//------------------------------// // First Blood // Story: The Darkness Within // by Eclipse Blackblood //------------------------------// Soon after Twilight got what information she could about the situation, more enemy soldiers knocked down the door to the library. Heavily outnumbered, and without the Elements, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie went without a fight. The fight was quickly beaten out of Rainbow Dash, and she had to be carried away, due to the simple fact that you can't move yourself when unconscious. None of them were there, when Spike was rudely awakened form his nap, and none of them saw the soldier who found Spike walk out with a necklace made of dragon bones and twine. It was only a few seconds after they left that Patrick came out of his self-induced trance. He saw the soldiers leave, and saw the necklace. It was then that he knew his plan to kill every last human soldier in Ponyville was justified. And it was then that Nurel chose to interrupt Patrick's train of thought. "Explain again why I'm controlling the body this time." Because, Patrick explained, you are the one who read the book that had information on Revenents, which means you understand how our body works better then me or Cross. But we all explained what we found out, Black Cross added, so the way I see it, any one of us would be just a suited to control of our body. "You know, referring to this as 'our body' makes this awkward." Get over yourself. Both of you shut up and let me explain my thought process behind this. They shut up. I control the psionic defenses, and other psionic abilities because I am the only one with experience in that field. Make sense so far? Black Cross, and Nurel answered in the affirmative.Okay, good. Cross, you're in charge of the magic because you are a unicorn. Nurel is in charge of the body because neither one of us was in charge of it yet, and so that we could focus more completely on our areas of control. So, Nurel controls our body because of the process of elimination? Yes. "That is the dumbest way to make a decision I have ever heard of." For once, I agree with you. See, Cross, Nurel, you're already starting to work together. And don't worry so much, It's only while we're going to be in battle. Patrick, why don't you just say fighting instead of 'in battle'? "We fight all the time, he's just trying not to confuse you." Why don't we just get this over with? "Now I agree with you, Cross." Don't call me that. I only let Patrick do that because he could kill me without killing himself. If you say so, Cross. Rainbow Dash was chained down while she was still out cold, And was not happy in the least when she came to. Rarity had a black cloth tied around he horn that somehow negated all of her attempts to use magic, even to remove it. Applejack was tied to a fence by her right hind-leg, a primitive technique, but it was proving very effective.. Fluttershy's wings were tied to her sides using a greenish-black fabric none of them had seen before. Twilight had a black cloth tied around her horn, and her wings tied the same way as Fluttershy's. And Pinkie Pie, they couldn't figure out a way to restrain her no matter how hard they tried. That was as much of the situation Twilight figured out before they led her away from the rest of Ponyville's inhabitants. She couldn't figure out where they were taking her, which tends to be the case when blindfolded. At least, Twilight assumed that tended to be the case. It was made even more infuriating by the fact that every time she tried to ask where they were taking her, the hit her in the back of the head. Hard. She decided it would be best to stop asking before she got a bruise. When they stopped and removed her blind fold, there was a light shining in her eyes. Thankfully, it was quickly moved. As Twilight's eyes adjusted she faintly heard heard voices muttering, and hoof-steps around her. No, not hoof-steps, the rhythm was wrong, and they weren't as loud as they should be. When her eyes were fully adjusted back to normal light levels, she looked around and saw humans -- that's what Sarah called them -- In lab coats all around her, taking measurements. Somehow they had strapped he in place without her noticing, and had removed her restraints. She wanted to ask what was going on, and whether or not these humans were doctors, but strangely couldn't move her mouth. She didn't feel anything keeping he mother closed. Then it hit her, she didn't feel anything. She looked around looking for an IV of some kind of anesthetic, but instead she saw another human, leaning against the wall, staring right at her. I wouldn't move around to much if I were you. It's much easier to injure yourself when you can't feel pain. Can't feel pain? To answer your questions, yes, these are doctors. As for what's going on, well, they're taking as complete of a physical examination as they can without killing you. And you can't feel pain because I'm suppressing all of your senses except sight. Well, cut it out. The human staring at her smiled evilly. Twilight instantly disliked that smile. If you insist. Twilight could feel the restraints holding her in place biting into her legs and torso, along with a pain near her left flank, and a needle sliding out the right of her stomach area. But it wasn't what she felt that scared her, but what she heard. "The machine is calibrated, insert the rectal thermometer now." The doctors either didn't know or didn't care that she had all of her senses back in full, because they didn't even bother to warm the thermometer first. It was inserted forcibly, but that isn't why Twilight screamed. "DEAR CELESTIA, THAT'S COLD!"