//------------------------------// // That missing ingredient // Story: My daughter // by SingingSeaSerpent //------------------------------// "I'm s-sorry sir, we've tried everything!" A brown mare with white hair and a lab coat explained. "I have remorse.." The other mare explained. He was red, with green hair and glasses with a spiraled cutie mark. "Why... The failures.." The mare continued. He brought his hoofs to his face. "Oh she will not be pleased..", he complained. Suddenly, the doors on the other side of the room opened and a figure entered... Not a pony, nor a mare.. but.. something else entirely The red mare immediately jumped on his knees begging, "Master! Your greatest pupil has tried! But he can not fi-" The figure waved her hand to stop the whining of her assistant, "That is okay, Bardus. I've recently figured out how to achieve it." Bardus jumped up with glee, "REALLY?? Bardus has such excitement! Soon all of Lamia's enemies will fold like napkins who are crying!" He started jumping around his master with excitement, similar to how pinkie pie moves around. He was.. Not the tallest, in fact he was barely taller than the average filly, but he was much older than an adult. Eventually, Lamia started to get annoyed at the excitement of her pupil with all the jumping around. "ENOUGH!", She yelled. The red mare stopped frozen in his exact position, still with the same stupid smiling face. "I think it's time we give Celestia a visit in Canterlot.", Lamia explained. The red mare continued with his nonsensical ramblings, "Bardus sings a song of the bad! Ponyville is so sad! All of it is for Lamia! And the... rhyme... with... that....... Anyways! Bardus gets disguises prepared for Lamia!", Bardus cheered as he ran off into the darkness of the lab. "Soon, I will bring him back...", Lamia thought, before continuing into the lab. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Did she just fly away and leave me here??" I thought to myself. "Well, better find a way out of here. I'm assuming he direction she was going was the way out. Guess I'll go that way.", I muttered to myself. It was dark, really dark.. "I know, there's gotta be a way out of here...", he said to himself. After continuing what seems to be hours, I found a tree which looked occupied.. It didn't look like anyone was home, but I knocked just in case. -knock- -knock- The door slowly slid open, revealing the inside of the house. Potions were lined up in racks neatly, a few masks on the wall, and a cauldron in the middle. Yup. This place gave me the creeps... I decided not to go in it. I turned, and heard the crunch of a stick underneath me. Immediately, dozens of heads popped up from the bushes and stared directly at me. They immediately leaped at me. I ran inside the house, err tree, and slammed the door and pushed up against it. I heard the terrifying howls and growls and scratches against the door. Soon though, all of the ruckus ended, I stayed up against the door preparing for the worst. The pushing continued, but then stopped shortly afterwords. -knock- -knock- "Who enters the home of one who has departed? And flees from the fight one has just started?", the voice outside questioned. I recognized that voice, it was the zebra... Zecora! That was it. And this was where she lived, I remember that now. I opened the door. "Hi there." I said, trying to make this future conversation not so awkward. "Can I enter my home? The one in which you seem to have roam?", She asked sarcastically. "Oh yeah, sorry about that", I apologized, After she entered I asked where the way out of the forest was. She looked at me puzzled, I figured she would be. I explained all that happened with me arriving here somewhat confused, and fluttershy, and me not actually being from here. I didn't explain about me actually being human, I knew it would be followed with more questions. All I wanted to know was how to get out of the forest and where my daughter was. She showed me the way out shortly after. After some time, we eventually arrived in ponyville, it was night time and everyone was asleep. She showed me around the area. Eventually I started getting tired, and asked where the best place to sleep was. Right as she was going to give a response, she immediately stopped and waved her hoof around, indicating me to turn around. I turn confused, and immediately am blasted with confetti and party sprinkles. Let's just take a guess as to who it can possibly be.... Jumping from behind her cannon, "*gasps* I've never seen you before! Well, I've seen you zecora, but not this fella! What's your name??" A little confused, " Well, it's-", I tried to explain before the cannon blasts another round of party confetti at me... I tried again, "It's-" -poof!- another blast. I just sat there... expecting another one... "Well my name is Pinkie Pie! Glad to meet ya pal!" She grabs my hoof across the cannon and shakes it as another blast of confetti blasts from the cannon. "Oh this shouldn't happen! It shouldn't do more than three, before the first welcome party!" as she pulls the cannon behind her, somehow disappearing. I sit there confused as to what just happened. "Hey let me show you my house!" She grabs me by the hoof and drags me across town to her house. Now, when I say drag across town, I mean I was actually sliding and being dragged across the ground the whole way there. I looked back at zecora for help, but she had already turned around and was heading to her house. I was stuck with pinkie pie for the night. Of all ponies. Pinkie Pie.