?


"They're here," announced Pinkie Pie.

The four streaks of light stopped a few feet from them, four spheres of gray, red, green, and orange light hovered in place. The first three energy spheres dissipated and showed Polemos, Loimos, and Peina, staring down the Knights of Harmony. Each of the Knights had their eye on a specific Envoy, ready to strike at the one they're anger was seethed for. But the fourth sphere did not burst apart like the others, Twilight's eyes were fixated on this sphere, she could sense that this was the one who almost made the Knight of Magic end her life.

"Why don't you show yourself, are you afraid to face us," asked Twilight.

"Watch your tone, you know not to whom you speak to," warned Loimos.

"Do not fret Loimos, our opponents have every right to look upon the face of death," spoke the fourth sphere.

Suddenly the sphere burst apart, showing the fourth and final Envoy. He was a pale white alicorn from his mane, coat, and tail. He wasn't as heavily armored as his fellow Envoy, just some bracers and greaves, a chest plate, and a simple helmet. It begged the question of whether or not he preferred less armor or was he so strong that the armor was just for decoration. For some reason though, the Envoy kept his eyes closed.

"What's wrong, afraid to look at us, or are you just blind," asked Rainbow Dash.

"Oh I assure you I see clearly, it's for your own benefit actually. My gaze tends to be a little…disconcerting for others."

"Ah'd rather look a pony in the eye if Ah'm goin' to fight'em," said Applejack.

"Heh, heh, very well…"

The fourth Envoy slowly opened his eyes, the Knights kept expecting to see the whites of his ocular orbs, but for some reason, the only thing they saw was black. When his eyes were fully open all the Knights stared wide eyed. The fourth Envoy had no eyes, where they should be was instead darkness, emptiness, it was worse than Eclipse, this thing didn't even have the yellow glow like the others.

"I am Thanatos, the Spirit of Death, bringer of destruction and sorrow!" Thanatos scanned the varied reactions in the Knights of Harmony and smiled wickedly. "They say that the eyes are the windows into the soul. So tell me Knights of Harmony, what do you see when you look into mine!?"

None of them answered.

"Scared speechless, how funny," said Peina chuckling.

"We're going to end this fight here and now, and after words Erebus is next," proclaimed Pinkie Pie.

"I think not, because it is here that your journey ends Knights of Harmony. You see we haven't been fighting you at our full strength up till now," said Loimos.

"What does that mean," asked Rarity.

"It means that whenever we visit a world, we take on a form conducive to that particular world. In this case we took on the forms of your equine civilization, but what you see before you is not our true forms," explained Peina.

"Our true forms aren't needed to destroy worlds, but you should feel honored, no one can claim that they have seen the true forms of the Envoy," said Thanatos.

The pale white alicorn flew off a few ways away, standing on a little piece of wreckage from the previous battle.

"Not going to join us, brother," asked Polemos.

"Having me join would be utter overkill, no need for all four of us to fight."

Polemos scoffed and then snorted, seemingly a bit perturbed by Thanatos. "Do as you wish, let us begin!"

The three Envoy's auras flared up, red, green, and orange light shined brightly before them, along with a massive spike in their power levels. The blinding light continued to shine as the forms of the Envoy began to shift and change. Those of the Knights who dared peeked saw the blackened bodies of the three destroyers suddenly jerk and move about. In one giant flash the transformation was over. When they next opened their eyes the true face of their enemies were revealed.

Loimos was no longer a pegasus, but rather a giant condor. His fur-like mane flared with a vile green energy as it undulated and wisped. The head was elongated and dark gray, with the fully yellow glowing eyes staring right at AJ and RD. Loimos' massive wings flared outwards showing off his impressive twelve foot wingspan, the disease causing vapors hung onto to them, prepared to be unleashed. Below Loimos his pony legs were replaced with that of long lanky legs, each with four razor sharp talons, ready to tear into the their hides.

Peina was, for lack of a better word, repulsive. Her lower half was all scorpion, orange in color, its exoskeleton sheened in the glow of her aura. There were two large pincers; the inner lining riddled with jagged spikes, making sure whatever she caught would regret trying to escape. The upper half was different, it was female, resembling that of the now centaur Knights. Her face was covered with a mask that seemed metallic, only allowing her yellow eyes to shine forth; her brown colored hair flowed wildly in the power of her aura. Both her arms were armored, with the tips of each finger sharpened into claws. And lastly her tail, the deadly appendage was twice as long, and now sporting three stingers arranged into a triangle.

Polemos wasn't any different, but the Spirit of War was hardly equine anymore, he resembled that of a bull. His body was even bigger and more muscular than before, with the blood red armor only adding to his size. Two long horns protruded from his head, angled in just the right position to gore his opponent. Upon his back, the four mechanical arms were fully active, instead of three talons they were now four fingered, but with finely tipped points. A long whip-like tail with flaming red hairs snapped back and forth in eager anticipation. The Spirit of War snorted, his eyes resting right on the Knight of Hope.

Oh buck, thought the Knights in unison.

"And the fun doesn't stop there! Thanatos, it is time!" Loimos proclaimed.

The Spirit of Death's ash gray aura expanded as his horn shined with ghostly light. "Synergize!"

If it were possible for their auras to flare up even more, it did now. The four Envoy were engulfed in a blazing inferno of their own energy, their yellow eyes shined with an evil energy more powerful than before. The Knights of Harmony got into their combat stances, preparing to face their respective opponents.

"With Synergy, we share each other's power," said Peina.

"Give and take, an endless cycle that empowers one and fuels the other," said Loimos.

"Now Knights of Harmony let this soon-to-be legendary battle commence," shouted Polemos.

Light exploded around the warring factions. Loimos shot up in one direction, with Applejack and Rainbow Dash hot on his tail. Peina also left the vicinity, chased down by Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Polemos was still in the same spot, with Bright Blade and Twilight doing the same. Thanatos wasn't worried; he just lounged on the debris, waiting for the inevitable end of their enemies, but more than happy to enter the fight should it seem to be going poorly.

Rainbow Dash flew after Loimos, it was so frustrating, she was nearly as fast a light itself, and yet she was having trouble keeping up with the Spirit of Pestilence. Loimos turned around, facing the Knight of Loyalty. To his massive wings he called forth the diseased wind and flapped his wings at Rainbow Dash. A tornado of dark green glowing wind screeched towards her, but Rainbow Dash was ready. She held out her arms and called to the prismatic winds that swirled around her.

"Spectra Cyclone!!!"

A tornado of rainbow wind blasted forth from her hands. The two attacks met in the middle and smashed into each other. Rainbow Dash grunted as she felt Loimos' power push against her own. Not only did his speed increase but his strength as well. The clashing powers tried to gain ground on the other, for a moment Loimos had the upper hand, but Rainbow would channel more power and push back. It was a tug of war between the two warriors.

"What's the matter, not as strong as you thought you were!?"

"Oh don't even get me started," shouted Rainbow Dash.

"Ha, ha, face it, I am stronger than you now," said Loimos.

"But are ya stronger than meh!?" Applejack had worked her way around Loimos, her right hand balled into a fist, burning with power. "Meteor Fist!!!"

Applejack thrust forth her arm, sailing towards the Spirit of Pestilence. But Loimos was not impressed; he was more than aware of the two mares' tag team style of fighting. The Envoy twisted his head around and looked directly at the incoming Knight, who looked a little grossed out that Loimos had just twisted his head around and did not break his neck upon doing so.

"Did you honestly think I was going to get blindsided again by the two of you!? Fool me once shame on you!"

Loimos disengaged his last attack and encased his body in a giant typhoon of the disease wind. Applejack made contact with the wall, a powerful shockwave rippled through it, but the typhoon wall did not waver. Rainbow Dash, having cancelled her last attack, flew towards the wall. She thrust out her palm, striking the wall with her prismatic wind, trying to purify the evil miasma.

"Fool me twice –!"

The wall opened up like a giant mouth, Rainbow and Applejack barely had time to register that they needed to run, but it was too late. The wall completely swallowed them up and began twirling them around in the gale force turbulent wind that was generated by the Spirit of Pestilence.


Pinkie Pie dashed around the area, firing off one round after the other from her Merry-Go-Rounds. The beams crackled as they flew towards Peina, but the Spirit of Famine was keenly aware of Pinkie's fighting style. With her giant pincers she swatted the blasts away as if they were pesky flies, which only served to infuriate the mare further. Fluttershy's staff glowed with power, wispy milky-blue energy spilling from her pearl orbs.

"Bhēṛiyā Paika!!! Hamalā!!!"

The wolf spirits appeared before Fluttershy, now a pack of twenty wolves. The pale blue beasts snarled and howled as they launched themselves at the Spirit of Famine. Fluttershy knew that wouldn't be enough, it was time to call in air support.

"Gauraiyā Jhuṇḍa!!!"

Fluttershy's body erupted with milky-blue light, from the aura five dozen lights shot up. The lights started to take form, growing wings, a beak, and twin tails. The new avatars had taken the shape of a flock of sparrows, each one ready to attack. The Knight of Kindness thrust her staff in the direction of Peina.

"Uṛāna lē lō!!!"

All the sparrows chirped upon receiving the command from their creator. As one the flock zoomed off in the direction of the wolves. Twenty wolves and five dozen birds all charged towards the poisonous Envoy; to destroy her at the behest of their master.

"How predictable…"

Peina readied her claws and pincers, crouching low, and then taking off to meet the bestial army head on. With a swipe of her poison filled claws, Peina slashed through two wolves at once, with her giant pincers she caught two more slicing them into halve and scattering their essence. The sparrows, seeing their fellow avatars in trouble, swooped down, becoming burning streaks of light. The Spirit of Famine angled her scorpion tail up, the three stingers each glowed in turn with the violet and orange energy of her venom. A powerful beam of venomous light fired from Peina's tail, in a sweeping motion the beam shot down almost all of the sparrow spirits.

Fluttershy felt her body hurt as she clutched her shepherds crook tightly. Peina noticed this at the same time as two more wolves tried to attack her. She caught them both by the throats easily; they thrashed about, trying to get free. Peina crushed the throat of the wolf in her right claw; Fluttershy seemed to react to the destruction of her avatar spirits. It was then that the Spirit of Famine put two and two together.

"I see, your greatest power is also your weakness. You don't feel anything when it is your will that detonates this wolves, but when something else destroys or disrupts them, it causes you pain. Well Fluttershy, does it?"

Fluttershy didn't answer, she merely scowled at Peina.


Peina grabbed the tail of the wolf in her left arm and held tightly to the throat of the same wolf. She then tore the wolf apart, the two halves becoming nothing but particles after the fact. Fluttershy reacted to the death of her wolf, it seemed like it was hurting her. Not a lot, but she was experiencing pain.

"Well that looks like an opening to me!"

Peina launched herself through the wolves, slashing through and cutting down any that dared to try and latch onto her. A few of the sparrow spirits tried to intercept, but another blast from Peina's tail took care of them. She was getting closer, ten feet, six feet, four feet! The Spirit of Famine whipped her tail around and struck with nearly lightning fast reflexes. Before Peina's tri-tipped tail could make contact with the Knight of Kindness she was blocked. A blue shield appeared in front of her target, forcing her back. Peina knew who this shield belonged to and was searching for her, the search, however, did not last long.

"Caliber Carnival!!!"

Three blasts of crackling multicolored light struck the Spirit of Famine, forcing the insectoid Envoy to fall back from her target. To Fluttershy's side appeared Rarity and Pinkie Pie. The Knight of Laughter was aiming two of her muskets at Peina, while the Knight of Generosity maintained the light shield.

"Heh, heh, how cute, all of you sticking together," said Peina mockingly.

"We fight together, none of us are ever alone," said Fluttershy.

"But your friend was, she was alone fighting me, while her friends lied on the ground useless and her father dead on the streets."

Rarity's blue eyes burned with anger at the mention of their fallen friends. "Don't you dare speak of them; you haven't the right to even think about them!"

"Oooooh, did I hit a sore spot?"

"How's this for a sore spot!? Javelotde la Révolution!!!"

The three diamonds spun around Rarity's right arm, transforming into a long javelin made of blue light. The Knight of Generosity charged at Peina, upon which she thrust out her right claw. The two met in the center, with Peina pushing against the tip of the javelin with her open palm.

"BRING IT!!!" Peina shouted.

Bright Blade and Twilight hadn't taken off with their friends, and neither had Polemos. The Spirit of War was still in the same spot as he was when the others left, a stoic expression upon his face. It was a tense few minutes, both sides remained silent as all around them explosions and streaks of light lit up the area. Polemos paid them no heed, his opponent was still here, waiting as he was.

"So," spoke Bright Blade, "why haven't you flown off like the others?"

"Why haven't you," shot back Polemos.

"Because you didn't."

"Exactly, you knew I would not move, and I knew neither would you. Our fated duel has arrived Bright Blade of Equestria. While not the most grandest of places to have such a glorious battle, but rarely does one get the chance to choose the terrain upon which conflict is waged."

Twilight stepped in front of her coltfriend, a narrowed gaze bearing down on the Spirit of War.

"You seem to forget Polemos, you're not facing one opponent, you're facing two," said Twilight.

"I would gladly battle you next mare, the power you wield is magnificent, and would provide for an entertaining fight. But my duel is with the golden one here, so I would ask that you not interfere," warned Polemos.

"You said terrain rarely favors those who wage conflict, that goes for numbers too Polemos, Spirit of War!"

The black and red bull snorted, he could not find fault in that logic, being that he was the Spirit of War. While it would not be the glorious one on one battle he wished for, it would be still be a great one.

"Very well, then allow me to face you with my most powerful weapon, an honor that few are worthy of!"

Polemos' aura raged like an inferno, shining his red light upon them all. His back mechanical arms shifted towards the front, matching in length with the front pair. The two right arms and two left arms rose into the air, as if waiting to hold something. Bright Blade remembered this feeling; it was right before the Spirit of War called upon something, and was stopped suddenly.

"Tear through all and leave none standing, Crimson Scourge!!!"

A giant sword materialized into the four metal hands of the Envoy. The hilt was nearly six feet long, with the blade width four feet across, and seven feet in length. The blade shined as the red aura clung to it, the black hilt and guard of the sword was riddled with small engraved images, depicting gruesome wars, some not of Equestria, most likely, from other worlds.

"So that's your best weapon," asked Bright Blade.

"I would've introduced you during our first encounter, but certain…circumstances dictated that I hold off, but not any longer. Fortunately for you, Crimson Scourge requires me to hold it with all four arms so I won't be able to call upon any other weapons," said Polemos.

Twilight's hands were now encased in mana, ready to fire at a moment's notice. Bright Blade widened his stance, funneling more power into Xiaon, to match the sword of the Spirit of War. Without warning Polemos swung the Crimson Scourge at the two Knights, Twilight and Bright dodged, ducking to the sides. When the gigantic sword was swung, a powerful beam of red light shot out in a vertical wave. The wave continued on, fading into the distance. A planetoid faraway was struck with the red wave, splitting it in half effortlessly, causing a chain reaction that blew up the severed planet.

Did he just cut an entire planet in half, thought Bright Blade.

No, he cut it in half, and then destroyed it all in one move, thought Twilight.

No wonder he doesn't need to use any other weapon!

Polemos was about to swing his giant sword yet again, but Bright Blade quickly flew at the Spirit of War. As the Crimson Scourge fell the golden alicorn intercepted the blade with Xiaon. The two powerful swords created a shockwave upon impact that blasted out. Bright held his ground, pushing against Polemos' weapon. The red and black bull stared at him with bloodlust glee, relishing the fight.

Twilight had maneuvered herself above the Spirit of War, hovering and collecting magical energy in preparation for her attack. To her hands mana and cosmic energy flowed, becoming two spheres of power.

"Cosmicam navitas influerein manibus meis facti radius interitum et uro hostes mei! Scaturiunt: Magia Undis!"

Twilight combined the two spheres into her right hand and thrust it forth. A beam of pure magical energy burst from the sphere, aimed straight at the Spirit of War. Polemos could sense the incoming attack, he quickly ended his clash with Bright Blade, snapping his sword back and knocking them both free of their struggle. The beam of magic passed down between them, missing its intended target. Unbeknownst to Polemos, Bright Blade was channeling his own magic for a powerful attack. Xiaon shined as golden mana swirled around it. When Twilight's beam stopped Polemos was left open.

"Aureus Storm!!!"

A swirling tornado of golden energy roared from Xiaon, spiraling its way towards the Envoy. Polemos was quickly engulfed by the storm, trapping him in a twister of buffeting energy. Bright Blade ascended higher above the storm, gathering more power to Xiaon, intent on ending this fight as quickly as possible. Before the Knight of Hope could unleash his attack a wave of red light slashed through the storm, collapsing the entire attack. Polemos was unharmed; Crimson Scourge was still radiating its ominous power. The Spirit of War looked straight at his opponent, his two horns started to crackle with red lightning. In the middle, between his horns, an orb of red light began to form. The orb continued to grow as more power was gathered into it.

"Battle Cry!!!"

The orb erupted, releasing a powerful beam of red energy. The attack roared like an angered beast as it hurled its way towards Bright Blade. The Knight of Hope quickly dodged the attack, but his left wing was caught in the blast. Pain radiated from the avian appendage, making Bright grit his teeth to the point where he might break them. He quickly pulled his wing out of the blast, falling back a bit to assess the damage. The feathers were burnt, and so were the muscles, it was probably a safe bet that the bones were broken inside as well.

Twilight flew over to her coltfriend and gasped upon seeing the condition of his wing.

"Bright Blade, oh my gosh!"

"It's fine, if I wasn't already in this form I probably would've lost my whole wing," said Bright grimly.

"But now your wing is broken, you can't fly correctly now," said Twilight.

"You seem to manage just fine," he joked.

"This isn't funny!"

"PAY ATTENTION!!!" Polemos was coming in from up above, ready to deliver an overhead slash directly on top of them.

"Nebula Aegida!!!"

"Shield of the Just!!! "

The two shields of gold and rosy-purple mana formed above them, just in time to counter Polemos' strike. The impact nearly drove them back, the two shields doing their best to protect their casters. Soon the Crimson Scourge's blade started to pierce the two shields. Twilight wrapped Bright in her telekinetic aura and quickly flew away as the giant sword slashed through both shields at once. Polemos was not letting up; he zoomed after the two retreating Knights, bent on continuing their fight.

"Potestatem in terra viventium vinculum, quod invisibilia et visibilia. Et incognita nota, sed sensi, numquam attigit. Vis omnia saecula,et nunc et pro me vocaread pugnam et vos eritis mihi gladium! Scindat: Gravitas Percussorem!!!"

Twilight slashed with her left hand, sending a wave of dark purple energy flying towards Polemos. The Spirit of War swiped at the attack with little effort, as if swatting a fly.

"Twilight let me go so I can fight!" Bright ordered.

"Not happening, I'll create an opening and when you see it take the shot, understand," asked Twilight.

"But –!"


Bright Blade begrudgingly agreed, she released her coltfriend from her grasp and stopped running. Her aura flared up as she called upon her next spell.

"Fulgur formam, forma ignis, ventus forma, et magicae forma! Quattuor Magnus Titana Iugulare Hastas!!!"

Four orbs of fire, lightning, wind, and magic appeared around Twilight. They quickly transformed into long spears, each of the elemental energy they were formed of. Twilight took hold of the fire and lightning spears, twirling them around and entering a fighting stance while the magic and wind spears hovered behind her. Polemos seemed to enjoy this latest development. Twilight charged at the red and black bull, catching his swinging sword between the X formation of the spears crossed together. The spears and sword groaned in protest of one another as both tried to gain dominance in the fight.

"This is quite enjoyable! I knew you were a fighter just like Bright Blade," said Polemos.

"If that's supposed to be a compliment, then I'd rather you'd insult me instead!" Twilight shouted.

Polemos laughed heartedly at Twilight's remark, he kept swinging Crimson Scourge, left, right, diagonally, vertically, horizontally, every direction he could. Twilight was surprised at the speed at which he could swing such a giant weapon, but nevertheless she countered his attacks, spinning one spear in her left hand and blocking with the right spear, and switching the order every so often.

This is not good, she thought.

Thanatos did as he said he would, he just stood by and watched as his siblings went to work on the Knights of Harmony. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had broken free of his typhoon and were now circling him, striking at the wall every so often, but the wall of disease vapor would not yield. Loimos would then blast the mares with energy laced pestilent wind, sometimes they meet it head on, other times they dodged it, but it was only a matter of time until they realized that there was no getting through his typhoon wall.

Peina, he observed, was fighting with a ferocity that he hadn't seen in her since they all four came into existence. She'd switch from long range to close range attacks, constantly keeping Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie off balance. He remembered when Peina told him how much she hated her true form, that it wasn't at all beautiful and vowed to never be seen in it. Which only made the Spirit of Death even more impressed; these mares actually got her angry enough to enter that form and to use Synergy. If he had a heart with which to feel any emotion, he'd feel proud, like an older brother usually would.

Then there was Polemos. He never liked the Spirit of War; they were the two oldest, born at the same time. For what goes better hand in hand than War and Death. Thanatos knew his creation was a mistake, because of his brother's development of a ridiculous honor code, and search for the "glorious battle." That and the fact that among his fellow Envoy, he was developing something else that would be a problem, a heart; an item that was unnecessary for a world ender such as themselves.

Peina was born with one, but it was filled with vanity and avarice. Loimos' was filled with sadism and a need to make others feel inferior to himself. Thanatos did not need one, for what good was a heart to death, a bringer of sorrow and despair. Polemos was a different story, he was unreadable at times, not ever knowing what he would do, while he could predict the actions of Peina and Loimos, he had a harder time anticipating the Spirit of War. Rage was a power that required emotion and rage could be fueled by more than just wanton bloodlust.

Even now, as he watched Polemos, the war Envoy was enjoying every minute of this fight, so focused on the enemy before him, confident in his power that nothing could defeat him. He had narrowly dodged an attack by the Knight of Hope and was now engaged with him, sword to sword. While this was going on the Knight of Magic was calling upon her power, Thanatos could tell that this was just to buy her time to gather the necessary energy to fell Polemos.

"As much as her ridding me of your headache inducing existence would please me, I can't allow it. Besides, the Master will be displeased if we were destroyed," said Thanatos.

The Spirit of Death's horn lit up with gray energy, the blackness of space seemed to twist and contort in front of him. The shadows twirled around, being sewn in to something. The shadows snapped away, their work completed. It was a six foot long spike made of black and gray energy; Thanatos carefully aimed it at the Knight of Magic, making sure that his target would not move.

"Black Thorn…!"

Twilight was nearly ready; the spell she used to destroy the ultra-dreadnought was now strong enough to destroy the Spirit of War for good. Bright Blade was locked in a power struggle with Polemos, both Xiaon and Crimson Scourge wailed and screeched as the two warriors tried to strike the other down. The two warriors disengaged, it was time, now all that was left was to speak the incantation and they would have one less Envoy to worry about.

It was then that Twilight noticed something, Bright Blade was no longer staring at Polemos, and his glowing green eyes seemed to be locked onto another target, something that was moving. Twilight looked in the same direction that he was but could see nothing. It was then that a look of utter terror and worry was shown in Bright's face. The alircorn stallion's aura erupted; he then used the power of his aura to fly towards Twilight. She didn't understand what was happening; she was ready to end the fight, why was he deviating from the plan, even Polemos seemed confused as to his actions.

It was at the moment that Bright Blade slammed his shoulder into Twilight's chest, pushing the Knight of Magic far away. The hit nearly knocked the wind out of her, metaphorically speaking. Twilight shook her head and stared angrily at her coltfriend.

"Bright Blade what are you doing I could've –!?"

Twilight stopped talking, there was blood floating around Bright Blade. Her eyes fell upon something black and gray sticking out of his chest. The golden, raging aura was no more, and Xiaon had completely vanished. Tears of white light started to fall from Twilight's eyes as her mind finally pieced together what had happened.


What's wrong, asked Applejack.

Bright Blade's hurt, screamed Twilight in her mind.

What, damn it, I can't believe I let that happen, thought Rainbow Dash, berating herself.

No time for the blame game, Twilight get Bright Blade back to the Sentinel, thought Pinkie Pie.

I'll use my spirits to cover you, now hurry, ordered Fluttershy.

Twilight wasted no time; she quickly flew towards her injured coltfriend, just mere feet away. But something unexpected happened. Polemos was already near Bright Blade, the Crimson Scourge nowhere to be seen, the Spirit of War used his mechanical arms to grab the Knight of Hope and slung him onto his back. Twilight's eyes narrowed in anger, her horn and hands flared with mana as her aura ignited and propelled her further towards the pair.

"LET HIM GO," she shouted.

Before Twilight could make another move, Polemos reached out with his left front mechanical arm and grabbed Twilight's right wrist. The red and black bull then tuned his gaze somewhere else, his yellow eyes burning with rage and power.


Suddenly all three were surrounded in a sphere of red light; the sphere then shot high up and took off towards an unknown direction. All those who were fighting stopped for a moment, trying to figure out just what had happened. Thanatos just stared in the direction the sphere went, he then released a calm breath and blinked once. He then gave a flap of his wings, and shifted his weight on the debris.

"Polemos…you have betrayed us!"

The battle between the Envoy and Knights of Harmony has taken a turn for the worst. Now Polemos as whisked both Twilight and an injured Bright Blade away. What does this mean for the Envoy and the Knights? Will Polemos get the "glorious battle" he so wanted!? Answers will be revealed in Part 5 of the Fourth Sign Arc!