//------------------------------// // Equestria Girls: Round One, Fight! (Action) // Story: Moments in Time // by DragonShadow //------------------------------// This story is rated "T" for action-violence Equestria Girls: Round One, Fight! Rainbow Dash and Applejack stood face to face, their eyes twitching and their hands held out to their sides. This was it, Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she looked into the eyes of her best friend. After all these years it had finally comes to this. Here in the softly glowing static of the TV against the wall, shining its light on the both of them, they were going to do what had probably been coming all along. They were both very proud girls after all. Their competitions were borderline legendary in the halls of Canterlot High School. But this… this was personal. The air was eerily silent as the girls faced each other, then all at once they both lunged. Rainbow Dash spun under the stronger, but slower girl’s outstretched arm to drive her fist into her gut, shoving her roughly back, but Applejack’s other arm grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked backwards, sending Rainbow stumbling out of the TV’s soft light. Rainbow whirled just in time to spot the big-booted kick coming. She darted toward the door to throw it open and lurch out into the grass in front of Sweet Apple Acre’s apple field. Applejack followed at a jog, rearing back with one fist, but Rainbow Dash dodged nimbly to the left once again, grabbing the bigger girl’s arm in both of hers and spinning over her side in a fast Judo throw. Applejack tumbled over Rainbow’s body and slammed into the grass on her back, where Rainbow locked her in a fierce arm-bar. “Say uncle!” Rainbow Dash twisted the arm viciously. “Say it!” “I’ll say uncle when I’m in the ground!” Applejack kicked up with one knee, planting it heavily enough in Rainbow’s gut to make her double over and lose her grip. That was all the opening the farmgirl needed to shove upward with both legs with enough strength to send Rainbow literally flying through the air away from her. Rainbow hit the ground with a grunt, but swiftly went into a backwards roll away from Applejack, landing on her feet in a low, ready crouch. Applejack got up more slowly, plucking her fallen hat from the grass and sliding it back onto her head, but her eyes never left Rainbow Dash. She was watching and waiting… she knew as well as Rainbow did, there was only one way this was going to end. They both attacked at the same time once again, Rainbow Dash neatly dodging one punch and trying to counter with one of her own, but it was only a glancing blow as Applejack weaved to one side while a mighty fist came back around to slam heavily into Rainbow’s cheek. Rainbow stumbled back in a daze, trying to get away, but it was too late, Applejack’s arms closed around her waist from behind and hauled her clean off the grass in a perfect suplex. “Aaaaurgh!” Rainbow Dash yelped in pain as she hit the ground on her back and rolled across the grass, but soon managed to begin rolling back to her knees. Applejack was getting up almost as slowly, her own bigger bulk making the move do almost as much damage to her as to Rainbow Dash, but Rainbow knew she was still in trouble. The bigger girl was up first, and approaching in a scary hurry. Rainbow Dash couldn’t afford to hesitate. She threw herself forward straight into Applejack’s legs, hoping to take her down, but Applejack’s stance was solid. Rainbow felt the arms close around her waist again, but before she could be hoisted into the air she used the grip as leverage to flip herself vertically, slamming one booted leg into her friend’s jaw. The grip around her waist let go, allowing Rainbow Dash to carry the summersault through and land on her feet only moment before throwing a back-kick straight into Applejack’s gut, making the bigger girl double-over once again with a loud wheeze. Rainbow brought her leg around and up for an axe-kick, but without warning Applejack threw herself forward, running her shoulder into Rainbow like a charging bull and carrying her back towards the house. Rainbow expected to hit the wall, but instead they both went flailing through the living room window, smashing into the floor in a shower of glass right back where this whole thing had started. Rainbow laid on the wood where she rolled several feet from her friend, thinking that perhaps that was enough… perhaps they should stop. But that would mean quitting… and Rainbow Dash would not quit for anything in the world. Slowly the two combatants climbed back to their feet, ignoring the glass on the floor as they once again faced each other. Applejack was in a wide-legged forward stance, and Rainbow was in a sideways stance with her limp wrists ready in front of her torso. Suddenly Applejack made her move, snatching the lamp off an endtable to hurl it directly at Rainbow’s chest. Rainbow only narrowly weaved to the side to avoid it, but this left her off-balance to catch Applejack’s next bull-like charge. Unable to move out of the way, Rainbow Dash snatched the hat off of her friend’s head and shoved it in her face just before impact, but she just kept going, shoulder-tackling Rainbow blindly back straight into the couch, sending them both spinning over the back of it to the hardwood floor. Rainbow rolled onto her side, trying to catch her breath. She could see Applejack lying on the floor nearby, lying sprawled out on her back with her chest heaving. With the lamp gone the only light in the room came from the TV still tuned to static. Rainbow slowly rolled over, pulling herself tiredly away from Applejack between the couch and Granny Smith’s rocking chair. Her arm snaked its way up onto the worn, antique wood and grabbed hold of her ultimate prize, falling to her back again with her trophy held high. With Applejack no doubt looking on in envy, Rainbow Dash huffed out a pleased sigh of victory. “The… remote… is mine…”