//------------------------------// // Part 8 // Story: Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts // by Grey Prophet //------------------------------// Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts Part 8 Wrought from white stone and arrayed with all the precious metals and gems under the earth, Canterlot Castle jutted precariously from the mountainside in utter defiance to natural law. For two millennia the enchanted foundations grounded the edifice firmly in place, weathering the unforgiving elements, the onslaught of war, and the steady passage of time. Long the bastion of Princess Celestia, goddess of the sun and sovereign queen of Equestria, it was the indisputable architectural marvel of the world, attracting foreigners from all the corners of the globe to simply bask in the light of its majesty. Canterlot's stunning beauty was only outmatched by its impressive functionality, not only in terms of defensive capability but also in the organization of the city that grew in its shadow. Several lairs spiraled down from the citadel forming the orderly outlay of the capital from which sprawled forth both the ancient and the modern; smithies, open markets, and beer halls stood alongside night clubs, fashion outlets, and hotdog stands. This mixture of old and new blended together to create a dynamic, cosmopolitan culture famous the world over for its art, academics, music, food, and athletics. Like all urban areas, the city had its slums and cramped housing projects, but even they shone like pearls in the light. Yes, Canterlot, the eternal city on the mountain, was the shining diamond in Celestia's imperial crown; an inescapable manifestation of her right to rule. All the nations of the world revolved around its influence, just as the earth around her sun. Now its streets were alight with flame and filled with the sounds of shouting rioters and the rustle of marching armor. For hours, the Equestrian Armed Forces had patrolled Canterlot dispatching looters and forcing citizens to accept the curfew put into effect by their commander, General Hawkeyes. Riot control had been messy and casualties were had, but the army was better prepared for the crisis than it had the year before. However, Canterlot was large and the army had been spread thin across Equestria. It was thus a ceaseless and tireless effort to maintain order among the city's population of doomsayers, opportunists, and the majority just caught up in the wave of hysteria. From the high towers of the castle, Braveheart listened on to the turmoil engulfing the city below him, but he could not bear to look out the barred window of his cell. No, instead he continued to hang his head in dishonor and defeat. He had failed his mission, his pegasi, and himself. But above all, he had failed her royal highness, Princess Celestia, his sole commander and dearest friend. Braveheart flinched at the thought. Twice he had Nightmare Moon in his grasp and both times he had allowed his arrogance to get in the way of apprehending her. Their first encounter was forgivable; Braveheart had little idea what exactly to expect from either the goddess or the unexpected traitor, Twilight Sparkle. The second plan was at first orchestrated perfectly, but came apart at the hooves of a monstrously powerful country yokel. At the thought of the red behemoth, Braveheart growled and spat on the cold cobblestone beneath him. With minimal provocation, he had assaulted Braveheart's soldiers and sent them flying across the room, possibly to their death. The anger that Braveheart now felt was not directed towards his nemesis, but at his own decision to risk his pegasis' safety just so the earth pony could have the chance to back off. It was a grave mistake; the bastard didn't know when to quit. Braveheart should have shot the hick at the first sign of aggression and extracted Nightmare Moon before she had time to come to her senses and humiliate him. He shook his head furiously and growled at her cruelty. Braveheart had been ready for death, even if it meant he could not complete his mission. But he never asked from his pegasi of something he would not sacrifice himself. In that moment when he was pinned and at the Nightmare's mercy, Braveheart was certain that several of the guard had already respected and heeded his call. Now too was his turn to die honorably in the service to both Celestia and the state. But it was not so. Instead he found himself in a dark, musty strip joint masquerading as a dance club in Canterlot's notorious red light district. His rage boiled at the cruel lot cast his way. The moon demon did not even have enough respect to end his life; she instead decided it better to destroy it. Just the thought drove him to an unbridled rage that melted any sense of rationality into pure dissonance. In his mind, the only way he could restore even a shred of his former honor was to purge this cancerous sore from the commonwealth. Rarely did Braveheart question Celestia's wisdom, but as he smashed chairs and barked at the staff, he could not help but wonder why the goddess would permit even this small stain of gross hedonism to taint her holy seat on earth. When the armed forces arrived, they were at first at loss as to what to do with the famed captain. In the end, they agreed he was creating an unjustifiable disturbance and had him restrained and sent to the castle to await an audience with General Hawkeyes. And so he sat for seven hours reflecting on his weaknesses. How could this happen to him? He was Celestia's greatest soldier, a modern legend among those in the military. Now he was stripped of his armor, and, perhaps soon, his rank. At the thought, Braveheart's mind quickly turned back to his pegasi. How would they fair without him? Who was in command? Lightning Strike would normally be the best choice; the pegasus had a natural ability to articulate a plan well and carry it through, but Braveheart knew that the lieutenant was compromised by his relationship with Twilight Sparkle. When he had woken Lightning from his cursed slumber and told him of the unicorn's role in the goddess' escape, his composure cracked a bit. Of course, the guard was trained to be subtle with their emotional expression, but Captain Braveheart was no idiot. Twenty years of command had taught him how to pick up on his pegasis' feelings, particularly shock, disbelief, fear and pain. Lightning exhibited all four in his brief lapse. He was clearly unfit to command. Braveheart could only hope that Nightshade had stepped in to take the job, but even if that were the case, he had his doubts. The former Wonderbolt performer was indeed an excellent soldier, but not an extraordinary leader. That only left one exceptional candidate. It was an unlikely prospect, but Storm Cloud was perhaps the best pegasus for the job. She was only a three year veteran of the force, but she had skyrocketed through the ranks through incredible initiative and results, much like himself. The grey mare was also the captain's private confidant, she understood him better than any soldier on the guard. He counted on her to call him out at times, even if he found some of her criticisms unsavory. He knew she had the mind, the body, and the guts to pursue Nightmare Moon to the far edges of the globe. Unfortunately, she wasn't yet a lieutenant, meaning that their sensitive mission was in great danger of falling apart. As he pondered over the options available to his pegasi, he heard the creak of his cell opening. "…Captain, sir, as you may know you've been court marshaled." "Heh," Braveheart dismissively huffed, "doesn't old Hawkeyes have anything better to do right now than to hound me?" "No sir, he's quite occupied right now." The pegasus said firmly, looking Braveheart in the eyes, "He sends only his severe disappointment and hopes that you receive any punishment you deserve." Captain Braveheart growled at the soldier's words. Hawkeyes was the supreme commander of the Equestrian Armed Forces, which was a separate institution from the Royal Guard and served as the bulk of the military. Usually the elite corps answered only to Celestia, but in her absence they were incorporated into the EAF and subject to its command structure. General Hawkeyes had always been skeptical of the amount of autonomy Braveheart was permitted and had tried to reign in the captain when the Royal Guard was under his control. Conversely, Braveheart was proud of the trust Celestia put in him and resented being placed beneath Hawkeyes when they were typically equals. Despite this minor conflict, the two commanders shared a healthy rivalry based on mutual respect and good personal relations. Due in part to this and a conviction that his pegasi would vindicate him, Braveheart didn't expect the general to dismiss him. Though the old pegasus was a strict follower of code and regulation, Braveheart knew that the general had a pragmatic streak when faced with a crisis; to purge Celestia's best soldier would hardly help his efforts to restore order. But since he wasn't overseeing the trial, Braveheart didn't know what just to expect. "Well then private, who in their right mind has the time to try me right now? The city is burning for Celestia's sake!" "I'm sorry captain, but I don't know. I'm just following orders. If you could just follow me…" "Yeah, yeah, I heard ya kid. What's your name anyway; you seem like a good enough recruit. Firm, unintimidated, you're made of good stuff. Most of these prissy AFs are damn near shakin' in their boots when they just look at me." "Uh, it's Blizzard Freeze, sir." The private responded, making sure not to show how thrilled he was to receive a compliment from the Captain of the Royal Guard. "Tell you what, kid. If I make it out of this with my head, I'd like to see you fly with my pegasi. I have a spot I've been meanin' to fill for awhile, and you might just be it." "Thank you, sir, that would be an honor!" "Heh, don't thank me. I know a good soldier when I see one." Braveheart chuckled, taking comfort from the great respect the young soldier had for him despite his tarnished name. Interacting with his comrades-in-arms, no matter their rank, generally put the volatile captain in a good mood even in the darkest times. "Now I'd love to chat some more, but I've got my day in court. Mind leading on?" The young, light blue pegasus escorted the captain down the winding stairs of the tower into one of the castle's many hallways. In normal times, it was a quiet passage way from the foyer to the library, but now it was overrun with the shuffling of soldiers, bureaucrats and ministers. As the two walked calmly irrespective of the sea of haste surrounding them, Blizzard still couldn't believe his luck: Braveheart, the very sword of the sun goddess and the hero of a hundred battles thought he had what it took to be an elite! It was his greatest dream to join the Royal Guard, so it was extremely disappointing when he was appointed to the armed forces after military school. Now was his chance! "Just lock down those emotions, follow through with my orders, and remain constantly alert." Blizzard thought, "He'll pick up on it no doubt…" "Hey, hey, Freeze! Hold your butt right there!" an enthusiastic voice shouted from behind him, "That is you under all that armor? Yeah that's definitely you." Blizzard shook his head in defeat. He was so close to delivering the captain and securing that try-out, but she had to come and ruin it all… His marefriend, Ruby Blaze, that it. Why of all times did she decide to pop up at Canterlot Castle? The energetic red mare jumped in front of him and looked him in the eyes with both excitement and nervous anxiety. She only got that look in two situations: a moment of passionate intimacy or when she wanted to talk about politics. Yes, the love of his life was a hardcore, card carrying member of the Labor Party of Equestria. She worked tirelessly as an aid to some MP, (a thankless and shrewd earth pony) over at his office not too far from parliament. Her high spirited democratic idealism contrasted with his military brand down-to-earth realism, and the two had fun poking fun of their respective institutions. But today was not a day for such light-hearted exchanges, and the private could see she was dead serious. But still, he had a job to do… "Ruby, really, I gotta take Cap…" "Oh no, Blizzard. You have to listen to me, this is really, really bad." Ruby interrupted, her voice quivering, "The coalition has fallen apart! The government is in shambles!" Seeing her distressed troubled Blizzard, but he had his own duties to attend to. "Whoa, slow down there dear. Just give me a few minutes, I need to take Captain Braveheart here to his court marshal…" At the mention of the guard's name, Ruby turned to the brown pegasus. "The Captain Braveheart is facing charges?" Ruby said, quite surprised "At least some good is coming out of this nightmare. His record of abuses has been ignored for too long." "Ruby, shut up…" Blizzard whispered through gritted teeth, embarrassed beyond belief at his marefriend's boldness. "No private, let her talk." The surprisingly quiet captain at last spoke up in a gruff voice, "I wanna hear how those stooges in the government fucked themselves over." Ruby grimaced at the captain's harsh words. She had a natural revulsion to Braveheart, but she was never the one to turn down a request to discuss politics. "Well, even a brute like you can understand, I guess." She sneered "If you must know, the coalition itself was a miracle, the Pony's Popular Front, the LPE, the Greens, and the Celestian Democrats were all in it. But when this crisis broke out, the government tore itself apart. The Defense minister, a member of the CD, drafted a plan filled with a heavy handed militarism you would respect, captain, that we on the left found unacceptable. Without a swift response, parliament was in an uproar and passed a near unanimous vote of no confidence. I don't even think a care-taker will be of any help now..." "Ha! So much for that little rabble of mouthy do-nothings!" Braveheart jeered, "I know more than you think, lass. Princess Celestia was the only thing keeping that dead horse running, you're a fool to think miracles happen on their own." "Huh, I guess you really can't get it." Ruby replied, shaking her head whilst smiling, "What, didn't they teach government at the military academy? Celestia may be a goddess, but she hasn't had an ounce of real political power for two centuries. She's just the head of state and does little but goodwill missions and throw banquets." Braveheart couldn't contain his laughter. "Haha! Kid, you've gotta be pulling my feathers! You honestly think a textbook can teach you how shit works around here? Let me tell you something about politics: ponies don't know squat about them until they sit down at Celestia's bargaining table. Trust me, I've seen more political action standing guard than you ever will with your campaigns and slogan shouting." Ruby glared at the captain, not quite sure to make of his words. He had to be mistaken, Celestia would never intrude into politics…then again there was no written accord saying she wouldn't. The red unicorn had paid little attention to the court life of Canterlot Castle, thinking that it was just a vestige of the past clinging on to the back of the present to feed off the future. Perhaps it played a greater role in government than she thought. "No," she thought, "the captain's militaristic bent towards authoritarianism and hierarchy makes him think Celestia is at the top of the ladder. He's hopelessly ignorant, he could never dream of understanding democracy; the complexity would blow a fuse in his little mind." Ruby smiled as she came to her answer. All those years at university weren't for nothing. "Think what you will, captain, if I can call you that for much longer." Ruby said, turning away from the two pegasi, "Perhaps when Celestia returns to her throne she can have the power to keep you from your destructive moral crusade through the red lights district. Take him away, Blizzard, let him face justice." Braveheart winced in shame and dishonor at the unicorn's departing remark, not due to its content (he was far from sorry for wrecking the place) but how it served as a reminder of Nightmare Moon's victory over him. He wanted to shout Ruby down, but he was in no place of authority to do so. Without his armor he felt naked, weak, and awkward like a dragon without its teeth or treasure. Even his cutie mark, one he had diligently hid was now exposed. His mark, a burning, anatomically correct heart, was now on view for everypony to see. The captain didn't like it; he didn't want to show who he really was to the world. Seeing Braveheart clearly perturbed, Blizzard Freeze went into damage control. "Captain, I'm sorry my personal life leaked in there. She's usually really good at respecting my duties to the state, honest, today has just thrown everything out of place, you know?" "…Yeah, kid, I know," Braveheart responded solemnly, "but don't sweat it. Mares are an aggressive bunch when you light a fire underneath 'em, and their apt at throwing you into it afterwards. Your Ruby is a fighter, that's for certain. Good luck keeping up with her kid, you'll need it. Now c'mon, whoever has the time to judge me must be growing bored to death, the slacker." As the two approached the chamber, Braveheart's familiarity prompted him to burst through the doors without the escort of the private. The room he entered was fairly small and decorated only by several of the nation's banners. Before him sat several ponies behind a long oak bench, all of whom he had never met, save one. As soon as he caught sight of the unicorn chairing the commission, Braveheart snarled in disgust and contempt. The welcome he received did little to change his expression. "Well, well, what do we have here? A lost commoner? I dare say, I was certain I was judging the trial of the Captain of the Royal Guard, not listening in on some lowly beggar's petition for the scraps from my table." Sitting in a regal chair at the head of the commission's table was Prince Blueblood. The noble was dressed in a naval uniform that was adorned with several hundred medals and badges, most of which Braveheart had never even seen before on any officer. If the captain wasn't so mad, he'd be laughing at how awkwardly decorated the prince looked, but he had much more pressing things on the mind. "The hell let you out of your cage, your highness? I threw your sorry stupid ass in the slammer myself!" "Hmph! You need not remind me, your assault left my body quite bruised." Blueblood replied, "But your efforts to incarcerate royalty were for naught, especially since I, Prince Blueblood, so valiantly smote the horrid Nightmare Moon in defense of dear Aunt Celestia! You see, I'm far more the hero than you are, pervert." Braveheart lunged forward towards the prince, but Blizzard Freeze held him back. "You fucking son of a bitch, you probably smacked the evil back into her! But hell, after sitting next to you for ten minutes, I'd probably want to destroy the world too!" "Hm, normally your lazy, peasant tongue would get the better of me." Blueblood responded snidely, "After all, so few have the gall to treat me as you do, Braveheart, even Celestia's petty bourgeois pupil knows to keep her distance. However, seeing you squirm helplessly before me is such a treat that I don't mind your coarse words the slightest. Indeed, it will make it that much more satisfying when I strip you of your rank and banish you from Canterlot! How is that for an assignment, captain?" Braveheart's face burned as he shouted his response. "You have no authority," the captain sneered, "your titles mean nothing to the armed forces, you're only a gullible tool!" "Oh, but captain, I'm the admiral of my own fleet. Why, I'm more a part of the EAF than you are." "The bloody hell you are!" Braveheart shot back, "Your rank is only another bloated, useless honor you throw around whenever you want something, you snobby little brat!" At his remark, Blueblood laughed. "Of course, captain. Pulling strings is hardly a problem for those of royal blood, especially now with Aunt Celestia missing. You know the peasant expression, Braveheart, 'when life gives you…something or another…you, uh, take advantage of it'. Well it goes along like that, I can't be bothered with the details of their little proverbs." "Don't think for a second you have the power to get rid of me!" Braveheart growled, "As soon as Celestia returns to her throne, I'll be back! I'm her best soldier, she'd never put up with your trumped up charges!" Once again, Prince Blueblood's haughty laughter filled the chamber. "Ha! Surely you jest! You think Celestia will take you back under her wing after you failed your mission to rescue her from Nightmare Moon and soiled your name with irreparable dishonor? No, you military pegasi are easily replaced. You're a fool to think you're anything special." The force of Blueblood's words struck Braveheart at his core. The captain had always been unquestionably loyal to Celestia, would she so easily forsake him? "No you stinkin' bastard, that's not true…" Braveheart growled, but gone was his usual bite, "I gave my life to her service and in return she has been my greatest friend and support…she has always been there when I needed it most." The captain's feeble words only served to make Blueblood laugh louder. "My captain, still such the dirty little orphan! What, I suppose you think of Celestia as mommy dearest, don't you? How quaint!" "Shut up!" "What captain, does the truth pain you? Then consider this: no matter how hard you toil, no matter how many battles you've won, and no matter how much power is at your disposal, you will always be that same worthless, thieving street scum from your past!" After giving pause, the prince continued to gloat over the troubled captain. "When I heard that you had been arrested outside of a whorehouse, I wasn't surprised at all. The urchin was simply returning to his filthy roots, nothing more." "No," the captain weakly growled, "I would burn that whole sinful district to the ground if I could." "Ha, it's likely you'd have Celestia's blessing, she's been angling to ban such decadent clubs again, politics and all that messy what not. But don't think yourself too noble, Braveheart, clearing up an item on auntie's agenda is hardly enough to redeem you. Now before I send you trotting off to whatever unhappy sad lot you've been dealt, tell me something captain." "…" "Did you enjoy your little peepshow at all? I hope it was worth deserting your post so disgracefully." "That's bloody untrue, I would never desert and you know it!" Braveheart shouted, Blueblood's words stoking the fading embers of his pride and rage, "After Nightmare Moon defeated me, the witch used her magic to send me to that seedy sin pit. A report must've been filed, my pegasi would never slack off!" With a knowing gleam in his eye, the noble responded coldly. "I have seen no such document. Your story sounds both implausible and fantastical." Blueblood's lying words sent Braveheart over the deep end, unleashing a powerful frenzy of curses from the captain's mouth. "You inbred, degenerate punk! You pompous little piece of shit! You're nothing more than a hedonistic parasite on Celestia's back! Your whole life is a fucking sad excuse with no meaning other than being a major pain in everyponys' ass! I hope that burn on your face never heals, so every mare will know how fucking hideous and demented you really are!" Blueblood simply listened and smiled. "Are you done with your little tantrum, Braveheart?" With beads of sweat pouring down the side of his face and breathing heavily, the captain couldn't think of anything more to say. There was nothing he could do to hurt Blueblood or save himself. "Ha! The legendary Braveheart has finally run out of words, truly an event worthy of commemoration. It's about time the knave learned to shut his mouth and listen to his better." Arising from his chair, Blueblood walked over to the captain and began circling him. "Oh I've waited for this day," the prince spoke with venom on his tongue, "There's perhaps one thing I despise more than being talked down to by some illegitimate son of a whore. It's those ponies who champion that bastard as a hero, the "self-made" pony. Bah! It's nothing more than luck that let society's refuse become Captain of Celestia's Royal Guard." Blueblood stopped and stared into Braveheart's eyes. The two glared at one another, neither backing down one bit. "For years you've lorded over Canterlot Castle, belittling me at every passing chance, thinking that your hardships had given you the right to say as you pleased. But I put up with it, knowing full well your power was a false one. As soon as you were stripped of your rank, you'd be nothing more than the slimy rat you've always been. I, on the other hoof, will always be regal, majestic and influential. Celestia's holy blood flows through my veins, her strength and authority are at my disposal no matter what evil winds may blow my way! No amount of work or magic can ever change that. Do you understand the difference between us now, Braveheart? I'm the wielder of an infinite, undying power. You are nothing but an insecure worm doomed to a wretched existence!" Defeated at last, Braveheart sighed heavily and broke eye contact with the prince. He had lost this battle of wills, but before he could wallow in shame, a familiar voice graced his ears. "I'd have to disagree with you there, your highness. He's more along the lines of being the greatest captain to ever lead the Royal Guard, destined to live forever in song and legend!" Turning around, the captain was overjoyed to see Sergeant Storm Cloud standing in the chamber doorway. "Hmph, at best he'll get a footnote in my biography." quipped Blueblood, "But you're too late to do anything. With the authority invested in me by Princess Celestia, I, Prince Blueblood, dishonorably strip Braveheart of his rank!" "That power is not yours." Braveheart felt hope grip him. Good old Hawkeyes had showed up after all. Joining Storm Cloud at her side, the large white pegasus trotted into the room. Covered in bronze armor and arrayed with several badges, his eyes burned with a stern anger. At his presence, all the soldiers in the room stood to attention and suddenly all of Blueblood's pride and pretention turned to an obvious nervousness. "All parties not immediately involved in this case must now leave the room." The general shouted, "That is an order!" As the soldiers filed out, Braveheart grabbed Blizzard, indicating him to stay. Before them, Hawkeyes gave Blueblood a vicious look. "Out of good will I released you, and this is how you repay me Blueblood? You take advantage of our family name to intercept reports and stage illegitimate tribunals to discharge an honorable pegasus just because you hold a personal grudge? And at a time like this on top of it!" "Uncle Hawkeyes, I, uh…" "Don't you speak when I'm talking, boy!" snapped the annoyed pegasus, "You have shamed us, Blueblood. Being an obnoxious, loudmouthed celebrity wasn't enough to dishonor the noble house of Haysburg, you had to abuse your position and power during Princess Celestia's absence! Did she not privy you to the dark realities of the past when such power grabbing and abuse swelled the heads of the nobility? Their callous greed allowed them to be united under Nightmare Moon, the arch-deceiver herself!" "But…uncle, this, this was just a little spat…" "A little spat? So what if you did banish Braveheart because of your 'spat', who would you replace him with? Who would you send to save Celestia and cast down the Nightmare?" Hearing no answer from the prince, the general continued. "You self-absorbed brat, I would call you wicked if you were any smarter. I admit, though, you nearly fooled me. But thanks to the sergeant here, I know full well of what occurred in Ponyville. Captain Braveheart nearly took the Nightmare into custody twice within two hours, the second incident proving potentially fatal. It is quite clear to me he is our greatest asset in retrieving the Nightmare and finding Princess Celestia, thus I will redeploy him immediately and grant him whatever power he needs to accomplish his mission." "But uncle, you can't trust that rouge, he's nothing but a peas—" "I swear to Celestia, if you say 'peasant' so help me, I will smack you so hard δενάλογο will feel it! Now make yourself useful and go home to make your mother a decent meal. Even a little foal can manage that." Dispirited and thoroughly chastised, Prince Blueblood lowered his head and left the chamber, mumbling only the words "it's not fair" under his breath. Turning to Braveheart, Hawkeyes addressed the captain calmly. "I'm sorry for have doubted you Braveheart, but you must understand. You can be unpredictable at times, and I didn't know if this horrid ordeal had made you crack or not." "What general," Braveheart smiled playfully, "do you think I have issues to sort out?" "Braveheart, I know nopony more needing of counciling than you." The general chuckled, "But hell, I don't want those quacks playing mind games with Celestia's best, they'd only ruin you." His pride and honor restored, Braveheart laughed and gave the general a brief hug and a smack across his bronze armor before stepping back and saluting. "Braveheart, you know well your orders. I must attend to other matters; the recent break down of the government has forced me to declare absolute martial law. I will rule in Celestia's name until you succeed with your objectives, do not fail us. I'm no politician; I can only try to keep the peace." As the noble general prepared to exit the chamber, he stopped to give his departing words. "Oh, and Braveheart, you have an excellent soldier in Sgt. Storm there. A bit strange to have a mare in the guard, but I'm sure both of us could use more soldiers like her. She flew through the worst gale in centuries for a good hour to deliver this to me and protect your name." Pulling out a ragged scroll and passing it to Braveheart, the general left the room, leaving only the two guards and the young soldier. Opening it up, Braveheart read the petition his pegasi had drafted to have him return to them. The words brought a warm smile to his face. He nearly even shed a tear when he saw the names of his pegasi, even those he thought he had sent to death's door, scrawled at the bottom. Lt. Lightning's large scribbling signature was especially visible, itself covering over several other names. It was clear he was eager to resign from his post as captain. Turning to the sergeant, the captain spoke softly and sincerely, a rash departure from his typical barking voice. "Looks like you've saved my ass again Storm, thanks. I thought for a second there I was sunk." "Captain, I would never abandon you." Storm responded firmly, and yet her words were lined with tenderness, "You're our strength and inspiration, sir; I will gladly follow you to whatever end. All of us would, especially Lightning. He sends this back for you." Quickly running back into the hall, the blue-eyed mare returned with the captain's red plumed helm and placed it upon his head. Greatly moved, the captain held back his tears. Masking his true sentiments, the captain smirked and joked. "Storm, did I tell you that I've been workin' really hard to get ya that promotion you've been wantin'? I just need a few more words with Celestia and it's a done deal." "I think you should be working a bit harder then, sir, right now that's a tall order." The silver-maned sergeant grinned in response, "But you know, you can just give me your job when this is all over and maybe then we can call it equal. What do you say?" Braveheart laughed heartily at her words. "Haha! Bring me Nightmare Moon and it's all yours! But back to the matter at hoof. I want a full status report or our current situation. How is Nightshade? I did not see his name on the letter.' At the captain's order, Storm Cloud frowned, but her composure remained intact. "Sir, Nightshade has been missing-in-action for hours now. The last we saw of him, he had been flying reconnaissance in the north-west perimeter of Ponyville. The site was also the origin point of the Sonic Rainboom you may have felt. We fear Nightshade may have been involved…but that's not all, sir." Storm Cloud's words sent a new wave of grief through Braveheart that quashed much of his newfound exuberance. Being who he is, the captain articulated the dread he felt through the best possible channel: anger. "What more?" "Sir, we believe the Sonic Rainboom to have diverted our attention from the escape of the prisoners…Twilight's friends. We tried to reach you sooner, but Twilight's dragon refused to send our petition. Not only that, Nightmare Moon reportedly sent the guard tasked with keeping an eye on the prisoners fleeing into the town, causing a destructive panic to break out." "Who the hell left Pockets in charge of them!" fumed the captain, knowing full well the weak link in the chain. A look from Storm Cloud, however, reminded the captain to watch his temper. Recovering control of his senses, he continued, "Well, no use pointing hooves. It's time I got shit running smoothly again and finally put the squeeze on this demon. C'mon, sergeant, we've got work to do." Turning to Blizzard, Braveheart's voice rose once again with professional vigor. "Private! I have several wounded pegasi and a need for extra horsepower. Think of this as a chance to show me what you're made of. Don't disappoint me soldier!" Elated, the private saluted and sounded that timeless affirmation of obedience. "Yes sir!" "Good," Braveheart barked, "Now fetch my sword and armor. The Nightmare will end tonight, I swear it!" / Abysmal darkness. It was rare for Luna to face the utter blackness of the void, the light of her moon and stars assured that Equestria never suffered such suffocating isolation. One would need to travel far into the depths of the earth to experience the hopeless helplessness that Luna know felt, for even the moon offered the solace of sight. Suddenly, whirls of bright color erupted from the staunch darkness. The spectrum fused to form a solid white light that danced around Luna at a dizzying speed, making the goddess feel fatigued and confused. She had no care, yet she still felt fear. The goddess could contemplate nothing, her mind was enslaved to the swirling lights before her. She found it difficult to focus as the multitude of swirling light joined as one and rapidly approached, enveloping her in a pale curtain. Within that moment, the whole of her life was revealed to her, several millennia flashed before her in mere seconds. In doing so, memories awoke that had been buried beneath both burning hatred and blind love for both Celestia and herself. But as she felt her fear melt into serenity, the light dissipated and Luna felt herself being thrust backwards through the void. A heavy breath of fresh air brought Luna back from the brink, but her senses remained frayed. Still unable to think clearly, her vision was blurred and disoriented. Wildly her eyes dashed to and fro across the room she now found herself in only to be greeted by terrifying, grinning faces. Luna gasped in fear and confusion, unsure whether her surreal spectacle had truly come to an end or not. Quickly closing her eyes in an effort to collect herself, she slowly reopened them to survey her surroundings with a sound state of mind. It was immediately clear that she was in a small room alit with many candles. The smell of burning incense met her nose and eased her spirits as she looked on at the demons that had haunted her reawakening. She smiled as she realized her fears were simply wooden masks that she discerned to be of Serengeti origin. Luna had once been quite involved in fostering good relations with the many tribes of the region and even struck peace between two warring nations, the Zebra and Gazelle. The vast land lay to the southwest of her former holdings just west of Everfree Forest. It was perhaps one of the few duties she enjoyed as princess, for the vibrant cultures of the many tribes offered beautiful music, exotic dancing, amazing art, and wonderful linguistic diversity that inspired Luna in a way the hollow "cosmopolitan" city of Canterlot could never hope to replicate. The princess of the night found the melting pot of her sister's capital to be very shallow and almost trivial for Celestia was very selective of the elements she actively incorporated into her society. Any hybrid of culture invariably was dominated by characteristics ultimately glorifying Celestia's civilization while downplaying its distinct origins. But, as the sun goddess often told Luna, it was essential to oversee and correct the flow of ideas and technologies emanating from beyond their borders for the sake of their subjects' well being and the stability of her utopia. Luna had once been cynical concerning her sister's defense of censorship, but her fight with Ajax had shaken many of her most dearly held convictions. The moon goddess still found it difficult to accept that her sister had been so weak and impotent during the war, Celestia was a mighty deity after all. But if for some unlikely reason she truly was powerless, Celestia was perhaps justified in her meticulous drive to influence others and shape minds in her image. Luna shook her head, the idea was just fundamentally wrong to her. So what if a song with questionable or heretical content is sung? Music does not destroy empires, kings and politicians do. Luna knew this, she had seen several griffon kingdoms collapse on themselves over issues like land, resources, and unchecked tyranny. Still, Ajax's account of the horrific conflict waged in Luna's name prompted the goddess to realize that war and society were not nearly as straight forward as she had believed. Furthermore, it made her question her own role in the war's inception. Recalling the past, Luna drifted away from the present once again. / In the vast hallway of Everfree Castle, Luna sat at the head of her dining table listening weakly to the barrage of words thrown her direction by a visiting minister from the court at Canterlot. Evidently, Celestia was not pleased with the way Luna was running things. If she had approved, she would have appeared at Luna's court herself. "Your majesty," the fuchsia unicorn spoke in a condescending tone, "her highness Princess Celestia requests you reevaluate and revise your lenient policies on border control and customs. Trade flows from your lands south of Everfree on the Horseshoe Path, yet you have failed to consistently collect tariffs on the goods that are now flooding our market." "Yes, tell Celestia to excuse my…inconsistency …" droned the moon goddess, "But please inform my sister that her taxes may be too high and unfair to poorer merchants." "Pardon me Princess Luna, but that's just the problem." The noblemare replied coldly, "We don't want poor merchants marching into Equestria. Their wares are unneeded as we produce a sufficient supply of metallurgical products, food, and raw materials on our own. Our ponies do not need the extra competition to drag down prices to an ungodly level, it would be the death of our economy." Luna rolled her eyes. "What we do need involves the rich trades," the minister continued, "spices, precious metals, and the sort. Those are valuable commodities the ponies want. Do you understand, majesty?" "Yes, yes…it's all quite clear to me now." Luna said, pressing her hoof to her cheek while playing with the crumbs on her plate . "Good. Another thing…" Before Luna could be chewed out and talked down again by her sister's envoy, a much welcomed voice intervened on her behalf. "Midday Breeze, the princess wishes to retire and tend to the night. If you have any more pressing issues to discuss, you may take them up with me." Leaving her chair, Luna smiled at her advisor, Morning Star. The unicorn's coat was a simple white, but her mane was a wild, fiery mixture of red, orange and yellow. She was as beautiful as the rising dawn and as magnificent as the fading dusk; few ponies could match her intelligence, wit or charisma. Naturally, her talent had attracted the attention and love of Celestia, prompting the sun goddess to take the prodigy as her personal student. However, Morning Star was arrogant and often disregarded Celestia's orders and teachings, opting to do whatever it was in the manner she thought best. After years of struggling with her student, Celestia sent Morning Star to the court at Everfree to help Luna rule and administer her lands effectively. Ever since, Celestia had kept a watchful eye on Everfree to make sure Morning Star did her job and nothing else. Despite this, Luna could not help but admire the unicorn's defiance and self-reliance in the face of Celestia's awesome power and made sure her sister's spies kept their distance from the unicorn. Luna felt beyond relieved as she soared from the parapets of Everfree Castle into the freedom of the open purple sky before her. As the sun sank into the horizon, Luna released a cascade of stars across the heavens before ushering the moon to take its place among them. For hours the princess of the night flew among her creation, feeling a rush of sublime ecstasy run through her. As she descended back on her balcony, however, the thrill of freedom diminished and she felt a sudden sense of loneliness grip her. Looking eastwards towards Canterlot, Luna wished that her sister could share in her joy and happiness instead of being bogged down with slavish amounts of self-imposed toil. Sighing, Luna recalled the days before the demon Discord had infected and corrupted the land of Equestria with his tyrannical rule. The sisters had played among the heavens and watched over their beloved ponies from afar, assuring their over-all well-being and easing the difficulty of their primitive, but innocent lives through little interventions, such as Luna's role as the sandmare. After Celestia and Luna had defeated Discord, the sun goddess believed it was necessary to take a more direct role in the affairs of mortals. The evils unleashed by the king of tricksters had left the ponies deeply divided and embittered, thus Luna agreed with Celestia that they needed to guide the ponies back to the light of harmony. Together, they united and organized Equestria, both assuming not the title of "Queen", nor "Empress", but rather "Princess", a calculated decision by Celestia to suggest the impermanent, benevolent, and provisional nature of their rule. At least that's what Luna had thought. One thousand years later, not only were they still in power, Celestia was entrenching herself deeper into the intricate systems of her invention. Lost in thought, Luna did not hear the hoofsteps approaching her. "Your majesty." Wrenched from her reflection, Luna quickly turned to face her advisor. "Oh, Morning Star. What brings you here, I thought you were giving Midday an audience." "That was a few hours ago, your highness, and she had little of importance to say. What I do find important is how you are feeling. Not a day passes by that I don't see you bored, miserable, or suffering. Rare is it now to hear your song ring throughout the castle. Tell me what troubles your heart so, princess, that you would cease such joyful verse?" Luna hesitated for awhile. Normally she would confide in her sister and spare her subjects from her pains, but Celestia did not listen without trying to convince Luna later about the superiority and necessity of her plans and systems. Morning Star, on the other hoof, was almost always supportive of her efforts to liberalize her lands and often hammered out the details of implementation herself. She had both Celestia's analytical mind and Luna's love for freedom, a combination that would perhaps make the mare both sympathetic of her situation and able to come up with a solution. At last, Luna responded. "Very well, but you mustn't tell a soul, especially Celestia, do you swear it?" "Unless you say otherwise, I would never dream it, princess. Of course I do." Pausing and looking away up to the heavens, Luna choked back the pain she felt. "… I…I can't do this anymore. It's all just…just too much for me to handle." "What is, my lady?" "Oh Morning Star, everything!" Luna cried, breaking out into tears, "Everything my sister tells me to do, to say, to act! But I just can't! It's too hard, I'm not like her! I can't do what she asks of me. I don't want to fail her, I try and I try but I never get any better! I hate it!" Parting Luna's mane away from her eyes, Morning Star looked into her eyes sympathetically. " Princess, may I speak candidly." "You may." Luna sniffed. "Don't blame yourself, please. I know how controlling Celestia is; just being in her presence is suffocating. In some ways, her methods are akin to Discord's; the way she fractures her opposition with cheap ideology or petty interests is taken straight from his book. " Luna gave Morning Star a troubled look. "You should tread more carefully on your words. I'm not sure I like what you're saying." "You may not like what you hear, but you agree nonetheless, am I not correct?" the unicorn replied, prompting Luna to turn her head away in shame. She did. "Luna," Morning Star said in a softer voice, "constantly your sister forces you to do her bidding. How is that fair? You are equals, the co-rulers of Equestria, yet only her policies are fitting, only her philosophy acceptable. Rarely does she let you have a major say, and when she does it is either a token matter or an act of appeasement." Luna closed her eyes, wishing what Morning Star was saying wasn't true. But it was. "My lady," her advisor continued, "if Celestia's authority were yours, what would you make of it, what would you change?" It did not take Luna long to answer with a spirited shout. "I would free Celestia from her prison on this earth, I would return to the days before Discord when we were extolled as free spirits, not princesses! Not slaves!" Breathing heavily, Luna paused and shook her head. "But that is a dream…" "Do not say that princess!" Morning Star excitedly interrupted, "It does not have to be so, can't you see? Through the structures of her own design, Celestia taught us how to govern, how to take care of ourselves. No longer do we need the sun goddess to reign over us, her task is complete." Luna closed her eyes. "What you say is treasonous…" "No your majesty, it is the truth. The nobles of Equestria have long been able to keep their lands safe and productive without the direction or interference of Celestia. They can rule this land if we just allow them." "No!" Luna shouted, "the nobility is unfit for anything save stealing the hay from another pony's mouth! I'd rather remain princess than let those bastards lord over them unchecked!" Morning Star frowned at the sudden shift of Luna's tone but kept her cool. "I thought you were a friend of freedom, a champion of liberty, am I mistaken?" "Freedom?" Luna said taken aback, "do you think there would be any freedom under the rule of the nobility? No, they would only trample upon the weak with their privilege, denying them any of the "freedom" you speak of!" Morning Star remained undaunted and determined. "Are you so blind not to understand what I'm doing?" she asked sincerely, "Freedom will not come on the wings of some holy mandate, it must grow and develop on its own. Look to the griffons, they did not receive any divine guidance yet they have advanced steadily towards a better future. Once fratricidal beasts incapable of tribalism let alone a kingdom, there now exists three griffon city-states. One of them is even a republic, a system based on democratic process. It is imperfect and small, yes, but that is where the future lies, princess! Give it more time and it will evolve into something greater, something that will yield a society that embraces true freedom! Luna cast her eyes to the stone floor, but Morning Star only spoke louder. "It is not fair, Luna! Why should Celestia deny us the ability to chart our own destiny, why does she not permit us free will? Celestia must see that mortals can be free, that freedom does not mean the confusion and disorder we suffered under Discord! She must let us join the other nations on this earth and know that we will ultimately forge a better future for ourselves, one of equality, freedom and joy! If Celestia truly loved us, she would not have us be her playthings, her slaves!" Luna winced at the familiar word. Truly, freedom did not exist for either the goddesses or their subjects. "Why?" Luna questioned, "Do you know of the dangers of what you ask?" "I am well aware, Luna." The unicorn responded, "But I will not be cowed by the short-term consequences. Though I shall never see it, my hope is for the future, not myself. I must begin this revolution, only I have the vision and ability to ignite it." "Morning Star, I agree with you, I do." Luna said with somewhat of a subdued excitement, "but I feel that Celestia will never leave her throne." The fiery maned unicorn's face hardened. "She will if you leave her." Luna froze at her words. Never had she thought of abandoning her throne before Celestia did, her older sister was, after all, the politician, the leader, the decider. Did Luna really have the power to sway Celestia simply by abdicating? In her heart, Luna accepted it and believed it with a passion. Her sister loved her, the sun goddess could never tolerate being separated from Luna forever. Even though she was burdened with many duties, Celestia would make brief appearances now and again throughout the week to have a laugh with Luna or talk of light-hearted matters over tea or wine. Luna's mind, however, harbored doubt and fear. "What if she refuses, what do I do? She is still inextricably bound to Equestria, perhaps to it more than she is to me." "I see you're conflicted, your majesty," Morning Star said gently, "but I have a plan. It will be a bloodless coup with a peaceful transfer of power. Then we, both goddess and mortal, will be free! Just give me the order and I shall build support among the nobility and set in to motion a brighter future." Luna shook with fear and nervousness, but in the end she agreed with her advisor and followed her heart. "You have my consent and blessing, Morning Star. Do what you must." / Luna sighed as she played the memory over again in her mind. She was so convinced that what she was doing was right she had taken Morning Star's words at face value. Luna did not delve too deeply into her motives, the unicorn had been convincing with her ideological convictions. But another memory now deeply troubled her. During the coup at Everfree, Morning Star's response to Celestia now rang infinitely clearer in her mind. "As always with tyrants, teacher. My moment has come. If you wish to avoid bloodshed, abdicate and leave at once!" Had Celestia been right? Had Luna been misled and used by an ambitious mortal to further a hidden agenda she had no knowledge of? Or was she reading to deeply into her advisor's heated words? While contemplating the list of possibilities, Luna turned to see Fluttershy sitting attentively at her side. "Oh, you're awake!" Fluttershy happily squeaked, "I'm so glad, you were really hurt in that fight, princess. Dragons can be really vicious, I don't know why my friends don't get that...they treat them like overgrown kittens..." "Yes, I feel much, well, I feel better now. Thank you Fluttershy." "Umm, well, I'm not the one you should really thank..." Upon Fluttershy's admission, Luna heard the door to the small room creak open and saw a zebra emerge. " I am happy to see you are in such good condition, it is not long now before you can continue your mission." /