Shared wings

by 344forever

Prologue: Thunder rolls

It was a late afternoon in Ponyville. The clouds were dark and gloomy, and the wind blowing everything out of order didn't help at all. Rainbow Dash had been the one in charge of leading the weather ponies for this storm and with the help of Stormy and Cloudchaser they had the clouds in arrangement for this storm. It had been scheduled to be a light rain over ponyville, but something was off with the cloud makers and it had puffed out storm clouds with a lot of lightning and rain.

“Cloudchaser, you have those clouds secure over there?” Rainbow yelled over the harsh winds and crashing thunder. She hadn’t been too sure if the mare had heard her so she went to go check on her. “Hey, Cloudchaser, I asked if you were alri-Cloudchaser?” Rainbow looked down upon a confused Cloudchaser and a mare who seemed to be passed out in Cloudchaser’s arms.

“Who is that, Cloudchaser?” Rainbow Dash asked flying down to her and looking at them both. She only got a shake of the head from Cloudchaser, making Dash a bit confused. “Where did she come from, Cloudchaser?” Rainbow asked a bit more strict like.

“Nowhere.. she just came out of nowhere, Dash..” Cloudchaser stuttered looking at Dash with a bit of fear in her eyes. It was at that moment that Dash noticed the red trail down Cloudchasers hoof and she lead it going behind her and staring in shock.

“Cloud.. Where is your right wing?!” Rainbow Dash yelled out seeing that Cloudchasers right wing had been ripped off, causing blood to pour down her back and right hoof. Cloudchaser was still in shock from it apparently since all she did was shrug mindlessly now. “This is bad.. This is very bad!” Dash lifted up her whistle and gave it a clean and loud blow causing the whistle to rip through the air and hit the ears of the other weather ponies attracting their attention.

“Dash I heard the whist-What the..” Stormy flew down her coat dripping wet from starting up the rain inside the clouds, causing her light pink coat to become a darker shade.

“No time to explain! Get help fast” Rainbow barked out the order and looked back down to the puddle of blood on the ground. Cloudchasers eyes started to close and she wobbled back and forth. “Cloud.. don’t pass out on me!” But it was too late. Cloudchaser fell over against Dash with a small thud.


Cloudchaser woke with a start inside of a hospital room. She saw several faces staring at her causing her to screw up her face in a questioning look to them all. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Flitter, Nurse Redheart and Stormy looked at Cloudchaser in awe.

“Sister!” Cloudchaser immediately felt her sisters embrace around her causing her to also feel the nagging soreness setting in on her back. “Thank the Princesses you are awake! I was starting to get worried.”

Cloudchaser grunted and started to sit up to hug back when the hoof of Nurse Redheart pushed her back down. “Take it easy there, Ms.Cloudchaser. You have a long way until you recover.” The nurse gave her an apologetic look, “Means bedrest for you until we can get you all fixed up.” Cloudchaser just replied with a grunt of acknowledgement laying her head down on the pillow again.

“So what happened, Nurse? Is that other pony alright?” Cloudchaser asked, barely remembering what happened before she was put inside the hospital. The nurse looked to the other ponies and frowned deeply, thinking on her next words carefully.

Twilight, who had been silent up until this point, decided to step in and answer “Last night during your patrol Spike and I were out doing research on lightning and the effects it had on the land.” She glanced over to Rainbow Dash and then down. “I was using a shield spell which under most times would be stable, but the thunder somehow messed with my magic.. I don’t know why yet, that is what I was out there to understand it more.”

Cloudchaser listen closely but frowned starting to get bored “Twilight, this is very interesting and all but do you mind if I ask you to cut to the chase?” Cloudchaser frowned deeper hearing how rude that sounded and immediately squeaking out “Sorry”

“It’s okay, if I were in your place I would want to know also” Twilight sighed and continued her story “The cloud you were controlling is the cloud I wanted to research with. I struck up my shield and was about to write down about the formation when you must’ve hit the cloud or something.. I saw a flash and then you were falling out of the sky! Then..” Twilight stopped and looks away

“Then what, Twilight? Don’t leave me in suspense!”

“Then another a bolt hit you, only it was more of a purple.. and it hit your right wing” Twilight pointed at the mare. Cloudchaser looked to her left and saw her wing which she flapped softly then she looked to her right and flapped instinctually but got nothing in return but a pain in her back.

“M-my wing!” Cloudchaser screamed out turning around quickly and trying to look at her missing limb “Where is it, nurse?!” She grabbed Nurse Redheart in a pain and gave her tear filled eyes. Redheart looked towards the curtain between Cloudchasers bed and the mystery roommate she hadn’t cared about.

“Sis.. let the nurse go! Your wing is fine.. it’s right here” Flitter pulled back the curtain to show a

light lavender pony sleeping on her side with her back turned towards the crew. On her right side rested an oddly colored, light blue wing.

“B-but how?!” Cloudchaser muttered in shock. She shook violently for a moment before trying to vault out of her bed and try and retrieve her wings from the absolute stranger.

“Stop her! She will rip open the wound!” The nurse yelled as two ponies jumped towards Cloudchaser, missing her and landing on the ground with a hard thud. Cloudchaser snarled in rage and raised her hoof up getting up and glaring at the mare with all the fury her shocked mind could muster.

Cloudchaser wrapped her hoof around her stolen wing preparing to remove it one way or another Just then the mare rolled over onto her other side, facing Cloudchaser only just starting to awaken from her slumber. Cloudchaser froze as the stranger opened her eyes to show the clearest, dark purple eyes that Cloudchaser had ever seen in her life.

“I-I am sorry..” Said Cloudchaser but she held still frozen in the mares now wide eyed gaze. Cloudchaser stayed stunned until she felt a sharp jab in her neck and the world started to flare and fade out to a dull black, sucking her into unconsciousness.