//------------------------------// // Population Manipulation // Story: Coast to Coast // by Exodus45 //------------------------------// 'Tonight’s guest, Dr. Census, has preformed many population studies and is author of the book “Princess: Population Control”. He is here to talk about the idea of population manipulation and what that means to the people of Equestria. Thank you for joining us Dr. Census.' 'Glad to be here Mr. Populi.' 'I hear your book is still banned from most of the libraries. Must of struck a nerve with that one.' 'Yes. Unfortunately most ponies considered my work disrespectful to Princess Celestia. It is a shame that more ponies would rather be kind than know the truth.' 'Well there are plenty of truth seekers out there. You said you were writing a new book called “Population Manipulation”. What does that mean?' 'Well to put it simply I believe my studies have shown that outside forces are altering the gene pool. Restructuring it for an unknown purpose.' 'You used the term outside forces. Are we talking aliens or Illuminati or...' 'No, I believe that the outside forces are much closer than that. Princess Celestia has not only the ability to drive such a change in the population but she also possesses the means to do it. She also has the most to gain by doing it. Think of the power you would gain if you controlled the outcome of every pony born.' 'Slaves born in to slavery is what you are saying.' 'Yes, but with out ever realizing that they are slaves to begin with. A whole population of ponies with nothing else on their mind but to serve.' 'These are quite the claims.' 'They are, however I have proof to back up these claims. Let's take a look at the first example I have for you tonight. Recently, Mr. and Mrs. Cake produced offspring. One being a Pegasus the other being a unicorn. This couple stuck out to me for one reason. Neither of the parents share any of the traits of their offspring. I spoke with Mr. Cake about this and he was able to find examples in his linage that he presumed solved the mystery of why the offspring possessed qualities that the parents did not. However, Mr. Cake presumed incorrectly. Recessive genes do not display themselves in such profound manors. If the offspring's eyes were slightly slanted or if their mussels were slightly enlarged, I could believe that. In order to produce characteristics such as these one or more of the parents have to poses them as well.' 'Now it seems like infidelity is a far more likely cause than saying that Princess Celestia is manipulating the population.' 'That was my first assumption too. However genetic testing done upon birth proved that the offspring were the legitimate offspring of both Mr. and Mrs. Cake.' 'Then how do you explain for the differences?' 'During my conversation with the Cakes, they mentioned that several months prior to birth Princess Celestia came to visit them at Sugar Cube Corner. They had mentioned that the Princess said that she had a meeting with the Mayor and had to conclude the party early. Yet when every pony else had left she returned to the shop. They say they don't recall her leaving after that.' 'So you are saying that Princess Celestia changed the babies?' 'Not in the sense you might be thinking. In all my studies I have never found a spell that would allow one pony to change the type of another pony. But that does not mean that she can't alter them before they are born. All ponies start out as a blank slate. Ponies that do not gain attributes during gestation are commonly known as Earth Ponies. For a pony to gain attributes they must be supplied with first hand dominate genes for one or both parents. With the right spell these genes could be altered to produce any type of pony. If she is capable of that, who knows what other genetic codes she is able to alter.' 'Is there a way to determine who was born with alterations and who isn't?' 'I believe so and the answer is clones.' 'Clones?' 'Yes. I believe that ponies who are born naturally are unique. Ponies who are altered are generic. If the spell used is like most spells then there is only a certain amount of leeway to allow for small variations. I believe that Princess Celestia has been altering ponies for a long enough time that the combinations have begun to repeat themselves. Look at this picture that was taken backstage at the local Ponyville talent competition. The two clusters of ponies there are identical. They are even organized in the same pattern. This means that not only do they look alike but they also have similar thought patterns.' 'This picture is really profound! This appears to be conclusive evidence of what you are talking about. Looks like we have a caller on the line. Go ahead Anonymous from Ponyville.' 'Your idea is absolutely absurd! If there was a clone of me walking around I would know about it! I think others would know about it too! Your idea is insulting and disrespectful to Princess Celestia!' 'Always nice to meet a fan. To answer your question; the altered ponies may be conditioned by the same spell that augments them. With the right kind of conditioning it may be possible to have that altered ponies either disregard the fact that there are clones of them or ignore the clones all together. As for the non-altered ponies it could be a matter of complacency. Princess Celestia had been doing this for an unknown number of years. Tens, hundreds, maybe even thousands of years. It would be like looking at an apple; every pony could tell you that apples are red, it is common knowledge, but no pony questions why its red. It is just accepted that is the way things are.' 'Thank you Dr. Census. That is a compelling argument for what you are saying. If you wouldn't mind sticking through the break to answer more phone calls as they come in.' 'I would be happy to.' 'Dr. Census; his book “Princess: Population Control” is available by mail order from the Black Library for six bits. We would like to thank our sponsor, Potent Potables, for their contributions. Creator of the Potent Potable Punch, Potent Potables are the preferred drink for parties and social gatherings. And remember, if it isn't Potent Potables then it's just weak sauce.'