//------------------------------// // Out and about // Story: Well this day just got weirder. // by Sutter_Speed777 //------------------------------// (for those who haven't re-read the 4th chapter after i updated it please go back and read it again so it'll clear up any confusion you might have while reading this chapter.) Twilight was holding up several books with her magic as she glanced from the books to the monitor. “Something wrong?” I asked wondering why she was rushing through the books like a mad man. “No not really it is just I figured your skeletal structure would be much more dynamic for a biped like yourself. Though your skeletal structure is quite similar to that of a minotaur’s.” She said turning the monitor of the machine so I could see it. The image was a very low resolution of what can at best be described as a crude assembly of shapes to resemble my skeleton. The spine was nothing more than a slightly curved line that didn’t even show the processes of the vertebrae and the ribcage looked like a bunch of circles not to mention my radius and ulna looked like narrow ovals. “You do realize that is the crappiest and most crudely drawn skeleton ever right?” Her eyes widened a bit at the comment. “Well if you are such an expert why don’t you tell what is wrong.” I nodded “ok well for starters the image isn’t showing the individual vertebrae of the spine as well as the various processes of each vertebrae and the ribcage is way more dynamic than the circles that are shown on the screen. Shall I continue?” She looked at me and then at the image and sighed “Well it is only a prototype.” She said as she removed the pads with Flash’s help. It was like being waxed and when they were pealed of they left little red marks. “Ok that wasn’t fun. Now can you untie me and give me my clothes back it is really cold down here.” I said getting another chill. Twilight looked at Flash and shrugged before he whistled and a door opened and four guards with spears and two with bows and arrows came into the room, all weapons aimed at me. The ones with the bows I figured were unicorns what with the bows floating in mid air (couldn’t see their horns that far away without my glasses. And if you say “Well how come you could see what was on the computer screen” I’ll reply by saying it was maybe a foot away from me at most). Two of the guards with the spears were Pegasie and the other two were normal ponies. “If you try anything or resist us we shall skewer you.” Flash said as Twilight undid the locks with her magic. The moment I felt the slack I instantly began to stretch, throwing my hands above my head and curling my toes as I moved my legs around. The guards all seemed to tense up as I moved since they didn’t know what to expect from me. For some reason when I stretched I yawned and that was when I felt the searing pain from my broken teeth. “gssssss ah fuuuuucking shit that hurts.” I wincedputting a hand to my left cheek and regretting it as another wave of pain blasted my nerves. Twilight raised an eyebrow “Everything ok?” Opening my mouth and sticking a finger inside I immediately felt the broken thebroken molars. It didn’t seem like the damage was to bad from what I felt of the teeth’s surface but the pain said otherwise. “Well remember when you shocked me to get the x-ray…” “E-ray” “Whatever. When the electrical current went through my body it made every single muscle tense up and made me clamp my jaw shut and the pressure was so powerful I ended up cracking some of my molars see” I said opening my mouth and pulling the left side of my lips back to reveal my broken molars along with my other semi predatory teeth. Her response was pulling out that damn quill and parchment and sketching my teeth before speaking. “I do apologies for that. I’ll see what I can do about getting them fixed ok?” I nodded and stood up slowly not wanting to scare the guards into jabbing me. It was then I noticed that the ponies at best were as tall as my stomach giving me a clear height advantage. I proceeded to put on my clothes on and noticed that whatever cuts they had were mended rather nicely. “A little gift from a friend of mine,” Twilight said walking past me and to the door. I followed a few steps behind her as we made our way up the stairs. “Well tell your friend I say thanks.” When we stepped through the door I was met with more guards all with weapons drawn. Every single one was giving me the stink eye as I passed but I chalked it up as fear and let it be. “So where are we headed anyway?” Twilight slowed so she was walking next to me “Well since you are a sentient being you will need to have your citizenship established if you wish to stay in equestrian until we can find a way to send you home.” I Nodded. We walked into a room with a large round table with stacks of paperwork “oh this’ll be just so much fun” (three hours of paperwork later) My hand cramped as I set my pen down as I re-read the documentput it was sort of hard without my glasses. It was then I remembered I had a spare case in my backpack. “Hey Twilight when I fell through the dimensional hole, did I have my backpack on still?” She nodded and I asked if I could go get it cause of my glasses but flash sent a guard instead and a few minutes later I was seeing clearer now. “Ahhh so much better.” I said happily as I helped Twilight put away the papers as she handed me my citizenship card. “You are hereby a full citizen of Equestria” I gave a light bow and slung my bag over my back and noticed it was lighter. Curious, I unzipped it and found my notebooks and textbooks were missing and the only things still left inside its various pockets were my laptop, ipod (with its lifeproof case), durable travel speaker, my scarlet tempered steel butterfly knife which was modeled after the one in ‘aria the scarlet ammunition’ (my school has no police officers in it so I learned the hard way you have to be ready to protect yourself at all times), and my lanyard with my various and heavy key chains which I also used as a way to defend myself since I leave my knife in my backpack in my locker during school hours. The key chains pretty much all revolved around anime or video games. I had an iron nitro cap from the movie Redline, the heartless symbol from Kingdom Hearts (the points are rather sharp.), dyed steel emblem of the survey corps’ from Attack on Titan, The ZANA symbol from Code LYOKO, Natsu’s dragon slayer magic symbol from Fairy tail, The Gundolf runes from The Familiar of Zero, and models of Kirito’s and Asuna’s blades for Sword Art Online. The lanyard was made out of Kevlar and the part that the key chains attached to was tempered steel like my knife due to the key chains weighing roughly 1 pound or more and swinging it around like a chain mace or a Chinese whip would break a normal lanyard. I pulled out my still locked butterfly knife and put it in my left pocket and held my lanyard by my right middle finger since that was how I would use it when swinging it around. Twilight asked what everything was and explained briefly about my ipod and laptop deciding to keep it simple so she wouldn’t ask to many questions. She asked about my knife and lanyard and I told her they were simple family relics passed down to me. “So what happened to my text books?” “Oh I had them sent to my library so I could examine them to attempt a translation of your written language since it was different then i remember it being.” I raised an eyebrow but decided to ignore her word choice as we once again walked through the halls of the massive building we were in. I started seeing ponies that weren’t guards more and more as we made our way and most either gasped and stared, ran away screaming or just feinted. “huh racist much” “You think that’s bad wait till you hit Ponyville.” twilight said rolling her eyes as if remembering something. “Why? They gonna burn me on the stake or something?” She gave me a look and I shrugged “I’m just asking.” The rest of the walk went the same way and we eventually came to a large set of doors. The right one was a radiant gold while the left was a deep blue that I nearly got lost in while looking at until the doors opened snapping me back to reality. Twilight walked in first as her name was announced by someone in the room. I didn’t move for a moment but started walking as a spear poked me in the back. “You could just ask you know.” I said and the guard huffed “Keep moving monster” “Oh now that’s just mean.” I said in a mock hurt tone as I walked. All eyes were trained on me as walked. Those that were in the nicer clothing had similar reactions to those that I had seen in the hall. We stopped walking and everything was silent until twilight spoke. “Princess Celestia I have brought the human as you asked” “Thank you twilight, how have the samples been treating you.” said a voice that was so motherly and so inviting that I felt my entire body relax. I looked in the direction of the voice and found a white pony with a horn and wings like twilight. Though she was much larger than the other ponies. And her mane was like that of a flowing rainbow. Needless to say I was once again speechless. I blinked a few times as Twilight spoke. “oh the samples are quite interesting. They are still being examined but once they are done I’ll immediately bring the results to you.” The white….i think twilight said ….alicorn or something…..anyway the alicorn nodded and levitated up one of the pieces of parchment twilight had been writing on in the examination room. “So Mr……Nickerson is it?” I nodded “How are you feeling?” I rubbed the back of my head. “Well besides being thrown into an alternate universe, drugged, and electrocuted which caused my molars to break…..I’m doing ok” celestia gave a small smile at my sarcastic humor which is what I was going for. “First off I would like to apologies on behalf of myself and my sister for being the ones to take you from your world as we did. Again I am deeply sorry for our recklessness” it was obvious she felt bad about the whole thing as she bowed causing nearly everyone in the room to gasp. Even I could tell something like that didn’t happen very often and once again rubbed the back of my head. “Oh uh…i-it’s fine really. I’m still breathing and I have both my arms and legs so that’s a good thing. Besides I doubt there is a guidebook for what to do if something went wrong while making a hole between two dimensions.” I said nervously. Celestia lifted her head “It would put me at ease if at the very least you would let us provide housing for you until you can get yourself sorted or until we manage to find a way to return you home” I nodded “Thank you very much ma’am I’d appreciate that” I stated. It was a relief that there were more who didn’t think of me as a monster at first glance. “YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS AUNTIE!!!!!!!!” a voice echoed from the side of the room and made me jump at its suddenness. A white unicorn with an overly gelled blond mane walked up to Celestia with two guards at his side. I figured he was one of the ones who thought of me as just a strange creature. “YOU MUSTNT BOW TO A LOWLY CREATURE SUCH AS THIS LET ALONE PRESENT IT WITH CHARITY.” He gestured a hoof at me and I could hear the dick-o-meter in my head explode past maximum. “IF ANYTHING HE SHOULD BE BOWING TO YOU FOR JUST BEING IN YOUR PRESENCE, GROVELING IN THANK FOR YOUR BENEVOLENT GENEROSITY.” he screamed but I just ignored him. I looked around and a few other ponies were nodding. Others were rolling their eyes (that was pretty much every guard and celestia). He eventually turned to me and started to demand I get on my knees and thank Celestia properly. There was a pause and then I held my left hand up to my ear as if I’m listening to something “Hey did you hear that?.........i think that was the sound of no one caring.” Nearly all of the guards began to laugh hysterically (save for the ones behind the dick of a unicorn who were barely able to hold back a few giggles) at my joke only making the white unicorn blush and become angrier. He stormed over to me shoving past the guards that were still in a circle around me and once more began to yell “HOW DARE YOU INSULT ROYALTY LIKE THAT. DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM. I AM PRINCE BLUE BLOOD NEPHEW TO THE PRINCESS OF EQUESTRIA AND YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME AS IF AN EQUAL. YOUR PARENTS MUST BE THE LOWEST OF THE LOW IF THEY RAISED SUCH A DEPLORABLE CHILD. I’D SAY YOU FATHER WAS NO MORE THAN A THEIVING PICKPOCKET AND YOUR MOTHER A CHEAP STREET HUSSY” And just like that my last nerve snapped. Now I deal with bullies just like every other kid and have grown tolerant of many insults over the years but when someone trash talks my parents, I don’t let that go. They are nothing short of the nicest people in the world and always made sure I grew up right. Insults like that were just unforgivable. “Ok you know what I have had it up to here with you.” I said “So what if you are royalty. You think I give a shit? I don’t and where I’m from you can have all the money in the world but it doesn’t mean anything when someone does this.” I swung my left leg up and struck him in the jaw hard. There were several gasps from the others in the room as he stumbled back. I was sort of surprised that he didn’t fall over but I didn’t let it show. “And if you ever EVER insult my parents like that again I WILL SLIT YOUR FUCKING THROAT DRINK YOUR BLOOD, CHOP YOU UP AND COOK YOU FOR DINNER.” I yelled as loud as I could with a look of pure anger on my face. This resulted in the guards pointing there weapons at me again but I didn’t notice. Blue Blood only looked at me and began to chuckle. “HA so now the beast thinks he could best me in a fight instead of relying on cowardly moves like before. Normally I am against violence but it is clear you have yet to know your place, besides I’m going to have to punish you for that buck to the face.” He said gesturing to the guards surrounding me and they began to lower their spears and step back. Blue blood then spoke “Since I am a refined gentle colt I shall let you choose our weapons.” I thought about it for a bit and then began to spin my keychain “I’ll use this and you can use whatever you want.” “Hmm famous last words but I suppose your gumption is rather impressive.” I could tell by the way he was watching me twirl the lanyard around that he was unfamiliar with a weapon like it. Though something didn’t sit right with me; granted blue blood is an arrogant ass but any pompous rich boy would want the opportunity to use some kind of huge claymore or something like that to show there supposed might. So why did he let me choose his weapon for him? I could have easily had him fight with a dagger. Either he really thinks I’m that weak which isn’t that hard to believe. So the only other conclusion was that he himself was skilled in weaponry. I cursed mentaly. I’m not exactly the healthiest person in the world. Ever since I started getting letters from college I had been stress eating and wondering about what I wanted to do with my life. And well, one summer and two months of senior year later I had somehow managed to gain over 60 friggin pounds. Not to mention my cardio has never been anything impressive even before I gained the weight. But even so I am still flexible and I know how to fight more or less from self-teaching. Taking a deep breath I watched as Blue Blood’s horn glowed and he levitated a rather flashy blade into the air that hand been brought over by one of his personal guards. The blade was fairly big but the handle looked like it was made for one hand….wait why would their weapons look exactly like ones humans would use. I looked at the guards and noticed their spears were also exactly like human spears albeit a bit thinner and shorter. “hmm well that raises a few questions.” “Getting cold feet are you?” Blue Blood stated mockingly “You wish” “Very well than let your punishment begin” He said charging forwards as I began to time the spins of my lanyard. I turned it so it was spinning horizontally above my head as he got closer. I quickly side stepped to my right as the blade passed meand I swung my lanyard hard and fast at the back of blue bloods head. It connected with a solid THUNK CRACK sound making blueblood stumble. This was not before I felt a sharp pain in my left side and saw the sword had cut me rather nicely. I noticed the sword had done a complete one eighty from where it used to be. How the fu…oh right, magic. I closed my left eye and bit down on my teeth from the pain sending a second shockwave of pain through me via my broken molars. The second wave allowed me to refocus on the fact that I was fighting and not on the fact that I had been cut. I retreated a few steps as the blade pulled out of me but surprisingly fell to the floor. Everyone including me watched as Blue Blood’s magical aura that surrounded the blade turned into crystal causing nearly every jaw to drop. “Huh Twilight wasn’t kidding.” I said panting as I clutched my cut with my left hand. The unicorn shook his head as a large bruise showed through his white fur along with a small trail of blood cascading from his head from where one of my key chains most likely broke the skin. He seemed off balance as he walked and surrounded his blade in magic once more after wiping away the crystal dust. However the magical aura didn’t cover to part of the blade that held my blood on it which made the prince angry and made me feel like Saya from blood plus. “what kind of dirty trick is this you beast?” “How should I know” “No creature can resist magic’s influence let alone negate it.” “well magic doesn’t exist in my world so I’m as stumped as you are.” I lied. I had a few theory’s running through my head at the moment as I contemplated why the magic reacted like it did when it touched me. Once again I drifted off into though and was brought back by blue blood’s voice. “Regardless, let us continue our duel” By now the pain had lowered but was still present as I stood. I didn’t get much time to react as once again blue blood thrust foreward with his blade. The thrust aimed at my head so I ducked out of instinct and rolled forward trying to ignore my still bleeding cut as my feet planted right in front of blue blood. Using the momentum from the roll I propelled myself up and slammed my shoulder into his chest like a lineman and pummeled him onto his back. I sat ontop of his chest and quickly began to throw punch after punch after punch to his ‘royal’ face. After roughly five hits I realized I couldn’t see the sword. Fuck I dove to my left as the blade shot past where my chest had been and cut my right arm. I landed on the ground as blue blood quickly regained his footing and spun around slamming his back hooves into my hips as I tried to get back up which knocked me back down. Thankfully nothing broke as I turned to see the sword coming at me again ‘man this guy likes to thrust’. I blocked by swinging my keychain effectively smacking the blade away with a loud clang and some sparks. This gave me enough time to stand up and charge. I quickly gripped the heartless symbol on my keychain planning to cut blue blood with the points while he managed to bring his sword back to his side. Once there were only two yards left between us there was a flash of gold as a massive battle axe slammed into the floor between us shattering the stone floor and sending pieces of newly made dust and gravel into our faces. When I opened my eyes I saw the entire stone slab that the axe had hit was upturned in a V shape. “I’d say that’s more than enough fighting for one day” Came Celestia’s voice as her horn held a golden aura of magic that also surrounded the axe. The massive weapon itself was gold and had a shaft about as long as I was tall. The blade was only on one side as the other side held half of what I’m guessing was a sun or something. She looked around the room and sighed “Nephew must I continue to remind you about controlling those prideful outbursts of yours and Mr. Nickerson I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t threaten my family.” Her voice was calm but it was stern enough for me to see the irritation behind it. Standing up I nodded “S-sorry about that” I said as my adrenalin died down and I was hit by more pain making me clutch my wounds again. She nodded “Now because this duel was stemmed from both of you arguing, the two of you should no longer hold aggression toward each other on the topic” her gaze was like daggers through me and simultaneously the two of us responded “No Ma’am” “No Auntie” Her smile returned as her magic ripped the axe from the ground and repaired the floor. “Good now both of you head to the infirmary and get cleaned up.” I couldn’t imagine how much force had to have been put into a strike that could shatter stone so easily as well as pull it out and Celestia did it without breaking a sweat. It was obvious that the royalty here all knew how to fight. Wincing with each movement I walked with blue blood to the infirmary followed by several guards who were whispering something that I couldn’t make out. I sat down on the bed one of the nurses guided me too but blueblood had the nurses change the sheets on his before her laid down on it. Halfway through getting my cuts stitched up the old fashioned way the door to the infirmary burst open and I was attacked by a mass of pink.