//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: The nightmare lives again // Story: The Prince of the Crystal Empire // by Prince_Dark_Bane //------------------------------// Two days after chapter 5, Unkown location: The air was earie as a group of ponies with the eyes of Nightmare Moon and wearing the same thing as the dark alicorn. The armored clad ponies were walking through passage ways made of stone that must of been enchanted since it looked like it was from the moon, the roofs of the hallways looked like the night sky, and all the hallways seemed to lead to a large war room with the most restent maps of Equestria. This room had several ponies in armor similar to Nightmare Moon's and near the back of room was a statue of Nightmare Moon made of black obsidian with actual armor on it. A group of ponies stood around a round table with a 3D map of Equestria made to scale that was being projected from a large midnight blue crystal with beams of magic were fired at it from unicorns. Each unicorn was standing on ledges as pegasuses flew around to tell them things and the map would change after the unicorn fired a beam of magic. The temples of the Guardians of the Light and the Children of the Night crumbled to the ground and were both replaced with a grey banner with Dark Bane's cutie mark. All the ponies surrounding the table stopped talking and looked upon the new information. "We must tell Lord Night Shade of this." a pegasus mare stated as she flew to tell their leader. She flew past the statue of Nightmare Moon to a tunnel that lead to barracks. There were rooms for every member that wanted their own and then there were rooms that varied from size from 2 to 5 ponies that could live in the room. She flew to the room with a black mare of the moon on the dark wood door. When she opened the door to see an earth mare talking to an unicorn stallion. "Are you sure?" asked the unicorn stallion as big as Big Mac. "Yes Lord Night Shade." the earth pony mare replied as she bowed to her leader. "Very well, leave me then I seem to have news from one of my generals." Night Shade stated as looked to pegasus mare as the earth pony mare left. "Lord Night Shade, our fastest pegasus scouts have found out that Dark Bane of the Shadow Empire has made a move and destroyed the temples of the Children of the Night and the Guardians of the Light." the mare stated as she looked at her leader. "It's more than destroying them he wants, for one of our spies has seen an unicorn mare wearing armor similar to Dark Bane, and she lead the attack on the Children of the Night." Night Shade stated as he looked into the mares eyes. "Why should this concern us, my husband?" asked the mare with a questioning look. "Simple my lovely Starlight, Dark Bane's entire army is nothing but stallions he made from crystals. The fact that there is now a mare in his army means that he has taken in an unicron that he believes has power that could rivial his own, or..." Night Shade started to say as he looked up at a stain glass window of Nightmare Moon. "Or what?" Starlight asked as she walked closer to her husband. "Or Dark Bane has married with this mare so he can bring back his late father." Night Shade finished as started to leave his room. "Where are you going?" Starlight asked as looked at her husband. "I want to see how our children's training is going." Night Shade answered as he looked to his lover's eyes. "I'll join you." Starlight replied as she walked with him. The two walked outside to reveal that they lived in a twin castle of the royal sisters in Canterlot, and it was made out of black stone. This black twin of Canterlot Castle loomed in a swamp. "Why must we live in Haysead Swamps?" Starlight asked as she looked at the place with distance. "This is where the first Children of Nightmare was formed, but we will soon leave this place for a nice little area in Everfree Forest near Ponyville." Night Shade stated as looked at pegasus colt around Scootaloo's age with a snow white coat, his tail and mane was a light silver, his eyes were a pale orange, with large wings his age, and he was a blank flank. "Blizzard, have you seen Night Veil?" Starlight asked as she looked at the colt. "No Mom. I haven't seen Big Sister around here. Wait, I think that's her over there." Blizzard replied as he point to an unicorn walking up to them. "Yes, there is your sister." Night Shade replied as he looked at his oldest child. Night Veil had a grey coat, her mane and tail were a deep silver, but you couldn't tell what her eyes looked like since she had a cloth blind that was the same color as her coat, and her cutie mark was a blue six pointed star with an eye on each side. She walked up to her family as if she could see. "Night Veil, where have you been?" Starlight asked as she looked at her daughter. "I was in the swamp testing a spell I made." Night Veil answered in a tone much to serious for a mare her age.(Just as Blizzard is the same age as the CMC, she is the same age as the Mane Six.) "Really and what would it be?" Night Shade asked as he looked at what seemed to be a blind unicorn. "I was testing my Sixth Sense spell, and it worked perfectly. In fact I'm using it right now. I don't even have to use all that much concentration to use the spell and it doesn't even need that much magic. Soon I will be able to do it without even thinking." Night Veil replied to her father as if she was in the military already. "What does your spell do again Big Sis?" Blizzard asked as he looked at his older sister with big pleading eyes. "It gives me an exact image of everything throught the magical field that surrounds everything with in my mind." Night Veil answered as she turned her head to face her little brother. "Enough of this, I need you to help me with the movement to Everfree Forest." Night Shade stated as he looked at his daughter. "Why are we moving Father? We are well hidden here." Night Veil replied as she voiced her opion. "Dark Bane has return and has taken our queen's remains. We must bring her back to her children." Night Shade answered as looked at both of his kids. "That and the fact I want at least one of my kids to have friends outside of this order." Starlight stated as she looked at her husband with an all knowing look. "Mom, Blizzard and I have no friends to begin with." Night Veil replied as she was correct. "What do you mean? I thought Blizzard was close to that unicorn filly. What was her name?" Night Shade asked as he looked at his son. "Her name was Angle, and she just liked me because I had a chance at becoming the leader." Blizzard stated as he looked at the ground in shame. "Then I'm going to have a talk with her then." Night Veil stated as her voice took an edge of anger. "How can you tell everypony apart?" Blizzard asked as he looked at his sister. "Everypony has a signature magical field. That's how I can tell everypony apart." Night Veil answered as she rubbed her little brother's head much like how Rainbow Dash rubs Scootaloo's head. "Please don't." Blizzard replied with a plead. "Very well little brother, but if I if any pony tries to use you agian I will kill them." Night Veil stated as she started to be the over protective sister Blizzard remembered her to be. "Only if I say so, because last time you tried to do that, it scared off all possibility of me having friends in the order." Blizzard replied with a slight depressed tone. "We need to start the movement. Night Veil, you need to help the other unicorns to find out what needs to be done to move our home to Everfree Forest." Night Shade stated as he looked at his daughter. "Very well father, but if my little brother needs me, I'll drop everything and help him." Night Veil replied as she stood protectively over Blizzard. Canterlot, same day: All three princesses, the mane six, Spike, and Shining Armor where in the throne room of the castle. As usual Rainbow Dash was annoyed by waiting for something to happen. "It has been two days since Dark Bane attacked the Crystal Empire and he hasn't done anything since. I'm tired of waiting all the time!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she was getting annoyed. "Calm yourself Ms. Dash." Luna stated as she stared out of a window. "What do we do now then Princess Luna?" Rainbow asked as she looked at the princess of night. "Princesses, two groups of ponies are coming this way, but they do not resumble the Legion of Shadows!" a guard yelled as he ran in. "Let's meet them then." Celestia replied as she started to leave the room. As they all got to the gate of Canterlot, they heard agreeing of multiple ponies. "Get lost moonies!" yelled what sounded like a colt around Apple Bloom's age. "Be quiet sun burn." replied the voice of a stallion around Shining's age. "What in Equstria is going on out there?" Twilight asked out loud as her and the others got out of the city. "Our home was destroyed by Dark Bane's army!" yelled what seemed to be the same colt with anger that from the look of it was only being held in by his cloak. "We don't care." replied a pegasus stallion holding a great sword. "Enough. What is your name and what was this about Dark Bane?" Luna asked as she walked up to the colt surprising the warriors. "My name is Silver Shield, and Dark Bane's army came to our Temple of the Sun. The troops attacked without caring who they attacked." Silver Shield answered with a tone of depression. Silver Shield took off his cloak to reveal he had batter body, but you could tell his coat was the same shade as silver, his mane and tail were bronze, his eyes were golden, and he lacked a cutie mark. "The rest of you, please remove your hoods." Celestia stated as she walked over to the now bowing Gardians of the Light. Every member lowered their hoods. The older ponies (That where there.) had cuts and some of them seemed to have broken bones. The children just seemed to have brusies, but they weren't in any bad states. "What about all of you?" Luna asked as she looked at the bowing Children of the Night. "We were told that Dark Bane's army was coming here to Canterlot." answered an unicorn mare with a spear. That's when a royal guard on a tower called out a large group of ponies where coming from the South West. All the warriors of the Children of the Night turned to see the rest of their order coming to the city. "What are the children doing here?" asked a mare in the crowd. After the rest of their order got to the city, the parents ran to their kids seeing them covered in dirt and filth. The warriors that weren't looking at the children were looking for some other pony until they saw Snake Eyes trying to calm down Wolf Bane. "Snake Eyes where is Sensei Wolf Moon?" asked an earth pony stallion holding a battle ax. "An hour or so after you left, the Legion of Shadows attacked us. They were lead by an unicorn mare dressed like Dark Bane." Snake Eyes answered as he looked the warriors over. "That must have been Trixie." Twilight stated as she walked over. "Why did she attack us? We weren't doing anything bad." Wolf Bane asked as he was trying not to cry and failing. "Dark Bane must of wanted the shards of Nightmare Moon." Snake Eyes answered the younger unicorn with a sadden face. "Snake Eyes, I understand that the temple was attacked but where is Sensei Wolf Moon?" asked the stallion with the ax. "That horrible mare had my Dad killed!" Wolf Bane yelled causing all the ponies to gasp and that's when the dam broke letting all the tires, sadness, and pain out. Silver Shield was the first to move to Wolf Bane and place a reassuring hoof on his shoulder. Wolf Bane looked up to Silver Shields eyes to see a form of kinship. "We Gardians of the Light never know our parents and are taken care of by the entire order. Dark Bane's army attacked us and killed most of the older members. In short, we all lost a part of our family to Dark Bane and his wife." Silver Shield stated to Wolf Bane who stopped crying. "Oh my. Did I really cause that much pain to a single foal?" asked the voice of Trixie causing Wolf Bane to try to hide himself, Silver Shield to stand infront of Wolf Bane, and Snake Eyes to stand infront of Silver Shield. "This can't be happening." Eclipse stated as she looked around with fear in her eyes. Trixie then appeared walking out of the shadow of a tree. Her horn had turned red, was gaining fangs like her husband, and her coat turned into a darker shade of itself. "You have done well Eclipse, it's time for you to return to the castle." Trixie stated as she looked at the same pony all the others were too. "NO MORE! I CAN'T JUST FORGET WHAT I HELPED TO CAUSE EVEN IF I WAS MADE BY DARK BANE HIMSELF!" Eclipse yelled as she started to put magic into her horn and aim it at Trixie. "Do you really think you stand a chance against me?" Trixie asked the now ex-maid. "Dying is better than serving ponies like the two of you." Eclipse answered surprising everypony there. Eclipse fired a magic beam from her horn at Trixie, but Trixie used dark magic to block the attack and strike at Eclipse leaving a large crack in her crest. "Consider yourself dead then." Trixie stated as she used dark magic to teleport out of there. Eclipse stumbled a bit before purple mist started to come out of the crack. She was having a hard time breathing as her body was beginning to become heavy to her. "What do we do?" Rarity asked to no pony as she looked at the shadow pony. "Let her die. She worked for Dark Bane and it's not like she was ever alive to begin with." Rainbow Dash answered as she glared at Eclipse. "I'm not going to die. Not yet." Eclipse stated as green flames appeared around her and then flow at her wound, surring it shut. Everypony was amazed at what they saw, but Eclipse fainted from a combination of pain and magical exhaustion. That's when everypony saw that the crystals that made her body started to change into flesh. "What do we do now?" Twilight asked as she looked at the princesses. "I want you to take her and both of these orders to Ponyville." Celestia answered as she looked over all of them. "If that is your will." Clockwork replied as he and other members bowed to Celestia. "We will only do what Princess Luna wishes from us." some random soilder in the Children of Night stated. "You will go to Ponyville with the Guardians of the Light, and if I hear if any of you cause any trouble, I will make sure you never do it agian." Luna stated with a mother glare towards the Children of Night. "The same goes with you too Guardians of the Light." Celestia stated with an emotionless stair. "Yes your highness." both orders replied as they bowed to their respected princess. It surprisingly only took two hours for them all to get to Ponyville. As soon as they got there, the two orders already started to build themselves new homes near the edge of town. Eclipse has been unconscious throughout the entire trip. The wound she received has turned into a scare in the shape of fire. Twilight had taken her to her library and placed her in the guest room. She was walking out. "So Twilight, is she going to wake up soon?" Pinkie Pie asked as she bounced up to her friend. "She's suffering from magic withdrawl. She'll be asleep for a while." Twilight answered her hyper active friend. "Will she be alright?" Fluttershy asked as she looked at the room. "I have no idea because this has never happened before." Twilight answered as she looked to her friends. "Well at least the two orders aren't fighting each other any more." Rarity stated as she remembered the two groups fought over almosts everything well the full grown members the kids just talked about what they thought was cool. "It did help that Rainbow Dash here yelled at them on the way here to not talk to each other." Applejack stated as they all remembered how both groups coward at the seething rage of the rainbow maned mare that seemed ready to kill them. "They where getting on my nerves." Rainbow defending herself as she crossed her front legs over her chest as she hovered above them. "I liked that there Silver Shield though. I think Applebloom would like him as a friend, and he could always join the CMC they need the members." Applejack stated as she remembered the colt helping others even when they where the Children of the Night members. "I think Wolf Bane should meet Sweetie Bell he needs friends at this time and if if joined the CMC too he wold get a few more friends to help him through this hard time of his." Rarity stated as she remembered that Silver Shield tried to help him through the lost of his father but not very well. "Then they'll need another colt that's a pegasus." Rainbow Dash stated as she counted the numbers.(You should already know who it will be.) "I have an older cousin moving close by. He has two kids." Fluttershy stated as she looked at her closest friends. "Really! What are they're names?" Rarity asked as she looked at her shy friend. "Well my cousin's name is Night Shade, his wife's name is Starlight, his daughter's name is Night Veil, and his son's name is Blizzard." Fluttershy answered as she looked at their faces. "I'm guessing this Blizzard is the pegasus." Rainbow Dash stated as she looked at the shy pegasus. "Yes. He's sent a picture of him and his family. If you want I can show you the picture." Fluttershy replied as she looked at her friends with a friendly smile. "Please show us!" Pinkie Pie yelled as she jumped up and down wanting to know what the newest Ponyville family was going to look like. "I'll be right back." Fluttershy replied as she actually flow off to her cottage for the picture. "So what do think they look like?" Applejack asked as she looked at the rest of the girls. "No idea. This is the first time she ever mentioned a cousin to me." Rainbow Dash answered as she looked at the others. "I for one hope that they are good ponies." Rarity stated as she looked at the others. "Wow." Rainbow Dash suddenly stated as her eyes opened wide. "What's wrong Rainbow Dash?" Rarity asked as she looked at the pegasus. "I think somepony just came close to breaking my speed record." Rainbow Dash stated as looked to the front door where Fluttershy came flying in. "Wow Fluttershy, if you got her 30 seconds and you would of broken Rainbow Dash's record for going from my librery to your cottage and back." Twilight stated as she looked at a stop watch she had hidden. "You timed her!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she looked at Twilight. "Yes I did. I mainly did it because I saw Fluttershy look a little happy to tell us about her cousin." Twilight stated as she looked at her friends. Fluttershy showed them the picture of her cousin's family. An unicorn as large as Big Mac, with a grey coat close to black, his mane and tail was a light silver, he had purple eyes, and his cutie mark was a black rose. A pegasus mare the same size as Princess Luna, her coat was white, her mane and tail was a deep silver, her eyes was a beautiful shade of orange, and her cutie mark was a closed purple book.(You already know what their kids look like.) "That is Night Shade, she's Starlight, she's Night Veil, and he's Blizzard." Fluttershy stated as she pointed to each as she said their names. "Way does Night Veil have a blinder on?" Applejack asked she looked at the girl around her and her friend's age. "Was the picture taken on her birthday?" Pinkie Pie asked as all of her friends face hooved from her question. "My cousin told me that she's blind and that she wears it so everypony would know." Fluttershy stated as she looked at her friends. "Then how does she get around?" Twilight asked as she takes up a thinking position. "From what I've been told that she uses her magic to sence things around her. Twilight, I think the two of you would get along very well." Fluttershy answered as she looked at Twilight. "How long before they get here, because the sooner the more awsome." Rainbow Dash asked as she wanted to meet this family and most likely wanting a chance at teaching another pegasus to fly like her. "Night Shade said that they were hoping to get here at most a month." Fluttershy answered as she smiled at friends. "I'll start planning the 'Welcome to Ponyvile' party for when they get here." Pinkie Pie stated with a near insane smile. "I think they wouldn't like that Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy stated with shy frown. "I bet they will!" Pinkie Pie stated and then ran off.