The Clock Spins Faster

by BothMyHearts

It all Started with a Blue Box

Whoosh. Whoosh. A blue box appeared in the middle of some woods. A brown pony with a dark brown mane popped his head out of the strange box. He carefully examined the surroundings of the strange new land. Same grass. Same trees. Same sky. The pony made metal notes about the land and continued to explore.

Meanwhile on the other side of the land was a grey Pegasus. She went around a small town delivering everypony's mail. The Pegasus had a yellow mane and a pair of golden eyes, each facing a different direction. She had finished her shift and was heading home when she heard a strange whooshing sound.

The yellow maned Pegasus followed the strange noise . She looked around and spotted a blue box standing in the middle of the Everfree forest. She continued to look around and wondered if the box belonged to anypony. Her ears perked up when she heard a rustle of leaves. She quickly turned around to find her self face to face with a colt.

"A Pegasus! Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!" Exclaimed the strange pony as he examined the Pegasus.

"Are you okay, Mister?" The filly asked with slight concern in her voice.

"Oh and you can talk!" The pony shook his head in amazement. "Are there any more talking pegasi or ponies?"

"Um yeah....your a pony too, Mister."

The pony looked down at his hooves then walked over to a nearby puddle to check his reflection.

"Ah yes! And I'm still not ginger..." He murmured to himself. "And what is this mark on my rump?"

"You mean your cutie mark...?"

He stared at her blankly. The grey Pegasus frowned. This colt was crazy or maybe he had lost his memory? She returned back to focus.

"You know, It's what you get once you find your special talent." She examined the colt's cutie mark then looked back at him. "Yours is an your special talent time?"

The Earthpony nodded. "Yes. And yours is um...bubbles? What exactly is your special talent? And why are eyes um...?"

The Pegasus tilted her head slightly confused. The colt shook his head. "Nevermind. Anyways, I'm the Doctor. And you are...?"

"I'm Derpy."

"Ah, of course. Ditzy-"


"-Is there anything big happening here? The TARDIS, that blue box over there, wouldn't bring here unless there was something important. "

Derpy thought for a bit. "'s the Summer Sun Celebration and it's going to be held here in Ponyville..."

The Doctor nodded. "Well there's no use standing around here. Time to do some investigating. Allons-y!"

- - - - - - - - - - -

Both ponies headed into Ponyville, Derpy leading the way. The Doctor looked around, fascinated. He would get off track for a bit examining things here and there and sonicing things with his....whatever it was. Derpy frowned.

"What is that thing?"

"A sonic screwdriver." The Doctor replied. The colt said it as if it were obvious and continued to sonic things here and there. Derpy smiled a bit and continued walking. Once they were almost to the town hall, a royal carriage came swooping down and landed in Ponyville. A lavender unicorn mare stepped out with a baby dragon following. The Doctor approached her. Maybe she knew something about what was going to happen?

"Hello, may I ask-"

"Sorry, I'm kind of in a hurry here..." The mare replied. She started to walk away. The small dragon gave them a small shrug then ran off to follow the lavender mare.

"Okay..." The Doctor said. He then turned to Derpy and asked, "Who was that?"

The Pegasus just shrugged. "I've never seen her here before...and I know mostly everyone in Ponyville since I deliver the mail..."

The Doctor nodded and they both headed into the town hall. That was were the Summer Sun Celebration would be held. The Doctor soniced things here and there and mumbled things to himself. Derpy started to look around too. She wanted to help but she wasn't sure what she was supposed to be looking for. She looked over at the colt.

"Um, what exactly are you looking for, Doctor?"

"Any signs of anything suspicious."

"Oh, um okay." The grey mare replied. She started to look around but didn't find anything suspicious. Maybe the Doctor' was just another crazy colt, but then again weird things happen in Ponyville. She continued to search but still found nothing.

A white mare stepped out behind some curtains. She had a lovely purple main and three diamonds for a cutie mark. She looked in their direction and smiled.

"May I help you?" She asked.

The Doctor spun around and faced her. "Um, actually here. We were just looking around for any malfunctions."

He pulled out a card and on it was a picture of himself and the name of a company. The mare nodded and let them proceed. She then left and started to put some decorations here and there.

After a while of searching, and still no luck, both ponies exited the town hall. The Doctor sighed and rubbed a hoof against his head, thinking. He turned towards Derpy and asked if there was any nearby libraries. Derpy nodded and directed him towards the old tree house.

The Doctor was the first to step inside. The place was dark and Derpy turned on the lights. As soon as she did they could see a whole group of ponies and streamers and punch and almost everything else you'd see at a party.


- - - - - - - - - - -

Derpy frowned a bit. "What's going on Pinkie?"

"We're having a PAR-TAY!" The pink pony replied. " was suppose to be for the new pony....but the more the merrier!" She grinned and turned the light back off, giggling.

The Doctor and Derpy left. The Doctor looked up, seeing that the sun had set and the stars had just begun to come out. He turned towards his 'assistant'. "How much time left?"

"Not much longer."

The ponies waited at the Pegasus's cottage, eating muffins, while waiting for the time that the Princess would raise the sun. Derpy looked at her clock and informed the Doctor that it was almost time. They both raced over to the town hall where many ponies gathered around. A yellow Pegasus ,with a long pink mane, began to instruct some birds, waving a thin stick like at an orchestra. An older mare came out and smiled happily.

She introduced the Princess and waited for her to come out, but nothing happened. She tried once more and got the same response. The white mare, the same one from earlier, came out with a terrified look on her face.

"She's gone!"

The ponies gasped and looked around in panic. A swirl of starry mist formed around the balcony and an Alicorn appeared in the center. She had a long, wavy starry mane and a blue helmet on. She stared down at all the frightened ponies and grinned. A few guards tried to stop her but she simply blasted them away.

"I've waited one thousand years for this moment! Didn't you all miss your beloved Princess?"

The ponies stared in silence but a lavender mare spoke up.

"Y-You're Nightmare Moon!"

"Well at least somepony remembers!"

The young mare ran off, she needed some information. Ponies scattered in panic and Derpy and the Doctor ran outside. The Doctor looked around and spotted the lavender filly. He ran after her but lost her in all the confusion.

"Ugh! Okay, don't the TARDIS!"

The ponies ran into the Everfree forest and frantically searched for the TARDIS.

"There it is!" Derpy exclaimed.

The Doctor grinned and patted his assistant on the head. "Brilliant work, Ditzy!"

He ran inside his beloved blue box, Derpy following, and started to look for some notes on Nightmare Moon. Derpy gasped as she entered. She ran outside and looked around the box then went back inside.

"It-It's bi-"

"Yes, I know. Bigger on the inside. Timelord logic." The Doctor continued to search. A smile appeared on his face. "Ah! Here we go, the Elements of Harmony! According to this that is what we need to stop Nightmare Moon and they are located right here in the Everfree forest!"

- - - - - - - - - - -

Derpy followed the Doctor outside the TARDIS. She looked ahead, out in to the deep, dark forest. She took a deep breath.

"Here we go..." She said in a low voice.

Before they had gotten very far, they heard a loud roar in the distance. Derpy's legs shook.

"W-What was that....?"

"Let's just assume it's not very friendly..." The Doctor replied.

They continued to walk and look around. The Doctor heard a rustle and motioned for Derpy to be quiet. He hid behind a boulder and took a peek of what was ahead of them. He saw six ponies sneak across a Manticore as it was hugging the yellow Pegasus from earlier. Okay... He thought. He then turned back to Derpy.

"It doesn't seem very harmful..."

They both started to follow the other ponies when the Manticore stopped them. ROAR. It growled at them and Derpy stared at it with wide eyes while the Doctor was sonicing it.


"Um, Doctor...?" Derpy said with a worried look on her face. "I don't think this is the time to be sonicing things..."

"Oh, pish posh." The Doctor patted the Manticores head. "You're not that bad, now are you?"

The Manticore started to calm down a bit. The Doctor gave Derpy a look that said, See? Once that was over, both ponies safely crossed. The Doctor looked around for any signs of the six ponies. He sighed.

They got to an old bridge surrounded by a lot of thick fog. The Doctor pressed one hoof against one of the planks and it seemed okay to cross on, but not that steady.

"I'll go first. The bridge is old and doesn't seem that steady. Just be careful where you step."

The Doctor crossed the bridge, careful not step on any loose steps or broken ones. He smiled to himself.

"See? Easy- GAH!"

He had stepped on a loose plank and fallen through.

"DOCTOR!" Derpy yelled.

He was barely hanging on. He held onto some rope with his mouth. "Ushe yur wingsh!" He muffled.

Derpy nodded. She looked at her wings. She was really clumsy and was afraid she might drop him. She took a deep breath and extended both wings.

"Wings, don't fail me now..."