Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 6 "Mirror Mirror"

by Jacoboby1

Chapter 6 "Remember Me"

Chapter 6
“Remember Me”

I slept well last night. There was no doubt about it. My whole evening was filled with thoughts about Twilight. Every moment and every thing drew me back to her in some way. I was completely and utterly in love with her and I loved every moment of it.

I woke up smiling and got showered and dressed. I practically danced my way through the morning routine. I was a teenager in love and nobody was going to stop me.

I went down stairs to the kitchen and found Mom and Tailspin there along with Dad. He looked up from his work and smiled. “Well, somebody’s in a good mood today,” He said.

“Kinda am, Dad,” I said with a smile as I snagged some toast.

“Three guesses it has something to do with Twilight,” Mom quipped as she smiled at me from the table.

“Mom..” I said, a little shyly.

“I rest my case,” Mom said, smirking.

“So, bro, you going to give me tips?” Tailspin asked.

“Nuh uh,” I said, waving a finger in the air. “I’m not going to be responsible for you chasing after tomboy Scootaloo.”

“Private!” Tailspin cried, his face flushing.

“Seems it is a time for love,” Dad commented.

“I’ll say ,Irenius,” Mom said, putting her head on one hand. “I must say you look quite handsome yourself today.”

Dad flushed a little, then frowned. “You’re not going to get me to go easy on you in the cookoffs, Sparrow.”

“So much for feminine charm,” Mom said with a roll of her eyes.

I shook my head and, after a light breakfast, I was out the door with Tailspin. I noticed that Twilight wasn’t there to walk me to school. But, I’m guessing she probably went ahead. I didn’t care though, I was the happiest guy in the world.

Any chance to be with Twilight was enough for me.
Perspective: Rarity

Something is not right. That was the conclusion I kept coming back to whenever I thought about the events of recent days. Private Eye shows up, out of nowhere, and Twilight is completely smitten with him. While Love at first sight isn’t something particularly wrong, something was off when he started playing matchmaker.

Nobody is that good at matching two people. Plus, he was way too confident in his decision. It was as if, he knew the pair of them from some past life.

Oh come off it Rarity, perhaps you are just poking into things you shouldn’t.

But, I just can’t shake the feeling that, as stated before, something is not right.

So, I decided to do something about it. I stood in front of Canterlot High, knowing that Private would show up sooner or later. I looked through the crowd of students and saw Private’s brother Tailspin run by. I followed where he came from and there was Private, with Twilight.

Oh, when they are together it’s something to behold. They just seemed to, oh I cannot explain it, click I guess. Something must have happened last night during their little rendezvous. They just could not keep looking and smiling at one another.

Gossip time later, Rarity, getting answers time is now.

Time to get to the bottom of this…
Perspective: Private Eye

“Private, listen, sorry if I freaked you out last night,” Twilight said as we stood in front of each other as students moved past us.

“Hey, it’s alright,” I said, my face flushing. “I enjoyed it.”

She smiled at that and said, “Good, I was afraid maybe, we were going too fast…”

I smiled, and then noticed...Twilight was wearing the locket I gave her…

Before I could speak up about it, Rarity came walking over. “Good morning, darlings, I trust you both had a good time last night.”

Twilight and I flushed at the same time, and sort of said, at the same time, something that sounds like this: “OhyeahsureImeanyeahandwellkindasortaawesomeyeah.”

Rarity let out a giggle and said, “While I hate to break up your reunion, I need to borrow Private for a minute. If that’s alright with you, Twilight, dear?”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What do you need Private for?” she asked.

“Oh, I just have a few questions to ask him. I had some ideas for his suit and I wanted to, how they say, run them by him.” Rarity said, holding up her hands defensively.

“Uh, alright,” I said, and then turned to Twilight, “I’ll see you later.”

“I’ll see you later as well Private,” Twilight said, walking up the steps to school.

“Okay Rarity, what did yo-wha!” I yelped as Rarity suddenly grabbed me by the tie and was pulling me away.

I’m starting to think this is the true reason ties were force fed into male fashion.
Next thing I know I’m standing in an empty classroom. Rarity slammed the door shut behind me and got within inches of my face. I felt like I was in an interrogation.

“Alright, what’s going on here? How did you know that Fluttershy and Big Mac would hit it off so well? Any others you intend to matchmake? Who are you, really? And where did you come from? I want answers, Private Eye, because you coming out of nowhere, sweeping Twilight off her feet, then being able to successfully match Mac and Fluttershy is… well… uncanny. Especially your confidence in the match!”

“I uh…” Was all I could really have come out of my mouth after that.

“It is rude to keep a lady waiting, Private.” Rarity said, crossing her arms, standing in front of me.

“Well…” I said.

“Well?” Rarity said, raising her eyebrow.

I sighed, “Rarity, if I told you, you’d think I was crazy.”

“Try. Me,” She replied firmly.

Okay, there was no way I was getting out of this. I had to just tell her the truth. I took in a deep breath and said: “I'm not really human, and neither is Twilight or Sunset Shimmer for that matter. We are all ponies from another world who came here via a magic mirror because Shimmer stole the crown from Twilight. Twilight is my wife in this other world and she came here to get the crown back, I got worried when she didn't come back so I came here and found out that all of my friends have a human counterpart here as well."

Rarity blinked as I went on.

“But when I got here Twilight didn’t remember who I was. So I decided to romance her again in the hopes of getting her memories back. I blended into human society so Sunset wouldn’t see who I was. Then I went on the date with Twi, and you know the rest.” I let out a breath as I finished my statement.

Rarity stared at me for a long moment, finally saying, “You’re right, it does sound insane, darling.”

“I knew it,” I sighed in defeat.

“But, you mentioned...Shimmer stealing Twilight’s crown…” Rarity said, her eyes sort of...going far away.

“Rarity?” I said, waving a hand over her non responsive blue eyes.

“She tried to hurt Spikey Wikey...get her friends to be such brutes...then tried to hurt the other students…” she said, her voice far away.

“Rarity snap out of it!” I cried, shaking her.

She shook her head and her eyes returned to normal. “Oh my goodness, I, I remembered something. I saw Sunset turning into that monster, the whole disaster at the Fall Formal…” She looked down. “How come I couldn’t remember it before?”

“Maybe some kind of spell was blocking your memory,” I suggested. “I’ve seen it before.”

“You really are telling the truth,” Rarity said, looking at me. “I must ask, about the me in your world, are we friends there?”

“Yeah,” I said with a nod. “Miss Rarity, Element of Generosity, and proud owner of Carousel Boutique.”

Rarity’s eyes glowed at that as she said, “I own Carousel Boutique in your world!?”

“Yep.” I said.

“You also mentioned we were all, what did you call them, ponies?” She asked.

“Yep, specifically, you’re a unicorn, like me and Twilight,” I explained.

“Would explain how I can be a dressmaker without hands,” Rarity said with a laugh.

“Yep, that’s Rarity from my world,” I said.

“So,” She said, “How has my analog been doing in the romantic department?”

“Why do you ask?” I inquired.

“Well, if my analog is romancing someone in your world, then the logical conclusion would be that my sweetheart would be in this world as well. That's probably how you figured out Fluttershy and Macintosh would go so well together.” Rarity said, sighing dreamily. “So, tell me Private.”

“You are in a happy relationship in the other world,” I said with a smile.

“Really?” Rarity said, sounding excited. “Is he that charming Blueblood? I haven’t met him yet, but I heard he was ever so handsome. Or, maybe that Thunderlane boy, or maybe even Caramel. Oh Private! Tell me what pony my pony is pining after!” She was practically bouncing up and down at this point…

“Uh, funny thing about your sweetheart…” I said, laughing nervously. “He’s not, actually a pony.”

Rarity stopped mid bounce and stood looking at me. “He’s, not a pony? Then whatever is he?”

“A dragon…” I said, nervously.

Rarity’s eyes went wide and she said in shock, “A dragon?! Whyever would my pony self be dating a dragon?”

“Oh, he’s just a little guy at this point,” I explained. “He’s very nice, and eager to help you out in that other world”

“Well, I guess I shouldn’t be one to judge,” Rarity said, “So what is name?”

“His what?” I said, my own eyes going wide.

“His name darling, if I’m to find him in this world that should be where to start,” Rarity replied.

“....Spike,” I finally said.

“Spike?” Rarity stood stiff. “As in...Twilight’s dog?”

“Uh...yeah…” I said.

“A dog…” She said again, in absolute shock.

“Rarity?” I asked.

“I date...a dog…” She uttered.

“Um, they call it puppy love?” I said with a smile.

“That is not funny, Private Eye!” Rarity uttered.

“I know, bad joke.” I said.

“This is by far the most insulting prank anybody has put on me!” She cried.

“Rarity it isn’t a prank!” I tried to implore.

“Where are Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie?” Rarity said, looking around. “I bet you they are laughing themselves silly!”

“ It's not a joke. it's just that Spike is a dragon in my world. I don't understand why he's a dog, here, either," I explained.

“Honestly! I thought you were a good person but this, this is just insanity!” she cried as she stormed out.

Aww great...now Rarity thinks I’m crazy…
I went through my first class really worried about Rarity. I felt guilty to be honest, she believed every word of my mouth up until I mentioned Spike. Gah, I’m such an idiot! I knew she’d think that was the punch line of a horrible joke!

After class, I walked down the hallways and saw Twilight was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. Oh please don’t let her hear about the whole Rarity thing!

“Private? Oh it’s good to see you,” She said as she got up to greet me.


“Good to see you too Twilight.” I said with a smile.

“What did you and Rarity talk about?” She asked.

“Oh, stuff about a suit she was thinking of making. Helped her out a little,” I replied, avoiding any mention of puppy love conversations.

Twilight smiled and said, “Glad that you’re willing to help. I swear she works a little too hard sometimes. She’s more like AJ than she’d care to admit.”

I think a sleepover will change that point of view sister…

“Twi, there’s something I wanna ask you.” I said.

“Yes?” She said, looking hopefully into my eyes.

“It’s, about that Spring Fling you were talking about,” I said.

She only nodded.

“I was wondering, if when you won that crown, if I could have a look at it,” I said.

She tilted her head, “What do you want with a costume tiara?” She asked.

“I can’t really explain,” I said. “Just that, it’s very important.”

She smiled and said, “Sure, but, I kind of need to win it first.”

“Twi, you are a shoe in,” I said encouragingly.

“Thanks,” She said, a hint of red on her cheeks. “I try not to get a swelled head about beating Sunset.”

“You have a gift, Twilight,” I said. “You can take a bunch of different people, different ideas, different backgrounds, and make them all come together. Look at how different your friends are, you are the thing that holds them together. It’s not because you make them, you just are as you are.”

Twilight smiled and said, “You really should consider writing a book.”

With that, the bell rang and I said, “Well, that’s our cue to run off.”

“I’ll see you later right?” She asked.

I smiled, pulled her close and kissed her on the cheek. I smiled at her blushing face and said, “Count on it.”

With that, I ran off to class.
Perspective: Twilight Sparkle

Oh… Oh wow… If this is love, I really like it. I feel both melty and giddy, and lighter than air… I’m in love. I am in love with Private Eye. Oh, I hope this lasts past high school.

I heard the intercom ring…

Twilight Sparkle, report to the office please! Twilight Sparkle!

What? Oh, great, what happened, now?

I walked the hallways back to the Principal’s office. Oh, I hope I didn’t fail a test or anything. What did I do? What could I have done?! There weren’t any ground-shattering tests, lately, and last I heard I passed the state tests with flying colors! Oh my gosh, could it have been any sort of public display of affection?! I mean… We haven’t been that, you know, affectionate, on school grounds, though I really really really want to kiss Private again…

“Twilight Sparkle?”

I blinked as I realized I was standing in the office, Principal Luna was giving me a weird look.

I smoothed myself out and said, “Uh, Principal Celestia wanted to see me?”

“She’s in her office,” Luna said, before going back to her work.

Oh man..please don’t let me get expelled…

Principal Celestia’s office directly contrasted Principal Luna’s office. Where the Vice Principal’s office was all cool blues, the Principal’s office was warm golds, and sunny yellows.

To the left of her desk, was a book-filled bookcase, with some trophies on the top shelf. Behind the desk was a whiteboard with the calendar for the month marked, and a to-do list written on it.

The walls had honey-gold wood wainscoting, with mustard yellow moulding, and the walls were more of a light orange sherbet color, with sunny yellow trim, and buttercream columns. The floor was carpeted with a burgundy berber with gold trim A green flag stood to the right of her desk, and the desk itself, was natural wood tones, with three panels on the front, depicting clouds, a star, and a moon. On the lighter wood top of the desk was a microphone attached to the intercom, and a telephone.

Principal Celestia, herself, was dressed in a smart-looking pantsuit, that made her look very no-nonsense, but not as severe as Vice-Principal Luna. Her pants, and part of her shirt were a grape purple, and her blazier was a warm gold that strangely went well with the pants. On her lapel was a pin depicting the sun in glory. Her skin was a light pink, and her hair… Her hair was tri-colored pink, mint green, and sort of a twilight blue.

When her violet eyes looked at me, there was that same warmth I always remember coming from her. “Twilight, I’m glad you could come so quickly,” she said.

“Am I in trouble, Ma’am?” I asked nervously.

“Have a seat,” She said, avoiding my question.

I did as she asked, oh please, oh please don’t tell me I’m expelled….

“Twilight, you look like I just asked you to diffuse a bomb,” She said, looking at me.

“Sorry, I’m just kind of freaking out right now,” I said honestly.

“I asked you to come in, because Mr. Rich told me you were, distracted during class,” She said.

“Uh...yeah…” I said, looking at my shoes nervously.

“Care to explain?” She asked.

“I uh, was a little distracted over these past couple of days,” I admitted.

“You’re usually so attentive,” She said, “Your teachers have never given complaints before. You have straight A’s in every class. I’m just concerned, Twilight. Is something going on that you can tell me about?”

To be honest, I somehow felt I could trust Celestia. Ever since I arrived at Canterlot High she’s always been one of the biggest supporters I ever had. She would help me out on occasion, tutor if I was stuck, and above all she was a great ear to listen to some of my problems. She was about as close to a second mother figure I had.

“I uh,” I said, nervously. “I started, seeing a guy again.”

“A boy?” Celestia said, her smile growing. “Oh, that explains everything.”

“Yeah...I guess it does..his name is Private Eye.” I replied.

She rolled over in her chair to a filing cabinet. She pulled out a file and looked at it approvingly. “Good grades, transferred just like you did all those months ago. How time flies.”

Wow...I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I started out here…

“Why, in another year, we’d be measuring you for a graduation gown. Him as well,” Celestia quipped.

Graduation…? Does it...have to end so soon…?

“Twilight are you okay?” She asked.

“Sorry, just, didn’t realize how much time there was,” I said.

“Twilight, it isn’t the amount of time you have,” Celestia said, “It’s how you spend it that counts.”

“You’re right, I guess I worried over nothing again,” I said.

“I don’t know of any teenager that hasn’t,” Celestia said with a smile. “I do hope you don’t let Private become too much of a distraction.”

“Oh don’t worry Ma’am,” I reassured. “I’ll make sure to balance my time between dating, friends, electives, classes and studying well. You know I’m good at schedule making.”

“So, can I mark you and Private down as dates for the Spring Fling this weekend?” Celestia said with a teasing smile.

I blushed and said, “Um, yeah, I think we’re going together.”

“It would be nice to see a student such as you be princess of both dances,” Celestia said.

I smiled and looked at the crown sitting in it’s display case…



Here, let me fix it.

Thanks Private, that does feel a bit more comfortable.

It’s all about maintaining balance Twilight. Just like being a leader.
I shook my head, what was that? It felt like a weird flashback…

Just like last night…

“Twilight?” Celestia said. “Are you alright? You seemed out of it.”

“I have to go, Principal Celestia,” I said, getting up.

Without another word, I ran out, this is too freaky!
Her spell is weakening…

It’s Private’s doing, his being here has started to break cracks in the illusion.

No matter where my descendents go, they always seem to be shattering something.

You can only blame fate for that Promy. For it is a fickle mistress.

Yet, one that insists on true love coming to be…
Perspective: Private Eye

I wonder what the office wanted Twilight for? I hope I didn’t get her in any trouble. I was in front of the cafeteria doors waiting for her. I hoped to make our date for the Spring Fling official.


Private slow down…

I’m so concerned about the date I keep forgetting what it’s for. The crown, it’s all about that stupid crown. If I had only been quicker, Twilight wouldn’t be here...we’d be home…

To what? A life of constantly wondering if you’ll see tomorrow?


Here, there are no crimes, here, there is peace and true harmony. Here, nopony asks you to do anything. Here...you are free…

I shook my head as Twilight came up around the corner. She walked up to me and said, “Private, uh, can we talk?”

“About what?” I asked.

She paused for a moment, then shook her head. “Uh, nothing, just to make our date official.”

“Oh yeah, for the Spring Fling,” I said. “You uh, need me to formally ask you?”

She smiled and said, “Well, you could just say yes.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” I asked.

With that, I took her hand in mine, bowed and said, “Milady? Would you honor me by allowing me to escort you as you claim your title as Princess of the Spring Fling?”

Twilight giggled and replied, “Yes Sir Private, I would be honored to have you at my side.”

She then stared at me, her eyes were...far away, just like Rarity’s were.

“Twi?” I said, getting up and waving a hand in front of her eyes. “Hello?”

“What the!” She cried, “Who? Private why are you a pony?”

I blinked at that and her eyes returned to normal. She shook her head and said, “Oh, I can’t believe I just said that.”

“Twi…?” I said, looking at her nervously.

“Sorry, I’ve been feeling weird all day,” She said, putting a hand on her head.

“Twi,” I sighed and said, “can we talk? After school?”

“Sure, why?” She asked.

“There’s something really important I need to tell you, meet me in the back of the building,” I said.

Slowly, Twilight nodded, “Okay, I trust you Private…”
Perspective: Rarity

I paced around outside, fuming at the utter… insanity of it all. A dog! I would not date a dog. A dragon, maybe, if it were a gentleman, but never a dog! That is the most ridiculous thing I’d ever heard. Never mind Private making that absurd ‘puppy love’ joke. Ugh! The indignity of it all!

I sat down on a bench outside the school and groaned. Just, how could they possibly think such a prank was funny? Such a lewd joke is something Sunset would come up with.

I wonder though...why a dog...why of all things…?

I heard a whine, I looked over and there was dear Spikey Wikey. Oh, I could not fault him when he was looking so concerned for me. I smiled as he went up and nuzzled along my boot.

I picked him up and scratched him behind the ears, just as he always liked it. “Oh Spike, how I wish Private never came up with that ridiculous notion.”

Spike suddenly stopped and looked up at me.

I sighed, “Oh, Private got this idea in his head that he was a pony from another world. That my pony self on the other side dated a dragon you. I must admit, the thought of dating a dragon is, unique, it….”

Spike tilted his little head.

“It’s complicated and ridiculous,” I said, shaking my head. “Why, your analog better be the most gentlemanly drake if Private is really speaking the truth.”

“I wish…”

Who said that? I looked around and nobody was there. I looked down, Spike was covering his mouth with his paws.

“Spike..did you…” I had no words.

Slowly, Spikey Wikey sighed and said, “I never could keep anything hidden from you for long.”

Spike...was a talking...dog…

Private...was telling...the truth…

Oh my stars…
Perspective: Spike

Good going Spike, you just had to open your big fat mouth. I looked down and said to her, “Yeah, I’m a talking dog, I’m really dragon Spike from that other world. Private wasn’t lying.”

I looked up at Rarity’s beautiful blue eyes as she took in everything I said. She finally spoke after a minute, “So, you’re, the love of my analog.”

“I guess you could say that,” I said.

“This is, just impossible,” Rarity said, shaking her head.

“You gotta believe me, Rarity,” I pleaded, “I really am Spike I’m…”

“You, left her behind didn’t you?” Rarity asked, looking at me. “When you came over here, she’s waiting for you isn’t she?”


She didn’t try to...you know...be that Rarity.

I...she isn’t my Rarity. I thought I’d always be happy, being by her side. I thought, just being with her was enough. No...no it isn’t…

I wanted to be a human. I wanted to take her in my arms and hold her tight. I…

I can’t do it because she’s this world’s Rarity. She will belong to another…

That’s, the most painful part of all this...she’s right there...and yet she’s not….

“Yeah,” I finally sighed. “She’s waiting for me, but… Well… Twilight’s like a sister to me. I couldn’t let her come here alone.”

Slowly, Rarity smiled at me. “Then, my analog is incredibly lucky. For she knows one of the sweetest dragons on her world. A gentledrake who chose his friends above his own wants. I hope she realizes just how amazing a dragon she has.”

I smiled, and felt a tear fall down my face. Rarity…

How sentimental….

I looked over, and my eyes grew wide. Standing before me, was Sunset and another human. The other human was tall, a woman, with long black hair, reddish skin and yellow eyes, wearing a long black and red lined dress with a mirror mark on it...who..was she…?

“Rarity!” I cried, and looked at her. Rarity was sitting there, stiff as a board, her eyes somewhere else.

“Sunset! What are you doing to he-” I cut myself off when I saw Sunset’s eyes were also somewhere else.

The woman smirked at me, “Well, who knew a dragon would sneak into my world. You’ve been quite a nuisance to catch.”

“Who are you!?” I growled, “And what have you done with Rarity?”

“Oh, I simply took her out of the picture for a minute,” The woman said, walking to Rarity and daring to put a finger on her cheek. “Right now, she believes she’s sewing a new dress, dreaming of a shop she’ll own one day.”

“You’re controlling her!” I yelled. “Why would you do that?!”

“Because she isn’t doing her job…” The woman cruelly said. “She’s supposed to be a stand in, a little actress playing the role…”

“And Sunset?” I asked.

The woman walked over to Sunset, the girl didn’t even move or react.

“She, was quite an interesting enigma,” The woman said. “Born into Equestrian High Society, passed the entrance exam at Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns with flying colors, and became one of Celestia’s students.”

“Then she decided to take power for herself right?” I asked.

“She did, only the true reason for her coming here, was because power was denied her,” The woman said, putting an arm around Sunset’s shoulder. “Dear Izanami decided not to bestow the Element of Magic upon her. So, I lured her into my world, a world where she would be top dog. Where she would have the power to get what she wanted…”

“And Twilight?” I growled.

“A world where she had no responsibilities aside from studying,” She said, “A world where her friends are far away from any real danger. All was perfect...until you and that stallion showed up in my world….”

“What’s Private got to do with this?” I demanded.

“Private? That’s his name….?” She said, suddenly looking scared, but then smirked. “So, Sombra, you’ve brought him to me at last, my love.”

“Say what now?” I asked.

“Oh don’t worry about your friend Private, soon,” She said, “soon, I’ll make him forget everything…”

“You can’t do that!” I yelled.

“Watch me…” She said, and her hands glowed with that freaky dark magic. She hit Rarity with it. I growled and leapt at her, but then they just teleported away. I looked around, where did they go? I can’t smell them….

“Spikey Wikey?” I heard Rarity come to.

“Rarity!” I cried, “Rarity you’re okay!”

“Oh, hello Spikey Wikey,” She said, smiling. “Why, if you keep barking like that Luna will find you again.”


“Rarity, it’s me! Spike!” I tried to say.

“Spike, I don’t wish to play right now,” She said, picking up her purse. “I have a dress to make for Twilight.”

She just..walked away…

She...couldn’t...hear me…


She’s after Private! I have to stop him!

I took off and ran, please, Private don’t listen to her!
Perspective: Private Eye

I paced behind the school building. How was I going to tell her all this? Hey Twilight, turns out I’m your husband from another world. No, I can’t…

Twilight is happy here. Here, she doesn’t have to do anything except study. I, I’ll just do what I always do and complicate things…

I love Twilight, I want more than anything just to be with her. Here...I can be with her…

Forever...always...you can have everything you could possibly want….

Mom’s here...Dad’s here...Tailspin can walk…

Your family, they are all here, they are happy. They love you, cherish you. Your friends are here. Far away from any danger or crime. You can still be a detective, but, none of the people you love will get hurt…

None of them...will get...hurt

Yes...there you are…here..you can have everything..here...you are safe and happy...stay...don’t tell Twilight…


Do this, and this world will stay as it is...give into it...embrace it….love it as you would Twilight…

“I...want i-ouch!!”

I felt something bite down on my leg and I snapped out of it. I looked down and saw Spike was the perpetrator.

“Spike! What the hell are you thinking!?” I yelled, shaking him off my leg.

He got off and looked up at me, “Keeping you from getting sucked into this world!” he yelled.

“Sucked in?” I asked.

“Yeah! Why do you think Twilight wants to be here?” He asked. “Somebody is making it so you and Twilight want to stay!”

It all suddenly dawned on me. “This, is why she didn’t come back. This is why she wanted to stay. This...is why she left behind what she was…” I said.

“It’s the mirror!” Spike implored, “It’s making you want to stay for whatever reason! Twilight stayed here,”

“Because she was scared of being a princess,” I said.

“Yeah!” He replied.

I was quiet for a moment.

“Private, don’t tell me you want to stay too…” Spike said warily.

“My mom’s alive here, Spike…” I said.

“But, she’s no-”

“I get that she’s not my mom!” I yelled. “She’s this world’s Private’s mom! But I’m here! She’s alive! You have no idea what it’s like! To lose someone and then have them back! Spike! I’m not letting her go again!”

“SHUT THE HELL UP!” Spike yelled.

I blinked, he swore at me.

“Don’t, you don’t even get to talk about tragedy!” Spike yelled, tears in his eyes. “I never got to know my parents! Then my dad came back and I only had a few days with him! Before he was taken back from me again! I get that you’re saying, Private, but you can’t just run away from the fact that you feel guilty about them!”

“Spike don’t you dare go there!” I yelled.

“You told Twilight yourself,” Spike said, “The reason you feel so guilty about your Mom dying and Tailspin not walking is because you feel it’s your own fault!”

I couldn’t say anything.

“I can’t believe I’m the one saying this Private. BUT GROW UP!” Spike yelled.

I just stared at the dog.

“I know it hurts, not having somebody you care about around. It claws at you inside, makes you crave anything to connect with them. But, in reality, we’re all connected in one way or another. You can’t let this world take advantage of your grief. You got a job to do back home, so does Twilight, and you’ve got to man up and face it, you’re not a kid, you’re not a teenager, you are Preventus Phelps Eye. You can't hide in this world and pretend problems don't exist. You, are an adult, so act like one.”

I backed against the wall, slid down it, and put my hands on my legs as I sat on the ground. “You’re right, Spike,” I said, looking at the dog. “I’m not a kid anymore.”

Spike smiled at me and said, “Hey, we’ll get through this, we’ll all go home soon.”

I smiled and held out my arms, “Come ere you mutt.”

Spike leapt into my arms and I hugged him. Spike, was like a little brother to me too. I can’t believe I could be so selfish. To think only on how I was feeling.

“Forgive me Spike?” I asked.

“Hey, bro, always,” Spike said, smiling at me.

“Thanks, I needed the kick in the teeth,” I said, and then went to scratch his ears.

Spike’s eyes closed and his leg started thumping the ground. “Ooh yeah! That’s the spot!”

“Nice to see you two getting along.”

Spike and I looked up to see Twilight walking over.

“Yeah,” I said, “He and I just clicked I guess.”

Twilight bent down to pick up Spike and put him in her bag, as I stood up. She then looked at me, “So, what did you need to talk about?”

“Twi,” I said, and then looked at the locket. I reached for it and held it up with my fingers. “Do you, remember where you got this?”

Twilight looked at it, and shook her head. “No, I…” She then blinked and looked at me. “I...remember you putting it on me…”

I looked at her, her eyes didn’t seem distant, just focused.

“I, saw you, and me,” She said, taking the locket. “But, we were…”

“Ponies?” I asked.

“I was going to say Equines but,” She said, “that works too.”

“Twi,” I said, letting go of the locket and taking her hands, “what I’m about to tell you, is going to sound totally crazy.”

She nodded, keeping her eyes on me.

“Does the word, Equestria, mean anything to you?” I asked.

She, looked startled. “The name of a country…”

“Elements of Harmony?” I asked again.

She started again, and recited as if from memory, “Six magical artifacts exemplifying the traits of Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, and Magic.” She blinked, and looked at me, looking a little scared, “Private, how do I know that off the top of my head?”

“Because,” I said, “you know stuff that a human high school student would never know.”

“I...do?” She asked.

“Starswirl’s theorem of relative magic?” I asked quickly.

“Magic equals magic times energy of unicorn times willpower,” She said, again reciting.

“Fastest velocity of an unmanned pegasi?”

“What kind of pegasus? An Eastern or Western Pegasus?” She said, putting a hand on her head. “Ugh, how did I know that was a trick question? More importantly,” She looked up at me, “How do you know, that I know it?”

“Because, you aren’t Twilight Sparkle the High School student,” I said firmly.

Her eyes grew wide in shock, “I’m not?”

“No,” I shook my head, “You are Twilight Annmarie Sparkle, Element of Magic and Princess of Equestria, an Alicorn.”
“An...Alicorn…” She said, looking even more shocked.

“You were born in Canterlot,” I said. “Not Canterlot here, Canterlot back in Equestria. You are the student of Princess Celestia. And...you’re my…” I blushed a little.

“I’m your what Private?” She asked.

“You’re…” I looked her right in the eyes, “You’re my wife.”

She looked at me for a long time, then began shaking her head violently, getting out of my grip. “No! This is impossible! There is no such thing as magic! It’s physically impossible for me to know all this! We are teenagers! We can’t be married we can’t be!”

“Twilight! I’m telling the truth!” I declared.

“Prove it!” She cried. “Tell me things that only my husband would know!”

Okay, think Private, think….

“Uh, you’re ticklish on your belly!” I said.

Twilight blushed bright red at that, “You actually-”

“Okay, bad choice,” I said, “Uh, you like your toast with a little bit of honey on it.”

“I do..but, anybody could’ve said that!” She fired back.

“You like fantasy roleplaying! Your character is Spellzalor the Archmage!” I said, grabbing at straws.

“I’ve only told my friends th…” She shook her head and said definitely. “I don’t know what game this is Private! But unless you start giving something concrete, you can forget abo-”

“The things you’re most scared of,” I said, “are failure, and being a bad leader, or example. You’re terrified of even the notion of letting somebody down. I remember, after we came back from the Crystal Empire that first time. You told me about what you saw…”

She just stared at me.

“You told me you saw Celestia saying she didn’t want you as her student anymore. I remember how broken you looked when we talked about it. How scared you were that it would come around,” I said, walking to her.

“You...said…” She said, a tear falling down her eyes. “On our honeymoon…”

“That, no matter how far one of us falls…” I said, wiping the tear from her eye. “The other would pick us back up…”

Tears fell from her eyes, and a light flashed briefly in them. I caught a glimpse of Twilight’s cutie mark in her eyes, it disappeared after she blinked. She looked at me, and she kept crying as she said, “Preventus?”

“Oh Twilight!” I said, pulling her to me.

She clung to me, crying into my chest as she said, “Oh Private, I’m so sorry. I was just so scared I would fail...I…*sniff* I didn’t…*sniff* think about what I was leaving behi*sniff*” she then began just sobbing on me.

“Twi, shhh.” I said, fighting tears of joy myself. “I’m here, I’m back with you. I know it’s scary to face life, but, we have each other..we’ll be fine…”

“I love you...Preventus…” She said.

“I love you too,” I said, holding her and stroking her hair.

“So, about that crown…” She said, looking up at me.

“Think it’ll be too heavy?” I asked with a smile.

She smiled in turn. “Not by a long shot, so long as I have somepony right with me.”

With that...we kissed at the back of the school…


NO NO! Impossible! How did she break free from my spell! How could this happen!?

Long time no see, Lilith…

Izanami! Prometheus!

Let them go Lilith…

You think you miserable fossils can defeat me!? I’m the god of this world!

You forget, even gods fall in love.

What will you two do?

Stall you long enough for Twilight to get that crown…

She’ll fall! They all fall eventually!

Yes...but you underestimate just how powerful Hope and Magic can truly be…

Ready Promy?

Always Izanami…