The Lunar War

by Hydran

Celestia Needs a Hug

Nightmare Moon's army charged towards the opposing force. Baring menacing weapons to tear the opposing army to shreds.
Slowly the armies neared each other. The battlefield roaring with shouts and screams.
The armies collided. The clang of steel and the screams of the fallen are already dense in the air. Storms of arrows surge throughout the air streaming above the heads of thousands of ponies.
Nightmare Moon's troops begin to tear through Celestia's. Long strips of flesh and globs of blood stain the front.
"Maximum force my comrades! We can do this!" Crested Shield yells over the roaring battlefield in an attempt to rally his troops.
The troops apon hearing the encouraging cries of there commander push back against the opposing forces. Driving a wedge in the enemy dividing the field in two.
Both sides weaker yet stronger push against one another. Steel clashes steel until several loud bangs and bloodied ponies gets the attention of many other ponies.
Marching over the hill is Celestia's latest advancement in equestrian technology. Ponies encased in heavy armor march with round dull spheres strapped to there sides, each with a modified slingshot held in a vice with the magic of each pony.
Almost systematically the ponies all take out one sphere each and put it into there slingshots and release them all into the air. When the spheres impact the ground they produce a load bang and cripple many of the ponies nearby. A few even make direct contact with some ponies and the resulting explosions burn the pony's hides resulting in severe burns and cuts.
As they advance many ponies are crippled and killed by these explosives. Blood staining the battlefield a deep crimson from the sheer amount of devastation caused by these troops.
Crested Shield now believing victory is inevitable slacks on the orders he is supposed to be giving.
The ponies of Celestia's army can see victory just minutes away and this alone is enough to renew the strength they have all used.
The battle seems bleak for Nightmare Moon and her forces. As Nightmare Moon attempts to think of what to do she sees Nightreign sprinting towards her. "Your highness!, project 4269 is complete! We have not lost yet!"
"Good. Begin fitting and send them out when ready."
"Already done. All pegasi involved have been fitted and are ready for combat."
"Send them out. No mercy."
Nightreign runs off to give the order.
Two minutes later an entire squadron of pegasi dubbed unit 4269 appears in the sky. Each armored lightly as to not hinder flying but with reinforced wing plates covering there wings. Each plate honed to a wickedly sharp edge.
One by one the pegasi dive out of the sky reaching high speeds. Seconds before impacting the ground the ponies all lift up and use there wings to slice through the crowd.
Some moving fast enough to literally cut ponies in half. The pegasi cut down Celestia's forces. Ponies that have been cut in half clutter the battlefield with all the other fallen, not quite dead but not alive. Some ponies had even worse luck and simply lost a leg or two.
Collapsing to the ground to bleed to death many of the ponies are toyed with by some of Nightmare Moons cruelest troops. Severing an additional limb or two and inflicting severe lacerations to the downed, but live ponies.
The pegasi now hover above the land ready for a ground assault with there comrades. They charge the front and use there wings to shield them from arrows and the strikes of swords from other ponies.
Countering when possible the ponies move through the battlegrounds but quickly meet Celestia's special forces. The two stare each other down until one of the pegasi slashes at one of the armored ponies. The wing blade cleanly cutting the armor and badly wounding the pony on his right side.
The armored ponies were shocked by how easily the armor was penetrated by the wing but quickly snapped out of the daze and drew there swords. The armored ponies slashed at the pegasi, some pegasi managed to block or dodge but others got mortally wounded from the sharp blades the armored ponies had. Both groups charged each other and a few stayed back.
The ponies who stayed back each took a sphere and fitted it into there slingshots. Aiming straight at the pegasi not caring for there friends. The ponies launched the spheres causing several pegasi to drop to the ground. Others managed to block most the explosions with there wings. The armored ponies that got hit didn't even seem affected and just continued to hack at the pegasi.
The armored ponies were so busy hacking into the pegasi that they didn't notice they were slowly being surrounded on all sides.
They looked up after having killed all of the pegasi only to notice they were surrounded. The ponies around them charged from all sides.
Unable to move quickly they were unable to defend against the blows of the ponies. Many of the blows simply bounced off the armor and others left deep dents. The dents soon began splitting from the blows and the strikes could reach the ponies below. The screams of the ponies rattled out of there armor as the blades left deep cuts in each.
One by one the armored ponies fell.
The main troops began converging on one another again as the threat of the special forces was gone.
Crested Shield sat near his tent, his jaw agape at seeing what just happened. He saw ponies get cut in two, he saw ponies literally have there limbs blown off, he saw his most powerful troops get slain before his very eyes. There dying screams still rattled in his ears.
He got up and saw just how much he had already lost. He was down to a few hundred troops and Nightmare Moon had at least triple what he has.
As much as it pains him to have to give such an order he has no option. "RETREAT" Crested Shield shouts over the battlefield and then retreats himself.
Nightmare Moon's army without anymore interference from Celestia storms Fillydelphia taking the city quickly.
Shops and homes are ransacked. Ponies are captured and brought to the center of the city. All of the ponies who resist are killed on the spot. "What shall we do with them Nightmare?" Inquiries Nightreign.
"Do what you what you will as long as there not set free."
Twilight closes the book having finished another chapter. Looking at the time she yawns as she sees just how late it is.
"What do you have there Twilight?" Spike questions.
"Oh, nothing much. Just a book. But you know Spike, I think Celestia really needs a hug after all she's been through."
Twilight hides the book when Spike isn't looking and heads off to bed.