//------------------------------// // Chimera 5: An Unexpected Courtship // Story: The Chimera // by Scarheart //------------------------------// "Lulu, what was the next thing we were going to do?" Celestia asked through both hooves covering her face. She was embarrassed. "I have completely forgotten what we were to do next." The Alicorn remembered the look Luna gave Silent. "Strike that. What was that 'Huntress am I' expression? Did you see his face?" Both sisters were in her book-strewn room after teleporting to her balcony a few minutes ago. Luna, completely confused, asked, "Did you not tell him of what we had discussed?" She ignored the huntress comment. Celestia rubbed her tired eyes as she flopped on her bed, not wanting to think at that moment. She was so tired. Nothing she did the past week was making her feel very good. It was not as if the work load was overloading her. She just felt so tired. As if she was not getting enough rest. "Tell him about what?" she asked when the question finally registered in her thought process. "The expedition! You were going to tell him about the ship and the agreement and that I was to go with him on his journey as Flamespyre bade him to do. Do you not remember, Tia?" Luna was concerned. Silent Wing was supposed to have been in on it, announcing he would accept her decisions and welcome her as a traveling companion. Celestia sat up as best she could, her face registering a slow dawning. Her eyes went wide. "Where has my mind been?" She flopped back, covering her hooves and suddenly feeling sick. "Oh, this one's my fault. I'm so sorry! There's been so much going on and I-I-I forgot! Things have been fuzzy, for lack of a better word." "I was to show him the fruits of your labors, dear sister," Luna said patiently. She wore a worried frown. Tia was never muddled like this. She was hopping back and forth rapidly on her front hooves as her way of showing she didn't know what to do about it yet. Suddenly they both felt a familiar but changed magical aura. It was a slowly rising surge of somepony waking up. It was a dark power and one Luna had felt recently. "Chrysalis is awake," groaned Celestia. "Perfect timing." She nosed her muzzle towards her sister, fixing her with one eye. "You go talk to Silent. I'll deal with Queen Grouchy Flanks. I dropped the ball on this one, I'll admit it freely." Suddenly she was giggling. "I must be getting old, eh Lulu?" Luna was still upset with her sister, but she relented with a small smile. "All right. Maybe it's not so bad. I did kiss him." Celestia's head shot up again. "You what? When did this happen?" "I kissed him, Tia!" Luna giggled despite herself. "In his jail cell. Then I disappeared leaving him locked up. Splendid joke, wouldn't you say?" The Princess of the Sun groaned and facehoofed. "You are a terrible tease and not for the right reasons." She could not help but smile behind the concealment. Tia began laughing uproariously, not having laughed this hard in a good long time. "What?" Luna blinked, again confused. "Am I amiss with something? Is it not proper to show a little affection?" "He thinks you love him, you silly filly!" The white Alicorn used her magic to sit herself up and glide over towards her vanity mirror. She began to straighten her hair, though the magic within it kept it impeccable. "You can't just behave like a love struck girl. When did this happen?" Celestia's eyes flickered and settled on her sister, now wearing a quivering 'o' for a mouth, her eyes a little wide. Luna blushed faintly. "A few days ago." "And you left him like that until today?" she sighed, trying hard not to laugh again. The Big Sister act was crumbling in the face of absurdity. Luna feebly insisted, "But it's your fault -" "It's both our faults, Lulu and that's a completely different subject and you know it." Celestia noticed her sister had joined her in front of the mirror. She drew a wing out and pulled Luna to her for a hug. "However, you need to decide how you feel about him before you turn him into a quivering mass of confused rage." "I will," Luna sighed, leaning into Tia. "I feel so foalish right now even if I did not hurt him. Perhaps I should not kiss him unless he is my special pony?" she asked, not sure herself if that was what she wanted. Luna did not know and was not the only pony confused about this relationship. "Just one question before we go and clean this hiccup up." Celestia's tip of her mane came around and tilted the smaller Alicorn's head up to her. She leaned back and dipped her chin towards Luna with a serious face. "Are you falling in love with him?" It was as if she had read her little sister's mind. There was a moment of silence between the two sisters. A staring contest of sorts began, but the Princess of the Moon was soon to avert her gaze. "I sense a kindred spirit," Luna confessed slowly. "As for falling in love? I honestly do not know." She fidgeted shyly. "I do like him. He has this adorable little nervous squeak when a mare gets in his personal space!" "I'm sure," Celestia said with a patronizing grin. "There's just one thing," Luna paused, tapping a delicate hoof to the tip of her chin. "He is the oldest anything I've ever had interest in." Celestia had almost forgotten that fact. "Not to mention his family ties." "I don't think they'd get an invitation to any wedding Silent Wing might have." Silent Wing concluded his speech and received thunderous applause. It wasn't a very good speech. It was the first time he had ever addressed an audience by himself. Usually functions requiring him to say a few words were just that. They did see a marvelous unfolding of a pony terrified of speaking to an audience overcome his fear in an almost trance-like state, as if he had reached deep down within himself and found his voice. It helped a quick word of encouragement from the old blind griffon behind him started the transformation. Having Alicorns disappearing suddenly had made him nervous. It was a very brave thing he did, though more than a few pony heads were churning over the most glaring fact of the pony of interest opposing the regent. Were they a couple? The questions tittered softly through the audience. The newspapers were going to have a field day with this. The tabloids were going to be a completely different animal all together. His fifteen minute speech ended and he was about to turn and leave when there was a sudden gasp from the audience. A dark blue wing went over his withers and a voice whispered into his ear, "We need to talk." The changeling and the Alicorn disappeared in a puff of magic. When they reappeared, they were both standing on the observation deck of a familiar airship Silent thought he would never see again. It was empty of any other soul. Luna separated herself from him and trotted in a wide circle, looking at him as she tossed her mane. She stopped and indicated the ship with wide sweeping hooves. "My sister the Princess Celestia was supposed to have told you of this," she said, her cyan eyes cool and measuring. Silent Wing was still trying to process the sudden teleportation. The world had gone dizzy and his stomach felt a little queasy right now. His heart threatened to explode from his chest, wings flapped feebly. It took him a moment to find his voice so he could speak. "What is 'this' you speak of, Luna?" Silent managed. She was only too happy to explain. "You have been given the finest ship in the world. Well, loaned would be the more appropriate term. I trust you have flown upon it before?" Luna leaned to one side trying to pass her excitement on to him. "You will have the finest crew, the finest food, the finest equipment. Celestia and I both worked very hard to get all of this for you in your noble quest to vanquish Flamespyre and save those dear to us. What with the war going on and everything else, she forgot and I neglected to remind her." "You mean, you listened to me?" Silent Wing had no idea. "I thought you just put it aside since I'm a changeling and you guys don't really think much of us," he said lamely. "Prince Silent Wing," she told him sternly, fixing him a hard glare, "my niece and her son has been taken as well as your darling little sister the Crown Princess Atalanta by that vile fiend who is your father only in name and nothing else. Of course we took your words seriously. This was the first action taken by Tia." She swept a hoof grandly over the airship. "We leave on the morrow. A farewell dinner was planned this evening, a private affair strictly for friends and family." Silent Wing was indeed on the decks of the Aurora. The colt found himself wandering around the same observation deck he had moped on over a week ago. He recognized the spot where his sister had finally been able to sustain her hover. Was she flying yet? No, there had been not time. Now she was not...here. "We're getting them back," he whispered harshly. "All of them. I swear on my life." Luna assumed the air of command. "I shall stand with you. I would be honored to fight at your side." Even though it was not night time, Luna could still project power even without her mane and tail glittering with those mystical stars within them. "Well, yes because that was part of the instructions from a dragon who no doubt has a trap waiting for us." Silent sighed and plopped on his rump despondently. "How do we plan for an enemy who knows we're coming?" "There is time. The sooner we can end him, I am sure we can spare more lives from needless death. I see much of myself in you, Silent Wing. I see the same anger I had, the same frustration, the same fear. I already told you I will not allow you to follow that path I took. It is dark with insanity and loss of what really matters to you." Luna slowly walked over and sat regally next to him as a friend might with another who was troubled. She nudged him with her snout. "Besides, I do like you." Luna flashed a warm little shy smile. He studied her with apprehension, not sure how to respond to her declaration. Silent was officially terrified. Of what, he had no idea. It had something to do with Luna, he was sure of that! She had to be at least a bazillion years old (his mind was not functioning properly again)! He squeaked at her (as she had hoped. Luna really did adore his squeak). "I was too sudden, was I not?" her voice fell to a little whisper. "I am sorry. Since my return from my thousand year banishment, I have had trouble still adjusting to life among the living once again. I am still socially..." "Awkward?" Silent ventured cautiously. "You're an Immortal. You're practically a goddess, or so the book Twilight wrote says. How could you be socially awkward? You probably have stallions falling all over themselves to be seen with you." Her eyes became sad as she regarded him. "I was younger than you when I succumbed to my dark madness and became Nightmare Moon. My sister and I had spent two years defeating the likes of Discord and then King Sombra of the Crystal Empire. With my dark magic, it became very easy for me to fall victim to my darker emotions. I struggle with them to this day. Because of that fear, I do not want to get close to anypony for fear of harming them." "Why tell me all of this?" he asked her, tilting his head to one side. "I'm just a foundling raised by Queen Chrysalis. Raised being a subjective term," he added as he understood his colthood had been an exercise in surviving the intrigues of court politics. Until Ata came along, he had honestly been nothing more than an amusing distraction to Chrysalis. Yet she loved him in her own way. At least she never physically abused him. Luna shook her head once. "No. You are more than that. You are the son of an Immortal. You may very well be an Immortal yourself. You may not have magic within you, but you have an amazing life force that draws others to you, just like Twilight Sparkle. Your adventure is beginning. Your understanding of what it is to be you begins. I want to be with you to see it happen. I also want you to know about me because I have seen your true self within your dreams." She sighed, scooting forward until their noses almost touched. "It is only fair, I think if we are to be friends we know each other." Silent Wing paused for a moment, his ears suddenly swiveling about. He straightened, turned towards a familiar sensation he rarely used. "What is it?" Luna asked when he stood abruptly on his hooves. "Mother is awake!" he said happily, looking at her with joyful eyes. "I can hear her calling me!" "You can sense her? Is it the hive mind I've read about?" Luna had become both amused and curious. "Tell me about it, please!" He paced in a circle, his face anxious as he listened to the call of Queen Chrysalis."Changeling queens can call out to other changelings if they feel the need to summon them mentally. It's not so much a hive mind link as it is an ability only queens possess. Mother is calling all the changelings to her. It's not so strong for me, but its very compelling to a full blooded changeling from the same kingdom." "So, it is some sort of collective mind of sorts?" Luna asked, not sure if he had answered her question. He shook his head. "No, that's a common mistake made by non changeling races to assume that. Queens rarely use this ability unless its an emergency." Silent Wing was getting antsy. "I've got to go to her, Luna. She's awake now and she's basically beating her personal war drum. Changelings queens only use it when mobilizing for a war they intend to lead personally." Luna nodded, interested but stifling an enormous yawn. She blushed when Silent stopped and stared. "My apologies. This is usually my bedtime, what with raising the moon and all of my other nightly duties." The colt shrugged. "The body knows what it needs. Will you be at the party tonight?" "Of course." "I'll see you there, then." He was suddenly awkward again, staring at the wood beneath his hooves. Silent blinked, working his mouth a little, not sure how to end the conversation. It was already over, but he was lingering his thoughts back to what the hay just happened to him. Luna could see his hesitation and decided to just give him a smile in farewell before she took to wing and departed. Silent Wing also tested his wings, wondering if the right one would bear his weight. There was only one way to find out as Luna had effectively left him to his own devices. There was only one thought as he lifted off the observation deck of the Aurora. Luna smells so nice! Chrysalis finished her fourth love sphere from where she lay in her hospital bed and was already reaching for her fifth. Celestia was trying to get her caught up on recent events, a little green at the gills while watching the changeling queen restore her strength. Frakas stood off to the side, happy as a rewarded puppy while he held the bowl of love spheres in his forehooves. There were three left as the queen took her next meal in her physical grasp. She made deliberate sucking sounds as she ate, watching the Sun Princess out of the corner of her eye. As she did this, she was abusing her emergency beacon maliciously to simply call Silent Wing to her and nopony else could hear it. It was good to be the Queen. "So let me get this straight," she said after withdrawing her fangs from the grapefruit sized ball in front of her. "You are going to let my son and a bunch of untrained mares go wandering around the world, sing a few songs, laugh a few laughs, and face off against the living embodiment of war, death and destruction?" The sarcasm spoke for itself as juices dripped from her fangs. Celestia did not miss a beat. "In the meantime, I'll be organizing our allies to hold off against his armies of changelings and Mother knows what else he's got. We need to buy them time to get the Harmonies together to use against him." "But you're a cripple and there may come a point in time when you'll need to move." Chrysalis took another sip, withdrew and licked her lips. She wagged her hoof a little at her old nemesis, focusing on the hind legs. "No offense princess, but that's going to bite you in the flank." Chrysalis arched a brow and added with a sigh, "Not that you'll feel anything when it happens." She peered at the Alicorn, who calmly returned her stare with patience. "See something interesting?" Celestia asked, lifting her head back a tad. Chrysalis nodded and resumed her meal. "Yes, I do." Bite and suckle, focus on the quickly draining sphere of sweet, delicious love. This one hinted of cherries and strawberries. The sphere itself slowly deflated like a ball, collapsing in on itself as the queen drank. "Care to enlighten me?" asked the Alicorn amiably and with a kind smile. Withdraw. Again lick the lips. Use that magic like it was second nature! Discard empty ball to nearby minion. Select the next one, bring it to the hooves. Roll it in the hooves, look for the sweet spot to bite into. Eyes always on the Alicorn the whole time. "No. I think I'll sit on this and let you figure it out." Bite down. Suckle. Oh! Bananas and strawberries! Celestia snorted. "At least it would appear your attitude hasn't changed." "Oh, I'm still a little weak, dear Celestia," Chrysalis had pulled up and was grinning, the juice dripping like blood from her chin. "But it is good to be back and very nice to hear the lovely compliment. Can I call you Tia? It sounds so delightful to say. 'Tia'." She smiled beauteously through the mess on her chin and resumed her meal. Chrysalis giggled, glad to be alive. The princess was not going to fall for the antics of the changeling queen. Despite herself, she found she rather enjoyed the verbal sparring with Chrysalis. "You're not so bad when you're trying to take over Canterlot," she observed wryly. "I imagine I shall have to be on my tip hooves around you. Who knows? You might even be scheming to snatch out Equestria from beneath me while this little war is going on. I would not put it past you to see this as an opportunity to try. And no, you may not." "Sweet Celestia," Chrysalis set her dinner on her stomach demurely, resting one forehoof over the other on top of it in criss-cross fashion. She swiveled her eyes upon the Alicorn and plaintively said, "How exactly am I supposed to take Canterlot with thirty-four changelings, my subjects in open rebellion and myself outnumbered two to one in the princess to queen ratio? And you're mean to not let me call you 'Tia'." She pouted outrageously when Celestia relaxed a bit and even chuckled impishly. "It didn't stop you before." The princess pointed out. Silent Wing's voice could be heard as he engaged one of Celestia's guards. "There he is!" Chrysalis crowed eagerly, turning to his voice. She returned her attention to the princess and answered the question, "No. It didn't." She flared into a fanged smile and finished her meal. The familiar form of Silent Wing appeared around the corner. His head was up, ears perked, and oddly enough his mane was also sticking straight up, standing on end. The colt's eyes were...glowing. "Ah, he heard me," Chrysalis said with another inane giggle, "loud and clear." "What's that?" Celestia asked her curiously. "It's an idiom, but that's not important right now," the Queen shrugged. "As long as he's within a mile, I can call him directly with my mind. It's a perk that comes with being a queen. Malicious abuse of power. Monarchs and lesser rulers should know about that fully and that includes you." She wriggled her brows at Celestia, implying the obvious. "What are you talking about?" the prince asked as he trotted up to his mother's bedside. His eyes stopped glowing and his mane resumed its normal appearance. Chrysalis hooked him with a hoof, drew him in tightly (awkwardly for him), and nuzzled affectionately. "Nothing dear. You look terrible." She pulled him back, tussling his hair. Her nostrils sniffed. Chrysalis grinned slyly. "You smell of princess. It's all over your face." Celestia coughed uncomfortably and facehoofed. "Oh, Luna," she groaned quietly. "More importantly, my little morsel," Chrysalis continued, assuming a stern and unhappy expression. "My crown appears to be missing. I'll be taking that back as of yesterday." Eighty-one changelings arrived under heavy guard that day, each one individually surrendering to Equestrian forces as soon as they made it to Canterlot. Each one made a request to see Prince Silent Wing upon capture, claiming to be from his personal guard. They had moved in small groups, avoiding all contact and knowing other changelings on sight. Stealth was their best weapon as their shape shifting abilities were noted. Celestia granted them amnesty after heavy scrutiny and inspection. Frakas was sent to keep them in order while the prince and his mother debated heavily with Celestia of what this could mean. Chrysalis was still a bit weak from spending a week in a coma, but her facilities were still well enough for her to want to meet her subjects personally. Celestia wanted to attend, but there was simply too many things going on in the world requiring her immediate attention. She assigned a mediator, an Earth pony by the name of Flash Memory from the list supplied by Ivory Buttons. Her remarkable gift of remembering complete conversations was a invaluable asset. Memory's cutie mark was a thought bubble over seven lightning bolts. She was a dark brown mare with a tan mane and tail. Her eyes were sparkling green emeralds. Celestia assigned her to be the Queen's personal secretary. A couch was set out for Chrysalis and she and Silent Wing spent the afternoon debriefing their subjects at the same courtyard Silent Wing had presented her with his victory. They were under very heavy guard. From the information gathered offered some encouragement. Thousands of changeling refugees were seeking safety and they had found a hidden mountain pass, filing through at night and hiding during the day to avoid being seen. Eventually they found their way going around Grazeland and somehow bypassing the stalemate (it had settled into trench warfare, neither side having the advantage). Chrysalis waved over an Equestrian Pegasus and directed him to inform Princess Celestia immediately. She would be interested in knowing her kingdom had a soft underbelly needing to be guarded. The soldier bowed and zipped off to deliver the message. There was soon a constant stream of messengers going to and from the palace. Silent Wing suggested a contingent of Equestrian guards led by a few of his changelings go out to meet the refugees, ordering them to weed out possible spies. His boys would know what to look for. Chrysalis seconded the idea and sent another messenger to Celestia, acting under the assumption her orders would not be hindered. Celestia did not, giving the changeling queen remarkable range. Feeling tired, Chrysalis managed to finish the afternoon with just one yawn, elated to have an army under her, albeit a small one. Even better was the fact they were the cadets who trained with Silent Wing. He did not question their loyalty, but after her experience with Captain Myzanum, she still had her suspicions. Draccaria's influence had been meticulously planned and executed. The Queen had to give the dragon credit; Draccaria had done a magnificent job of snatching the kingdom out from under her with minimal bloodshed. Still, there was one thing Draccaria owed Chrysalis. Thoughts of Atalanta constantly clouded the good mood she tried to project. She wanted her baby. She intended to move heaven and earth to get Atalanta back. The farewell dinner was emotional. After Luna had raised the moon, she joined the late meal, greeting Chrysalis coolly. The Queen regarded her with amusement as she sat next to Celestia. Luna assumed her spot opposing her elder sister. Silent Wing sat next to his mother and accepted the warm smile Luna tossed him with a nervous one of his own. He could feel his mother's eyes peel him slowly, her face an unreadable mask. Without a twitch, she winked at him. This made the prince squirm even more. Flash Sentry was unable to attend, even refusing to once he heard Queen Chrysalis was awake. He still had it in his mind she was somehow responsible for the disappearance of his wife and son. A grudge had begun, what with Silent Wing having done a very nice job of breaking his jaw. As such, the injury ruled him out of the expedition Celestia had originally asked him to act as second in command to Luna. Blazing Cruise was whispering into his wife's ear when Celestia called him by name over the room. Surprised at hearing his name called, he looked up. Applejack leaned against him, turning her green eyes up to the princess. They were surrounded by their entire brood, including her brother Big MacIntosh. "What would you say to joining your wife on this little trip?" she asked pleasantly. "I need a pony with a good head on his shoulders. I remember you from the last expedition. As I recall, your group was the only one who gave Rainbow Dash assistance against Scarheart during the storm. Did you not yourself rise up against the dragon?" "Yes ma'am, I certainly did," he replied, feeling his wife's hooves grip his arm at the elbow tightly. He shifted his attention to Applejack. "It's up to you, wife of mine. I'd rather be with you than wondering if you're safe." "Well, husband 'o mine," she returned, leaning into him. "Ah can't think of no better way to have a second honeymoon. Big Mac can watch the young 'uns. The boys kin pretty much look after themselves as it is. Ah think Ah'd be mighty happy to have ya with me." Big Mac didn't seem to mind. The big red stallion simply gave Red Apple a noogie and a grin thrown at his sister and brother-in-law. Blazing Cruise flipped a wing affectionately over Applejack and the two shared a quick kiss. They both turned their heads up to Celestia. "I'm in," he said. Rainbow Dash was busy trying to explain to Lightning Dash why he was not going to go as patiently as she could. She knew she had a colt in front of her with a taste for adventure, but the mare knew this was not going to be fun and games. The cyan colored Pegasus with the prismatic mane comforted him as he cried into her chest in stubborn anger. With the duo was an orange with cerise mane Pegasus mare Silent was introduced to as Scootaloo. She was a Wonderbolt and would fill in for Rainbow Dash while she was gone. Her attitude towards the prince was mild interest, but only because he looked strange. At least she was friendly. Pinkie Pie and her husband simply cuddled with their daughters, enjoying each other's company in a serene moment made odd as they were all wearing fake glasses with the fake noses and fake mustaches. Pinkie was not looking forward to being away from her family, but she was eager to start new memories with her closest friends. She promised to make sure everypony would smile on the trip as sad ponies made for a sad trip. Fluttershy wanted to go because her friends were going. She wanted to be there. She stayed near Rainbow Dash, but later went about telling the children of her friends how amazing their mothers were and giving hugs to them. She never had a problem with shyness towards young fillies and colts. She was very sweet and kind towards them. Rarity and Spike sat together, along with her three adopted daughters. Unique wanted to go, but she was told firmly to stay with her two sisters and look after them. They would be staying with Rarity's younger sister Sweetie Belle, a Unicorn with a lovely singing voice. She even graced the gathering with a few perfectly chosen songs for the occasion. Of course, there was no doubt either Spike or Rarity would refuse a chance to rescue Twilight Sparkle. Spike had his reservations about Silent Wing. He was, after all the son of who he considered a very dangerous ally for anypony to have. But he regarded Twilight Sparkle as a mother or an older sister in his life and even didn't mind Star Journey despite his bratty attitude. For Rarity, somepony had to give the group a proper sense of taste. She would never forgive herself if she did not go with the group. As loathe she was to go away from her business, she had been working too hard as of late and the war had effectively killed her business as supplies were redirected towards the needs of the military. So, like any sound business mare with sense, she lent out her business to military designers for uniforms and other equipment. She was making a small fortune almost as lucrative as when she was making her own fashion designs. Essentially, she was being paid to do nothing. "I'm going," announced Queen Chrysalis casually. She swept her emerald harlequin eyes over the party, daring anypony to tell her no. Her announcement could have easily been interpreted as the Breaking of the First Seal. One pony did openly object to her statement. "No you're not." Sharply she turned to her right and right into the very calm and pointed expression of Silent Wing, completely unruffled by the snarl come unbidden to her lips. "I beg your pardon, child?" she grated through a fake smile. "But did you just tell me 'no'?" "Yes, as a matter in fact, I did." He did not waver. Jaws were hanging open all around the room. Save for Luna. She wore an enormous grin from ear to ear for some reason. Celestia's eyes had gone wide as she already was studying the colt very closely. Chrysalis closed her mouth and pointed out patiently, "I outrank you. I am more powerful than you. I'm your mother. I don't think you have a say in the matter." "Those refugees still loyal to you will be needing leadership to guide them. Do you think they came because they want to worship the Sun?" Silent leaned over and apologetically said to Celestia, "No offense, Highness." She smiled. "None taken." Chrysalis worked her jaw for a moment as her son returned his attention to her. "But I'm the queen!" she said lamely, already knowing she was not going to win this. Common sense be damned! The Queen pointed at her little black four pronged crown with the turquoise gems surmounting them with a hoof. They had been returned to her earlier that day after spending a better part of the afternoon forgotten in the castle's throne room (it was polished by the staff, however). "Exactly," pressed Silent gently taking her hoof into his. "Besides, your magic would best be served here, helping the war, helping Princess Celestia. Somepony's got to show these Equestrians changelings can hold their own on a battlefield and especially when pushed into a corner. I can't think of nopony else than the most powerful and beautiful changeling of them all." Chrysalis blushed at her adopted son openly, her eyes wide as she stared at him. Slowly she pulled back at him, looking down at his serious face in a new light. "I think they have finally dropped," she murmured, darting her eyes briefly in the direction of his nether regions. Recovering quickly, she cleared her throat and turned, placing both hooves on the table on either side of her plate. Leaning forward, she addressed Luna with a perfectly straight face, "Princess Luna. You have Our permission to court Our son for a possible future engagement." Her horn glowed and she teleported from the party, her cackling laughter as she cast the spell lingering for a long and awkward moment after she made her departure. Silent and Luna found they were staring at each other, both several shades of red as their pupils had shrunk to pinpoints in the middle of saucer eyes. Pinkie Pie broke the stunned silence. "Are we having the courting party before we leave, while we're on the trip, or when we get back?" Her question was loud, innocent, and already hinting she had an idea of what she wanted to do. Her husband quietly put a hoof over her mouth, though he was chuckling at her. Princess Celestia was not going to be outdone. "Prince Silent Wing," she announced imperiously, her eyes hard magenta diamonds. "If you break my darling little Lulu's heart, I'll send you to the moon." The congratulations showering the newly betrothed was met with frozen smiles of pure shock from the unexpected turn of events. Silent wondered if the moon could really be that bad at that point in time. Luna simply wanted to kill her sister. And Chrysalis. In no particular order. Along with Frakas, Silent Wing was allowed to take eleven other changelings. He placed all of their names on paper in a jar and drew them randomly until he had his little team. They would answer to him. Two dozen Equestrian soldiers, six each of the Earth , Pegasi, and Unicorns were placed under the reinstated Blazing Cruise's command. He was given a commission of Captain. Luna's own personal guard consisted of a dozen of her own Night Guards. The Aurora's compliment of forty ponies and griffons included Captain Gilda. Rounding out the group was Spike, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and of course, Fluttershy. Silent Wing knew Master Tseng Tzu would eventually join them, so he set aside a room for the old blind griffon. Before leaving, the prince met his mother one final time. Queen Chrysalis stood in full regalia gleaming in the morning sun. She regarded him with the look of the queen she was. For this one moment, she was his queen and he was her subject. He knelt before her as the ceremony was strictly private and for family only. She laid a hoof upon his head and intoned the ancient words of a mother seeing her son off to war. "Return to this house victorious and with honor upon your wings. Be quick with your mind, swift with your stroke, and final in your judgement. If you fall, fall with honor. If you show mercy, let it be with a clean death. May the ancestors watch over you, guide you." In response, Silent Wing intoned, "In life do we seek Love. In death do we find Love. May the ancestors watch over you. Let my thoughts and my actions decide if I return in victory or fall in defeat." Tears formed in the eyes of Chrysalis. The ceremony was complete and she became a mother again, drawing her son into a fierce embrace. The feeling from Silent Wing was mutual. Nothing needed to be said. "I'll get Ata back, Momma," he whispered. "I promise." "I know," she said. "I expect you to do exactly that, my son." "Were you serious about Luna last night?" he asked, still buried in Chrysalis' chest. "Maybe," she said, pulling him back a little and lifting his chin up to meet her gaze. "I think she is an unusual match for you. Besides, you seem to react better to her than the other mares I've thrown at you. I'm rather proud you discovered this on your own instead of my meddling." She bent forward and kissed him on the forehead. "Now go! I don't want to cry in front of you." Before he pulled away completely, Silent Wing noticed her fresh scar on her chest. Lightly he touched it. "I'll give the good captain your regards and send you his head should I come across him," he growled. Chrysalis gave him a wolfish grin. "I'd like that. I'd like that very much." Upon his snout she bestowed another good luck peck. The Aurora was released from her moorings, her engines chugging smoothly with her four massive propellers thrumming through the air. Her passengers lined the windows of the promenade, opened them and waved farewell to the family and friends who had come to see them off. There was great fanfare as of course Celestia saw them off after a lovely and inspiring speech. Silent Wing had his strange map and was holding it before him with Captain Gilda looking at him expectantly. "Where to, kid?" she asked. She was a tough griffon, having spent her entire adult life on airships. Dubious to be looking at a kid for directions, she knew the whole thing was supposed to be under wraps in terms of where they were going until the ship was underway. Gilda had been happy to see Rainbow Dash for the first time in years. The two had promised to catch up when there was a free moment. Both had done a lot of growing up. Silent scrutinized the map. "Show me the lair of Flamespyre," he said to it, remembering the instructions that had come with it. The handwritten note had told him all he had to do was ask what was needed. The images of the map shifted, shrank, starting with a line from Canterlot and heading west by southwest. It zigged a bit here and zagged a bit there around some mountains and through passes after going over the Everfree. A magical X formed after fifteen breathless seconds. "We're going there," Silent said with a grin. "I guess."