
by Zailen

Aunt [SoL]

Moments of respite are a rare thing for Princess Celestia, be it some noble with a complaint, some manner of form that needs revising or signature, servants that are eager to serve yet fearing her ‘supposed’ wrath. Really it’s a headache to deal with every day with very little rest between scheduled events, even with Princess Luna’s return and the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle, and occasional help of Princess Cadence. So, these rare moments of rest where she can relax in her room where nobody would EVER dare intrude for some minor thing, her nice spacious room and ridiculously sized bed with an incredible view from the tower.

This is precisely why she was in Luna’s equally sized room, where servants have yet to burst in requesting something, because Celestia herself is always the first choice, whereas Luna can be quite grumpy. It was in here all four princesses, and one dragon whelp, are resting with idle chatter, snacks and no politics. It was here that the princesses discarded regalia, pretenses and poise and just lay about.

Cadence flopped upon the bed with magazines strewn about most of its surface. Luna and Twilight were near the closet with various board games surrounding them; Twilight would find herself at a loss at why Luna was so good at them. Celestia herself lay not too far from the foot of Luna’s bed, doing nothing but coddle her little dragon that she had between her front legs, which while embarrassing, Spike wasn’t making much of an attempt to escape from her nuzzling.

“Say Spike?” Cadence began, her front legs limply hanging off the bed.

“Yes?” Spike attempted to look at her through Celestia’s large flowing mane.

“You call Celestia, ‘Mom’, Twilight is mostly your sister figure, and I swear I’ve heard you call me ‘cousin’ once.” Cadence paused, “What do you call Luna?”

“Aunt.” the reply was quick from Spike. Luna’s tongue stuck out in disgust and Celestia was giggling, Twilight had a smug expression.

“That makes feel me so O-o-o-l-ld.” Luna drawled.

“Lulu you are old.” Celestia could not resist teasing her for that comment.

“Bleh, while I am happy to be considered part of the family, Young Spike,” Luna turned her head toward him, “Please call me something less, old-sounding?”

“But, ‘Aunt’ technically fits you Luna.” No one questioned why Twilight had a book on family roles right now. “You are the ‘mother’s’ sister, so Aunt works, it has nothing to do with age!” Twilight was beaming from her expositing of information.

Luna merely stared at her with a blank expression.

“Well what would you want me to call you then, Luna?” Spike did his best to appease the moon princess

Her gaze returned to the whelp “Perhaps, Cousin, like Cadenza there? Admittedly we aren’t exactly very close to one another, Young Spike.”

“Why do you never call me Cadence?” She was ignored.

“What do you mean Lulu, you’ve gotten along with him whenever he visits.” Celestia sat up holding Spike out with her legs, offering him to Luna as if he was teddy bear.

“Do you not like being his Aunt?” Celestia’s face was akin to a puppy dog eyes, as its effect was immediate.

"Cousin Luna doesn't really roll of the tongue as well as Aunt Luna does." Cadence was talking to herself.

“Did I not say, I, uh, a-ah fine! Tia, just stop that!” Luna turned away forcing herself to stare at the game board below, and rolled the die in frustration.

Twilight and Cadence giggled

Celestia resumed cuddling her Baby dragon

The guards outside the soundproofed door failed miserably and the door burst open.

“Princess there you are!”

All four princesses looked at the intruding noble

“Erm, Princess Celestia, I have been searching for you as I request your help in-“

Princess Celestia had honestly stopped listening

“-I checked your room first, but-“

She could only think; It would be me they ask for and not Luna, or Twilight, or some other Princely figure.

“-as such it would benefit both you and me if you cleared the matter up entirely”

All the princesses continued to just stare at him, the guards had resumed their post and asked the noble to leave, and perhaps schedule a more appropriate time for this.

“This matter is most immediate, so please get your Regalia on, most unbefitting seeing you like this Princess Celestia, and do please do try to find a less … monstrous pet, princess, that thing does not suit you”

Spike, being nothing but a spectator, slumped a bit a frown beginning on his face.

Celestia stood up.

Twilight’s horn began glowing.

Luna glared.

Cadence lunged at the Noble.

Spike much to his dismay had earmuffs and a blindfold magic'd on him.

The guards in their infinite wisdom, shut the doors quickly and fled.