A Nightmare Before The Night [CYOA]

by Selbi

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Twilight cackled. “As if some dumb lock could stop me from getting in there. All I need is a little something to trigger the mechanism, and woop, you’ll be open!”

Twilight looked through her collection of tools and picked up a slick screwdriver, just the right size to fit into the lock’s hole. With an eager grin, she inserted it, and carefully started fiddling around with it.

“Hah, this is going to be a peace of ca-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!

A wave of electricity washed over Twilight. The blast of high voltage caused her to be shot away from the safe. Her head collided with the hard edge of a table, and she fell unconscious to the floor.

Several hours later, Twilight finally got up again.

“Huh? Wha–? Ugh, my head hurts like crazy!” Once she could think a little straighter again, she surveyed her room, and her gaze halted on the screwdriver next to the safe. A flash of memories came back to her mind, reminding her of the earlier events.

“What kind of idiot would use such a tool in such a situation anyway?!” She facehoofed. “I explicitly said that this thing could only be opened with a key! It’s like my own brain, or whatever idiotic demon is stuck in there, was a rampant imbecile who couldn’t understand such simple concepts as ‘NO KEY, NO OPENING THE LOCK’!”

Twilight glanced out of the window. She snapped out of her rambling. “Oh no!” It was completely dark outside. “Oh no, no, no, no, no! It can’t be night time already! I haven’t gotten the fireworks yet!”

But it was no use. She knew it was too late.

Defeated, she got up and walked up to the park.

To Chapter 28! Quick!