My Little Duel Academy

by WCHpon3

The Entrance Exam

My Little Duel Academy
Chapter 1: The Entrance Exam

I was there on time for once. Thinking I would be the last of them, however there is always someone who is worse than you in your mind. My name is Alex. I’m going to hopefully become a student at Duel Academy however that isn’t a guarantee. To be perfectly honest, I don’t often win the duels that I have to and buckle under the pressure. It can’t be helped; I’m timid.
The written exam was straightforward. I found the questions to be easy seeing as they were multiple choices. And then the carnage started. One student burst through the doors with a cacophony of noise to boot, twenty minutes into the hour long paper. His name was Jaden Yuki, The brown hair was a scraggly mess and his black blazer was crumpled too. His bag was slung over his right shoulder, half open and after apologising to the invigilator; he stared straight into my eyes and smiled in his cocky manner. In all honesty, he looked rather cute. I didn’t think he would fancy a girl like me however there was my test to complete.
I was left on my own until a black haired boy sat next to me.
“Good afternoon, my name is Bastion Misawa,” he spoke with gusto; “I couldn’t help but see that you were lonely so I thought you needed someone to talk to.” I knew he was only being kind, however the nerves that took over the insides of me were starting to take over.
“Oh, ok. Have you done the practical exam?” It was the only thing that came to mind.
“Yes and I defeated the obelisk with ease. With my calculated deck, it’s impossible to be beat!” He gloated. I wasn’t comfortable around him, but his arrogance was the only thing keeping me from curling up into a ball.
“So will you be going to Obelisk blue then? I asked.
“No, no, I came from a state school, not a private one so the highest I can go is Ra yellow.” He looked slightly disappointed that he wasn’t there. Almost as if he was setting his heart on it. Just as he was about to speak again, a whining noise emanated from the top of the stairs. A boy with long pale blue hair bounded down the stairs towards me and Bastion. It looked like they met before.
“Ah Syrus, Did you pass with flying colours like your brother?”
“Nope, I barely passed at all” Syrus said with regret. He had spectacles which stayed on the tip of his nose and seemed to have a low self-esteem. “I just don’t understand how Zane is so good.” I perked up.
“Did you just say that your brother is the Zane Trusedale?”
“The one and only, best in this school.” He smiled gleefully afterwards.
“He won’t be the best when I enter this academy!” A voice shouted from high up. And it was him. Jaden Yuki, hands on hips, posing to the three of us. He sprinted down the stairs and began conversing with the group. Like me, it seemed that he hadn’t taken his practical exam either. I decided to go through my head all the knowledge I had learnt throughout the years when my thoughts were interrupted.
“Hey,” He said deep in thought, “I remember you, weren’t you in the written exam with me?” I blushed and responded a little rushed.
“Y-yes I was in there. You were the one who was twenty minutes late correct?” Jaden was taken aback.
“So I was. Ah well, It can’t be helped, I ran into Yugi Muto on the way here.” His eyes were lit up and a new energy seemed to coarse through him.
“Awesome!” I replied, “I’m Alex, Alex Harris, nice to meet you.”
“And I’m Jaden Yuki, next king of games.” He cockily replied. The Intercom was ferrying duellist after duellist around when I heard my name.
“Would Alex Harris please make her way down to centre arena please, thank you.”
“Looks like it’s my turn to duel.” I said nervously. They all wished me good luck and I saw on the left shoulder of Jaden’s, a furry creature with wings of purest white.
“Is that on your arm a Winged Kuriboh?” I asked.
“You can see it? That’s totally awesome!” He remarkably replied. The others were confused by the conversation. I had to go down though and face my test.”
Standing in my way was an Obelisk blue student with an emotionless expression. His eyes were sullen and from the description Syrus told me, this was Zane Trusedale.
I was shocked. I didn’t expect to face him of all people for an entry exam; it was like putting me in a ten against one fight. Then a teacher whom I thought was a lady at first walked down.
“Miss Harris, I am Doctor Crowler and Zane here will be your opponent. Now, seeing as he is the best this school has to offer, you can lose and still enter, you were the best in the written exam. However, you have to take out at least half of his life points. Is that fair to you?” Being a bag of nerves I replied,
“Yes Ma’am, I mean Sir” I never felt so embarrassed before.
“Good! Now let these duels commence!” The duel disk I had been given activated, opening the field up. His did the same and the pressure was on, what made it worse was that it was my first move.
“Duel!” We both said and the story was about to commence.
“I’ll go first!” I tried to say with some confidence but I didn’t exert it. I drew the first six cards from my deck, satisfied with the result. “I summon, Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter in attack mode!” The pink pony sprang up and giggled into position. With 1500 attack points, I was sure I had a good foothold.
“I lay one card face-down and end my turn.” And without saying a word, he drew his first card of the duel.
“I summon Cyber Dragon in attack mode!” and the metallic plated dragon rose to the gasps of the crowd. I noticed why. It was a level five monster; there was no way he should have been allowed to have summoned it.
“If you’re thinking about how I’m able to summon Cyber Dragon, it is because of its special ability. If you control a monster, and I don’t, I can special summon it,” he was calm and not showing any emotion. His poker face was one to be reckoned with. “Now Cyber Dragon, Take down the Element of Laughter with Strident Blast!” The dragon opened its jaws, looking as if it was glowing inside, only for an amber flame to shoot out, engulfing the pink pony that was Pinkie Pie and destroying it, leaving only white fragments behind. I wasn’t happy, not only was Pinkie Pie destroyed, but she was banished from the field which frustrated me more than usual and my life points had trickled down to 3400. Maybe the pressure was getting to me when all I heard was, “I’ll lay one card face-down,” my turn again.
“Alright, it’s my turn and I’ll draw!” I assessed my options. No monster over 2100 attack points. I was going to have to play on the back foot.
“I summon Applejack, Element of Honesty in defence mode!” The auburn coloured pony sprung up from the card and then led down side-on to the field. Her head was shielded by a brown stepson hat used by the stereotypical southern American. The defence points were only four hundred so it was bound to be destroyed.
“I end my turn.” It was the best that I could do to shield my life points but Zane was the best for a reason.
He silently drew his card and instantly, I knew this wouldn’t be a good turn.
“I activate the spell card Polymerization! This spell allows me to fuse monsters to create a new fusion monster. So I’ll take the Cyber Dragon on the field with the one in my hand in order to summon, the Cyber Twin Dragon in attack mode!” The two dragons were sucked into a vortex and came out as one. A metallic dragon with two heads loomed above me. The attack points were 2800; I was in for a long duel.
“Not only does it have high attack strength, but Cyber Twin Dragon can attack twice per turn, now destroy the Element of Honesty and take a chunk out of her life points with Double Strident Blast!” Two beams of orange light charged straight for me, the first getting halted by Applejack, the second taking a direct hit at me. Jolts of pain seared up and down my body, I was knelt on the floor by the end of it, and my life points had dropped to 600. I looked like a rookie, getting one upped constantly. I needed a way back.
“I end my turn” He calmly said. My only chance for victory was to get rid of the Cyber Twin Dragon at any cost.
“My turn!” I drew the card, and I saw it. It winked at me and then I knew why I saw that Winged Kuriboh upon Jaden’s shoulder. I could see spirits. And this card was one of them.
“I summon Derpy the Adorable in defence mode!” The grey pony leapt onto the arena. She had wings, implying that she was a Pegasus with a blonde mane. She had a wall-eyed stare and with 1500 defence points, wasn’t going to defend me from the next attack, but that didn’t matter.
“I use Derpy the Adorable’s special ability! You see, Derpy can’t help being a little clumsy at times and by destroying up to two cards on my side of the field, she can accidentally destroy the same amount of cards I destroyed on your side of the field! So by releasing my face-down, I can take out the Cyber Twin Dragon!” I was ready to attack, Derpy slowly walked backwards, stepping upon my face-down, destroying it immediately. Then she flew up, charging at the dragon. She was like a bullet the speed of her attack when a cloud of black smoke erupted from where contact was made. To my surprise, what was a Cyber Twin Dragon was now two Cyber Dragons.
“But how?” I said exasperated. And with a calm reply, he said, “Did you forget about my face-down, it’s called De-fusion. I can take one fusion monster on the field, and split it into its material. So my Cyber Twin Dragon got split up into two Cyber Dragons. So the cute and clumsy Derpy has just missed her target.” My turn was over; there was nothing else I could have done.
“My turn!” Zane spoke. And I play the spell card Powerbond! This card can only be used to summon a machine type fusion monster and with two Cyber Dragons on the field, I can unite them with the third in my hand to create one of the most powerful creatures in existence. Rise, the Cyber End Dragon!” The dragon had three heads and flew up to a point where it roared with such ferocity that everybody in the room could feel it. The attack points were also for concern 4000 attack points.
“Also due to Powerbond, my Cyber End Dragon’s attack points are doubled to 8000!” I noticed something; he couldn’t deal any damage due to the fact that Derpy was in defence mode.
“Cyber End Dragon also has a special ability, if I attack a monster in defence mode whose defence is lower than my monster’s attack points, I can inflict the difference as damage!” This was the last thing I wanted to hear. Unless I could survive the attack, I was out of duel academy. Then I saw it in my hand, the only card which could save me.
“Cyber End Dragon, Super Strident Blaze!” Three heads spouting out a surge of orange light was blitzing its way towards me when an explosion of black smoke erupted from just in front of me as Derpy was crushed. The smoke cleared, I was still standing and my life points were still on 600.
“How! How do you survive that, your life points should be zero!”
“In an ordinary situation yes, however the Element of Generosity came to my rescue. By discarding Rarity from my hand, I negated the battle damage I took so you did absolutely nothing, and I believe that Powerbond has an adverse effect which means you take damage equal to the original attack points of Cyber End Dragon at the end of the turn.” Zane was in shock, expecting to win this turn; he hadn’t planned for an escape route if he failed. He fell to his knees, a beaten man, the life points, out in one fell swoop. I had won against the best duellist in the school and the cheers went on for minutes.
“Well played Zane.” I said, and he smiled and said,
“You’re a good duellist, welcome to this school.” And with a friendly handshake, my entry into this academy had been accepted.