SCP - Secure, Contain, and Ponies

by The System

Finding Shy Guy

The Plague Doctor was taken to the dungeons, and thrown into his cell.

"You are not to be released until further notice."

"Then you will die sick."

He sat there for a while, just looking straight on, before looking through the other cells, finding his first subject, which they found.

"Ninety-six? Is that you?"

The gray creature turned its head slowly towards him.


"Yes, it's me. They found you too, I see."

"They must stop looking. It's my face, not theirs."

"I know, but they say my cure is faulty, just like the other doctors."

"They don't know."

"I know."

They sat there for a moment, before Shy Guy asked "What about my sculpture?"

"That one? You think they'll find it too?"

"They aren't lucky if they did."

"I can bring them back if it happens."

"All is good!"

They spent a minute there, laughing, before they went silence for the rest of the day.