The Legend of Zepplin Tales in Equestria

by Zeta Dragon

Chapter 7 We Built This Tree House

Episode 7 We built this Tree house

“My home is… gone?” Twilight asked in disbelief.

“Twilight I’m so sorry. I wish this wasn’t happening.” Zepplin said, his head hung low.

“It doesn’t matter. So long as you’re safe, that’s all that matters.” Twilight said. Zepplin gave her a faint but reassuring smile.

Applejack pulled Zepplin over. “Zepplin I’d like ya to meet ma family. Big Mac, Applebloom and Granny Smith.”

Zepplin went up to Big Mac and extended a hoof “Nice to meet you.”

“Eeeeyup” Big Mac grabbed Zepplins hoof and shook it so hard that it flung Zepplin up and he hit the ceiling.

“Oof” he said as he landed.

“Are you alright?” a squeaky voice asked as Zepplin stared up at a small red maned filly.

“Yeah I’m fine. Thanks.” He responded.

“Well super. I’m Applebloom. And this here’s Granny Smith.”

The old green mare stepped forward and pulled out a magnifying glass and began inspecting Zepplin. First spreading him out and lifting his wings and then she finally said.
“Well shoot he no good. I mean look at him I bet even I could buck apples better than him.” Granny smith shook her head trotting off.

Rarity cleared her throat. “Applejack, Twilight just lost her home.”

“Huh. Oh right. Well I just didn’t know when Zepplin would get to meet the family here.” Applejack said looking at her hooves.

Spike tugged at Twilight’s foreleg. “What are we going to do Twilight, I-I don’t wanna live out in the street.”

“We’ll figure something out Spike, don’t worry.” Twilight tried to reassure him.

As the small purple dragon started to tear up Fluttershy spoke. “o-oh W-why is this happening. Why won’t the wind stop?”

“I don’t know Fluttershy but I suggest we all stay here tonight, if that’s alright with Rarity.” Twilight said.

“Oh why of course darlings- let me fetch some blankets from upstairs and we can set up some beds.” (KABOOM) A huge flash lit up the sky. Everypony jumped to the ceiling.

“Was that lightning?” Zepplin asked.

“I think so.” Rainbow responded.

Applejack looked around “Hey where’s Big Mac?”

Everypony looked around when Pinkie yelled out “Found him, found, him, found him. Somepony’s scared of the thunder hehehee.” She lifted up a tablecloth and there was the big red pony hiding under the table. Startled and embarrassed he quickly shot out knocking over the table as he stood up.

“What is going on out there?” Rainbow asked as she flew to the door to go outside to investigate.

“No Rainbow!” Applejack shouted as the ponies grabbed her to prevent her from opening the door.

“Aahh! I have to get to the Rainbow Factory and see what’s causing this! Let me go!” The Pegasus screamed.

“NO! We wait here for the night. Whatever you need to find out you can find out in the morning when this storm stops.” Applejack shouted back at her.

“Fiiiiine” Rainbow whined.” Rarity went upstairs and came back down a few minutes later with a bunch of blankets.

“I-I think we should just wait for the storm to stop.” Fluttershy said.

Rarity passed out the blankets. “I’ll go cook us some dinner.”

“I’ll help ya” Applejack jumped up and followed Rarity to the kitchen. About an hour later Rarity and Applejack came out with plates loaded with food. Everypony dug in and scarfed down the meal. The wind had finally calmed down outside but was replaced with a massive rainfall. The drops pelted Rarity’s windows. Everypony laid down to bed. All was quiet, no words to be spoken.


The next morning Zepplin awoke to a calm day as he pulled himself up from the floor of the boutique. He quietly stepped outside the front door while everypony else slept. Zepplin gazed upon the damage. Twilight’s library was lying on its side with most of the branches fallen. More branches covered the streets, and the ground and houses were still wet with the raindrops which sparkled in the sunlight.

“So it’s true then.” A voice said. Zepplin tuned around to see Spike standing there in a puddle. “Twilight and I are homeless.”

Zepplin sighed.

“I’ve lived there almost all my life. It’s the only place where I belong.” Spike said.

Zepplin walked over to the broken tree. “It’s always something…isn’t it?... No not this time. Twilight’s been so good to me… now it’s time I return the favor!” Zepplin fired up his horn. His magic glowed gold. He took a few deep breaths and then strained as he wrapped his magic around the entire tree. Straining, he barely moved the gigantic tree. Sweat was now trickling down his forehead, he tried again. For a moment nothing happened, but after while, nothing continued to happen. The tree was far too heavy to lift.

Rarity trotted out to see what Zepplin was doing. “Darling are you trying to-”

“YES I HAVE TO!” Zepplin shouted, panting as he tried to lift the tree a third time. Rarity wrapped her magic around the tree. Zepplin looked at her as she gave him a small nod. They both grunted and managed to lift the tree about two inches off the ground. The tree landed with a small boom that shook the ground. Rarity was now panting and Zepplin was about to collapse.

"That's heavier then it looks!" Rarity said.

“Zepplin!” Zepplin turned around to see a hawk headed griffon fly in and land a short distance away from him.

“Hawk what are you doing here?”

“I came as soon as I heard the news that Ponyville got hit by a storm. Is everypony alright?” Hawk asked.

“Yeah everypony’s fine but Twilight’s house blew over in the storm.” Zepplin explained the situation to him.

Hawk inspected the tree. He gave a long whistle. “haha. This reminds me of when that tower on stage collapsed. Remember in Las Pegasus? I remember we had to tilt that thing back up but we needed a small army of roadies to do it.”

Zepplin stared at him. “Hawk you’re a genius!”

Hawk gave him a confused look “Well yeah, but what do you mean?”

Zepplin grinned. “Do you still keep in contact with our support staff?”

“Of course. Why do you ask?” Hawks eyes widened “I’m on it---

A thundering of hooves awoke Twilight and the others “uuunnhh. What in Equestria is going on out there.”

Spike burst through the door skipping in place “Twilight, Twilight, you have to come outside quick.” Twilight and the others raced outside Rarity’s boutique.

“I…Don’t….believe it.” She and her friends gazed upon an army of hundereds of ponies. Unicorns, pegasus, earth ponies. All wearing cloaks with a large golden Z on the back. A large rope and pully system was hooked up to the top of the fallen tree and tied onto a large metal bar. The earth ponies grabbed the rope in their mouths and began to trot. The Pegasus ponies pushed upward on the top of the tree.

“Unicorns, now!” Zepplin shouted as he and a platoon of unicorns charged their magic and fired it at the fallen tree. The tree began to rise off the ground then sink again. “Come on put your backs into it!” Zepplin shouted again. Big Macintosh and Applejack charged over and grabbed the rope.

“Let’s raise us a tree house Big Brother!” Applejack said.

“EEYYUUP” Big Mac replied. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew over and began pushing skyward. Straining and pushing with their hind hooves on nothing but air. Twilight’s eyes lit up as she spun around and gazed upon everypony who wanted to help. The tree nearly got halfway up, sweat was pouring down everypony using all their strength. The tree pointing at about a 50 degree angle started to crack and stretch, before it started to slide again. Zepplin looked and saw the top of the tree pushing back down toward the ground.

“COME ON EVERYPONY GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT!!!” He shouted at the top of his lungs. The Unicorns again charged their magic and fired it right at the tree, as it lit up all the colors of the rainbow. Twilight rushed in next to Zepplin and charged her magic and joined it with theirs.

Rainbow yelled. “Come on let’s show ‘em what Pegasus can do.” All the Pegasus began to push as hard as they could as they flapped their wings faster and faster.

Big Mac spit the rope out and cleared his throat. In the most booming voice you ever heard he yelled “ALRIGHT YOU APPLE MAGGOTS GET YOUR FLANKS IN GEAR AND PULL!!!!!!” He then picked up the rope as everypony pulled galloping past Big Mac. The tree creaked as everypony was going full force on the gigantic building. The tree kicked and lifted back up higher and higher. Zepplin kept firing his magic along with everypony. Higher the tree leaned into the air. It rose like something returning from the grave. The massive trunk loomed as it cast a shadow over the ponies who were pulling with everything they had. It sounded like a train chugging by as the tree, now straight up and down, snapped into place with the small piece of the trunk with a huge boom. The fractured cracks were healed by the magic as the bark slid back into its former shape. Soon every crack at the base was gone and you could never tell it had been knocked over. The pegasus ponies stopped pushing and hovered in place gazing in disbelief upon the massive structure. The earth ponies spit the rope out and looked in awe, finally the unicorns dimmed their magic as most, including Zepplin, collapsed from exhaustion. Twilight ran over to Zepplin as he barely spoke.

“Did… Did we do it?” Zepplin asked in a weak voice.

“Yes. Yes you did it” Twilight said crying tears of joy.

Zepplin chuckled “Ow my head hurts.”

“We’ll get you some medicine, rest for now.” Twilight told him.

Twilight took the podium “I just wanted to say a few words. I want to say thank you to everypony who came here in mine and Spikes hour of need. Thank you for giving us a home again. Thank you for giving us a second chance!” The ponies all applauded by stomping their hooves Twilight grinned “And the running of the leaves is still on… even though there’s no leaves.” Quick as lightning everypony shot off on the beaten track. Zepplin dismissed his roadies and received a hug from Twilight thanking him for his help.