//------------------------------// // Chapter Twelve: Aftermath // Story: Orbit: The Future Of Equestria // by Ace26 //------------------------------// Back in the city high officials were gathering for a conference. The subject, what happened at the office building and why. Of course, Luna was there as well as some of the more higher nobles and rulers of other equestrian countries. The conference hall was a big white five story building. IT had a large concrete white dome in the center and it had giant marble steps front of it. The three large double doors that acted as the entrance were lined with marbles. There were lights and lamps lighting the hall inside the building. There was a checkered floor of black and white. There were many doors leading into large carpeted conference rooms all down the mane hall. Every door had the name of the renters above it. Most doors read company names, however on read "I.E.A" This was short for "Intergalactic Equestrian Alliance". These were all of the countries that were allied together with Equestria. It was very rare that they met. Every pony gathered into the room. They took seat in the stand or at a large table on a stage below the stands. Luna was at the head chair surrounded by guards on each side. There was plenty of security. There were also plenty of news ponies trying to get a good story. There was mumbling and then the smack of a hammer. Luna had used her magic to do this. " I call this meeting to order." Luna stated. The whole room went quite and the cameras started rolling. " The recent events in downtown have been most unfortunate." Luna began. " However, we can not let this tragedy stall us from delivering swift and fare justice to the doers of this crime!" The room exploded in agreement and there were shouts approving her statement. Lune quickly hushed the crowd with a wave of her hoof. " We have been most fortunate to have witnesses of this event be attending this conference today, we shall here their stories and then come to a final conclusion as what we are to do." Luna finished and nodded to a pony caring a scroll. He opened it and read the names of the witnesses out loud. " The first witness to heard from is, Star Dust Twinkle." announced the stallion in an official voice. From the door on the stage emerged Boston, he was bruised and his face was once again alike swollen from the previous fight. He walked out onto the stage and took the most direct rough to the speaking podium. He stood up on his hind legs and put his hooves down over the podium, he then spoke in a loud formal voice. My Majesties and highest rulers!" He bellowed out into the crowd. " I agree that these events were unnecessary and unfortunate! I witnessed the fire and guns first hand." " You will be surprised to here that this was in fact a terrorist attack targeting the info structure and important document held within the building." Boston had no intentions on telling the leaders or even Luna about the mane six and the tanks. The government operation was started long ago by a group of concerned power holders in the government. It was a small group of officials who knew about the project. They were not to tell the princesses about it either. IT was considered an act of treason, however they assured Boston many years ago it was for the good of his country. " The attackers were caught trying to destroy these documents and fled to the roof!" Boston kept explaining. Luna and the other government representatives listened intently to Boston, little did they know all they were hearing was a cover up story. " Even more amazing is the fact that I know these attackers, personally." Boston said with a slight pause for effect. The crowd gasped and there was fit of whispers. Luna used her magic and levitated the hammer again. She brought it down creating a loud thump hushing the crowd. " We must let our witness finish." Luna informed the crowd. Everyone nodded and quieted down. Boston looked over to the princess who nodded to him. He continued his speech. " These attackers are from within the military of our own country. They are Privates First Class Charger and Sights!" Yelled the stallion. There were more gasps and another drop of the hammer. " I know this is alarming to many of you, but I assure you Sights was just the henchman, the real master mind behind the attack was Charger." Boston decided he could use a bad image of Charger to his advantage. It would eliminate people who trusted him, it would make it harder for him and the six to hide. " I noticed that he had been suffering from post dramatic stress disorder since he arrived at the office. He disagreed with certain government decisions such as law and military operations. He took it into his own hands to cripple the government using our data base. We hold many government files, and he sought to delete them!" Boston yelled. He was ready to deliver his final words, the words that would brand Charger as the ultimate threat. " Charger, sadly, had become a lunatic and can not be trusted." He finished. He stepped down from the stand and walked off the stage. There was a loud racket of clapping. He enjoyed being recognized as a hero, but he also couldn't help but realize how stupid these representatives could be. He took the back way out of the hall. The alley in the back was what you would expect. It was narrow small, and there was a few green dumpsters here and there. A sleek black carriage was waiting for him. It hovered off the ground and the two pullers were in suits and sunglasses. " Did the conference go well, sir?" asked one of the pullers. " I think it went pretty well." said Boston as he climbed into the carriage. They pulled out of the alley and sped away from the hall. They didn't have time to answer the questions of all the news reporters gathered out front. ONE WEEK LATER The news of the conference hadn't been released until the next week. The news of the tower burning, and it supposedly being attacked by a terrorist group, was all over. There were now signs and banners saying "Remember" and "Justice Will Be Done". It sickened Charger. Here he was trying to do the right thing. He was trying to expose and free the Mane Six. He knew the government had probably covered up the operation and denied everything. He also knew that they were probably feeding lies to ponies. They would tell them about it was a pointless terror attack and not some kind of rescue mission. Charger let out a deep sigh. He layer back on the couch in the Mane Six's apartment. They had been getting used to the future life. They had figured out how to use the hologram and they started becoming more comfortable going out in public, they always went with Charger, Sights, or Gold Wings though. They wouldn't risk being caught and sent back to there small glass prisons. Even though every mare was doing fine, Twilight hadn't seemed to have completely recovered from that night. Many times Charger would come to check on the six from his new apartment and he would find her on the balcony. She would be sitting out there, either leaning on the railing or staring out at the city far far away. Charger couldn't help be feel bad for her. He knew what she was thinking about, and him and his two friends had been the ones to tell her the horrible news. This made Charger feel worst. " Great, I'm not only a terrorist, but now I'm the cause of depression." Charger mumbled to himself. He looked back at the hologram. Pictures of the attack were being shown on the wall and there was a news cast explaining what had happened that day. " It has been exactly one week since the brutal attacks on the tower…" The mare began. Charger couldn't take it anymore. He slammed the holographic machine off and he stomped out of the room. " They don't no anything!" He thought to himself. " They no nothing of the lies they have been given!" He angrily continued to think. He knew Boston probably was one of the many officials spreading lies about the attacks. He kicked over a trash can and stomped his hoof on the ground. He wanted so bad to just run out into the street and start screaming the truth. He knew he would be arrested though, they would arrest him or shoot him, that was the facts. He wish he could trade places with some pony. He wished that he could be Gold Wings right now. He was back on the Eternal Flame, no one had gotten a look at his face, he wasn't wanted. Charger and Sights were now as fortunate as he was. Charger wanted to kick something again. He pushed a lamp over and he began to fume. His breaths became heavy and he was slowly speeding up. It was then that he felt a gentle hoof on his shoulder. It was the hoof of a calming mare, a friend. He turned around and found Fluttershy giving him a warm smile. " I know your mad Charger." She said. Charger felt as if she took away all of his anger. He took hold of her hoof and took it off his shoulder. " Hi Fluttershy." Charger said, a little embarrassed. Fluttershy just gave him a smile. " It's ok to be mad Charger, I probably would be frustrated too." Fluttershy comforted. Charger couldn't help but smile. " IF it helps, I'm very thankful for what you did, and I don't think you or your friend deserve to be branded criminals for your acts." Fluttershy said. Her squeaky voice rose just a tad bit, I guess that's what happens when she got a little mad. " Thanks Fluttershy, I appreciate it, a lot." Charger said. They both looked at each other for a long time. Charger felt so calm and at piece around this mare. Fluttershy just blushed and smiled brushing hair out of her face. Charger didn't know why but they were getting closer to each other. He was bracing himself for what was about tot happen. Then a lout bell rang throughout the apartment. " Dinners ready ya'll!" They heard Apple Jack yell from the kitchen. Charger and Fluttershy shared one last look before they both galloped out of the room and into the kitchen. Sights had gotten up from the chair and began to walk towards the kitchen. He counted the mares. " One, Two, Three, Four, Five…" He stopped wondering where Twilight could be. He looked out onto the balcony and found her. She was laying on the railing staring out at the lights of the city. She was silent as she did this. She let her mane blow in the wind, and she let her eyes tear up as she kept looking straight forward. Sights walked out onto the balcony. he walked up beside her and leaned on the railing. " You know, you should try eating with the group sometimes." Sights began. Twilight looked over and wiped her eyes. " Yah, I guess that would help, wouldn't it." Twilight said trying to sound cheerful. Sights just nodded and looked out over the city. It was sunset and the sky was a yellow orange. The city in the distance glittered and sparkled as the sun reflected off the glass buildings. " It's a nice night Twilight." Sights started. Twilight just nodded and kept looking forward. " I know it's hard Twilight, I've lost loved ones, but you didn't even go to any of their funerals, you didn't even know they were dead. I know that must hurt Twilight, but sitting out here alone isn't going to help." Sights reasoned with her. Twilight put her head down and started to sob lightly. " It has been hard Sights. I don't know what to do or how to react. I thankful for the friends I have left, but what about the others. MY old assistant Spike, my friend Lyra, the rest of the Apple Family, and the Princess? I never got to say good by to any of them." Twilight trembled as she cried harder. Sights just looked down on her. " Twilight, you need help, support, healing. You can't keep thinking about the past. Always remember your comrades, but know they would want you to move forward." Twilight began to look up at Sights as he rested some kind of speech. " You will go through life with many, and you come out with all. For those who have been passed dedicate you life to them. Move forward for them, like they would have if they were alive. Keep in mind that they are with you in spirit. That they share in your losses and success." Sights was now speaking off of memory. He had remembered this peach before he went into his first combat mission. Twilight was listening intently now. With each word she became more determined to carry on, to stop sulking and live her life. " Always remember, but never grieve." Sights finished as he too was now looking out over the City. Twilight stared at him. She walked up to him and hugged him. Sights was surprised by this, however he returned the hug. " Thanks, Sights, for ever thing." Twilight said hugging him. They released from the hug and they both walked inside. Twilight was now happy and upbeat. She knew she had to carry on for her friends. She wasn't going to let emotions get in the way. She had to do carry on, she had to live. Sights was smiling too as they sat down at the table. He had been just as gloomy as Twilight and Charger. he knew his life would never be the same again. He also knew that this wasn't the end to his troubles. He couldn't help but smile though. Even though he had been trough hell so far, and there was more to come, he had just made a true new friend, and he had made some pony happy at the same time. Once they were all seated they started grabbing at food and stuffing it onto their plates. The mane six had been extremely hungry because of the after effects of crio sleep. Charger and Sights were just hungry