The Clock Spins Faster

by BothMyHearts


Derpy took off and flew into the night sky. She swooped down and tried to pull The Doctor back up. She could feel him slipping. She wasn't used to carrying more than a few packages. She could feel the colt weighing her down but she managed to pull him safely up.

The Doctor looked a bit shocked but smiled as if nothing had happened. "Thank you, Ditzy."

The Pegasus nodded, panting. They then continued on their way to the castle, which wasn't very far now. They could see it just up ahead. They started to run towards it but were stopped by some of Nightmare Moon's guards. They had appeared in a swirl of starry mist, as their leader had done earlier.

"Halt in the name of Nightmare Moon!"

Derpy and the Doctor looked at each other then faced the guards. The Doctor simply smiled and pulled out a blank piece of paper, but words quickly appeared on it. The guards looked at it and frowned.

"It's blank."

The Doctor frowned and looked at it. The guards started to advance with their weapons.

"Um, Doctor?"

"Not now, Ditzy."

"But Doctor-"

"What?" The Doctor looked up and saw the guards. "Ditzy, why didn't you say anything?"

"I did-"

"Nevermind just run!" The Doctor and Ditzy- er, Derpy, both ran as fast as their legs could carry them. The Doctor stopped and turned around trying to sonic them. He tried several times until it finally worked. They vanished and turned back into the same starry mist. The Doctor frowned and examined it, taking some samples.

They then continued on there way to the castle. They had finally reached it. It was huge and towered above them, it looked like it would almost be taller than a mountain. It was old but still looked good since it was at least one thousand years old. Derpy looked up in awe as she followed the Doctor inside.

Some yelling could be heard from afar. They both looked at eachother then started to run towards the noise.

- - - - - - - - - - -

The Doctor and his companion had reached where the noise had came from. A pair of huge, wooden doors. They tried to open them but they wouldn't budge. The Doctor tried to sonic the door open, but nothing seemed to work.

"Ugh! Stupid wood!" He muttered as he put away his sonic screwdriver.

Fighting could be heard inside. Blasts shot back and forth as two mares fought against eachother. Derpy paced back and forth, trying to figure out a way to get inside. Her eyes lit up and she smiled.

"I know!"

She looked at the mat that was laying at the entrance of the door. She picked up the corner and under it was a key. She grabbed it and showed it to the Doctor. He stared at her in amazement.

"How- How did you know...?"

Derpy shrugged as she opened the door. The colt's eyes widened. Before them stood Nightmare moon with the elements destroyed beneath her feet. Derpy looked at the Doctor.

"We...we didn't save them on time."

Nightmare Moon laughed. You little foal! Thinking you could defeat me? Now you will never see your princess, or your sun! The night will last forever!

The lavender unicorn, standing before her, looked worried for a second. Then five other ponies came running into the room. The mare's eyes suddenly sparked for a second and she smiled.

"You think you can destroy the elements just like that?" She listed the elements and how the five ponies had an element within them. The elements appeared as six necklaces and a crown. The mare's eyes glowed and the pony's elements connected together in a rainbow and struck down Nightmare Moon.

For a second everypony was blinded. Standing in the place of Nightmare Moon was a younger alicorn. She cowered as a white alicorn approached her. They talked but the Doctor didn't pay much attention. He turned to Ditzy and smiled a bit.

"I guess Ponyville didn't need me after all..."

- - - - - - - - - - -

The sun had risen and most ponies were out celebrating because Princess Celestia and her sister were once again reunited. Yes, sister. Turns out the young alicorn was Celestia's sister.

Derpy and the Doctor headed towards the woods, not joining in the celebration. They reached the TARDIS and the Doctor smiled faintly at her.

"Well...I guess this is goodbye." He said.

"You know, you could stay here, in Ponyville....if you wanted." Derpy suggested. A small part of her was disappointed that he was leaving.

The Doctor smiled, sadly and shook his head. "I've got all of time and space to explore. I'm fine, really."

Derpy nodded, still feeling a bit disappointed. "Okay... well, see you later I guess?"

"I'm not sure I'll ever come back....but thanks for all the help, Ditzy. You were absolutely fantastic."

Derpy smiled at him. She watched as he stepped inside his box. It slowly started to vanish. In the distance a pony's voice could be heard yelling.


- - - - - - - - - - -

A few months had passed since the whole Nightmare Moon incident and everything was back to normal. Derpy still hadn't forgotten about the pony in the blue box. The Doctor. She hope that one day she would be able to see the strange colt again. At least one more time.

The grey mare longed to see the stars in person and wanted to go traveling. She walked around the edge of the woods and smiled faintly as the cool breeze brushed against her mane.

Whoosh. Whoosh. The TARDIS appeared out of thin air hidden by a few trees. A grin quickly placed itself on Derpy's face as she spun around. The grey mare couldn't help but smile as a brown colt stepped out of the blue box.